SVM Plot does not show any result in R - r

I've used the following code :

Using a reproducible example provided by #parth you can try something like below.
#sample data
#SVM model
svm.model <- svm(Class ~ Duration + Amount + Age, data = GermanCredit)
#plot SVM model
plot(svm.model, data = GermanCredit, Duration ~ Amount)
Here I ran a classification model so y (i.e. Class in above case) in ?svm should be a factor (you can verify this using str(GermanCredit)).
Once the model is built you can plot it using plot. ?plot.svm says that you need to provide formula (by fixing 2 dimensions i.e. Duration ~ Amount in above case) if more than two independent variables are used in your model. You may also be interested in slice option (for more detail refer ?plot.svm).


Predicted Survival Curves using Corrected Group Prognosis Method

How can I plot predicted survival curves of a continuous covariate (let's say 20th and 80th percentile of the value) using the corrected group prognosis method as implemented in R by Therneau
For example,
fit <- coxph( Surv(stop, event) ~ size + strata(rx), data = bladder )
ggadjustedcurves(fit, data=bladder, method = "conditional", strata=rx)
Now, this is useful because I am given two survival curves that are stratified by rx (either 0 or 1) and the conditional method is being acted upon the bladder data set. However, let's say I would like to use the marginal method but not stratify and instead plot my continuous covariate at 20th and 80th value but also re-balance the subpopulation. Would like any step in the right direction.
To re-state, I have a Cox model with continuous predictors. I would like to build a Cox model but not stratify on rx but have this in the model. Then, I want to pass the created Cox object into ggadjustedcurves() function with uses "subpopulation re-balancing" when given a reference data set. And then, instead of showing two survival curves stratified on a categorical variable, I want to plot two representative survival curves at the 20th and 80th percentile.
My first attempt
fit2 <- coxph( Surv(stop, event) ~ size + rx, data = bladder ) #remove strata
pred<- data.frame("rx" = 1, "size" = 3.2)
ggadjustedcurves(fit2, data = pred , method = "conditional", reference = bladder)
Is this what I think it is? Conditional re-balancing has been applied to the reference data set and then the predicted curves are generated for an individual with rx=1 and size of 3.2.
It is difficult to understand what you are truly looking for, but I think I have a rough idea. I think you want to plot the survival curve that would have been observed if every person in your sample had received a specific value for the continuous covariate. If there is no confounding, you can simply use a Cox model that includes only the continuous covariate and use the predict() function for a range of points in time and plot the results. If you need to adjust for confounding, you can include the confounders in the Cox model and use g-computation to obtain the desired probabilities. I describe this in a recent preprint:
This can be done in R using the contsurvplot package (also developed by me). First, install the package using:
Afterwards, fit your Cox model, but use x=TRUE in the coxph call:
fit2 <- coxph(Surv(stop, event) ~ size + rx, data=bladder, x=TRUE)
You can now call the plot_surv_lines function to obtain the causal survival curves for specific values of size, given the model. Using the horizon argument you can tell the function for which values you want to plot the survival curves. I choose the 20% and 80% quantile of size as you described:
horizon=quantile(bladder$size, probs=c(0.2, 0.8)))
The package contains a lot more plotting routines to visualize the causal effect of a continuous variable on a time-to-event outcome that might be more suitable for what you actually want.

