firebase cli serve cant access the project from different device - firebase

I have install firebase cli etcetc. I can start the project and develop using firebase serve. I can visit the page of the project through localhost:5000 but if i try from different device in my network (mobile phone) to access network-ip:5000 I get connection refused.
Anyone knows what configuration/command it needs to forward port 5000 ? (different projects like creat-react-app works fine)

firebase serve -o
The -o flag sets the host.
For more information, see Server Fault: What's the difference between IP address and

With a local IP
I launched firebase serve -o and it works perfectly on port 5000 from other device
In my javascript app :

If you run firebase serve --help, it will give you the information needed to listen on a different port or IP address:
Usage: serve [options]
start a local server for your static assets
-p, --port <port> the port on which to listen (default: 5000) (default: 5000)
-o, --host <host> the host on which to listen (default: localhost) (default: localhost)
--only <targets> only serve specified targets (valid targets are: functions, hosting)
--except <targets> serve all except specified targets (valid targets are: functions, hosting)
-h, --help output usage information
You can use -p and -o on the command line to change the host and port where it listens for connections. For your case, you won't be able use localhost for the host because that's only visible to other processes on the same machine.

This worked for me. I found the config.json file for the functions-emulator (It's in user/.config/configstore/#googlecloud/functions-emulator/config.json on mac or windows) and changed "bindHost": "localhost", to "bindHost": "" and then I could access served functions from other devices on my network via localip:5000 which wasn't working before.
Tivoli commented on Aug 20, 2017 •
Digging around the code I figured this out, it's because the
firebase-tools is only setting the projectId as part of the
functions-emulator config. This fixes it in my Dockerfile
ADD config.json
and the config.json looks like this
"bindHost": "" }
You can change the to any host you want, but this works for
For reference
is the offending block, it needs to set the above parameter to the
same as the --host command line parameter.
If you are running on your own local machine then you need to set it
to the configstore folder for your respective OS on OS X it would be
Reference for the default config values


Firebase serve from vagrant localhost:5000

I'm running vagrant/ubuntu 16.04 on mac os high sierra. I have set port forwarding and symlink to Basic node.js web app works perfectly and can be viewed on mac chrome browser pointing to
I want to develop firebase in this environment the same way, and was able to set-up the CLI and logged in fine.
Going through the Firebase Web Codelab:
When running
$ firebase serve
Looks like everything is running without error (I did debug):
hosting: Local server: http://localhost:5000
When I go to the browser and point to I get:
This site can’t be reached refused to connect.
Search Google for
I've tried:
rebuilt dev environment
reinstalling everything
other tutorials
Thanks for any help with this.
If you want to run firebase serve against a different host and port, see the help in the CLI:
$ firebase serve --help
Usage: serve [options]
start a local server for your static assets
-p, --port <port> the port on which to listen (default: 5000) (default: 5000)
-o, --host <host> the host on which to listen (default: localhost) (default: localhost)
--only <targets> only serve specified targets (valid targets are: functions, hosting)
--except <targets> serve all except specified targets (valid targets are: functions, hosting)
-h, --help output usage information
You can change the host and port it listens to with -p and -o. The default will only bind to localhost, which will not be accessible to anything other than

firebase serve in docker container not visible to host os

Running in a docker container with the ports 9005 available to the host os and when i run
firebase serve -p 9005
and then try to access this from the host os (windows)
using http://localhost:9005 I get an empty response
to force firebase serve to be visible you have to specify it to force it to bind to the address otherwise the bind defaults to localhost
so you need to run
firebase serve -p 9005 -o
Make sure that 9005 is exposed and published using the docker command line option -p
For your host is the localhost e.g., for the docker container is localhost maybe, too. But these are not the same these are two different things!
You have to configure a process running in a docker container to use all interfaces this is called this is not the localhost.
firebase serve -p 9005 -o
Then you have to expose the port, in the above example 9005. See
docker run --expose 9005 $CONTAINER $PARAMS
or in the Dockerfile with something like that:
EXPOSE 9005/tcp
EXPOSE 9005/udp
See here:

