Google Analytics - track downloaded files - google-analytics

Can Google Analytics track how many time a visitor clicks on a download link on my page. It will track how many people visit my page but I cannot see where it will tell me how many times people clicked on a link on that page.

I would recommend triggering a Google Analytics event once the user clicks on one of your download links.
You can do so using plain JavaScript:
ga('send', 'event', 'downloads', 'click', '/link-to-your-download-url');
More about Google Analytics events:
Or using Google Tag Manager:
Later, you can use this event to also great Goals in Google Analytics.


Google Analytics (gtag.js) track button click

I was using Legacy Analytics, my website is all in one page, so I never change the link, I need to track button clicks, on legacy I was using:
onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', '/index#aboutus']);"
Which works fine, but on gtag.js I can't find how to send this to Google without needing to create things on analytics admin panel.
Does anyone know?
Fixed with: gtag('config', 'GA_TRACKING_ID', {'page_path': '/new-page.html'});

how to count clicks on tieh wordpress and google adwords

On my site
it's on maintenance but there is a catalog to download.
I need your with which code i need to put on my wordpress site so i can know the amount of click on the download catalog button in my google analytics account
I have tried the call center support and they told me to try here.
thanks a lot!
Easiest (not necessarily most elegant) solution is just to track an Analytics event in the onclick handler of your button.
Something along the lines of
<button onclick="ga('send', 'event', 'Catalog', 'Download')">
This will let you see the number of clicks on that button in the Events view in Google Analytics.

Google Analytics - send data to google analytics

I have recently been given a project requirement to send data over to google analytics from a certain page. I have no clue how to do that.
Account Id and every thing has already been created, I just want to know how I could send data on load of a certain webpage.
I have been looking up google analytics from what I understood I think I need to first push into ga functions the analytics tacking id and I think I need to have pageview as the event.
Could someone please share tutorial links for this?
I hope you are looking for the Event Tracking with the Google Analytics as page Tracking is Quite Simple you just need to add the tracking code and page Tracking is done so check out the below link and code you will find how you can do the Event Tracking
Send custom Event to Google Analytics
ga('send', {
hitType: 'event',
eventCategory: 'Videos',
eventAction: 'play',
eventLabel: 'Fall Campaign'

Tracking clicks with Google Analytics on a link to AppStore

Tracking clicks with Google Analytics:
I am trying to track clicks on a download button on my site (wordpress) that takes users to the AppStore.
I set up a goal and changed the button code to the following:
<a onClick="ga('send', 'event', 'AppStore', 'Click', 'top-button', '0');"href="">Download on the App Store</a>
and nothing is tracking. (By that, I mean that website visits are tracking but not clicks)
I have come across this support article ( that seems to imply that outbound links need an additional tracking code installed in the site's header, so i've added that in, and still no clicks are being tracked.
The support article also seems to mention that outbound links should be tracked as follows:
Check out
I am confused as to what code I should be using on the button to be able to effectively track clicks.
Advice please!

Google Analytics - Inpage Analytics - Outbound Link Click Count

I'd like to see how many clicks occur to the "Buy Now" links on my website. Unfortunately, the buy now links are external to my site. There has got to be a way to set up these links so I can see the click count when I view the inpage analytics.
How do you set up Google Analytics so it will track the outbound links and show the click count in the inpage analytics?
You want to use event tracking for this. Here is a simple one using Universal Analytics (with jQuery):
jQuery('a.tracklink').on('click', function() {
ga('send', 'event', 'Category', 'Action', 'Label');
You'll want to change the Category, Action, and Label to properly categorize them in GA. Maybe something like:
ga('send', 'event', 'Outbound Link', 'Click', 'Buy Now');
Others may recommend stopping the propagation of the click action to make sure the tracking goes through (and then forwarding on success), but there are some UX reasons why I'm not a fan of that method. I have not personally run into an issue of the event not being tracked with the above method.
