Firestore Security Rules: If timestamp (FieldValue.serverTimestamp) equals now - firebase

How do I check if user on client sided created document with only firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()?
I have following:
allow create: if == ??
What should I have instead of ??. I have tried serverTimestamp() firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp(), now or now() but it doesn't work.
It is possible to do it in Firebase like this:
".validate": "newData.child('timestamp').val() === now"
I am looking for the same solution. Any ideas? Thanks

You can access the current request timestamp in Security Rules using the request.time attribute (docs), which is the Firestore equivalent to the Realtime Databases's now. You'll therefore want something like:
allow create: if == request.time;
For serverTimestamp() this should evaluate to true.
You should always validate client input in Security Rules, even if you're using serverTimestamp(). Security Rules doesn't automatically know the server input the value instead of the client, so without this check, a malicious client could create a different created at time.


Firestore security rule that only allows empty documents

I'm basically trying to use a firestore collection as a an email list. Anyone can create a document that has their email as the id and nothing more. The tricky part is the "and nothing more" bit. When no data is provided in the request, request.resource is undefined which you can't check for in security rules to my knowledge. Is this possible? Or is it necessary to have something like one mandatory field for this use case?
Having empty documents regularly leads to issues down the line. Why not require a single marker field, and validate that in rules?"marker")
For the benefit of others looking to make an email list in firestore, this is the full rule I ended up using:
match /email-list/{email} {
allow get: if true;
allow list: if false;
allow create: if["marker"])
&& == true

Firebase database security rule, check in

Error [firebase.firestore] FirebaseError: Missing or insufficient permissions.
I have an object that a few users are allowed to update. An admin will set their email, and these users who sign in with those email will be allowed to update.
These are the rules that I have tried:
allow update: if && ==;
allow update: if && ==;
allow update: if && ==;
The resource to update:
id: "someid",
managerEmails: ",",
User auth who is updating:
uid: "rSTLnYD9aisyZJHQPC6sg7mlsZh1",
email: "",
Using request.auth.uid has been working in other rules, but in this case, I have to use emails because the users might not have signed up yet.
Using Rules Playground, I get Property email is undefined on object. Maybe using is not possible?
I was having the same problem but switched from using to and it now works.
I strongly suggest doing two things.
Firstly, store UIDs instead of email addresses. A UID is the preferred way to identify a single Firebase Auth account and is always guaranteed to exist and be unique. Email addresses are not.
Secondly, store the list of users as an array type field instead of comma separated string. This will be much easier to manage overall.
After you do these two things, the rule becomes simple:
allow update: if[request.auth.uid]);
use: insted
documentation here

Firebase Firestore update time field security issue

I am developing a simple chat website using Firebase Firestore. And it obvious to store the message time .
Now the thing is that document is added from client side. So malcius user can add document with fake time. Is there any way avoid the scenario.
I have tried using cloud functions but it's taking too long lo send message..
You want to set the message time property to equal Firebase Server timestamp which on submit will set it on the creation of the message using request.time you can validate it equals now.
Security Rules
allow create: if == request.time &&
// other rules for the message body
Client side JS code
const message = {
text: 'Hello',
messageTime: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp();

Firestore Rules verify timestamp with a Flutter client

I want to send the creation time of a Firestore document through the client and verify the time with Firestore Rules to avoid Cloud Functions calls (pricing).
I am testing requests from clients against Firestore rules like this:
allow create: if == request.time;
The request contains a TIMEFIELD that has a timestamp, just like request.time.
Apparently the request time and the time I am setting as a field right before sending the request are not equivalent, which makes this comparison impossible.
The following is the defition of request.time from the documentation.
When the request was received by the service.
I wonder if there is a way to set a field in a document equal to request.time.
I am unable to use server side timestamps because of an issue with Flutter.
Because of that I need to know how I could possibly validate client side timestamps like with Firestore Rules.
You can use the Timestamp to add constraints to the time field (docs).
Here is an example of how to ensure that the change was within a certain amount of seconds:
function withinSeconds(secs) {
return - request.time.seconds() <= secs
&& - request.time.seconds() >= -secs
The above is for setting the value within a threshold of the request.time.
You can also just use the REST API in the mean time. Just make a write request that includes an update and a transform. The transform is where you would set the server timestamp. Here is a tool to help understand how to build the requests.
This has been implemented into the Flutter plugin for Cloud Firestore:
Using this as a field's value will assign a timestamp equal to request.time to the field, server-side.
You can find out more about it in the API reference for cloud_firestore.
you'd first have to remember the creation (or last updated) timestamp:
created: firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp()
in order to let the client know of the timestamp, which you are trying to compare later on.

Unable to base security rule condition on resource data in Firebase

I am attempting very simple thing and that is matching request.auth.uid to a field value in my transaction documents (like this in Firebase security rule in order to get transactions of a particular logged in user. However, I don't get any documents while querying for them and get an error instead.
This is how the collection looks like - just one document there with useruid field.
The field's value is mapped to the users uid (screenshot taken in the Authentication -> Users tab.
And the rule looks like this
I should get the one document back but every time I query the documents with that user logged in (I am using angularfire2 for those purposes) I get Error: Missing or insufficient permissions.
If I modify the rule condition to return always true or if I only check for truthiness of request.auth.uid I get the query result alright. The funny thing though is that with involved - eg. checking for value of the amount field in the firebase rule - the condition is never met. I tried to write it like
allow read, write: if == 3
and got the error again. Seems like I don't get the Map at all.
I feel like I am missing something obvious, although after reading the guides, it seems alright to me and I am already out of ideas. The debugging capabilities (or lack of) make the whole process very slow.
Could you please explain to me, why I don't get the Map in the firebase security rule or point me to a place where the problem might be?
You have most probably missed one specific point in the doc: your query fails "because it does not include the same constraints as your security rules". See
The following, with your security rules works perfectly:
firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword("", "xxxxx")
.then(function (info) {
db.collection("transactions").where("userid", "==", info.uid).get().then(function(querySnapshot) {
querySnapshot.forEach(function(doc) {
console.log(, " => ",;
If you remove the where clause, you get the exact error you are getting
