Maintain distance for orbital ellipse - math

I'm making a 4x game with solar systems in the Unity game engine. I have planets which I'd like to orbit around their stars in an elliptical fashion. The planets for various reasons are not parented to the stars. The game is in 3D space with a top down view, so the orbits are on the x and z planes with a y of zero.
Following on from various posts e.g. this, this and this I've put together the following code in a co-routine:
while (true)
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
x = orbitStar.position.x + ((dist + xMod) * Mathf.Sin(a));
z = orbitStar.position.z + (dist * Mathf.Cos(a));
orbitLines.position = new Vector3(x, 0, z);
a += aPlus * Time.fixedDeltaTime;
orbitStar is the star the planets are orbiting, dist is the distance to the star, orbitLines is the object to be orbited (actually a trail renderer, later to also be the planet but in turn based time not real time) and xMod is the variable that controls how elliptical the path is. a and aPlus are arbitrary variables that control the angular velocity.
This forms a nice ellipse based on xMod. The problem is the trail renderer does not bisect the planet as xMod is increased, the trail moves further away from the planet, here the trail is the turquoise color curve:
Being somewhat inept at maths I've tried juggling round the variables and throwing 'magic' numbers at the function with inconsistent results e.g:
z = orbitStar.position.z + ((dist - xMod) * Mathf.Cos(a));
z = orbitStar.position.z + (dist * Mathf.Cos(a)) + someOtherVariable;
How can I correct for the distance xMod is moving the trail by, so that the trail moves through the planet?

It all depend where the planet is. If I understand properly, you are trying to create an ellipse around a center point, and then try to figure out the parameter of this ellipse so a certain planet is on its path. You need to take this planet's coordinate into account.
The ellipse equation is
x = a * cos(t)
z = b * sin(t)
In your case,
a = dist + modX
b = dist
Basically, when z = 0, the planet must be is at a distance 'a' on the x axis to be on the ellipse. In the same way, if the planet is at x = 0, it must be at a distance 'b' to be on the ellipse.
So the question is: where is your planet? if the planet is fixed, there is an infinite number of solutions for a and b, to make different eclipses go through it. You could choose a ratio between a and b that you like and solve the equation above to find the value of 'a':
x = a * cos(t)
z = a*ratio * sin(t)
--> You know x, y, and ratio. t remains variable. solve for a
If, on the other hand, you want to choose the ellipse path and then place the planet on it, just choose a and b and find the planet x and z by computing
x = a * cos(t)
z = b * sin(t)
And choose and arbitrary 't', which represents where the planet is around the eclipse
This link might help you visualize what variables 'a' and 'b' do


