How to reduce App Size in Xamarin Forms? - xamarin.forms

I have developed one App and build APK and IPA for Ad-Hoc testing in Xamarin Forms PCL Project.
Now, Android Size App is 76.5 MB while Iphone App Size is just 34.5 MB. Why?
What are the reason behind this major App size Difference?
Thank You.

Use link libraries option to reduce file size

You can enable Application App bundles (.aab). It will reduce your application size even more once deployed through the Google Play store.
To enable it, look in your *.Droid.csproj properties
This xamarin blog post is a good reference.


How to implement Login with Google through Firebase within a .NET MAUI application

I am developing a .NET MAUI app for use on iOS, Android, and Windows devices.
In general, I have found that the documentation on Firebase to be lacking when integrating within any .NET application. In particular, given the quick rise of .NET Maui's popularity, I don't see any advice with regard to allowing my MAUI app to add Firebase authentication via Login with Google or Facebook. Maybe the documentation hasn't caught up yet?
Here is a screenshot the the project settings in my Firebase project.
Do I need to configure an Android app and then an iOS here for Google login?
If there is anyone who has accomplished this for .NET MAUI and could provide some guidance, I'd be all ears.
I am currently following a Xamarin tutorial here:

iOS List of Installed Apps by User || XAMARIN FORMS

I am creating an iOS application using Xamarin Forms which is a copy of an Android application written in Kotlin.
There is a section that lists all the applications installed in the current device by the user. I want to implement the same functionality in the iOS application too.
Is it possible to get the applications list in iOS through Xamarin Forms?
This is impossible on iOS and it is not possible on Android either if you target latest API levels, so in some future when those API levels become required on Google Play you won't be able to do this.
This is a huge privacy issue, as having the list of apps may reveal something very personal and private and as soon as the app has it there is nothing that prevents it to send the info to the 3rd party server.

Xamarin Forms and MDash videos

I'm looking for playing a content from Azure Media Services in my Xamarin Forms apps for iOS, Android and UWP.
A url is in MDash for example is
Is there a way to play this kind of video without using a webview?
Thank you in advance

Disable "sleep mode" on Tizen TV when app active

I create my first app for Tizen (with Xamarin Forms). When i run my app i need TV to stay all time active.
While the app is on, the sleep mode should not turn on on the TV.
Is it possible?
What api should I use?
Not a direct solution, but a way to go:
implement a possibility to call tizen native code from forms:
call tizen native api to set efl_util_set_window_screen_mode(win,EFL_UTIL_SCREEN_MODE_ALWAYS_ON);

How does Phonegap to migrate platform app

I have an app that maps routes developed for Android.
Now I want to make the app for iOS, I'm estuando about PhoneGap and I have some questions:
1 - The Phone Gap convert my java code to Objective C?
2 - This is the solution most widely adopted platform for migrating apps?
3 - The api google directions works with Phonegap?
from their home page:
Easily create apps using the web technologies you know and love: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
PhoneGap is a free and open source framework that allows you to create mobile apps using standardized web APIs for the platforms you care about.
Phonegap doesn't convert your code, you can write code in html, javascript and css and phonegap will wrap it as an app for all platforms.
Regarding google directions, I never worked with it, but as far as I know there is a javascript api so you should be able to use it with phonegap.
