R: kable_as_image cannot find Ghostscript - r

I'm re-running some R Markdown scripts that worked fine a month ago, but now kable_as_image is unable to find Ghostscript (yes, I'm on Windows 8). I get the following error message:
Error in kable_as_image(criteria.table,"Criteria",file_format="jpeg"):
Ghostscript is required to read PDF on windows. Please download it here: https://ghostscript.com/
My computer still has Ghostscript, which runs fine when I open it up independently (I tried reinstalling Ghostscript; it didn't help). My guess is that the problem has something to do with R, RStudio, or a package being unable to find the Ghostscript.
I'm pretty sure I've upgraded R in the interim, and I'm currently on 3.4.3 with the latest versions of kableExtra and magick. I've also tried
Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.22/bin/gswin64.exe")
(and also for gswin64c.exe) but that didn't help, either. Any advice would be appreciated.

Despite what the error message says, R needs the path to MikTeX (or your TeX program of choice), not to Ghostscript itself. The best solution is to add it to PATH in your operating system directly so it's always there, but it also works to add it within R. This is helpful to test it out before digging into your OS (make sure you have the right path), or if you don't have administrator privileges to your work machine.
Sys.setenv("PATH"=sprintf("%s;C:\\Users\\me\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX 2.9\\miktex\\bin\\x64\\",Sys.getenv("PATH")))
Your path to MikTeX will likely be different than mine. Note that you need sprintf() or something similar to add the directory to the end of the PATH instead of overwriting the existing path.


Can I change the location of Homebrew FFTW install? R can't seem to read FFTW3.h file located in Cellar folder

I'm trying to install wholebrain by Daniel Fürth, following the instructions on the macosX install page (available here). I am running MacOS Big Sur 11.5.2, R 4.1.2, and RStudio 2021.09.1.
Unfortunately, the program is not straight-forward to install and requires significant developer tools to work correctly. I'm not a programmer and have almost no experience with coding, so I've been mucking through the instructions for two days now trying to get the install to work correctly and I'm firmly stuck on the final step.
In RS, when I run, devtools::install_github("tractatus/wholebrain", INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch")) I get the following error message:
/bin/sh: pkg-config: command not found filter.cpp:9:10: fatal error: 'fftw3.h' file not found #include "fftw3.h" ^~~~~~~~~ 1 error generated. make: *** [filter.o] Error 1 ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘wholebrain’
I have been trying to figure out what this means for quite awhile now and I think I've narrowed it down to R is not reading the location of the fftw header file from where it was installed by Homebrew. (I could be totally wrong, again- not a programmer)
From what I understand, Homebrew always installs under opt/homebrew/cellar. And, in fact, in there is the compiled fftw program with the needed "fftw3.h" file. But for some reason, RStudio is not able to find and read the file in that location.
From random googling and reading of other posted issues, I think that RStudio may expect the file to be under usr/local/include. Can I just copy and paste the header file into that folder? Or will I be screwing something up if I do that? I am totally intimidated by fftw's description of manual compilation so I don't really want to attempt that. Is there a way to change where R is looking for that header file? I already set my wd to "/" so shouldn't R be able to access any folder on my computer?
I want to post an answer here for anyone who comes after me with the same issue. It came down to RStudio not recognizing the programs Homebrew had installed because it wasn't reading the file location where Homebrew saves them. Homebrew always installs programs in /opt/homebrew/... Here is what I had to do:
In RStudio, open your Renviron file using this command: usethis::edit_r_environ()
In the file that opens (which for me was totally blank), type: PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:${PATH}, or whatever your particular path you want prepended to the Renviron path is.
Quit RStudio and, when prompted, save. Re-open RStudio and run Sys.getenv("PATH") to check. Your new path (in the example above, '/opt/homebrew/bin') should now be prepended to the list of paths that RStudio will use when looking for programs/files. For me this now looks like /opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/opt/X11/bin:/Library/Apple/usr/bin:/Applications/RStudio.app/Contents/MacOS/postback
Finally, I want to say thank you very much to Mark Setchell who really helped point me in the correct direction!

