3D pipe/tube plots in R - creating plots of tree roots - r

I'm trying to create 3D plots of simulated tree roots in R. Here is an example of a root system growing over time:
This is essentially a 3D network of cylinders, where the cylinder diameter (and, optionally, color) represents the size of the root. The available data includes:
x, y, z of the root centroid
direction of "parent" root (e.g. +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z), although this information could be captured in several different ways, including by calculating the x, y, z of the parent directly prior to plotting.
size of root
Example 3D data is here, but here is my first attempt at it in just 2D using ggplot2::geom_spoke:
dat <- data.frame(x = c(0,1,-1,0,1,-1),
y = c(-1,-1,-1,-2,-2,-2),
biomass = c(3,1.5,1.5,1,1,1),
parent.dir = c("+y","-x","+x","+y","+y","+y"))
dat$parent.dir <- as.numeric(as.character(factor(dat$parent.dir,
levels = c("-x", "+x", "-y", "+y"),
labels = c(pi, 0, pi*3/2, pi/2))))
ggplot(dat, aes(x = x, y = y)) +
geom_point(x = 0, y = 0, size = 20) +
geom_spoke(radius = 1,
aes(angle = parent.dir,
size = biomass)) +
I prefer a solution based in the ggplot2 framework, but I realize that there are not a ton of 3D options for ggplot2. One interesting approach could be to creatively utilize the concept of network graphs via the ggraph and tidygraph packages. While those packages only operate in 2D as far as I know, their developer has also had some interesting related ideas in 3D that could also be applied.
The rgl library in seems to be the go-to for 3D plots in R, but an rgl solution just seems so much more complex and lacks the other benefits of ggplot2, such as faceting by year as in the example, easily adjusting scales, etc.
Example data is here:

I don't understand the format of your data so I'm sure this isn't the display you want, but it shows how to draw a bunch of cylinders in rgl:
root <- read.csv("~/temp/root.csv")
segments <- data.frame(row.names = unique(root$parent.direction),
x = c(-1,0,1,0,0),
y = c(0,1,0,0,-1),
z = c(0,0,0,0.2,0))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(root))) {
root[i,2:4] - segments[root$parent.direction[i],]) %>%
cylinder3d(radius = root$size[i]^0.3, closed = -2, sides = 20) %>%
shade3d(col = "green")
This gives the following display (rotatable in the original):
You can pass each cylinder through addNormals if you want it to look smooth, or use sides = <some big number> in the cylinder3d to make them look rounder.


how to mimic histogram plot from flowjo in R using flowCore?

I'm new to flowCore + R. I would like to mimic a histogram plot after gating that can be manually done in FlowJo software. I got something similar but it doesn't look quite right because it is a "density" plot and is shifted. How can I get the x axis to shift over and look similar to how FlowJo outputs the plot? I tried reading this document but couldn't find a plot similar to the one in FlowJo: howtoflowcore Appreciate any guidance. Thanks.
code snippet:
parentpath <- "/parent/path"
subfolder <- "Sample 1"
fcs_files <- list.files(paste0(parentpath, subfolder), pattern = ".fcs")
fs <- read.flowSet(fcs_files)
rect.g <- rectangleGate(filterId = "main",list("FSC-A" = c(1e5, 2e5), "SSC-A" = c(3e4,1e5)))
fs_sub <- Subset(fs, rect.g)
p <- ggcyto(fs_sub[[15]], aes(x= `UV-379-A`)) +
geom_density(fill='black', alpha = 0.4) +
ggcyto_par_set(limits = list(x = c(-1e3, 5e4), y = c(0, 6e-5)))
FlowJo output:
R FlowCore output:
The reason that for the "shift" is that the x axis is logarithmic (base 10) in the flowJo graph. To achieve the same result in R, add
+ scale_x_log10()
after the existing code. This might interact weirdly with the axis limits you've set, so bare that in mind.
To make the y-axis "count" rather than density, you can change the first line of your ggcyto() call to:
aes(x= `UV-379-A`, y = after_stat(count))
Let me know if that works - I don't have your data to hand so that's all from memory!
For any purely aesthetic changes, they are relatively easy to look up.

