Updating Arima in Data.Table - r

A very small version of my problem goes like this:
I have a number of time series
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 100)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 100)
data <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place into a data.frame
And I have modeled these with the fantastic forecast package, using auto.arima and data.table (in reality I have 400+ ts)
models <- setDT(data)[,list(model=list(auto.arima(value))), by = var]
Which works wonders, my question is how do I update the Arima models for new data?
I have been trying to do something along the lines of
models <-setDT(data)[,list(model=list(Arima(value, model = models$model))), by = var]
But am having no luck!

I have a solution - but would love to know if there is a more R/data.table way to do this?
Note: As I was working to a solution, I changed the data to simulated ARIMA processes - to make sure the models were being updated correctly.
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 100)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 100)
data <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place into a data.frame
models <- setDT(data)[,list(model=list(auto.arima(value))), by = var]
x <-arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.7), n = 200)
y <- arima.sim(list(order = c(1,1,0), ar = 0.1), n = 200)
data_updated <- data.frame(x,y) %>% gather(var,value) # place updated data into data.frame
data_updated <- setDT(data_updated)[, list(dat=list(value)), by = var] # turn this into lists
#Use a loop to update the models
for(i in unique(models$var)){
models[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]] <- Arima(data_updated[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]] ,model = models[var == paste0(i)][[1,2]])


Predicting from glmmTMB with truncated counts

I'm running a glmmTMB model with various truncated count distributions (truncated_poisson, truncated_compois, truncated_nbinom1, truncated_nbinom2). When I predict from the model, the values seem to be lower than expected, as if the prediction is not accounting for the truncation. Where am I going wrong? A toy example is provided, showing that predicted values are lower than observed means.
Any advice would be appreciated. Extra points if the advice can extend to the other truncated count distributions (see above) and if it shows how to correctly get the 95% confidence band around the estimated values in these cases.
library( extraDistr)
df <- data.frame(Group = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 20), N = rtpois(40, 1, a = 0), ran = "a") %>%
mutate(N = ifelse(N == 0, 1, N))
m <- glmmTMB(N ~ Group + (1|ran), data = df, family = "truncated_poisson")
df %>% group_by(Group) %>% summarize(mean(N))
predict(m, newdata = data.frame(Group = c("a", "b"), ran = NA), type = "response")
I think the main issue is probably that you're using a slightly older version of glmmTMB (< 1.1.5, where a bug was fixed, see e.g. e.g. https://github.com/glmmTMB/glmmTMB/issues/860).
sample data
streamlined slightly (we don't need to include a random effect for this example), and adding a truncated nbinom2.
df <- data.frame(Group = rep(c("a", "b"), each = 20),
Np = rtpois(40, 1, a = 0))
## clunky trunc nbinom generator
tnb <- rep(0, 40)
z <- (tnb==0)
while(any(z)) {
tnb[z] <- rnbinom(sum(z), mu = 1, size = 1)
z <- (tnb==0)
df$Nnb <- tnb
## summarize
df %>% group_by(Group) %>% summarize(across(starts_with("N"), mean))
## Group Np Nnb
## 1 a 1.75 1.8
## 2 b 1.45 2.35
fit models
m1 <- glmmTMB(Np ~ Group, data = df, family = "truncated_poisson")
m2 <- update(m1, Nnb ~ ., family = truncated_nbinom2)
Predicting with se.fit = TRUE will give you standard errors for the predictions, from which you can compute confidence intervals (assuming Normality/Wald intervals/blah blah blah ...) ...
pfun <- function(m, level = 0.95) {
pp <- predict(m, newdata = data.frame(Group = c("a", "b")),
type = "response",
se.fit = TRUE)
list(est = unname(pp$fit),
lwr = unname(pp$fit + qnorm((1-level)/2)*pp$se.fit),
upr = unname(pp$fit + qnorm((1+level)/2)*pp$se.fit))

