Data Frame containing hyphens using R - r

I have created a list (Based on items in a column) in order to subset my dataset into smaller datasets relating to a particular variable. This list contains strings with hyphens in them -.
dim.list <- c('Age_CareContactDate-Gender', 'Age_CareContactDate-Group',
I have then written some code to loop through each item in this list subsetting my main data.
for (i in dim.list) {assign(paste("df1.",i,sep=""),df[df$Dimension==i,])}
This works fine, however when I come to aggregate this in order to get some summary statistics I can't reference the dataset as R stops reading after the hyphen (I assume that the hyphen is some special character)
If I use a different list without hyphens e.g.
dim.list.abr <- c('ACCD_Gen','ACCD_Grp',
When my for loop above executes I get 6 data.frames with no observations.
Why is this happening?

Comment to answer:
Hyphens aren't allowed in standard variable names. Think of a simple example: a-b. Is it a variable name with a hyphen or is it a minus b? The R interpreter assumes a minus b, because it doesn't require spaces for binary operations. You can force non-standard names to work using backticks, e.g.,
# terribly confusing names:
`a-b` <- 5
`x+y` <- 10
`mean(x^2)` <- "this is awful"
but you're better off following the rules and using standard names without special characters like + - * / % $ # # ! & | ^ ( [ ' " in them. At ?quotes there is a section on Names and Identifiers:
Identifiers consist of a sequence of letters, digits, the period (.) and the underscore. They must not start with a digit nor underscore, nor with a period followed by a digit. Reserved words are not valid identifiers.
So that's why you're getting an error, but what you're doing isn't good practice. I completely agree with Axeman's comments. Use split to divide up your data frame into a list. And keep it in a list rather than use assign, it will be much easier to loop over or use lapply with that way. You might want to read my answer at How to make a list of data frames for a lot of discussion and examples.
Regarding your comment "dim.list is not the complete set of unique entries in the Dimensions column", that just means you need to subset before you split:
nice_list = df[df$Dimension %in% dim.list, ]
nice_list = split(nice_list, nice_list$Dimension)


Select data in R that meet a condition and use a for loop on that condition

I have a problem with the selection of column in a dataframe using a for loop. I'm new to R so it's very possible that I missed something obvious, but I did not find anything that works for me.
I have a file with 20 climatic variable measured during 60 years in 399 differents places.
I have a line for each day, and my column are the 20 climatic variable for each place (with a number at the end of the name to identify the place where the measure was taken).
It looks like that :
Temperature_1 Rain_1 .....Temperature_399 Rain_399
Date 1
Date 2
I want to select the 20 column corresponding to one place, run some calculations on the variables, put the results in an empty 3D array I have created, then do the same for the next place until the last one.
My problem is that I don't know how to select the right columns automatically. I also have issues with the writing of the results in the array.
I tried to select the columns corresponding to one place using the numbers at the end of the name of the variables, but I don't think it is possible to change automatically the condition.
I also tried to use the position of the columns but I'm not doing it properly
This is my code :
#creation of an empty array
Indice_clim=array(NA,dim = c(60,8,399),dimnames=list(c(1959:2018),c("Huglin","CNI","HD","VHD","SHS","DoF","FreqLF","SLF"),c(1:399)))
#selection of the columns corresponding to the first place using "end with"
maille=select(donnees_SAFRAN,c(1:4),ends_with(".1", = FALSE))
# another try using the columns position which I know is really badly done
for (j in seq(from=5, to=7984,by=20)){
#and the calculation on the selected columns, the "i loop" is working.
for(i in 1959:2018)temp=c(maille%>%filter(an==i,mois==4|mois==5|mois==6|mois==7|mois==8|mois==9)%>%summarise(sum(((T_moy.1-10)+(T_max.1-10))/2)*1.03),
I would like to create a loop or something to do my calculation on each place and write the result in my array.
If you have any idea, I would very much appreciate it !
You can use the grep() function to look for each of the locations 1, 2, ..., 399 in the column names. If your big dataframe containing all the data is called df, then you could do this:
for (i in 1:399) {
selected_indices <- grep(paste0('_', i, '$'), colnames(df))
# do calculations on the selected columns
df[, selected_indices]
The for loop will automatically run through each location i from 1 through 399. The paste0() function concatenates '_' with the variable i and the dollar sign $ to create strings like "_1$", "_2$", ..., "_399$", which are then searched for using the grep() function in the column names of df. The '$' is used to specify that you want the patterns _1, _2, ... to appear at the end of the column names (it is a regular expression special character).
The grep() function uses the above regular expressions to returns the column indices required for each location. You can then extract the relevant portion of df and do whatever calculations you want.

