Understanding Firestore Pricing - firebase

Before creating a new app I wanna make sure I get the pricing model correct.
For example in a phonebook app, I have a collection called userList that has a list of users which are individual documents.
I have 50k users on my list, which means I have 50k documents in my collection.
If I were to get the userList collection it will read all 50k documents.
FireStore allows 50k document reads. Does that mean 50k document reads in total or 50k document read per document?
As in the example of my phonebook app if it is 50k document reads in total I will run out of the free limit in just one get call.

If you actually have to pull an entire collection of 50k documents, the question you likely should be asking is how to properly structure a Firestore Database.
More than likely you need to filter these documents based on some criteria within them by using the query WHERE clause. Having each client device hold 50k documents locally sounds like poor database planning and possibly a security risk.
Each returned document from your query counts as 1 read. If there are no matches to your query, 1 read is charged. If there are 50k matches, there are 50k reads charged.
For example, you can retrieve the logged in user's document and be charged 1 read with something like:
db.collection('userList').where('uid', '==', clientUID)
Note: As of 10/2018 Firestore charges 6 cents (USD) per 100k reads after the first 50k/ day.

The free quota is for your entire project. So you're allowed 50.000 document reads under the entire project.
Reading 50K user profile documents will indeed use that free quota in one go.
Reading large numbers of documents is in general something you should try to prevent when using NoSQL databases.
The client apps that access Firestore should only read data that they're going to immediately show to the user. And there's no way you'll fit 50K users on a screen.
So more likely you have a case where you're aggregating over the user collection. E.g. things like:
Count the number of users
Count the number of users named Frank
Calculate the average length of the user names
NoSQL databases are usually more limited in their query capabilities than traditional relational databases, because they focus on ensuring read-scalability. You'll frequently do extra work when something is written to the database, if in exchange you can get better performance when reading from the database.
For better performance you'll want to store these aggregation values in the database, and then update them whenever a user profile is written. So you'll have a "userCount", a document with "userCount for each unique username", and a "averageUsernameLength".
For an example of how to run such aggregation queries, see: https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/aggregation. For lower write volumes, you can also consider using Cloud Functions to update the counters.

Don't call all users in one go. You can limit your query to get a limited number of users. And when a user will scroll your query will get more users. And as no one is going to scroll fro 50k users so you can get rid of a bundle of cost. This is something like saving memory in case of recycle view.


Firestore - what is best data structure for my case(performance/price)?

In my application there will be users (tens/hundreds). Each user will have many documents of the same type(typeA). I will need to read all these documents for a current user. I plan to use the following option:
root collection: typeACollection
nested collections for users: user1Collection, user2Collection, user3Collection ....
all documents for a specific user
An alternative to this solution is to create a separate root collection for each user and store documents of this type in it. But I do not like this solution - there will be a "not clear" structure.
user1typeACollection, user2typeACollection, user3typeACollection ....
your opinion which of the options is preferable (performance/price) - first or second?
There is no singular best structure here, it all depends on the use-cases of your app.
The performance of a read operation in Firestore purely depends on the amount of data retrieved, and not on the size of the database. So it makes no difference if you read 20 user documents from a collection of 100 documents in total, or if there are 100 million documents in there - the performance will be the same.
What does make a marginal difference is the number of API calls you need to make. So loading 20 user documents with 20 cals will be slower than loading them with 1 call. But if you use a single collection group query to load the documents from multiple collections of the same name, that's the same performance again - as you're loading 20 documents with a single API call.
The cost is also going to be the same, as you pay for the number of documents read and the bandwidth consumed by those documents, which is the same in these scenarios.
I highly recommend watching the Getting to know Cloud Firestore video series to learn more about data modeling considerations and pricing when using Firestore.

How to optimize firestore read per app launch

Understand firestore charge based on read / write operation.
But I notice that the firestore read from server per app launch, it will cause a big read count if many user open the app quite frequent.
Q1 Can I just limit user read from server for first time login. After that it just read for those update document per app launch?
For example there's a chat app group.
100 users
100 message
100 app launch / user / day
It will become 1,000,000 read count per day?
Which is ridiculous high.
Q2 Read is count per document, doesn't matter is root collection / sub collection, right?
For example, I read from a root collection that contain 10 subcollection and each of them having 10 documents, which will result 100 read count, am i right?
That’s correct, Cloud Firestore cares less about the amount of downloaded data and more about the number of performed operations.
As Cloud Firestore’s pricing depends on the number of reads, writes, and deletes that you perform, it means that if you had 100 users communicating within one chat room, each of the users would get an update once someone sends a message in that chat, therefore, increasing the number of read operations.
Since the number of read operations would be very much affected by the number of people in the same chatroom, Cloud Firestore suits best (price-wise) for a person-to-person chat app.
However, you could structure your app to have more chat rooms in order to decrease the volume of reads. Here you can see how to store different chat rooms, while the following link will guide you to the best practices on how to optimize your Cloud Firestore realtime updates.
Please keep in mind that Cloud Firestore itself does not have any rate limiting by default. However, Google Cloud Platform, has configurable billing alerts that apply to your entire project.
You can also limit the billing to $25/month by using the Flame plan, and if there is anything unclear in your bill, you can always contact Firebase support for help.
Regarding your second question, a read occurs any time a client gets data from a document. Remember, only the documents that are retrieved are counted - Cloud Firestore does searching through indexes, not the documents themselves.
By using subcollections, you can still retrieve data from a single document, which will count only as 1 read, or you can use a collection group query that will retrieve all the documents within the subcollection, counting into multiple reads depending on the amount of documents (in the example you put, it would be 10x10 = 100).

