I am getting error while sending message using Firebase cloud messaging admin API.
Error message is below
Caused by: com.google.api.client.http.HttpResponseException: 400 Bad Request
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"errors": [
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
"domain": "global",
"reason": "badRequest"
Let me put my admin configuration here..
FileInputStream serviceAccount = new FileInputStream("My service accout file.json");
FirebaseOptions options = new FirebaseOptions.Builder().setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream(serviceAccount))
Message sending code is below
// This registration token comes from the client FCM SDKs.
String registrationToken = "YOUR_REGISTRATION_TOKEN";
// See documentation on defining a message payload.
Message message = Message.builder().putData("score", "850").putData("time", "2:45").setToken(registrationToken).build();
// Send a message to the device corresponding to the provided
// registration token.
String response = FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().sendAsync(message).get();
// Response is a message ID string.
System.out.println("Successfully sent message: " + response);
maven dependencies that i am using is following
So can anyone help me in this? What am I doing wrong?
Yet another cause of this is that your message is too large:
Notification messages can contain an optional data payload. Maximum payload for both message types is 4KB, except when sending messages from the Firebase console, which enforces a 1024 character limit.
One possible cause for this is that the client and server are connected to different firebase projects. Project name appears in the google-services.json file on the client and in the credentials json on the server.
Firebase FCM: invalid-argument
I suspect that your registrationToken has an invalid format. It should be 152 characters.
To confirm that, try building your message with setTopic("test") instead of setToken(registrationToken).
In my case, the problem was that certain keys are not allowed in a notification data payload. Specifically, the key 'from' is forbidden.
Firebase data message payload
I had my project name uppercased in the URL (strange, because my project name is actually uppercased)
I received this error trying to set the 'content_available' flag to true (which is what the docs say to do: https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/http-server-ref).
Turns out you need it to be 'content-available' instead.
In my case the problem was in Condition part.
I used invalid characters.
For example wrong: 03:00' in topics
This error also occurs when trying to send a push-notification to an iOS simulator device.
i configured apiKey in huawei console for PushKit and i want send push from web app to my android app, so i prepared following CURL:
problem is postman still return
{"error":"400 Bad Request, body is empty"}
when i'm trying to call url from any online curl console result is as following:
"msg": "Authentication Error",
"code": "80200001"
how can i authorize my request by apiKey?
"code": "80200001"
It's recommended that you check your appid in the URL.
This error code is usually caused by the appid in your URL is different from the appid used to obtain the access_token, or the appid has no permission.
I'm trying to integrate jira with firebase by this guide https://support.google.com/firebase/answer/9118259?hl=en but I'm unable to setup the integration.
Entered jira project URL as https://[workspace-name].atlassian.net/projects/[project-key]
Entered email
Entered JIRA token
Click on Verify & Save
Progress appears and nothing. I checked chrome console and I see failed request to https://firebaseextensions-pa.clients6.google.com/v1/service_provider_values
Request body contains data from form (url, email, token). Response is
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Request contains an invalid argument.",
Any thoughts?
So I contacted Firebase support and we found that the reason is required/mandatory fields of 'Bug' issue at my Jira project. Firebase will provide only summary and description of issue so if you have additional required filed like Environment or custom field then firebase will not setup integration with Jira.
"Unfortunately, if you have a custom field that's marked as required or mandatory, we won't be able to fill it on your behalf."
You have 2 options to get rid of this Error.
Make all the items/custom items in your JIRA Project's 'Bug' Issue Optional (https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Making-Custom-field-required-and-optional/qaq-p/1974194).
Setup Automation to provide default values for Mandatory Fields(https://support.atlassian.com/jira-cloud-administration/docs/configure-a-custom-field/).
I'm having issues with extracting channel messages from a Microsoft Team. I have a javascript app that crawls through all Teams in a organization and extract the number of messages from all channels in all the teams. It works wonderfully in that it return the correct amount of messages, the problem is that when the app try to fetch a message from a channel where no one have made a message in the channel there is an HTTP error with the ErrorCode 403 (forbidden). Even though the app is successful in that it delivers on what it is supposed to do, I can't have an application that sends 50 angry, red messages every time it makes a http call.