Facebook Prophet: Hyperparameter Tuning on Monthly Data

I am using the Prophet model to forecast revenue for my company and one of the challenges i currently face is being able to modify the code in order to leverage the hyperparameter tuning features for monthly data. From my understanding, the code on the FB prophet site is designed to tune on daily data, not monthly. However, I have read somewhere (can't seem to find the post) where it can be tweaked for monthly data.
Has anyone been able to figure this out? Would love some help! I'm not a programmer and have been leveraging low code platforms to build this out so would really appreciate a fellow coder's help in solving this issue!
Here's the code that I'm using:
# Conditional Install
cond.install <- function(package.name){
options(repos = "http://cran.rstudio.com") #set repo
#check for package in library, if package is missing install
if(package.name%in%rownames(installed.packages())==FALSE) {
install.packages(package.name, .libPaths()[2])}else{require(package.name, character.only = TRUE)}}
# conditionally install package
#reading data
cv_set <- read.Alteryx("#1", mode="data.frame")
valid <- read.Alteryx("#2", mode="data.frame")
#make sure the date format is defined
cv_set$ds <- as.Date(cv_set$ds)
date_seq <- as.Date(valid$ds)
#define hyper search parameter
rand_search_grid = data.frame(
changepoint_prior_scale = sort(runif(10, 0.01, 20)),
seasonality_prior_scale = c(sort(sample(c(runif(5, 0.01, 0.05), runif(5, 1, 20)), 5, replace = F)),
sort(sample(c(runif(5, 0.01, 0.05), runif(5, 1, 20)), 5, replace = F))),
n_changepoints = sample(5:50, 10, replace = F)
#Define deafult function for prophet. Change Linear to Logistic cap setting
prophet_fit_bayes = function(changepoint_prior_scale, seasonality_prior_scale, n_changepoints) {
error = c()
for (d in date_seq) {
train = subset(cv_set, ds < d)
test = subset(cv_set, ds == d)
m = prophet(train, growth = 'linear',
seasonality.prior.scale = seasonality_prior_scale,
changepoint.prior.scale = changepoint_prior_scale,
n.changepoints = n_changepoints,
weekly.seasonality = F,
daily.seasonality = F)
future = make_future_dataframe(m, periods = 1)
# NOTE: There's a problem in function names with library(caret)
forecast = predict(m, future)
forecast$ds = as.Date(forecast$ds)
error_d = forecast::accuracy(forecast[forecast$ds %in% test$ds, 'yhat'], test$y)[ , 'MAPE']
error = c(error, error_d)
## The function wants to _maximize_ the outcome so we return
## the negative of the resampled MAPE value. `Pred` can be used
## to return predicted values but we'll avoid that and use zero
list(Score = -mean(error), Pred = 0)
changepoint_bounds = range(rand_search_grid$changepoint_prior_scale)
n_changepoint_bounds = as.integer(range(rand_search_grid$n_changepoints))
seasonality_bounds = range(rand_search_grid$seasonality_prior_scale)
bayesian_search_bounds = list(changepoint_prior_scale = changepoint_bounds,
seasonality_prior_scale = seasonality_bounds,
n_changepoints = as.integer(n_changepoint_bounds))
#rBayesian parameters. Assume n_iteration is 1 for demo purpose
ba_search = BayesianOptimization(prophet_fit_bayes,
bounds = bayesian_search_bounds,
init_grid_dt = rand_search_grid,
init_points = 1,
n_iter = %Question.iteration.var%,
acq = 'ucb',
kappa = 1,
eps = 0,
verbose = TRUE)
best_params_ba = c(ba_search$Best_Par)
#Start Prophet
# Holiday Setting
custom1 <- data_frame(
holiday = 'custom1',
ds = as.Date(c('1991-12-31')))
custom2 <- data_frame(
holiday = 'custom2',
ds = as.Date(c('1992-12-31', '1993-01-01')))
holidays <- bind_rows(custom1, custom2)
if ('%Question.noholiday.var%' == "True") {
m = prophet(cv_set, growth = 'linear',
seasonality.prior.scale = best_params_ba[['seasonality_prior_scale']],
changepoint.prior.scale = best_params_ba[['changepoint_prior_scale']],
n.changepoints = best_params_ba[['n_changepoints']])
if ('%Question.holiday.var%' == "True") {
m <- prophet(holidays = holidays, growth = 'linear',
seasonality.prior.scale = best_params_ba[['seasonality_prior_scale']],
changepoint.prior.scale = best_params_ba[['changepoint_prior_scale']],
n.changepoints = best_params_ba[['n_changepoints']])
m <- add_country_holidays(m, country_name = '%Question.country.var%')
m <- fit.prophet(m, cv_set)
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = %Question.forecast.var%)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
yhat <- as.data.frame(forecast$yhat)
yhat_l <- as.data.frame(forecast$yhat_lower)
yhat_u <-as.data.frame(forecast$yhat_upper)
trend <- as.data.frame(forecast$trend)
df1 <- cbind(yhat, yhat_l, yhat_u, trend)
write.Alteryx(df1, 1)
AlteryxGraph(3, width=576, height=576)
plot(m, forecast) + add_changepoints_to_plot(m)
AlteryxGraph(4, width=576, height=576)
prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)
#Output best params for reference
df5 <- best_params_ba
write.Alteryx(df5, 5)
You can specify custom seasonality. So you would just define a custom seasonality called monthly and define the period length. You can view the documentation here.
# R
m <- prophet(weekly.seasonality=FALSE)
m <- add_seasonality(m, name='monthly', period=30.5, fourier.order=5)
m <- fit.prophet(m, df)
forecast <- predict(m, future)
prophet_plot_components(m, forecast)

