Change styling on hover semantic-ui-react components - css

if I set up a className for certain components like
<Segment className="Change" color='blue' inverted></Segment>
and in my css I use
background-color: black; //or any other change on hover
nothing is overriden on the hover.
I have also noticed there are many other components that refuse changes of mine, seemingly randomly. One semantic component will let me change a width the next will not. Is the cause from the same issue? How do I override the color on a hover?

After reviewing the source code of Segment Component (github), I found it has two default classes: segment and ui. In addition, you used two props color=blue and inverted. So I would recommend using the following code. {
background-color: black !important;
Working DEMO

Choose any color semantic-ui provide for example:
<Form.Input label="Email" type="email" />
<Form.Input label="Password" type="password" />
<Button color="teal" type="submit">
Sign In
Your button appears like:
You can add inverted props inside Button component that react semantic-ui provide
<Form.Input label="Email" type="email" />
<Form.Input label="Password" type="password" />
<Button inverted color="teal" type="submit">
Sign In
your component appears like:
On hover returns to basic style opposite of inverted
styled components usage with react semantic ui
I recommended you to use styled-components in order to override semantic-ui component style
import { Tab, Form, Button, Grid, Icon } from "semantic-ui-react";
import styled from "styled-components";
const Mybutton = styled(Button)`
&:hover {
color: #fff !important;
Next use your new styled component instead of semantic-ui
<Mybutton inverted color="teal" type="submit">
Sign In

Because you didn't provide more code, hard to guess what overriding style you try to change. Try to add !importanant rule to this style.
.Change:hover {
background-color: black !importanant;
To avoid !important, which is not always a good solution, add a more specific CSS selector, for exaple Segment.Change:hover.
Try to remove color='blue' from the template and check if will work with and without !important rule.


How can I disable the ring shadow with TailwindCSS?

This is how my problem looks like (see the ring) :
View Image
Using the Chrome's inspector found that it is related to --tw-ring-shadow.
So I tried adding classes like ring-0 and ring-offset-0 (as you can see below) but it didn't work!!
import { TextField } from "#mui/material";
function ContactForm(): JSX.Element {
return (
<div className="form-container pt-12 flex flex-col items-center">
<div className="input-row">
className="ring-offset-0 ring-0"
label="First Name"
export default ContactForm;
Do you have any idea for how can I get rid of this annoying border that overlaps the input field??
I'd appreciate your help!
You could try overriding the Tailwind CSS variable for input fields by adding the following in your application's CSS:
input {
--tw-ring-shadow: 0 0 #000 !important;
Alternatively...we can't see the code generated by <Textfield> to ensure that your Tailwind utility classes are being applied correctly to the input element, but if they are not, you could try targeting the <input> field directly using #apply in your CSS file:
input {
#apply ring-offset-0 ring-0

How to lower mat-icon with input in angular material?

This is my code:
<input type="tel" matInput placeholder="Home">
<mat-icon matSuffix svgIcon="home" class="mdi-icon"></mat-icon>
And this is the result:
As it is seen icon is to high and I want to lower it to decrease the distance between the bottom line and the icon. I tried:
.mdi-icon {
margin-bottom: -5px;
But it didn't help. Could anyone say how to do it?
For the CSS to have any effect on a child component you first need to first get around view encapsulation. View encapsulation will add a unique attribute to all of your HTML elements within the template, something like _ngcontent-nvb-c74="", then it will append that identifier to all of your CSS like [_ngcontent-nvb-c74]. That is how the CSS of one component does not affect others.
We need to make the CSS global. So, we need to use a unique selector or else your CSS will leak into other components. I would use the component name personally. I'm using app-my as an example selector for the component MyComponent. So in all three cases your CSS will look like:
app-my .mdi-icon {
Your options to get around View Encapsulation are:
1. Disable View Encapsulation for the component - not usually recommended
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,
export class MyComponent {}
This makes all of the CSS in that component global, not great if you want view encapsulation in other areas of your component.
2. Put your CSS in styles.css
Any CSS in this file is global by default.
3. Create a new global style file for this component
Something like
After creating this file you need to add it to the styles array in angular.json. Any CSS files in this array are applied globally, styles.css is the only one by default.
"styles": [
If you're using scss, you can import this file into styles.scss instead of adding it to the styles array.
Now for actually moving the icon, I'm just using the non-svg icon but it should work the same
<input type="tel" matInput placeholder="Home" />
<mat-icon class="mdi-icon">home</mat-icon>
I removed matSuffix
app-my .mdi-icon {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 5px;
In some cases you will be overriding other css already present in the child, to do that, you may need to increase the specificity by repeating a class (not necessary in this case)
app-my .mdi-icon.mdi-icon.mdi-icon {
position: absolute;
right: 0;
top: 5px;