R plot doesn't work on my Windows, but plot.default does

I'm taking a course in R and I've hit a road block on day one.
...should start a series of graphs being displayed on screen. On my Windows 10 (64 bit) new Dell laptop, I get a persistent error:
The execution is stopped after the red lines, seemingly because the demo(graphics) call is being made with incompatible parameters. In blue I make the same call but use the default function and an empty plot is displayed.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything, installing through Anaconda and from the CRAN website. The same error persists. I've even tried with mro instead of basic R.
I don't see any similar error messages in my class or on Google. My guess is that I need to install a particular version of R and RStudio make it work but I'm guessing.
Can anybody offer some expertise?
I'm running R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05) (which is executing code correct, just not the demo call) and RStudio Version
Running the basic Rgui software from the command line with the --vanilla parameter like so:
Rgui --vanilla
Opened Rgui and the
...call worked.
This meant that the issue was in the .Rprofile file. This is found in the etc folder of the basic R installation and when I checked, it looked absolutely fine (entirely commented out actually).
I wanted to use RStudio though, so I investigated the RStudio docs and saw that each project is given its own .Rprofile style initialization file when a new project is created.
So I created a new project with RStudio and by creating a new project whatever configuration issue was causing the error was completely fixed.
Credits to G. Grothendieck for the answer in the comments.

Building Tools are missing in RStudio

First of all, I am working on a Mac. I am trying to install Blotter from GitHub. I found several descriptions of how to do that but my RStudio tells me that I am missing Building tools and gives me a link (https://www.cnet.com/how-to/install-command-line-developer-tools-in-os-x/) where it is described to do that. So far so good. I downloaded Xcode and the command line tools for Mac and installed those. Nothing changed even after restarting R. Then I found this https://cran.r-project.org/bin/macosx/tools/. I installed it and during that, it told me that I had to do the following
"This package will install clang 6.0.0 for OS X 10.11 (El Capitan) or higher with OpenMP support in /usr/local/clang6
In order to use this compiler you have to add /usr/local/clang6/bin to the PATH environment variable such as
export PATH=/usr/local/clang6/bin:$PATH"
So I changed the environmental variable path as follows http://blog.tonytsai.name/blog/2018-05-07-setting-path-variable-for-gs-command-in-rstudio/.
How I changed the PATH variable.
Again I restarted R but still, nothing changed. I still get the notice that the building tool is missing.
Somehow it seems to me that I installed everything correctly but R doesn't recognize the Programmes. Does anyone have an idea? I tried to search for settings to tell R that I installed the command line tool but couldn't really find anything helpful.
Ok, a bit of an update.
Best I can see it that Blotter is built and stored on R-Forge packages under a package called RStrategist
In R console type/cut & paste this.
See R forR-Forge for more details. Once this has been installed run instead.
Unfortunately, I am not willing to install this package and see if it works mainly because 1) don't need it nor know how to use it, 2) not sure how good packages are from R-forge, though it seems legit, but, this brings me back to point one.
So before i read the updated answer of Conrad Thiele i was trying around bit. Basically i deleted R, R Studio, Xcode and Command Line tools. Then i installed Xcode, Command Line tools, R and RStudio. Then i followed the notice on https://cran.r-project.org about the tools and installed both stated tools. As mentioned in the original question the Clang package tells you to change the Environmental Variable. And there was the mistake i believe. I originally simply pasted "PATH=/usr/local/clang6/bin:$PATH" into the the ".Renviron" file. With reading up online i noticed that "export PATH=/usr/local/clang6/bin:$PATH" is actually a Command for the Mac Terminal. After executing it, it sill didn't work but then i remembered that i still had the Path "PATH=/usr/local/clang6/bin:$PATH" in the the ".Renviron" file. Once i deleted that it worked. So i guess the key was that with changing the Environmental Variable correctly R found the connection with the right tool. Patients paid off.

Where does RStudio store the temporary R script files before saved?