Plotting random slopes from glmer model using sjPlot

In the past, I had used the sjp.glmer from the package sjPlot to visualize the different slopes from a generalized mixed effects model. However, with the new package, I can't figure out how to plot the individual slopes, as in the figure for the probabilities of fixed effects by (random) group level, located here
Here is the code that, I think, should allow for the production of the figure. I just can't seem to get it in the new version of sjPlot.
# create binary response
efc$hi_qol = 0
efc$hi_qol[efc$quol_5 > mean(efc$quol_5,na.rm=T)] = 1
# prepare group variable
efc$grp = as.factor(efc$e15relat)
# data frame for 2nd fitted model
mydf <- na.omit(data.frame(hi_qol = as.factor(efc$hi_qol),
sex = as.factor(efc$c161sex),
c12hour = as.numeric(efc$c12hour),
neg_c_7 = as.numeric(efc$neg_c_7),
grp = efc$grp))
# fit 2nd model
fit2 <- glmer(hi_qol ~ sex + c12hour + neg_c_7 + (1|grp),
data = mydf,
family = binomial("logit"))
I have tried to graph the model using the following code.
I think that I may be missing a flag, but after reading through the documentation, I can't find out what that flag may be.
Looks like this might do what you want:
(pp <- plot_model(fit2,type="pred",
type="pred": plot predicted values
terms=c("c12hour", "grp"): include c12hour (as the x-axis variable) and grp in the predictions
pred.type="re": random effects
I haven't been able to get confidence-interval ribbons yet (tried ci.lvl=0.9, but no luck ...)
pp+facet_wrap(~group) comes closer to the plot shown in the linked blog post (each random-effects level gets its own facet ...)
Ben already posted the correct answer. sjPlot uses the ggeffects-package for marginal effects plot, so an alternative would be using ggeffects directly:
ggpredict(fit2, terms = c("c12hour", "grp"), type="re") %>% plot()
There's a new vignette describing how to get marginal effects for mixed models / random effects. However, confidence intervals are currently not available for this plot-type.
The type = "ri.prob" option in the linked blog-post did not adjust for covariates, that's why I first removed that option and later re-implemented it (correctly) in ggeffects / sjPlot. The confidence intervals shown in the linked blog-post are not correct, either. Once I figure out a way how to obtain CI or prediction intervals, I'll add this option as well.

R random forest inconsistent predictions

I recently built a random forest model using the ranger package in R. However, I noticed that the predictions stored in the ranger object during training (accessible with model$predictions) do not match the prediction I get if I run the predict command on the same dataset using the model created. The following code reproduces the problem on the mtcars dataset. I created a binary variable just for the sake of converting this to a classification problem though I saw similar results with regression trees as well.
mtcars <- mtcars
mtcars$mpg2 <- ifelse(mtcars$mpg > 19.2 , 1, 0)
mtcars <- mtcars[,-1]
mtcars$mpg2 <- as.factor(mtcars$mpg2)
mod <- ranger(mpg2 ~ ., mtcars, num.trees = 20, probability = T)
mod$predictions[1,] # Probability of 1 = 0.905
predict(mod, mtcars[1,])$predictions # Probability of 1 = 0.967
This problem also carries on to the randomForest package where I observed a similar problem reproducible with the following code.
mod <- randomForest(mpg2 ~ ., mtcars, ntree = 20)
predict(mod, mtcars[1,], type = "prob")
Can someone please tell me why this is happening? I would expect the results to be the same. Am I doing something wrong or is there an error in my understanding of some inherent property of random forest that leads to this scenario?
I think you may want to look a little more deeply into how a random forest works. I really recommend Introduction to Statistical Learning in R (ISLR), which is available for free online here.
That said, I believe the main issue here is that you are treating the mod$votes value and the predict() value as the same, when they are not quite the same thing. If you look at the documentation of the randomForest function, the mod$votes or mod$predicted values are out-of-bag ("OOB") predictions for the input data. This is different from the value that the predict() function produces, which evaluates an observation on the model produced by randomForest(). Typically, you would want to train the model on one set of data, and use the predict() function on the test set.
Finally, you may need to re-run your set.seed() function every time your make the random forest if you want to achieve the same results for the mod object. I think there is a way to set the seed for an entire session, but I am not sure. This looks like a useful post: Fixing set.seed for an entire session
Side note: Here, you are not specifying the number of variables to use for each tree, but the default is good enough in most cases (check the documentation for each of the random forest functions you are using for the default). Maybe you are doing that in your actual code and didn't include it in your example, but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Hope this helps!
I tried training the random forest using all of the data except for the first observation (Mazda RX4) and then used the predict function on just that observation, which I think illustrates my point a bit better. Try running something like this:
mod <- randomForest(mpg2 ~ ., mtcars[-1,], ntree = 200)
predict(mod, mtcars[1,], type = "prob")
As you have converted mpg to mpg2, was expecting that you want to build classification model. But nevertheless mod$predictions gives you probability while your model is trying to learn from your data points and predict(mod,mtcars[,1:10])$predictions option gives probability from trained model. Have run same code with Probability = F, and got below result, you can see prediction from trained model is prefect whereas from mod$predictions option we have 3 miss classifications.
mod <- ranger(mpg2 ~ ., mtcars, num.trees = 20, probability = F)
> table(mtcars$mpg2,predict(mod, mtcars[,1:10])$predictions)
0 1
0 17 0
1 0 15
> table(mtcars$mpg2,mod$predictions)
0 1
0 15 2
1 1 14