Uniform sampling (by volume) within a cone

I'm looking for an algorithm that can generate points within a cone with a flat bottom (a disk).
I have the normalized axis along which the cone is being created (for our purposes let's just say it is the y-axis so (0, 1, 0) and the angle of the cone (let's say it is 45 degrees).
The only resources I could find online generate vectors within a cone, but they are based on sampling a sphere, so at the bottom you get a kind of "snow-cone" effect instead of a disk at the bottom.
That is done with the following pseudocode:
// Sample phi uniformly on [0, 2PI]
float phi = rand(0, 1) * 2 * PI
// Sample u uniformly from [cos(angle), 1]
float u = rand(0, 1) * (1 - cos(angle * PI/180)) + cos(angle * PI/180)
vec3 = vec3(sqrt(1 - u^2) * cos(phi), u, sqrt(1 - u^2) * sin(phi)))
The below picture is what I am going for. Having the ability to generate samples either on the surface or inside would be nice as well:
I could explain my solution in detail using integrals and probability distributions, but the lack of MathJax on this site makes that difficult. I'll keep my explanation at a simple level, but it should be clear. I'll also make the solution a little more general than you ask: we want a random point inside a right circular cone of height a and radius of base b, and we want the point with uniform sampling over the volume of that cone. This method directly chooses a random point in the cone without any rejection testing.
First let's consider the small cone of height h inside that larger cone, both cones with the same apex and parallel bases. The two cones are of course similar figures, and the square-cube law says that the volume of the smaller cone varies as the cube of its height. That height varies from 0 to a and we want its cube to be uniform over that range. Therefore we choose h to vary with the cube root of a uniform random variable, and we get (in Python 3 code),
h = a * (random()) ** (1/3)
We next consider the circular region that is the base of that smaller cone of height h. The radius of that base is (b / a) * h, by similar triangles. Now think of a smaller circular region of radius r inside that larger circular region, both circles in the same plane and with the same center. The area of the smaller circle varies with the square of its radius, so to get a uniform area over its range we take the square root of a uniform random variable. We get
r = (b / a) * h * sqrt(random())
We now want the angle t (for theta) of a point on the circumference of that smaller circle of radius r. The angle in radians obviously does not depend on the other factors, so we just use a uniform random variable to get
t = 2 * pi * random()
We now use those three random variables h, r, and t to choose our point inside the starting cone. If the apex of the cone is at the origin and the axis of the cone is along the positive y-axis, so that the center of the base is (0, a, 0) and a point on the circumference of the base is (b, a, 0), you can choose
x = r * cos(t)
y = h
z = r * sin(t)
When you asked about generating samples "on the surface" you did not clarify if you mean just the side (or is it "sides"?) of the cone, just the base, or the entire surface. Your second graphic appears to mean just the side, but I'll give code for all three.
The side only
Again we use a smaller cone of height h inside the larger cone. Its surface area varies as the square of its height, so we take the square root of a uniform random variable. The circle in its base is fixed, if our point is to be on the surface, and again the angle is just uniform. So we get
h = a * sqrt(random())
r = (b / a) * h
t = 2 * pi * random()
Use the same code for x, y, and z I used above for the interior of the cone to get the final random point on the side surface of the cone.
The base only
This is much like choosing a point in the interior, except the height is predetermined to equal the height of the entire cone. We get the following, somewhat simplified code:
h = a
r = b * sqrt(random())
t = 2 * pi * random()
Again, use the previous code for the final x, y, and z.
The entire surface
Here we can first decide, at random, whether to place our point on the base or on the surface, then place the point in one of the two ways above. The area of the base of a cone of height a and base radius b is pi * b * b while the surface area of the cone's side is pi * b * sqrt(a*a + b*b). We use the ratio of the base to the total of those areas to choose which subsurface to use for our point:
if random() < b / (b + sqrt(a*a + b*b)):
return point_on_base(a, b)
return point_on_side(a, b)
Use my codes above for the side and base to complete that code.
Here are simple matplotlib 3D scatter plots of 10,000 random points, first inside the cone then on its side surface. Note that I made the apex angle 45°, as your text states but unlike your pictures. Viewing these from other angles seems to confirm that they are uniform in volume or area.

Calculate point on a circle in 3D space

i am scratching my head for some time now how to do this.
I have two defined vectors in 3d space. Say vector X at (0,0,0) and vector Y at (3,3,3). I will get a random point on a line between those two vectors. And around this point i want to form a circle ( some amount of points ) perpendicular to the line between the X and Y at given radius.
Hopefuly its clear what i am looking for. I have looked through many similar questions, but just cant figure it out based on those. Thanks for any help.
(Couldnt put everything into comment so adding it here)
Hi, thanks for your reply, i had some moderate success with implementing your solution, but has some trouble with it. It works most of the time, except for specific scenarios when Y point would be at positions like (20,20,20). If it sits directly on any axis its fine.
But as soon as it gets into diagonal the distance between perpendicular point and origin gets smaller for some reason and at very specific diagonal positions it kinda flips the perpendicular points.
Here is the code for you to look at
public Vector3 X = new Vector3(0,0,0);
public Vector3 Y = new Vector3(0,0,20);
Vector3 A;
Vector3 B;
List<Vector3> points = new List<Vector3>();
void FindPerpendicular(Vector3 x, Vector3 y)
Vector3 direction = (x-y);
Vector3 normalized = (x-y).normalized;
float dotProduct1 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.left);
float dotProduct2 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.forward);
float dotProduct3 = Vector3.Dot(normalized, Vector3.up);
Vector3 dotVector = ((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct1)) * Vector3.right) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct2)) * Vector3.forward) +
((1.0f - Mathf.Abs(dotProduct3)) * Vector3.up);
A = Vector3.Cross(normalized, dotVector.normalized);
B = Vector3.Cross(A, normalized);
What you want to do first is to find the two orthogonal basis vectors of the plane perpendicular to the line XY, passing through the point you choose.
You first need to find a vector which is perpendicular to XY. To do this:
Normalize the vector XY first
Dot XY with the X-axis
If this is very small (for numerical stability let's say < 0.1) then it must be parallel/anti-parallel to the X-axis. We choose the Y axis.
If not then we choose the X-axis
For whichever chosen axis, cross it with XY to get one of the basis vectors; cross this with XY again to get the second vector.
Normalize them (not strictly necessary but very useful)
You now have two basis vectors to calculate your circle coordinates, call them A and B. Call the point you chose P.
Then any point on the circle can be parametrically calculated by
Q(r, t) = P + r * (A * cos(t) + B * sin(t))
where t is an angle (between 0 and 2π), and r is the circle's radius.

