I have a matrix of species occurring in sites and I want to compute the following formula for each pair ab of species:
where Ra and Rb are the occurrences of species a and b respectively and S the number of sites where a and b co-occur.
So far, I have this solution which is very slow (actually way too slow for my matrix):
# Example of binary matrix with sites in rows and species in columns
mat <- matrix(runif(200), ncol = 20)
mat_bin <- mat
mat_bin[mat_bin > 0.5] <- 1
mat_bin[mat_bin <= 0.5] <- 0
rownames(mat_bin) <- paste0("site_", seq(1:nrow(mat_bin)))
colnames(mat_bin) <- paste0("sp_", seq(1:ncol(mat_bin)))
# Number of occurrences for every species
nbocc <- colSums(mat_bin)
# Number of cooccurrences between species
S <- crossprod(mat_bin)
diag(S) <- 0
# Data frame with all the pair combinations
comb <- data.frame(t(combn(colnames(mat_bin), 2)))
colnames(comb) <- c("sp1", "sp2")
comb$Cscore <- 0
# Slow for_loop to compute the Cscore of each pair
for(i in 1:nrow(comb)){
num <- (nbocc[[comb[i, "sp1"]]] - S[comb[i, "sp1"], comb[i, "sp2"]]) *
(nbocc[[comb[i, "sp2"]]] - S[comb[i, "sp1"], comb[i, "sp2"]])
denom <- nbocc[[comb[i, "sp1"]]] * nbocc[[comb[i, "sp2"]]]
comb[i, "Cscore"] <- num/denom
A first solution could be to parallelize the for-loop, but maybe a more optimized solution exist.
Like you have started with S, you could do the full calculation in a vectorized manner based on matrices.
This would look as follows:
# Example of binary matrix with sites in rows and species in columns
mat <- matrix(runif(200), ncol = 20)
mat_bin <- mat
mat_bin[mat_bin > 0.5] <- 1
mat_bin[mat_bin <= 0.5] <- 0
rownames(mat_bin) <- paste0("site_", seq(1:nrow(mat_bin)))
colnames(mat_bin) <- paste0("sp_", seq(1:ncol(mat_bin)))
# Number of occurrences for every species
nbocc <- colSums(mat_bin)
# Number of cooccurrences between species
S <- crossprod(mat_bin)
resMat <- (nbocc - S) * t(nbocc - S) /
outer(nbocc, nbocc, `*`)
# in the end you would need just the triangle
I have run a short simulation and want to plot the outcomes of each simulation in terms of the "running sum" over parameter k. For reference, I want to end up with a plot that looks similar to the ones in this article:
The following is the code for the simulation:
## Simulating returns over k bets.
odds <- 1.5
k <- 100
return <- odds - 1
edge <- 0.04
pw <- 1/(odds/(1-edge))
pl <- 1-pw
nsims <- 10000
sims <- replicate(nsims, {
x <- sample(c(-1,return), k, TRUE, prob=c(pl, pw))
rownames(sims) <- c(1:k)
colnames(sims) <- c(1:nsims)
If I wasn't being clear in the description let me know.
Okay so here is how you can achieve the plot of the cumulative value over bets (I set nsims <- 10 so that the plot is readable).
First I generate the data :
## Simulating returns over k bets.
odds <- 1.5
k <- 100
return <- odds - 1
edge <- 0.04
pw <- 1/(odds/(1-edge))
pl <- 1-pw
nsims <- 10
sims <- replicate(nsims, {
x <- sample(c(-1,return), k, TRUE, prob=c(pl, pw))
rownames(sims) <- c(1:k)
colnames(sims) <- c(1:nsims)
Then I create a dataframe containing the results of the n simulations (10 here) :
df <- as.data.frame(sims)
What we want to plot is the cumulative sum, not the result at a specific bet so we iterate through the columns (i.e. the simulations) to have that value :
for (i in colnames(df)){
df[[i]] <- cumsum(df[[i]])
df <- mutate(df, bets = rownames(df))
output <- melt(df, id.vars = "bets", variable.name = 'simulation')
Now we can plot our data :
ggplot(output, aes(bets,value,group=simulation)) + geom_line(aes(colour = simulation))
Given a data matrix with n rows and m columns, I would like to calculate the total sum of squares in R.
For this I've tried a loop that iterates through the rows of each column and saves the results in a vector. These are then added to the "TSS" vector where each value is the SS of one column. The sum of this vector should be the TSS.
m <- matrix(c(sample(1:100, 80)), nrow = 40, ncol = 2)
tss <- c()
for(j in 1:ncol(m)){
tssVec <- c()
for(i in 1:nrow(m)){
b <- sum(((m[i,]) - mean(m[,j]))^2)
tssVec <- c(tssVec, b)
tss <- c(tss, sum(tssVec))
The output is equal to 136705.6. This is not feasible at all. As a novice coder, I am unfortunately stuck.
