PHPSpreadsheet - How to read row value from xlsx by table heading name? - phpexcel

Currently, I'm changing from maatwebsite/excel to use phpoffice/phpspreadsheet. Refer to this Table heading as attributes. so I think maybe new library could not support access row value by table heading name.
Have any the same way to read data when using PHPSpreadsheet?

Table headings in PHPSpreadsheet are the column addresses (A, B, C, D, etc), not the values of any arbitrary row or rows (because there will be people that use multiple row headings in their sheet data), so the answer is no; though it's easy enough for you to convert an array read from a row to an associative array based on values from a single "heading" row using array_combine()


Align Text To Row Identified by Number and to ID Matching that Embedded in String

I need to align text in an ALERT STRING column with the row identified by number in an ID ROW column.
Additionally, I need to also align the same ALERT STRING text with the same ID ROW number AND with the ID matching that embedded in a string in the TEXT WITH ID column. (This double-check will sometimes be necessary with the real-world data.)
So far, I've only figured out how to align the ALERT STRING with the ID matching that embedded in the TEXT WITH ID column:
I appreciate any help folks can offer. You can find an editable copy of the workbook here:!ArQ7Kw6ayNMY2zktTW3pDCbMmJZ_
UPDATE: Nayan provided a solution to the first part of this question (please see answer below). I'm still trying to work out a formula for the column D part of this question, in which the row reference shown in column E is combined with a match of the ID shown in column A with its corresponding value in one of the text strings in column F.
The best I've been able to come up with so far is a formula with a high failure rate:
Any help with this part of the question will be greatly appreciated.
Returns the row number of a reference
E.g.: Row(B2) returns 2. If nothing provided like ROW() will also
return row number based on position of cell where it is called.
VLOOKUP(loolup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup])
Looks for a value in the leftmost column of a table, and then returns a value in the same row from a column you specify (col_index_num)
By default - the table must be sorted in an ascending order.
Try this:
INDEX(array, row_num, [column_num]) INDEX(reference, row_num,
[column_num], [area_num])
Returns a value or reference of the cell at the intersection of a particular row and column, in a given range.
In this case, you have to get row_num with MATCH function.
MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type])
Returns a relative position of an item in an array that matches a specified value in a specified order.
match_type: 1 (Less than), 0 (Exact match), -1 (Greater than)
Try this:
Identity Data with Multiple Criteria Condition using MATCH()
=INDEX($G$2:$G$11,MATCH(1, (ROW(D2) = $E$2:$E$11) * (ISNUMBER(SEARCH(A2, $F$2:$F$11))),0))
This is the formula I was looking for in column D:
You can see it working here.
Nayan provided a great deal of help with answering this question, so I will mark his answer as the accepted solution.
Syeda Fahima Nazreen provided the example I referenced to figure out the formula shown above.
Nested Excel Formula with Two INDEX Functions and a MATCH Function with Multiple Criteria

Read AGS type file in R

I am trying to read a special type of file (the format is called AGS) which looks like in the image:
This is basically a TEXT file, which contains many tables with different dimensions inside, separated by 2 (but sometimes more) empty rows. As you might guess, the problem is related to the fact that these tables have different number of columns and obviously different column names.
The first row in each table (here tables are denoted as GROUP) shows the name of the table, e.g. LOCA, HDPH, etc. The second row shows the column names. The third row shows the units of each column. All the other rows show the observations. In each row, columns are separated by commas and values are inside double quotes.
I am struggling to read this type of file. The ideal output would be to have each of these tables into separated data frames. Any help and ideas are much appreciated.
An example file can be downloaded here: example AGS file

SQLITE: Replacing highly redundant with index to another table

I have a table t with around 500,000 rows. One of the columns (stringtext) contains a very long string and I have now discovered that that there are in fact only 80 distinct strings. I'd like to declutter table t by moving the strings into a separate table, s, and merely referencing them in t.
I have created a separate table of the long strings, including what is effectively an explicit row-index number using:
SELECT _ROWID_ AS stringindex, stringtext
FROM stmp;
(It was creating this table that showed me there were only a few distinct strings).
How can I now replace stringtext in t with the corresponding stringindex from s?
I would think about something like Update t set stringtext = (select stringindex from s where s.stringtext = t.stringtext) and would recommend first making an index on s(stringtext) as SQLite might not be smart enough to build a temporary index. And then a VACUUMing would be in order.

Optimize contains query of numbers to exact match query

I am looking to optimize my contains query. I have a pipe separated list of numbers in one of my Aerospike bins(columns) something like 234|235|236|
These numbers may vary from 1 to 2^14
Currently I am applying a contains query to find 235| in this column but it is getting slow. Is there any Math or any strategy I can apply to convert this contains query to an exact match??
Did you try using a List type for this bin? You can then build a secondary index on the List values (indextype = LIST, type=NUMERIC)and get all records that match the value of interest in the list using a secondary index query.

How to make RDLC report two column

I have a simple report which is supposed to be used for printing stickers. The sticker paper is A4 size and it has two columns. I successfully managed to print data to left column. I also want to print data to right column too. My current report looks like this :
How can I make my report to fill data to two columns? Thanks.
I have generated another column as suggested in other questions. But the result is still one column, Can anyone tell me the next step?
The simplest way to do it [I think] is to:
add additional "columnNumber" column and make it "1" for, say, all odd rows and "2" for all even rows.
then place two tables side by side and make the same DataSetName property for both of them
then filter the data in each table based on the columnNumber Value (add Filter to Filters property of the table)
