How can I clone a hasura project as a collaborator? - hasura

We are working on a node-express application and I have been assigned the collaborator role.

From Hasura's Docs,
The owner and collaborators should push changes to the upstream origin (like GitHub) and pull changes regularly to avoid conflicts arising later.
This means that Hasura doesn't do version control for your codebase and you should be just pulling it from a git repo where you and all other collaborators push code to.
Rest of the steps are fairly explained in official docs on Collaborating on a Hasura Project.


how to automatically deploy to firebase on commit to main branch?

The Main part
I am trying to create a comfortable workflow for myself. I just want to know is there any way to automate deploys from GitHub Repo to Firebase hosting when I commit changes in the repo's main branch at my desktop and push origin to GitHub?
...possibly using "GitHub actions"...
Context and what I've tried
As on 15-Jan-2022 there are two ways I found of deploying website files to firebase hosting.
The de facto firebase cli way, where you use firebase deploy command to push files to firebase hosting.
The automated way using github actions, where the site is deployed automatically every time a pull request is created.
The first one is tedious, the second one is not my cup of cake. Especially because the workflow I want to setup is not too much git oriented, I don't use "pull requests" as far as I understand. I just commit changes directly in the main branch.
(That is so because, I am not a programmer, I just trying to create a blogging site using the Firebase hosting + GitHub repo)
I also referred
Use Deploy to live & preview channels via GitHub pull requests. It will work if you use pull requests to review changes or if you push commits directly to the primary branch.
I would recommend that you use pull requests though. It's a great flow to double check your changes and with the Firebase action it will deploy a temporary preview of the the changes so you can validate everything looks correct.

Deploy Firebase Functions, Rules and Indexes to multiple GCP Projects

We are attempting to deploy Firebase Functions, Rules, and Indexes to multiple projects for tenant isolation of data. We are attempting to use Google Cloud Source Repository, but Cloud Build in each project does not have the ability to connect to the Central Project Source Repository - and we have added the required Source Repo IAM rules on our Cloud Build service account.
What is a good solution for deploying our Firebase Functions, Rules, and Indexes from a central repository?
You can't access to event from a source repository in another project mode. Thereby, you can't set up a trigger on the source repository that don't belong to your project
So, you can imagine this workaround to achieve what you want
Source Project
Create a PubSub topic (push-event for example)
Configure the trigger that you want which run a Cloud Build
In this Cloud Build, format a JSON message with all the push data that you want (commit SHA, type of event, repo name,...) and publish this message to push-event topic
Tenant Projects
Create a cloud function that trigger Cloud Build (focus on that bellow)
Create a push subscription on the pubsub push-event topic located in the source projet (be sure that the current account that run the terraform has the roles topicViewer and topicSubscriber on the push-event topic (or on the source project))
Note: the first thing that you have to do in the Cloud Build execution is to clone the source repository because you won't have the data automatically downloaded (get the correct source according with the branch, tag or pull event.)
Cloud Functions
I don't know your dev language, but the principle is to perform an API call to the Cloud Build API to launch the build. This API call require the content of the cloudbuild.json. So, in the cloud function,
You can also clone the source repo (grant the reader permission) in the /tmp directory and then read the cloudbuild.json file to run in your Cloud Build. But it could be difficult in case of branch, tag, or pull context.
You can publish, in addition of other data in the PubSub message published in the source project, the content of the cloudbuild.json file to run by the Cloud Functions in the tenant project.

GIT branch on Firestore

How do we know that what cloud functions are running on Firestore with respect to the GIT branch? Is there versioning we can reference? I mean can we know that what is the branch of the cloud function that is deployed on Fire-store?
Cloud Functions doesn't know anything about your git. If you want to add some information to your deployment, perhaps added to your source code, or in another file that you deploy, you are free to arrange for that yourself. None of the provided tooling will do this for you. Once you've added the information you need to your deployment, you can view the source code for the current deployment in the Google Cloud console.

How to sync 2 remotes using Phabricator Diffusion

I have to use 2 remotes for my repositories. For eg.
One is my local git server (gitblit)
One is Github/bitbucket
Additionally, I have to use Phabricator to manage all this. So the workflow i am thinking is:
I push the changes to my local git server, and my friends push to github. Phabricator Observe the changes from local git server + Github and sync it with the other remote changes. I have tried Mirror option, but it deleted the changes from one of remote, because that's what mirror is supposed to do.
So I need to know a way which i can use to sync these 2 remotes using Phabricator.
Apart from creating a (read-only, as you discovered) mirror, Phabricator doesn't really have any ability to push to other servers. It assumes one of the following workflows:
Phabricator is the master copy of the repository - everyone pushes to Phabricator (Phabricator can push to mirrors in this scenario).
Some other server is the master copy of the repository - Phabricator will monitor the remote master and keep a read-only copy of the repository locally.
It might be possible to implement a respository merging task in Harbormaster, but you'll have to be prepared for frequent manual intervention in any workflow that has users pushing to different repositories and expecting automation to sync them together. Probably this syncing task would be easier if you were to get rid of the gitblit server from the equation, and just use Phabricator locally.

How to use 51Degrees via NuGet with Azure?

I'm tryign to use 51Degrees in a .NET project that I deploy to Azure. August 2011, they released v1.2.1.3 marked as "Azure Compatible":
Foundation can now be deployed on to the Windows Azure Cloud service.
See the release note for full details on requirements and how to
setup. Azure related changes include: Instead of a log file, log
entries are written to a log table Instead of a devices file, previous
device requests are written to a device table A new conditional
compilation symbol - 'AZURE'. AZURE enabled builds will not work in
traditional ASP.NET.
Since then there have been a dozen releases and they are up to v2.1.4.9. However, their documentaiton is super light on how to use it with Azure. In fact, there was a bug originally because v1.2.1.3 stated
To make use of the changes you must create a storage account called
‘fiftyonedegrees’. The foundation will then create two tables, one for
previous devices, and another for logs.
This isn't possible because Azure storage accounts need to be unique across all instances so everyone can't create ones named fifityonedegrees.
Their response was:
After rereading the blog it seems I've made an oversight in this
regard, and will update shortly.
The storage account that the Foundation looks for can be changed in
the Foundation source code. Go to Foundation/Properties/Constants.cs
and change the string 'AZURE_STORAGE_NAME' to the name of your storage
However, I'm still at a loss at how to utilize it within my project. Here's my issues:
I'm not clear whether v1.2.1.3 is the only Azure compatible release, or every release after is Azure compatible. Their documentation doesn't say.
When I install 51Degrees via NuGet, my project doesn't get an App_Data folder created which contradicts their documentation. The web.config file even has entries in it that reference the App_Data folder such as <log logFile="~/App_Data/Log.txt" logLevel="Info"/>.
Based on the response to the Azure storage account bug I quoted earlier, they are sayign IN need to edit the file Foundation/Properties/Constants.cs. However, since I'm installing via NuGet and it's a DLL, NuGet is presumably the wrong approach? Do I need to download the source and compile it myself and wire it up to my project manually?
I'm generally new to .NET, NuGet, VS, etc so appreciate the help.
All versions are Azure compatible from onwards. I'm assuming this is the blog post you were talking about. After you've created your azure storage account, you'll have to edit the Constants.cs file in the source code and add in your account name. It's my understanding that this means you'll have to get access to the source code and edit it directly. One you have done this you'll need to recompile for the software to work correctly. I'm not sure if there is a way to perform the same task using NuGet, but I'll look into it. Hope this helps.