Dialog CSS Style SAP UI5

I have a simple SAP UI5 application, where the user open an add dialog pop-up,
I want to change the style of the dialog, the xml of the dialog is something like this:
<core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:core ="sap.ui.core" xmlns:html=">"
<Dialog title="Add" class="sapUiPopupWithPadding">
<Input type="Text"/>
<buttons class="buttonsStyle">
<Button text="Save"/>
<Button text="Cancel"/>
The CSS:
.buttonsStyle {
background-color: #d8d8d8 !important;
I always get the same result as the picture no matter how I change the CSS, I want to change the color and size of the dialog title (Add) and the background color and font color of the buttons but I get no result by trying and searching.
Thank you.
For buttons you should favor the type attribute over custom CSS ;)
See the API reference & samples for ButtonType
For the Dialog, you can use the customHeader aggregation and use some customizable component in place of the title.

Material UI: how to make buttons padding uniform size?

I have a series of Material UI buttons as such:
<Button className={classes.button}>Edit</Button>
<Button className={classes.button}>Duplicate</Button>
<hr />
<Button className={classes.button} color="secondary">
I've given them a class that simply displays them as block eg:
button: {
display: 'block',
They work fine but there seems to be a setting where the smaller Edit button has extra padding on it because it has less text in the name:
If I add more text it corrects it:
Would anyone know how to fix this? If there is a setting somewhere?
The problem is with the min-width property which forces that "padding". Try just adding min-width: 'unset' to your button class.
There is a live example

How to add padding within React Modal?

I'm building my first React modal. The basic structure is now done but I want to have more padding in between the border and the contents. I thought this would be simple but I've tried several things and none work.
return (
<div className={classes.backDrop}>
<div className='modalContainer'>
Add Customer
<Form.Label className={classes.highlight}>Company Name*</Form.Label>
<Form.Control id='companyName' data-testid='companyName' type='text' placeholder='For example: ABC Corp.'
Notes added here can only be viewed and edited by other team members.
<textarea className="form-control" id="companyNotes" rows="3"></textarea>
<a href='/#'>Cancel</a>
<Button variant='secondary' size='sm'> Next </Button>
Any ideas on what CSS I should add (and where) to move the content of the modal inward a bit more?
add this to your css:
.modal-footer {
padding: 2rem; //change the padding as you want
this will change the padding but the with full width lines between sections.
See Working demo 1
you can also add the padding around the whole modal but this this won't make the lines full width:
.modal-content {
padding: 2rem;
See Working demo 2
My apologies, everyone. I must have been really tired yesterday afternoon when I posted this. Let me explain the solution:
The code I posted above is inside a functional component that is defined like this:
const AddCustomer = ({ classes }) => {
classes comes from the parent component, which is defined like this:
class UserMgmtPage extends React.Component {
In this parent component, the CSS styleSheet is injected into via react-jss code. I then pass does these same CSS classes into functional child component.
You'll notice this 2nd line, which was always working:
<div className={classes.backDrop}>
My failure was to use the same syntax. Thus the solution is this:
<div className={classes.modalContainer}>
Sorry for the trouble but I do appreciate everyone who tried to help!