Any help is appreciated!
There are many methods to evaluate the TSS, of course they will give you the same result. I would do something like:
Method 1 that implies the use of ANOVA:
n <- as.data.frame(m)
mylm <- lm(n$V1 ~ n$V2)
SSTotal <-sum(anova(mylm)[,2])
Method 2:
SSTotal <- var( m[,1] ) * (nrow(m)-1)
Suppose we have dataset G2:
G2 <- iris[1:5, -5]
We need to calculate Euclidean distance between x (row in G2) and G2 (excluding x) for all x's in G2, formally
I wonder what is the best way to to this. Here is my initial attempt:
D <- dist(G2)
m1 <- as.matrix(D)
(1 / (5 - 1)) * colSums(m1)
Your notation is a bit confusing because you use D differently in the code and formula. How about
m <- as.matrix(dist(G2, upper=T))
D <- apply(m, 2, mean)
n <- length(D)
D <- n/(n-1)*D
As of now I am computing some features from a large matrix and doing it all in a for-loop. As expected it's very slow. I have been able to vectorize part of the code, but I'm stuck on one part.
I would greatly appreciate some advice/help!
s1 <- MyMatrix #dim = c(5167,256)
fr <- MyVector #vector of length 256
tw <- 5
fw <- 6
# For each point S(t,f) we need the sub-matrix of points S_hat(i,j),
# i in [t - tw, t + tw], j in [f - fw, f + fw] for the feature vector.
# To avoid edge effects, I pad the original matrix with zeros,
# resulting in a matrix of size nobs+2*tw x nfreqs+2*fw
nobs <- dim(s1)[1] #note: this is 5167
nf <- dim(s1)[2] #note: this is 256
sp <- matrix(0, nobs+2*tw, nf+2*fw)
t1 <- tw+1; tn <- nobs+tw
f1 <- fw+1; fn <- nf+fw
sp[t1:tn, f1:fn] <- s1 # embed the actual matrix into the padding
nfeatures <- 1 + (2*tw+1)*(2*fw+1) + 1
fsp <- array(NaN, c(dim(sp),nfeatures))
for (t in t1:tn){
for (f in f1:fn){
fsp[t,f,1] <- fr[(f - f1 + 1)] #this part I can vectorize
fsp[t,f,2:(nfeatures-1)] <- as.vector(sp[(t-tw):(t+tw),(f-fw):(f+fw)]) #this line is the problem
fsp[t,f,nfeatures] <- var(fsp[t,f,2:(nfeatures-1)])
fspec[t1:tn, f1:fn, 1] <- t(matrix(rep(fr,(tn-t1+1)),ncol=(tn-t1+1)))
#vectorized version of the first feature ^
return(fsp[t1:tn, f1:fn, ]) #this is the returned matrix
I assume that the var feature will be easy to vectorize after the 2nd feature is vectorized
I have three large matrices: I, G, and G^2. These are 4Million x 4Million matrices and they are sparse. I would like to check if they are linearly independent and I would like to do this in R.
For small matrices, a way to this is to vectorize each matrix: stack columns on top of each other and test if the matrix formed by the three stacked vectors has rank three.
However, due to the size of my problem I am not sure how to proceed.
(1) Is there a way to vectorize a Large Sparse Matrix into a Very Large Sparse Vector in R?
(2) Is there any other solution to the problem that could make this test efficient ?
Thanks in advance
When converting your matrices to vectors, you can keep only the non-zero elements.
# Sample data
n <- 4e6
k <- n
I <- spMatrix(n, n, 1:n, 1:n, rep(1,n))
G <- spMatrix(n, n,
sample(1:n, k, replace=TRUE),
sample(1:n, k, replace=TRUE),
sample(0:9, k, replace=TRUE)
G2 <- G %*% G
G2 <- as(G2, "dgTMatrix") # For the j slot
# Only keep elements that are non-zero in one of the 3 matrices
i <- as.integer( c(G#i, G2#i, I#i) + 1 )
j <- as.integer( c(G#j, G2#j, I#j) + 1 )
ij <- cbind(i,j)
rankMatrix( cbind( G2[ij], G[ij], I[ij] ) ) # 3
# Another example
m <- ceiling(n/2)-1
G <- spMatrix(n, n,
c(1:n, 2*(1:m)),
c(1:n, 2*(1:m)+1),
rep(1, n+m)
G2 <- as(G %*% G, "dgTMatrix")
i <- c(G#i, G2#i, I#i) + 1
j <- c(G#j, G2#j, I#j) + 1
ij <- cbind(i,j)
rankMatrix( cbind( G2[ij], G[ij], I[ij] ) ) # 2
(To speed things up, you could take only a small part of those vectors:
if the rank is already 3, you know that they are independent,
if it is 2, you can check if the linear dependence relation also holds for the large vectors.)