adding data on top of a 3D base map using R

I am trying to plot a 3D space time cube in R and I want to have a basemap.
I am using rgl library. I know how to plot my data using x, y and z, where z is the time variable. I have also managed to download a map that I want to use as reference from openstreetmap, using the library in R. However, I cannot find a way to plot my data on the map in a 3D environment. I found the following code in several sites and as an answer to a similar question:
map3d <- function(map, ...){
if(length(map$tiles)!=1){stop("multiple tiles not implemented") }
nx = map$tiles[[1]]$xres
ny = map$tiles[[1]]$yres
xmin = map$tiles[[1]]$bbox$p1[1]
xmax = map$tiles[[1]]$bbox$p2[1]
ymin = map$tiles[[1]]$bbox$p1[2]
ymax = map$tiles[[1]]$bbox$p2[2]
xc = seq(xmin,xmax,len=ny)
yc = seq(ymin,ymax,len=nx)
colours = matrix(map$tiles[[1]]$colorData,ny,nx)
m = matrix(0,ny,nx)
surface3d(xc,yc,m,col=colours, ...)
However, I cannot really understand how it works.
Here's my code so far:
map <- openmap(c(53.5,73.6),c(15.7,134.7),type= 'esri-topo')
plot3d(x,y,z, col= colour) # to plot my data
autoplot(map) # to plot the map. though this is 2D
Again, I know how to plot my data on a 2D map. Confused with the 3D.
Any hints and tips on how to do this?
One option is to use the newish 'show2d' function in 'rgl'.
map <- openmap(c(53.5,73.6),c(15.7,134.7),type= 'esri-topo')
## fake up some xyz
xyz <- expand.grid(x = map$bbox$p1,
y = map$bbox$p2,
z = 1:4)
plot3d(xyz, col = "black") # to plot my data
EDIT: this is wrong, it's only fitted to the bounding box
getting the orientation right is confusing, needs to be check with x, y, z arguments to show2d.
This function captures the normal plot expression, writes it to PNG and then texture maps it onto a quad in the scene.
I can't quite see how to control the position of the quad for the image texture with the x, y, z args - work in progress.

Using grconvertX/grconvertY in ggplot2

I am trying to figure out how to use grconvertX/grconvertX in ggplot. My ultimate goal is to to add annotation to a ggplot2 figure (and possibly lattice) with grid.text and grid.lines by going from user coordinates to device coordinates. I know it can be done with grobs but I am wondering if there is an easier way.
The following code allows me to pass values from user coordinates to ndc coordinates and use those values to annotate the plot with grid.text.
graphics.off() # close graphics windows
test= data.frame(
x = c(1,2,3),
y = c(12,10,3),
n = c(75,76,73)
par(mar = c(13,5,2,3))
plot(test$y ~ test$x,type="b", ann=F)
for (i in 1:nrow(test))
X=grconvertX(i , from="user", to="ndc")
grid.text(x=X, y =0.2, label=paste("GRID.text at\nuser.x=", i, "\n", "ndc.x=", (signif( X, 5)) ) )
grid.lines(x=c(X, X), y = c(0.28, 0.33) )
#add some code to save as PDF ...
The code is based on the solution from one of my previous posts: Mixing X and Y coordinate systems . You can see how x coordinates from the original plot were converted to ndc. The advantage of this approach is that I can use device coordinates for Y.
I assumed I could easily do the same in ggplot2 (and possibly in lattice).
graphics.off() # close graphics windows
qplot(x=x, y=y, data=test)+geom_line()+ opts(plot.margin = unit(c(1,3,8,1), "lines"))
for (i in 1:nrow(test))
X=grconvertX(i , from="user", to="ndc")
grid.text(x=X, y =0.2, label=paste("GRID.text at\nuser.x=", i, "\n", "ndc.x=", (signif( X, 5)) ) )
grid.lines(x=c(X, X), y = c(0.28, 0.33) )
#add some code to save as PDF...
However, it does not work correctly. The coordinates seem to be a bit off. The vertical lines and text don't correspond to the tick labels on the plot. Can anybody tell me how to fix it? Thanks a lot in advance.
The grconvertX and grconvertY functions work with base graphics while ggplot2 uses grid graphics. In general the 2 different graphics engines don't play nicely together (though you have demonstrated using gridBase to help). Your first example works because you started with a base graphic so the user coordinate system exists with the base graph and grconvertX converts from it. In the second case the user coordinate system was never set in the base graphics, so it looks like it might use the default coordinates of 0,1 which are similar but not identical to the top viewport coordinates so you get something similar but not exactly correct (I am actually surprised that you did not get an error or warning
Generally for grid graphics the equivalent for converting between coordinates is to just create a new viewport with the coordinate system of interest (or push/pop to an existing viewport with the correct coordinate system), then add your annotations in that viewport.
Here is an example that creates your plot, then moves down to the viewport containing the main plot, creates a new viewport with the same dimensions but with clipping turned off, the x scale is based on the data and the y scale is 0,1, then adds some text accordingly:
test= data.frame( x = c(1,2,3), y = c(12,10,3), n = c(75,76,73) )
qplot(x=x, y=y, data=test)+geom_line()+ opts(plot.margin = unit(c(1,3,8,1), "lines"))
pushViewport(dataViewport( test$x, clip='off',yscale=c(0,1)))
for (i in 1:nrow(test)) {
grid.text(x=i, y = -0.2, default.units='native',
label=paste("GRID.text at\nuser.x=", i, "\n" ) )
grid.lines(x=c(i, i), y = c(-0.1, 0), default.units='native' )
One of the tricky things here is that ggplot2 does not set the viewport scales to match the data being plotted, but does the conversions itself. In this case setting the scale based on the x data worked, but if ggplot2 does something fancier then this might not work. What we would need is some way to get the back tranformed coordinates from ggplot2 to use in the call to grid.text.