Perspective projection - help me duplicate blender's default scene

I'm currently attempting to teach myself perspective projection, my reference is the wikipedia page on the subject here:
My understanding is that you take your object to be project it and rotate and translate it in to "camera space", such that your camera is now assumed to be origin looking directly down the z axis. (This matrix op from the wikipedia page:
You then project your new points in to 2D space using this equation:
The first step I can do flawlessly. Granted I wrote my own matrix library to do it, but I verified it was spitting out the right answer by typing the results in to blender and moving the camera to 0,0,0 and checking it renders the same as the default scene.
However, the projection part is where it all goes wrong.
From what I can see, I ought to be taking the field of view, which by default in blender is 28.842 degrees, and using it to calculate the value wikipedia calls ez, by doing
ez = 1 / tan(fov / 2);
which is approximately 3.88 in this case.
I should then for every point be doing:
x = (ez / dz) * dx;
y = (ez / dz) * dy;
to get x and y coordinates in the range of -1 to 1 which I can then scale appropriately for the screen width.
However, when I do that my projected image is mirrored in the x axis and in any case doesn't match with the cube blender renders. What am I doing wrong, and what should I be doing to get the right projected coordinates?
I'm aware that you can do this whole thing with one matrix op, but for the moment I'm just trying to understand the equations, so please just stick to the question asked.
From what you say in your question it's unclear whether you're having trouble with the Projection matrix or the Model matrix.
Like I said in my comments, you can Google glFrustum and gluLookAt to see exactly what these matrices look like. If you're familiar with matrix math (and it looks like you are), you will then understand how the coordinates are transformed into a 2D perspective.
Here is some sample OpenGL code to make the View and Projection Matrices and Model matrix for a simple 30 degree rotation about the Y axis so you can see how the components that go into these matrices are calculated.
// The Projection Matrix
glMatrixMode (GL_PROJECTION);
glLoadIdentity ();
near = -camera.viewPos.z - shapeSize * 0.5;
if (near < 0.00001)
near = 0.00001;
far = -camera.viewPos.z + shapeSize * 0.5;
if (far < 1.0)
far = 1.0;
radians = 0.0174532925 * camera.aperture / 2; // half aperture degrees to radians
wd2 = near * tan(radians);
ratio = camera.viewWidth / (float) camera.viewHeight;
if (ratio >= 1.0) {
left = -ratio * wd2;
right = ratio * wd2;
top = wd2;
bottom = -wd2;
} else {
left = -wd2;
right = wd2;
top = wd2 / ratio;
bottom = -wd2 / ratio;
glFrustum (left, right, bottom, top, near, far);
// The View Matrix
glMatrixMode (GL_MODELVIEW);
glLoadIdentity ();
gluLookAt (camera.viewPos.x, camera.viewPos.y, camera.viewPos.z,
camera.viewPos.x + camera.viewDir.x,
camera.viewPos.y + camera.viewDir.y,
camera.viewPos.z + camera.viewDir.z,
camera.viewUp.x, camera.viewUp.y ,camera.viewUp.z);
// The Model Matrix
glRotatef (30.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
You'll see that glRotate actually does a quaternion rotation (angle of rotation plus a vector about which to do the rotation).
You could also do separate rotations about the X, Y and Z axis.
There's lot's of information on the web about how to form 4X4 matrices for rotations, translations and scales. If you do each of these separately, you'll need to multiply them to get the Model matrix. e.g:
If you have 4X4 matrices rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, translate, scale, you might form your Model matrix by:
Model = scale * rotateX * rotateZ * rotateY * translate.
Order matters when you form the Model matrix. You'll get different results if you do the multiplication in a different order.
If your object is at the origin, I doubt you want to also put the camera at the origin.

