What happens when I enter .wq! in vim? [closed] - unix

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Closed 4 years ago.
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What happens when I enter .wq! in vim?
Is there a way to prohibit that behavior?

use vim's help to understand each of those
. - repeat last change - :h .
w - move cursor to next word - :h w
q! - q would start recording a macro but since ! isn't a valid register to record the macro to they simply cancel each other
you could add nmap .wq! <Nop> to your vimrc to make this combination a noop but I wouldn't recommend doing that. It would make your . respond slower since it's a prefix for an existing map so if you ever learn more and start using this feature this mapping will annoy you.

But if you use :.wq! it will try to save the current line, overwriting the current file.


The paradigm of annotations [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to Symfony and I was really surprised when I saw that very important parts of program logic are "hidden" in the annotations. Or actually in PHP comments. I understand, these annotations are used by the libraries, but is not it a bad solution overall - couldn't it be made differently? What is the logic behind that? From my prospective they make the code hard to understand, they are not processed by atom (or can I install some plugin for this?..), and it's overall strange idea. No?)
All That configuration can be stored in php/xml/yml files.
From my experience the idea of annotation is very convenient.
For example, you look at controller , and you see route (link to call controller action), data passed ( Parameter Converter).
If it is done right, you have all the important data in one place, just above your code.
Processing annotation by IDE it's a different story.
Check if there is any atom plugin for this , or change IDE that can handle this.
Personally, i'm using phpstrom , and i don't have any issue with annotations

Builtin map methods reference [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Please help to find the list of builtin map type method. Sources are OK. I see Add and Set in different examples and I would like to know the difference.
The following was found but gives no help:
https://golang.org/src/runtime/hashmap.go - implementation, but where is the interface?
https://blog.golang.org/go-maps-in-action - an article on maps, but can't find the complete method list.
Map types in Go do not implement any interfaces (except the empty interface interface{}) because map types have no methods.
To verify:
Which prints (try it on the Go Playground):
Setting / getting / removing elements from a map is covered by the language spec (e.g. Index expressions). Also the number of entries in a map is a builtin function: len().

Minimal most lightweight Qt build [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Is there a way to remove some uneeded locale to reduce the size of Qt Core ?
You'll need to be more specific about what your application requires. Regardless, I'd recommend reading through this thread on the interest mailing list, as it has some interesting information regarding slimming Qt Core. In particular, you can reduce the size of ICU:
I'll leave it for others to pass comment on the standard configure
options and size, but if you're really desperate for every last saving
then removing the locales you don't need can save you 230 KB (on Linux
64bit it reduces my default release build from 5.5MB to 5.2MB), but
it's a manual process:
Download http://unicode.org/Public/cldr/24/core.zip and unzip
Run "../path/to/qt5/qtbase/util/local_database/cldr2qlocalexml.py
core/common/main >> qlocale.xml"
Edit qlocale.xml to remove all the locales you don't need: only
remove groups from inside and nothing else, I
suggest you always keep C and en_US in addition to the locales you
Run "../path/to/qt5/qtbase/util/local_database/qlocalexml2cpp.py
qlocale.xml ../path/to/qt5/qtbase/"

Track record/document changes? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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It doesn't appear to be built-in to Meteor but is there an accepted way to track changes to a record/document? I can think of a number of ways to do this but am curious how others have accomplished this.
An example would be someone's location, if you wanted to track changes for a set period of time.
I haven't tested this package yet but it seems to track revisions and give the ability to restore older versions. I'm going to test it out now.
Update: I can confirm that this package works in Meteor 1.3. It makes a complete copy of the document of the edited Meteor collection and stores it as an array within the document under "revisions". You can then restore any previous version using the revisionId later on.

What is 'System Usage Specification'? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My software is a video-audio converter and video cutter. I have used Qt(compiled from source) and ffmpeg (compiled from source). I have to prepare System Usage Specification outline and Specify Usage patterns of the system and indicate it using Run charts / Histograms. I am told to use Winrunner for this purpose. I don't know exactly what to do. Please help.
I never heard about 'System Usage Specification', this must be a terminology specific to your company.
A wild guess would be that it's something close to the Use Case diagram of UML, to define what the users can do and which action they have to perform to lead them to the expected result.
Sounds like a uggly word for "handbook" or "usage guide" from the pov of a end-user (though I never heared of that specific term)