the questions about predict function in randomForestSRC package

In common with other machine learning methods, I divided my original data set (7-training data set: 3-test data set).
Here is my code.
data(pbc, package="randomForestSRC")
data <- na.omit(pbc)
train <- sample(1:nrow(data), round(nrow(data) * 0.70))
data.grow <- rfsrc(Surv(days, status) ~ .,
data[train, ],
ntree = 100,
data.pred <- predict(data.grow,
data[-train , ],
What I have a question is that predict function in this code.
Originally, I wanted to construct a prediction model based on random survival forest to predict the diseae development.
For example, After I build the prediction model with training data set, I wanted to know the probability of disease development with test data which has no information about disease incidence for each individual becuase I would like to know the probability of diease development based on the subject's general characteristics such as age, bmi, sex, something like that.
However, unlike my intention to build a predicion model as I said above, "predict" function in this package didn't work based on the data which has no status information (event/censored).
"predict" function must work with outcome information (event/censored).
Therefore, I cannot understand what the "predict" function means.
If "precict" function works only with oucome information, then how can I make a predction for disease development based on the subject's general characteristics in the future?
In addition, if the prediction in this model is constructed with the outcome information, what the meaning is "predct" in the random survival forest model.
Please let me know what the "predict" function in this package means is.
Thank you for reading my long question.
The predict for this type of model, i.e. predict.rfsrc, works much like you'd expect it to if you've used predict with glm, lm, RRF or other models.
The predict statement does not require you to know the outcome for the prediction data set. I am trying to understand why you thought that it did.
Your example rfsrc statement does not work because it refers to columns that are not in the example data set.
I think the best plan is that I will show you using a reproducible example, below. If you have further questions you can ask me in a comment.
# Train a RFSRC model
mtcars.mreg <- rfsrc(Surv(mpg, cyl) ~., data = mtcars[1:30,],
tree.err=TRUE, importance = TRUE)
# Simulate new data
new_data <- mtcars[31:32,]
# predict
predicted <-predict(mtcars.mreg, new_data)
Sample size of test (predict) data: 2
Number of grow trees: 1000
Average no. of grow terminal nodes: 4.898
Total no. of grow variables: 9
Analysis: RSF
Family: surv-CR
Test set error rate: NA
event.1 event.2 event.3
[1,] 0.4781338 2.399299 14.71493
[2,] 3.2185606 4.720809 2.15895

R: how to extract r squared from lmekin in coxme package

I'm trying to find out how well my mixed model with family effect fits the data. Is it possible to extract r squared values from lmekin functions? And if so, is it possible to extract partial r squared values for each of the covariables?
model= lmekin(formula = height ~ score + sex + age + (1 | IID), data = phenotype_df, varlist = kinship_matrix)
I have tried the MuMin package but it doesn't seem to work with lmekin models. Thanks.
I am able to use the r.squaredLR() function,
data(ergoStool, package="nlme") # use a data set from nlme
fit1 <- lmekin(effort ~ Type + (1|Subject), data=ergoStool)
(I am pretty sure that works, but one thing that is great to do is to create a reproducible example so I can run your code to double check, for example I am not exactly sure what phenotype_df looks like, and I am not able to run your code as it is, a great resource for this is the reprex package).