Is It Possible to Have a Slow Query In Cloud Firestore?

I have read in the documentation that the amount of time for retreiving data will be the same for querying a collection of 6 documents and a collection of 60M.
So is it safe to save all of the data of a specific kind (like users) under the same collection? Will I never have to split them into separate collections for getting better performance?
It is definitely possible to have slow-performing queries on Firestore, but the performance will not be related to the number of documents in the collection that you're querying. A common cause of slow reads is for example having documents that contain way more data than the application needs, which means that it takes more time to download that data to the client than is necessary for the use-case.
In your example: it is indeed normal to store all user profiles in a single collection. Querying 6 users out of that collection will always take the same amount of time, even if you app grows to millions or hundreds of millions of users.

Complicated data structuring in firebase/firestore

I need an optimal way to store a lot of individual fields in firestore. Here is the problem:
I get json data from some api. it contains a list of users. I need to tell if those users are active, ie have been online in the past n days.
I cannot query each user in the list from the api against firestore, because there could be hundreds of thousands of users in that list, and therefore hundreds of thousands of queries and reads, which is way too expensive.
There is no way to use a list as a map for querying as far as I know in firestore, so that's not an option.
What I initially did was have a cloud function go through and find all the active users maybe once every hour, and place them in firebase realtime database in the structure:
uid1: true
uid2: true
uid2: true
and every time I need to check which users are active, I get all fields under activeUsers (which is constrained to a maximum of 100,000 fields, approx 3~5 mb.
Now i was going to use that as my final mechanism, but I just realised that firebase charges for amount of bandwidth used, not number of reads. Therefore it could get very expensive doing this over and over whenever a user makes this request. And I cannot query every single result from firebase database as, while it does not charge per read (i think), it would be very slow to carry out hundreds of thousands of queries.
Now I have decided to use cloud firestore as my final hope, since it charges for number of reads and writes primarily as opposed to data downloaded and uploaded. I am going to use cloud functions again to check every hour the active users, and I'm going to try to figure out the best way to store that data within a few documents. I was thinking 10,000 fields per document with all the active users, then when a user needs to get the active users, they get all the documents (would be
10 if there are 100,000 total active users) and maps those client side to filter the active users.
So I really have 2 questions. 1, If I do it this way, what is the best way to store that data in firestore, is it the way I suggested? And 2, is there an all around better way to be performing this check of active users against the list returned from the api? Have I got it all wrong?
You could use firebase storage to store all the users in a text file, then download that text file every time?
Well this is three years old, but I'll answer here.
What you have done is not efficient and not a good approach. What I would do is as follows:
Make a separate collection, for all active users.
and store all the active users unique field such as ID there.
Then query that collection. Update that collection when needed.

Firestore query costs

On Firestore I have a social app that stores each user as a document, and queries based on users within a certain distance.
If a user launched the app and had 1,000 users within 50 miles for example, would I be charged for 1000 reads for downloading all nearby profiles? That seems like it would be hyper expensive if I got charged that much every time a user queried nearby users. Is there a cheaper way to do this?
As far as I know, if your query returns 1 document, you'll be charged 1 read. If your query returns 1000 documents, you'll be charged 1000 reads.
I'm not sure how your app might look like, I'd rather re-structure fetching process. For instance, I'd rather not fetch the entire 1000 users at once.
Instead, the way of getting a fresh set of 10 or 20 group of nearby users whenever a person wants to see new users seems much better to me.
Hope this helps you.
Note: Be aware that your queries won't get any extra charges for having supplementary documents in a collection that are unread.
Have a look at Managing large result sets which help you manage queries that return a large number of results.
You can use Realtime Database as an alternative. It seems cheaper than Firestore. No document read. 10 GB is free and it means 200 million chat messages.
I use Blaze plan and i only pay for Firestore Reads. I plan to migrate some tables to old Realtime Database. I have 10.000+ users. I just show a calendar & dining menu to them from Firestore. I don't want to pay for such simple things.
