Google Charts API - QR Code - qr-code

I am using Google Charts API to generate QR code as referred in this link
In this as the parameters are visible it seems to be insecure
Users can change the values available in the parameters using developer tools like inspector element of Firefox. Is there a secure way to generate QR codes

QR codes are insecure anyway, anyone can see the data you place in it, by using any reader.
If want to use QR Codes in any sort of secure sense or to store sensitive data you will have to manage encryption and decryption of that data yourself, there a few encrypted examples but its not a heavily used function. Now we are past the Fab stage of QR Codes, they mainly used like barcodes for identification, with the ability to store more information if needed and the odd URL embedded link.
Although the limit is quite large this is still a limit to the amount of data you can place in a QR Code.
Lots of information on the Wikipedia page


Functionality in QR code without a web server

The context of this problem is weird (a magic trick that occurred to me), so I will skip that explanation and go straight to the point.
What I want: a set of QR codes (it can be just 1, or 2 different ones, either way will work for me). These QR codes may be scanned with a regular smartphone QR scanner to show some kind of text. My initial idea was a simple HTML page with the message in plain text. The difficult part is this:
Whenever someone scans the QR for the first time, certain message is show. But the second time, another message is shown. If it's just one QR code, I would like it to follow that sequence (alternating between the two messages). If there are 2 QR codes, I would want the first one scanned to display the first message (always) and the second one scanned to show the second one (always); the first scanned QR would determine which message will be shown in each one. The scan of one QR by one cell should not affect the scan of another phone (their functionality flow is independent).
I got some limitations though:
It must work just with the QR scanner a regular Android smartphone has (don't want the person installing any app).
I would like avoiding having to pay a server to store a page that has the functionality. The ideal scenery is the QR behaving like this by itself (maybe containing the proper script inside the QR).
I know how to generate QR codes and how to store HTML code in them using data:text/html protocol. My problem is the design of this functionality. Is there a way I can embed that functionality into a QR code (or two) without it being an URL to a web that stores the functionality? If not, which is the easiest way to achieve this?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

Firebase - Machine Learning and interest tracking to create an algorithm for sorting posts

One of my applications includes user-generated posts and functions in a similar way to Instagram. When a user opens the app they see a feed of posts sorted by date. This works when there just one small demographic using the app, but as the user base becomes more diverse, not everyone is interested in the same posts. This is why apps like TikTok and Instagram have algorithms to decide which posts to show to a user. Where do I even start with this? I understand that there need to be tags on each post for what they are about (this is where I think I can use machine learning) and then each users information needs to include their interests (I’m not sure what can be used to change this as they like or dislike posts). Is there a simple pre-built way of doing this or any examples? It seems fo be a pretty big secret that mostly big tech companies understand and use.
You could use Google's "cloud vision api(For Images):" and "Video Intelligent Api(For videos):".
Video Intelligence Api could handle images too from byte stream.
Build a firebase function that analyse posted media with these api.
Build the rest of the logic from here. Find a way to detect their interest from post, save their interests.

Is there an easy to use way to print a small file as QR-Code on a sheet of paper?

Assume I have sensitive information (passwords, private keys,...) that I saved to a file which I encrypted.
Is there an easy to use tool to convert back and forth between a small file (say 0.5kB) and an image (QR code?) that I can print out to have a safe backup?
You can use LaTeX with the ps-tricks and pst-barcode modules, it produces nice QR codes, and yesm we used it exactly for this purpose: Paper backup of SSH private keys.
Denso Wave of QR code developer distributes software on their site.
Membership registration on the site is required to obtain it.
Even if you can not print with this, there are various tools regardless of free/commercial, so please search.
The maximum amount of data that can be stored in the QR code is 2953 bytes in binary mode.
However, it depends on the ability of the scanner to use.
QR code FAQ #6 Can an image or sound be stored in a QR Code?
I wrote a linux program to do this, called qr-backup.
In researching similar programs as part of it, I discovered a number of alternative projects as well. All of these are also linux-only.
paperbackup. Focused on GPG/SSH key backup. See also the paperkey preprocessor, to reduce the size of keys.
qrdump (incomplete)
If your file is very small (0.5KB is a good cutoff), you can generate one single QR code. An example command-line program to generate it is qrencode. Several web converters are also available.

Can anyone provide a good info on the various uses of hash(#) in urls?

I'm developing a software, which is going to provide in-deep information about url's.
While the get-params are simple, I'm having trouble with the hash.
At first it was used to mark places in the document to navigate to, but we're past that now. I've seen JS engines using it to store params similar to the get strings.
So, here's my question: is everything that comes after a hash free game, or are there any conventions about what it should look like?
Try these sites it could help. Fragment Identifier, Wikipedia or Pound Sign, Google
It's got a list of examples you could use.
It all depends on what you need. Hashes are used in modern web applications that make use of asynchronous calls to the server using ajax. This e.g. allows the user to copy the link and receive the same content after pasting (actions taken are put into hash which changes the url which otherwise would remain static).
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How to generate QR codes using library in .Net

I am planning to explore on QR code generation . I saw the google api and its pretty impressive. But it works only for URL's and small data's. So i am thinking about writing a .net app to generate the QR code. So any information on libraries to start with ,will be helpful.
It does not just work for URLs. You can put whatever text you want as an argument (just URL-encode it correctly). It also works for any data size that QR codes can support.