How can I overlay two dense scatter plots so that I can see the outlines of each in R or Matlab?

See this example
This was created in matlab by making two scatter plots independently, creating images of each, then using the imagesc to draw them into the same figure and then finally setting the alpha of the top image to 0.5.
I would like to do this in R or matlab without using images, since creating an image does not preserve the axis scale information, nor can I overlay a grid (e.g. using 'grid on' in matlab). Ideally I wold like to do this properly in matlab, but would also be happy with a solution in R. It seems like it should be possible but I can't for the life of me figure it out.
So generally, I would like to be able to set the alpha of an entire plotted object (i.e. of a matlab plot handle in matlab parlance...)
EDIT: The data in the above example is actually 2D. The plotted points are from a computer simulation. Each point represents 'amplitude' (y-axis) (an emergent property specific to the simulation I'm running), plotted against 'performance' (x-axis).
EDIT 2: There are 1796400 points in each data set.
Using ggplot2 you can add together two geom_point's and make them transparent using the alpha parameter. ggplot2 als adds up transparency, and I think this is what you want. This should work, although I haven't run this.
dat = data.frame(x = runif(1000), y = runif(1000), cat = rep(c("A","B"), each = 500))
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y, color = cat), data = dat) + geom_point(alpha = 0.3)
ggplot2 is awesome!
This is an example of calculating and drawing a convex hull:
meuse = as.data.frame(meuse)
chull_per_soil = ddply(meuse, .(soil),
function(sub) sub[chull(sub$x, sub$y),c("x","y")])
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = y), data = meuse) +
geom_point(aes(size = log(zinc), color = ffreq)) +
geom_polygon(aes(color = soil), data = chull_per_soil, fill = NA) +
which leads to the following illustration:
You could first export the two data sets as bitmap images, re-import them, add transparency:
N <- 1e7 # Warning: slow
d <- data.frame(x1=rnorm(N),
x2=rnorm(N, 0.8, 0.9),
y=rnorm(N, 0.8, 0.2),
z=rnorm(N, 0.2, 0.4))
v <- with(d, dataViewport(c(x1,x2),c(y, z)))
png("layer1.png", bg="transparent")
with(d, grid.points(x1,y, vp=v,default="native",pch=".",gp=gpar(col="blue")))
png("layer2.png", bg="transparent")
with(d, grid.points(x2,z, vp=v,default="native",pch=".",gp=gpar(col="red")))
i1 <- readPNG("layer1.png", native=FALSE)
i2 <- readPNG("layer2.png", native=FALSE)
ghostize <- function(r, alpha=0.5)
matrix(adjustcolor(rgb(r[,,1],r[,,2],r[,,3],r[,,4]), alpha.f=alpha), nrow=dim(r)[1])
you can add these as layers in, say, ggplot2.
Use the transparency capability of color descriptions. You can define a color as a sequence of four 2-byte words: muddy <- "#888888FF" . The first three pairs set the RGB colors (00 to FF); the final pair sets the transparency level.
AFAIK, your best option with Matlab is to just make your own plot function. The scatter plot points unfortunately do not yet have a transparency attribute so you cannot affect it. However, if you create, say, most crudely, a bunch of loops which draw many tiny circles, you can then easily give them an alpha value and obtain a transparent set of data points.

