How add extra menu on top? - wordpress

I created menu (in photo "2")
how to create additional sticky menu (in photo 1) with language swithcer and telephone/email?


Second menu block not showing children

I have installed a theme that has this block region:
In primary menu there was already a menu that works and can show children.
But i wanted to add another menu so i created a menu and placed the block in primary menu region bellow the main navigation menu that was set with the theme.
The first menu has that plus button to show shildren. But the second one doesn't show the plus and test2 is a child of test.
This is my configuration :
Is it a class problem ? Is there a way to edit the second menu html and give it same class as first menu.

Joomla 3.9: Menu item set to Separator is not clickable to reveal sub-menu items

I am building a website in Joomla, and I'm trying to make a menu in which some menu items should not have any article associated with it; clicking on them should only reveal the sub-menu items, but the rest of the page should stay static. So, I set that parent menu item to Separator, and added some sub-menu items to it. However, for some reason, the parent menu item is not clickable, meaning that I cannot reveal the sub-menu items.
Here is my website:
The parent menu item that has sub-menu items is the second one from the bottom (as you can see, it is non-clickable).
How do I fix this? I tried using Menu Header and URL (set to #) instead, but the result is the same. The only way to make these sub-menu items to show is to set that parent menu item to something like Single Article or similar, which is precisely what I want to avoid. I am using my own template, made from scratch. Do I need to add something to CSS, maybe?

Appearance Menu - Add new items to the top of the menu

When adding a new new menu item on the appearance menu page (/wp-admin/nav-menus.php) is it possible that when you click the Add to Menu button that the new item would be added to the top of the menu rather than the bottom?
By default, the new menu item gets added to the bottom of the new menu.
Before Add to Menu
After Add to Menu - If possible
I can see in the Wordpress core file wp-includes/nav-menu.js there is functionality for adding the menu to either the top or the bottom but I can't see if there is a way to interact with this.

Complex wordpress menu layout

I am creating a wordpress page with complex menu layout system.
This is a first for me to get stuck with menu.
My menu virtually looks like this, looks simple.
but, my site structure is not that easy.
I have horizontal -main_menu_item's on top of page,
after that there is slider and after slider comes horizontal main_menu_subitem's.
Now comes content part of --main_menu_subitem's and if it has ---main_menu_subitem2's they will be displayed on sidebar.
My problem is that how can i break one menu into three different blocks of code that i can display in different places?
--main_menu_subitem --main_menu_subitem --main_menu_subitem
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
---main_menu_subitem2 | content area
So, anyone seeing this easy and would like to give me a hand on this?

CSS wordpress second level sub menu items disappear on hover

Using a blank Wordpress theme to create a custom site, but it did not have any CSS for a drop down submenu. I have it basically working but when I try to move the cursor to the second drop down item down under the (events tab) the sub menu disappears.
site is here
I thought I have it all set to display block so that the whole menu item is the button, but not the case here.
You need to set the z-index of the drop down menu higher than the image. By default elements have a z-index of 1, so anything greater than 1 will do (unless you've specified otherwise)