ASP.NET on Docker Not Serving Web App to Browser

I can't get my ASP.NET web application to get served to my browser when the web app is containerized in Docker.
I'm running a Mac, and I've used Visual Studio Code to create an ASP.NET web application. It's a simple, out-of-the-box demo that is based on the yo aspnet "Empty Application." When run "native" (outside of Docker), this application serves a "Hello World!" to http://localhost:5000 just fine. In other words, running dnx web starts the web server (Kestrel) and yeilds:
Hosting environment: Production
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
This is good. Now enter Docker. I seem to have successfully built a Docker image containing the web application, and when I run the container in Docker, I get the same output from Kestrel. Also good, but, I can no longer load the "Hello World!" page in my browser at http://localhost:5000. Instead, I get a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. This is fairly obviously because due to the Docker "indirection," there is nothing serving directly to port 5000 anymore. In other words, I think there's an incorrect forwarding configuration, or, I think am misunderstanding the addressing.
I believe that port forwarding is involved in this process. In my Dockerfile, I am using an EXPOSE 5000 which I thought would allow me to map my local use of port 5000 to the Docker container's port 5000 using a run command like this:
docker run -i -t -p 5000:5000 container_name
But that's not the case with http://localhost:5000 (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED). So it occurred to me that Docker is almost certainly not at localhost. I had noticed when Docker loads, it says:
docker is configured to use the default machine with IP
So, I thought I'd try, but again (confusingly?) ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. Next, I read an interesting article here and I was able to determine from the suggested command
docker inspect container_name | grep IPAddress
That the container is assigned "IPAddress": ""
So, I thought I'd try And now we might actually be getting somewhere, because instead of a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED, I instead get a spinning hourglass and a resulting timeout. But still no "Hello World!"
What might I be missing?
It turns out that the web application is available at the IP address of the virtual machine as suspected. was clearly some sort of red herring.
The real kicker seems to be that the container's default "internal" IP is
Following the excellent advice of this posting, I edited the Dockerfile and specified the following:
ENTRYPOINT ["dnx", "web", "--server.urls", ""]
This will allow our web application to serve requests that come in from the
port forwarding provided by Docker which defaults to
The port mapping is crucial to link the host's port to the container's, but the EXPOSE command is apparently redundant. Now, when I run
docker run -i -t -p 80:5000 container_name
I can simply browse to (port 80 is implicit)
And viola! There's my "Hello World!"
Apart from using you can use http://*.5000
ENTRYPOINT ["dnx", "web", "--server.urls", "http://*:5000"]
or you can include this against the runtimes environment
"commands": {
"kestrel": "Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting --server Microsoft.AspNet.Server.Kestrel --server.urls http://*:5004"
"web": ......
and the entrypoint in the dockerfile can be
ENTRYPOINT ["dnx","-p","project.json","kestrel"]

How to run 'ionic serve' in global WEB?

I'm new in Ionic Framework, so I need your help. When I'm running ionic serve on localhost everything is great. But now I'm trying to work with Cloud9, it prints:
The port 8100 was taken on the host - using port 8101 instead
The port 35729 was taken on the host - using port 35730 instead
Running live reload server:
Watching : [ 'www/**/*', '!www/lib/**/*' ]
Running dev server:
But this adresses don't work at all. And i get an error from Cloud9:
Error: you may be using the wrong PORT & IP for your server app. Try passing $PORT and $IP to properly launch your application.
So how can I set $PORT and $IP in Ionic?
Since Cloud9 forwards port 8080 (which is the value of $PORT), you need to tell ionic to use that instead. With the recent change of allowing multiple ports, port 8081 and 8082 are also allowed, so you need to tell ionic to use 8081 (or 8082) as the livereload ports. The command that should work is:
ionic serve -p 8080 -l 8081
I also think that adding -a would help since with that option it appears to bind to IP which you should be binding to in the first place. For more information about Ionic cli options, please check out the Ionic CLI github page
simple solution is to close the terminal in which you are running the serve request and open new terminal then give ionic serve request it will take the 8100 port (which you gave in your code)

How to run meteor on a different port

How to run meteor on a different port, for example on port 80.
I tried to use meteor --port 80, but I get this error Error: listen EACCES
help me please.
Sounds like it might be access issue on your machine.
Check out this following answer, which might be related to your question. Quoting:
"As as a general rule processes running without root privileges cannot bind to ports below 1024.
So try a higher port, or run with elevated privileges via sudo."
So, you can see that sudo meteor run with your port number will work, but that you can address the root cause, which is fixing the node root privilege.
Node.js EACCES error when listening on most ports
You can't bind to ports < 1024 on Linux/Unix operating systems with a non-privileged account.
You could get around this by running meteor as root, but this is a really bad idea. In development mode, running as root will modify the permissions of the files under your application directory. In production, it's just a giant security hole. Never run a meteor app as root.
Listed below are the best practices depending on your environment.
Run meteor on a high port number. The default is 3000 when you don't give a --port argument. Connect to it via the URL printed in the console - e.g. http://localhost:3000/.
Here you have two choices:
Run meteor on a high port number and connect it to the outside world via a reverse proxy like nginx or HAProxy.
Start the webserver as root but step down the permissions once it's running using something like userdown. This is how mup works which, incidentally, is probably what you should be using to deploy your app.
run it with sudo
sudo meteor --port 80
The meteor run --port 8080 terminal command can be used.