The call I am using is the following
Does anyone know if this is solvable? If not is it possible to check if a channel is empty? And if that is not an option; is there anyone to hide those dirty error messages from the console?
Edit #1
To call to the api I used:
let header = new Headers();
header.append("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
header.append("Content-Type", "application/json");
fetch("https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/teams/232808c2-d500-47b0-9ead-e238c5e2ab95/channels/19:69a01be632994d123014bbae1aa5db1e#thread.tacv2/messages", {method:"GET", headers: header})
Edit #2
I response object seems to be correct:
"#odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#teams('90baabba-1b5e-471c-a163-8a9b4b680de7')/channels('19%3A01c741f599e547f0b9b38296283b7fec%40thread.skype')/messages",
"#odata.count": 0,
"value": []
The problem is that in when I look in Google Chrome > Dev tools > Console, the fetch still displays the error:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/teams/4f460179-4691-42e5-8677-9101dcdb65fe/channels/19:3497f5b8f9f54149919631b32d21e608#thread.tacv2/messages 403 (Forbidden)
And when I console log the error it just displays as:
error: {code: "Forbidden", message: "Forbidden", innerError: {…}}
Only team members are allowed to read messages. Admins can do team management i.e. CRUD operations on teams, channels, tabs etc. They however cannot read messages. This is intentional and we do not have plans to change this in near future
I have been trying to get push notifications working using firebase. So far I have got as far as successfully sending an empty message "tickle". The problem is adding the message payload seems to have no affect on what the client receives. That is the service worker just sees it as another empty message.
I started by going through googles guide here - https://developers.google.com/web/ilt/pwa/introduction-to-push-notifications
After going through how to send an empty message it says the message payload must be encrypted and suggests using an existing library to do it. To quote - "As with anything related to encryption, it's usually easier to use an actively maintained library than to write your own code".
I tried to use web-push-php which is one of the libraries recommended by googles guide. After having trouble with that i discovered web-php-push doesn't actually support firebase.
Looking on here i find examples that look really simple and don't event encrypt the message payload. It is simply sent in plain json. Doing this has no affect and the receiving end still thinks it's an empty message. See my code below.
I am at a complete loss with this and i'm confused why googles guide says the message data must be encrypted but there are countless examples on SO where it is just send in plain json text.
This is what i am posting from my server to the end point.
POST https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send Authorization: key=[my server
key] Content-Type: application/json {"priority":10,"to":"[subscriber
id]","notification":{"body":"test body","title":"test title"}}
Here is my event listener in my service-worker.js
self.addEventListener('push', function(e) {
var body;
if (e.data) {
body = e.data.text();
} else {
body = "No message "+JSON.stringify(e);
var options = {
body: body
self.registration.showNotification('Launtel Residential', options)
When i run the post request above the push notification occurs and triggers the service worker 'push' event as expected but no message data is present. e.data returns null. The 'e' object always just contains a flag set to true. e.isTrusted==true
The problem is as stated above. If I try to subscribe to a push notification via the url: https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/v1/{token}/rel/topics/{topic}, I always get the following response: {"error":"InvalidToken"}
I have tried using both GET and POST methods but still the same response.
I have checked if the Token is a valid token by using the following url: https://iid.googleapis.com/iid/info/{token} which return the correct data like this:
"application": "com.chrome.windows",
"subtype": "wp:http://localhost/#2A58747F-DEF7-4C55-8073-126B2D168-V2",
"authorizedEntity": "856365479457",
"platform": "WEBPUSH"
If my token is valid, then why I am getting the error invalid token?
I believe you are hitting a GET request with topic subscribe, try POST with the same parameters.
Or you are hitting incorrect url: Hitting an url without ../rel/.. also produces the same error.