I've just had RStudio crash on me unexpectedly, and on re-starting, contrary to what I've come to expect, the R script I had been tinkering around with was nowhere to be found.
I've managed to track down the Rhistory file so I'll be able to piece together all the commands, which is reassuring.
However, I am curious if there's somewhere I might try looking to find the temporary unsaved file on the off chance that might be cached somewhere (after all, it is usually cached somewhere that RStudio apparently knows to look). Is there a particular file extension/format I should be searching for?
Currently running R 3.3.1 through RStudio 0.99.903 on Linux Mint 17.3 (over Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS).
I've tried running grep on the command line to find some of the more recently updated lines of code; I may be out of luck. I found two files:
Which appears to basically be a more centralized .Rhistory for RStudio
This looks JSON-like and also appears to basically be an Rhistory. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As indicated by #KevinUshey from RStudio:
RStudio stores autosave data as part of the JSON 'blobs' within the sdb folder. You should see the document serialized as a long 'string', with newlines embedded.
Use packages such as jsonlite to parse this and best of luck.
if you used Rstudio on linux, the temporary R script files were stored in .rstudio/sources folder, and you can open all of the script files directly.
Good luck
In Rstudio if you saved or not a script but you ran this code, you can check the history off the app, this is the "telemetric data" that Rstudio has about you.
In windows, this is the path,
you should use "visual studio code" or something similar to see it.

Knitr pandoc Execution halted in R

Knitr / Rmarkdown Execution halted
When I run Knitr and Rmarkdown, even with the knitr example scripts, I get the below error message.
Error in system(paste(shQuote(pandoc_path), "--version"), intern = TRUE) :
'"C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc"' not found
Calls: <Anonymous> ... get_pandoc_version -> with_pandoc_safe_environment -> force -> system Execution halted
I have installed and loaded knitr and rmarkdown from the libraries and alternatively using dev tools to get the most recent versions from github.
As it was working previously and I haven't changed any settings, I was wondering whether it might be due to the new R release and whether that has caused this?
I have tried uploading pandoc to the specific location it requested in the error but the online guidance was difficult to follow so didn't move into folder just it case it made it worst, as it was not required before I was confused as to why it was an error?
Not sure what else to try out, I have googled, stackflowed and explored knitr and pandoc webpages for any clues but with not success.
If anyone knows how to fix this as soon as possible I would be very grateful!!
I know this is a very old question, but I had the exact same issue, where knitting an Rmd file worked perfectly yesterday, and today, stopped working with the identical error message above. Even knitting the default Rmd starter document failed.
It's possible that a Windows patch was applied by our IS folks that may have broken something, as I had not changed my setup at all.
Doing a Sys.which('pandoc') suggested that it was looking in the wrong place (a user-specific location).
Updating RStudio did not help. Adding the following to my Rmd file also did not work:
What eventually worked was a subset of the response by Ivo Fugers:
(I wasn't paying close attention but think I allowed it to uninstall another version of pandoc.) After a system restart, knitting is working again.
Hope this helps folks in the future, as it seems to be a problem that still sporadically recurs.
I had a similar problem in a Statistical Computing class. A solution that worked for some of my classmates (including myself) is installing a few version of MikTex (takes about an hour). Otherwise, this is a solution that our teacher gave us:
So here is a possible strategy when you end up with a pandoc error, or when your Latex Equations do not show up in the 'markup':
Step 1
Re-install pandoc manually in your R console:
installing/loading the package:
if(!require(installr)) { install.packages("installr"); require(installr)} #load / install+load installr
Installing pandoc
Step 2
Download the the self-extracting protext.exe file from http://www.tug.org/protext/ . Install MikTex from this .exe file using the default settings...
2a. Make sure you allow Protext to install packages on the fly without asking permission.
Step 3
Look at https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/81739/the-memory-dump-file-could-not-be-found , not the solution. Change the persmissions of all users in
C:\Program Files\MikTex 2.9\
to full control.
How to do this? Go to C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local , and right click on the folder Temp. Go to properties --> Security... and make sure all users listed there (even the trusted install) will have full control acces.
I faced the exact same problem yesterday and shocked because everything was working until day before yesterday. I was finishing my project in R markdown and it started throwing error.
Without having much help, I just have upgraded my RStudio to its latest version (0.98.1091). It took less than 10 minutes and everything started working as it was. I believe this sudden chocking was due to Windows patch update, but not 100% sure.
change your file name "C:/Program Files/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" into
"C:/ProgramFiles/RStudio/bin/pandoc/pandoc" or something else.
It doesn't allow space in the file address (like Program Files).