Plotting statistical power vs replicates and calculating mean of coefficients

I need to plot the statistical power vs. the number of replicates and in this case the number of replicates (n) is 3, but I can't figure out how to plot it.
This is what I have:
n <- 3
nsims <- 1000
p = coef = vector()
for (i in 1:nsims) {
treat <- rnorm(n, mean = 460, sd = 110)
cont <- rnorm(n, mean = 415, sd = 110)
df <- data.frame(
y = c(treat, cont),
x = rep(c("treat", "cont"), each = n)
model <- glm(y ~ x, data = df)
p[i] = Anova(model)$P
coef[i] = coef(model)[2]
hist(p, col = 'skyblue')
sum(p < 0.05)/nsims
Can someone help me plot this?
Also, I need to calculate the mean of the coefficients using only models where p < 0.05. This is simulating the following process: if you perform the experiment, and p > 0.05, you report 'no effect’, but if p < 0.05 you report ‘significant effect’. But I'm not sure how to set that up from what I have.
Would I just do this?
But I don't know how to include only those with p < 0.05.
Thank you!
Disclaimer: I spend a decent amount of time simulating experiments for work so I have strong opinions on this.
If that's everything because it's for a study assignment then fine, if you are planning to go further with this I recommend
adding the tidyverse to your arsenal.
Encapsulating functionality
First allows me to put a single iteration into a function to decouple its logic from the result subsetting (the encapsulation).
sim <- function(n) {
treat <- rnorm(n, 460, 110)
cont <- rnorm(n, 415, 110)
data <- data.frame(y = c(treat, cont), x = rep(c("treat", "cont"), each = n))
model <- glm(y ~ x, data = data)
p <- car::Anova(model)$P
coef <- coef(model)[2]
data.frame(n, p, coef)
Now we can simulate
nsims <- 1000
sims <- do.call(
# We are now using the parameter as opposed to the previous post.
rep(c(3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100), each = nsims),
# Aggregations
power_smry <- aggregate(p ~ n, sims, function(x) {mean(x < 0.05)})
coef_smry <- aggregate(coef ~ n, sims[sims$p < 0.05, ], mean)
# Plots
plot(p ~ n, data = power_smry
If you do this in the tidyverse this is one possible approach
n = rep(c(3, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100))
# Add any number of other inputs here that you want to explore (like lift).
) %>%
rowwise() %>%
# This looks complicated but will be less so if you have multiple
# varying hyperparameters defined in crossing.
mutate(results = list(bind_rows(rerun(nsims, sim(n))))) %>%
pull(results) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
group_by(n) %>%
# The more metrics you want to summarize in different ways the easier compared to base.
power = mean(p < 0.05),
coef = mean(coef[p < 0.05])