Annotate ggplot2 graphs using tikzAnnotate in tikzDevice

I would like to use tikzDevice to include annotated ggplot2 graphs in a Latex document.
tikzAnnotate help has an example of how to use it with base graphics, but how to use it with a grid-based plotting package like ggplot2? The challenge seems to be the positioning of the tikz node.
playwith package has a function convertToDevicePixels (http://code.google.com/p/playwith/source/browse/trunk/R/gridwork.R) that seems to be similar to grconvertX/grconvertY, but I am unable to get this to work either.
Would appreciate any pointers on how to proceed.
tikzAnnotate example using base graphics
options(tikzLatexPackages = c(getOption('tikzLatexPackages'),
print(plot(15:20, 5:10))
#print(qplot(15:20, 5:10))
x <- grconvertX(17,,'device')
y <- grconvertY(7,,'device')
#px <- playwith::convertToDevicePixels(17, 7)
#x <- px$x
#y <- px$y
tikzAnnotate(paste('\\node[single arrow,anchor=tip,draw,fill=green] at (',
x,',',y,') {Look over here!};'))
Currently, tikzAnnotate only works with base graphics. When tikzAnnotate was first written, the problem with grid graphics was that we needed a way of specifying the x,y coordinates relative to the absolute lower left corner of the device canvas. grid thinks in terms of viewports and for many cases it seems the final coordinate system of the graphic is not known until it is heading to the device by means of the print function.
It would be great to have this functionality, but I could not figure out a way good way to implement it and so the feature got shelved. If anyone has details on a good implementation, feel free to start a discussion on the mailing list (which now has an alternate portal on Google Groups) and it will get on the TODO list.
Even better, implement the functionality and open a pull request to the project on GitHub. This is guaranteed to get the feature into a release over 9000 times faster than if it sits on my TODO list for months.
I have had some time to work on this, and I have come up with a function for converting grid coordinates in the current viewport to absolute device coordinates:
gridToDevice <- function(x = 0, y = 0, units = 'native') {
# Converts a coordinate pair from the current viewport to an "absolute
# location" measured in device units from the lower left corner. This is done
# by first casting to inches in the current viewport and then using the
# current.transform() matrix to obtain inches in the device canvas.
x <- convertX(unit(x, units), unitTo = 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE)
y <- convertY(unit(y, units), unitTo = 'inches', valueOnly = TRUE)
transCoords <- c(x,y,1) %*% current.transform()
transCoords <- (transCoords / transCoords[3])
# Finally, cast from inches to native device units
grconvertX(transCoords[1], from = 'inches', to ='device'),
grconvertY(transCoords[2], from = 'inches', to ='device')
Using this missing piece, one can use tikzAnnotate to mark up a grid or lattice plot:
options(tikzLatexPackages = c(getOption('tikzLatexPackages'),
xs <- 15:20
ys <- 5:10
grobs <- gList(grid.rect(),grid.xaxis(),grid.yaxis(),grid.points(xs, ys))
coords <- gridToDevice(17, 7)
tikzAnnotate(paste('\\node[single arrow,anchor=tip,draw,fill=green,left=1em]',
'at (', coords[1],',',coords[2],') {Look over here!};'))
This gives the following output:
There is still some work to be done, such as:
Creation of a "annotation grob" that can be added to grid graphics.
Determine how to add such an object to a ggplot.
These features are scheduled to appear in release 0.7 of the tikzDevice.
I have made up a small example based on #Andrie's suggestion with geom_text and geom_polygon:
Initializing your data:
df <- structure(list(x = 15:20, y = 5:10), .Names = c("x", "y"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")
And the point you are to annotate is the 4th row in the dataset, the text should be: "Look over here!"
point <- df[4,]
ptext <- "Look over here!"
Make a nice arrow calculated from the coords of the point given above:
arrow <- data.frame(
x = c(point$x-0.1, point$x-0.3, point$x-0.3, point$x-2, point$x-2, point$x-0.3, point$x-0.3, point$x-0.1),
y = c(point$y, point$y+0.3, point$y+0.2, point$y+0.2, point$y-0.2, point$y-0.2, point$y-0.3, point$y)
And also make some calculations for the position of the text:
ptext <- data.frame(label=ptext, x=point$x-1, y=point$y)
No more to do besides plotting:
ggplot(df, aes(x,y)) + geom_point() + geom_polygon(aes(x,y), data=arrow, fill="green") + geom_text(aes(x, y, label=label), ptext) + theme_bw()
Of course, this is a rather hackish solution, but could be extended:
compute the size of arrow based on the x and y ranges,
compute the position of the text based on the length of the text (or by the real width of the string with textGrob),
define a shape which does not overlaps your points :)
Good luck!