Creating Sub Lists from A to Z from a Master List

I am attempting to use better functionality (loop or vector) to parse down a larger list into 26(maybe 27) smaller lists based on each letter of the alphabet (i.e. the first list contains all entries of the larger list that start with the letter A, the second list with the letter B ... the possible 27th list contains all remaining entries that use either numbers of other characters).
I am then attempting to ID which names on the list are similar by using the adist function (for instance, I need to correct company names that are misspelled. e.g. Companyy A needs to be corrected to Company A).
Code thus far
#creates a vector for all uniqueID/stakeholders whose name starts with "a" or "A"
stakeA <- grep("^[aA].*", uniqueID, value=TRUE)
#creates a distance matrix for all stakeholders whose name starts with "a" or "A"
stakeAdist <- (adist(stakeA),
write.table(stakeAdist, "test.csv", quote=TRUE, sep = ",", row.names=stakeA, col.names=stakeA)
I was able to complete the first step of my task using the above code; I have created a list of all the entries that begin with the letter A and then calculated the "distance" between each entry (appears in a matrix).
Ask One
I can copy and paste this code 26 times and move my way through the alphabet, but I figure that is likely a more elegant way to do this, and I would like to learn it!
Ask Two
To "correct" the entries, thus far I have resorted to writing a table and moving to Excel. In Excel I have to insert a row entry to have the matrix properly align (I suppose this is a small flaw in my code). To correct the entries, I use conditional formatting to highlight all instances where adist is between say 1 and 10 and then have to manually go through the highlights and correct the lists.
Any help on functions / methods to further automate this / better strategies using R would be great.
It would help to have an example of your data, but this might work.
EDIT: I am assuming your data is in a data.frame named df
for(i in 1:26) {
stake <- subset(df, uniqueID==grep(paste0('^[',letters[i],LETTERS[i],'].*'), df$uniqueID, value=T))
stakeDist <- adist(stakeA,
write.table(stakeDist, paste0("stake_",LETTERS[i],".csv"), quote=T, sep=',')
Using a combination of paste0, and the builtin letters and LETTERS this creates your grep expression.
Using subset, the correct IDs are extracted
paste0 will also create a unique filename for write.table().
And it is all tied together using a for()-loop

Read multiple integer columns as string, trying to gsub and convert back to integer

i have about 30 columns within a dataframe of over 100 columns. the file i am reading in stores its numbers as characters. In other words 1300 is 1,300 and R thinks it is a character.
I am trying to fix that issue by replacing the "," with nothing and turn the field into an integer. I do not want to use gsub on each column that has the issue. I would rather store the columns as a vector that have the issue and do one function or loop with all the columns.
I have tried using lapply, but am not sure what to put as the "x" variable.
Here is my function with the error below it
ItemStats_2014[intColList] <- lapply(ItemStats_2014[intColList],
as.integer(gsub(",", "", ItemStats_2014[intColList])) )
Error in [.data.table(ItemStats_2014, intColList) : When i is a
data.table (or character vector), the columns to join by must be
specified either using 'on=' argument (see ?data.table) or by keying x
(i.e. sorted, and, marked as sorted, see ?setkey). Keyed joins might
have further speed benefits on very large data due to x being sorted
in RAM.
The file I am reading in stores its numbers as characters [with commas as decimal separator]
Just directly read those columns in as decimal, not as string:
data.table::fread() understands decimal separators: dec=',' by default.
You might need to play with fread(..., colClasses=(...) ) argument a bit to specify the integer columns:
myColClasses <- rep('string',100) # for example...
myColClasses[intColList] <- 'integer'
# ...any other colClass fixup as needed...
ItemStats_2014 <- fread('your.csv', colClasses=myColClasses)
This approach is simpler and faster and uses much less memory than reading as string, then converting later.
Try using dplyr::mutate_at() to select multiple columns and apply a transformation to them.
ItemStats_2014 <- ItemStats_2014 %>%
mutate_at(intColList, funs(as.integer(gsub(',', '', .))))
mutate_at selects columns from a list or using a dplyr selector function (see ?select_helpers) then applies one or more functions to each column. The . in gsub refers to each selected column that mutate_at passes to it. You can think of it as the x in function(x) ....