issue with disag_model() function from disaggregation R package

I was trying to use the disaggregation package to evaluate if it could be used on the dataset I have. My original data are disaggregated, so I've aggregated them to use the disag_model function from disaggregation package and compare "fitted values" with actual values.
However when I run the function the R session aborts.
I tried to execute the disag_model function step by step and I saw that the problem is due to the use of nlminb() to optimize the a posteriori density function, but I cannot understand why it's happening and how to solve it.
Thanks for your help.
You can find the data I used at this link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/au7l0e11trzfo19/AACpfRSUpd4gRCveUsh5JX6Ea?dl=0
Please download the folder to run the code.
This is the code I used:
path<- "yourPath/Data"
load(file.path(path, "myRS"))
load(file.path(path, "RAST"))
Data <- read.csv(file = paste(path, "/sim_data.csv", sep = ""))
Data$HasRes <- ifelse(Data$PN50 > runif(nrow(Data)), 1, 0)
for (i in 1:nlayers(myRS)) {
myRS#layers[[i]]#file#name<-file.path(path, "predStackl10")
DFCov <-
as.data.frame(raster::extract(myRS, Data[c("XCoord", "YCoord")]))
Data <- cbind(Data, DFCov)
# Remove NA
NAs <- which(is.na(rowSums(Data[names(myRS)])))
Data <- Data[-NAs, ]
Data$ISO3 <- as.factor(Data$ISO3)
world_shape <-
shapefile(file.path(path, "World.shp"))
lmic_shape <-
world_shape[(world_shape#data$ISO3 %in% levels(Data$ISO3)),]
# I would like to convert Data in a SpatialPointsDataFrame object
PN50 <- Data
coordinates(PN50) <- c("XCoord", "YCoord")
is.projected(PN50) # see if a projection is defined
proj4string(PN50) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
# compute the mean P50 within each state
PN50_mean <- aggregate(x = PN50,
by = list(Data$ISO3),
FUN = mean)
# compute the centroid of the observations coordinates for each state
PN50_centroid <-
Data %>% group_by(ISO3) %>% summarise(meanX = mean(XCoord), meanY = mean(YCoord))
# assign to each mean the centroid coordinates
PN50_agg <-
PN50_mean = PN50_mean#data$PN50,
XCoord = PN50_centroid$meanX,
YCoord = PN50_centroid$meanY
PN50_agg$XCoord <- as.numeric(PN50_agg$XCoord)
PN50_agg$YCoord <- as.numeric(PN50_agg$YCoord)
PN50_agg$ISO3 <- as.character(PN50_centroid$ISO3)
samsiz <-
Data %>% group_by(ISO3) %>% summarise(sz = sum(SampleSize))
PN50_agg$sample_size <- as.numeric(samsiz$sz)
PN50_agg$case <- round(PN50_agg$PN50_mean * PN50_agg$sample_size)
# I would like having data in a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame format to use the disaggrgation package
coordinates(PN50_agg) <- c("XCoord", "YCoord")
proj4string(PN50_agg) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
PN50_polyg <- lmic_shape
PN50_polyg#data <-
full_join(PN50_polyg#data, PN50_agg#data, by = "ISO3")
# covariates raster
covariate_stack <-
getCovariateRasters(path, shape = raster(x = paste0(path, '/multi.tif')))
covariate_stack2 <- dropLayer(covariate_stack, nlayers(covariate_stack))
covariate_stack2 <- raster::stack(covariate_stack2)
# population raster
extracted <- raster::extract(raster(x = paste0(path, '/multi.tif')), PN50_polyg)
n_cells <- sapply(extracted, length)
PN50_polyg#data$pop_per_cell <- PN50_polyg#data$sample_size / n_cells
population_raster <-
rasterize(PN50_polyg, covariate_stack2, field = 'pop_per_cell')
# prepare data for disag_model()
dis_data <- prepare_data(
polygon_shapefile = PN50_polyg,
covariate_rasters = covariate_stack2,
aggregation_raster = population_raster,
mesh.args = list(
max.edge = c(5, 40),
cut = 0.0005,
offset = 1
id_var = "ISO3",
response_var = "case",
sample_size_var = "sample_size",
na.action = TRUE,
ncores = 8
# Rho and p(Rho<Rho_min)
dist <- pointDistance(PN50_agg#coords, lonlat = F, allpairs = T)
rownames(dist) <- PN50_agg$ISO3
colnames(dist) <- PN50_agg$ISO3
flattenDist <- function(dist) {
up <- upper.tri(dist)
flat <- data_frame(row = rownames(dist)[row(dist)[up]],
column = rownames(dist)[col(dist)[up]],
dist = dist[up])
pair_dist <- flattenDist(dist)
d <- pair_dist$dist
k <- 0.036
CorMatern <- k * d * besselK(k * d, 1)
limits <- sp::bbox(PN50_polyg)
hypontenuse <-
sqrt((limits[1, 2] - limits[1, 1]) ^ 2 + (limits[2, 2] - limits[2, 1]) ^
prior_rho <- hypontenuse / 3
p_rho <- sum(d[CorMatern <= 0.1] < prior_rho) / length(d[CorMatern <= 0.1])
# sigma and p(sigma>sigma_max)
sigma_boost <- function(data, i) {
sd(data[i] / mean(data[i]))
sigma <-
boot(data = dis_data$polygon_data$response,
statistic = sigma_boost,
prior_sigma <- sigma$t0
p_sigma <- sum(sigma$t >= sigma$t0) / length(sigma$t)
default_priors <-
priormean_intercept = 0,
priorsd_intercept = 4,
priormean_slope = 0,
priorsd_slope = 2,
prior_rho_min = prior_rho,
prior_rho_prob = p_rho,
prior_sigma_max = prior_sigma,
prior_sigma_prob = p_sigma,
prior_iideffect_sd_max = 0.1,
prior_iideffect_sd_prob = 0.01
fitted_model <- disag_model(
data = dis_data,
iterations = 1000,
family = "binomial",
link = "logit",
# priors = default_priors,
field = TRUE,
iid = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
I was able to run the disag_model function using your dis_data object. There were no errors or crashes. I ran the following lines.
fitted_model <- disag_model(
data = dis_data,
iterations = 1000,
family = "binomial",
link = "logit",
field = TRUE,
iid = TRUE,
silent = TRUE
I am running on a Windows machine with 64GB RAM and 8 cores. It took over an hour and used all of my RAM for a while and up to 50% of my CPU, which is not surprising as you are fitting 5.5M pixels over the whole world. Therefore, I suspect it is related to your computer running out of resources. I suggest you try a smaller example to test it out first. Try fewer polygons and fewer pixels in each polygon.