How to separate a text file into columns

This is what my text file looks like:
All these values are continuous and each character indicates something. I am unable to figure out how to separate each value into columns and specify a heading for all these new columns which will be created.
I used this code, however it does not seem to work.
birthweight <- read.table("birthweighthw1.txt", sep="", col.names=c("ethnic","age","smoke","preweight","delweight","breastfed","brthwght","brthlngthā€¯))
Any help would be appreciated.
Assuming that you have a clear definition for every column, you can use regular expressions to solve this in no time.
From your column names and example data, I guess that the regular expression that matches each field is:
ethnic: \d{1}
age: \d{1,2}
smoke: \d{1}
preweight: \d{3}\.\d{2}
delweight: \d{3}\.\d{2}
breastfed: Y|N
brthwght: \d{3}
brthlngth: \d{3}\.\d{1,2}
We can put all this together in a regular expression that captures each of these fields
reg.expression <- "(\\d{1})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{1})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(Y|N)(\\d{3})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{1,2})"
Note: In R, we need to scape "\" that's why we write \d instead of \d.
That said, here comes the code to solve the problem.
First, you need to read your strings
lines <- readLines("birthweighthw1.txt")
Now, we define our regular expression and use the function str_match from the package stringr to get your data into character matrix.
reg.expression <- "(\\d{1})(\\d{1,2})(\\d{1})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{2})(Y|N)(\\d{3})(\\d{3}\\.\\d{1,2})"
captured <- str_match(string= lines, pattern= reg.expression)
You can check that the first column in the matrix contains the text matched, and the following columns the data captured. So, we can get rid of the first column
captured <- captured[,-1]
and transform it into a data.frame with appropriate column names
result <-,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(result) <- c("ethnic","age","smoke","preweight","delweight","breastfed","brthwght","brthlngth")
Now, every column in result is of type character, you can transform each of them into other types. For example:
result <- result %>% mutate(ethnic=as.factor(ethnic),

R encoding ASCII backtick

I have the following backtick on my list's names. Prior lists did not have this backtick.
[1] "PRDM2"
[1] "OTOR"
I found out that this is a 'ASCII grave accent' and read the R page on encoding types. However what to do about it ? I am not clear if this will effect some functions (such as matching on list names) or is it OK leave it as is ?
Encoding help page:
My understanding (and I could be wrong) is that the backticks are just a means of escaping a list name which otherwise could not be used if left unescaped. One example of using backticks to refer to a list name is the case of a name containing spaces:
lst <- list(1, 2, 3)
names(lst) <- c("one", "after one", "two")
If you wanted to refer to the list element containing the number two, you could do this using:
lst[["after one"]]
But if you want to use the dollar sign notation you will need to use backticks:
lst$`after one`
I just poked around on SO and found this post which discusses a similar question as yours. Backticks in variable names are necessary whenever a variable name would be forbidden otherwise. Spaces is one example, but so is using a reserved keyword as a variable name.
if <- 3 # forbidden because if is a keyword
`if` <- 3 # allowed, because we use backticks
In your case:
Your list has an element whose name begins with a number. The rules for variable names in R is pretty lax, but they cannot begin with a number, hence:
1KG_1_14106394 <- 3 # fails, variable name starts with a number
KG_1_14106394 <- 3 # allowed, starts with a letter
`1KG_1_14106394` <- 3 # also allowed, since escaped in backticks