Passing data to forecast.lm using dplyr and do

I am having trouble passing data to forecast.lm in a dplyr do. I want to make several models based on a a factor - hour - and the forecaste these models using new data.
Building on previous excellent examples here is my data example:
# Training set
df.h <- data.frame(
hour = factor(rep(1:24, each = 100)),
price = runif(2400, min = -10, max = 125),
wind = runif(2400, min = 0, max = 2500),
temp = runif(2400, min = - 10, max = 25)
# Forecasting set
df.f <- data.frame(
hour = factor(rep(1:24, each = 10)),
wind = runif(240, min = 0, max = 2500),
temp = runif(240, min = - 10, max = 25)
# Bind training & forecasting
df <- rbind(df.h, data.frame(df.f, price=NA))
# Do a training model and then forecast using the new data
df <- rbind(df.h, data.frame(df.f, price=NA))
res <- group_by(df, hour) %>% do({
hist <- .[!is.na(.$price), ]
fore <- .[is.na(.$price), c('hour', 'wind', 'temp')]
fit <- Arima(hist$price, xreg = hist[,3:4], order = c(1,1,0))
data.frame(fore[], price=forecast.Arima(fit, xreg = fore[ ,2:3])$mean)
This works excellently with a time series model, but using a lm I have problem passing the data into the forecasting part.
My corresponding lm example looks like this:
res <- group_by(df, hour) %>% do({
hist <- .[!is.na(.$price), ]
fore <- .[is.na(.$price), c('hour', 'wind', 'temp')]
fit <- lm(hist$price ~ wind + temp, data = hist)
data.frame(fore[], price = forecast.lm(fit, newdata = fore[, 2:3])$mean)
The problem is that I cant' get data into the newdata = function. If you add hist$ in the fit section, you can't reference the forecast data, and for some reason if you add data = fore it can't find it - but it can in the time series example.
The problem is that forecast.lm expects that fit has a data component. If you use glm or tslm, that is true. But lm objects don't generally have a data component. So you need to manually add fit$data <- hist for forecast.lm to work properly.
res <- group_by(df, hour) %>% do({
hist <- .[!is.na(.$price), ]
fore <- .[is.na(.$price), c('hour', 'wind', 'temp')]
fit <- lm(price ~ wind + temp, data = hist)
fit$data <- hist # have to add data manually
data.frame(fore[], price = forecast.lm(fit, newdata = fore[, 2:3])$mean)
This is actually a known issue.