Estimated position of vector after time, angle and speed

How to calculate 3D vector position after some time of movement at given angle and speed?
I have these variables available: current position, horizontal angle, vertical angle and speed.
I want to calculate position in the future.
Speed is defined as:
float distMade = this->Position().GetDistanceTo(lastPosition);
float speed = (distMade / timeFromLastCheck) * 1000; // result per sec
// checking every 100ms
Vertical angle coordinate system:
Facing 100% down -PI/2 (-1.57)
Facing 100% up PI/2 (1.57)
Horizontal angle:
Radian system, facing north = PI/2
Facing west = PI
Position 3d vector: x, y, z where z is height level.
It looks like you are trying to predict a future position based on current position and previous position, and know the duration between them.
In this case, it seems like you don't need the angular directions at all. Just keep your "speed" as a vector.
speed = (position() - lastPosition) / (time-last_time);
future_position = position()+(future_time-time)*speed;
If your vector objects don't have operators overloaded, look for some that do or perform the calculation on each x,y,z component independently.
This is, of course, does not take into account any acceleration, just predicts based on current velocity. You could also smooth it out by averaging over the last 5-10 speeds to get a slightly less jittery prediction. If you want to account for acceleration, then you'll have to track last_speed in the same fashion you are tracking last_position currently, and acceleration is just speed-last_speed. And you'd likely want to do an average over that as well.
in that case your speed is cartesian speed
get point positions in cartesian space in different time
P0=(x0,y0,z0); - last position [units]
P1=(x1,y1,z1); - actual position [units]
dt=0.1; - time difference between obtaining P0,P1
compute new position in time pasted from obtaining P1
if you need angh,angv,dist (and origin of your coordinate system is (0,0,0)
then you use this or modify it to your coordinate system:
dist = |P|=sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
this is for: Z axis = UP, Y axis = North, X axis = East
if origin is not (0,0,0) then just substract it from P before conversion
If your horizontal angle is azimuthal angle, and vertical angle is elevation,
X = X0 + V * t * Cos(Azimuth) * Cos(Elevation)
Y = Y0 + V * t * Sin(Azimuth) * Cos(Elevation)
Z = Z0 + V * t * Sin(Elevation)

I've got my 2D/3D conversion working perfectly, how to do perspective

Although the context of this question is about making a 2d/3d game, the problem i have boils down to some math.
Although its a 2.5D world, lets pretend its just 2d for this question.
// xa: x-accent, the x coordinate of the projection
// mapP: a coordinate on a map which need to be projected
// _Dist_ values are constants for the projection, choosing them correctly will result in i.e. an isometric projection
xa = mapP.x * xDistX + mapP.y * xDistY;
ya = mapP.x * yDistX + mapP.y * yDistY;
xDistX and yDistX determine the angle of the x-axis, and xDistY and yDistY determine the angle of the y-axis on the projection (and also the size of the grid, but lets assume this is 1-pixel for simplicity).
x-axis-angle = atan(yDistX/xDistX)
y-axis-angle = atan(yDistY/yDistY)
a "normal" coordinate system like this
--------------- x
has values like this:
xDistX = 1;
yDistX = 0;
xDistY = 0;
YDistY = 1;
So every step in x direction will result on the projection to 1 pixel to the right end 0 pixels down. Every step in the y direction of the projection will result in 0 steps to the right and 1 pixel down.
When choosing the correct xDistX, yDistX, xDistY, yDistY, you can project any trimetric or dimetric system (which is why i chose this).
So far so good, when this is drawn everything turns out okay. If "my system" and mindset are clear, lets move on to perspective.
I wanted to add some perspective to this grid so i added some extra's like this:
camera = new MapPoint(60, 60);
dx = mapP.x - camera.x; // delta x
dy = mapP.y - camera.y; // delta y
dist = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); // dist is the distance to the camera, Pythagoras etc.. all objects must be in front of the camera
fac = 1 - dist / 100; // this formula determines the amount of perspective
xa = fac * (mapP.x * xDistX + mapP.y * xDistY) ;
ya = fac * (mapP.x * yDistX + mapP.y * yDistY );
Now the real hard part... what if you got a (xa,ya) point on the projection and want to calculate the original point (x,y).
For the first case (without perspective) i did find the inverse function, but how can this be done for the formula with the perspective. May math skills are not quite up to the challenge to solve this.
( I vaguely remember from a long time ago mathematica could create inverse function for some special cases... could it solve this problem? Could someone maybe try?)
The function you've defined doesn't have an inverse. Just as an example, as user207422 already pointed out anything that's 100 units away from the camera will get mapped to (xa,ya)=(0,0), so the inverse isn't uniquely defined.
More importantly, that's not how you calculate perspective. Generally the perspective scaling factor is defined to be viewdist/zdist where zdist is the perpendicular distance from the camera to the object and viewdist is a constant which is the distance from the camera to the hypothetical screen onto which everything is being projected. (See the diagram here, but feel free to ignore everything else on that page.) The scaling factor you're using in your example doesn't have the same behaviour.
Here's a stab at trying to convert your code into a correct perspective calculation (note I'm not simplifying to 2D; perspective is about projecting three dimensions to two, trying to simplify the problem to 2D is kind of pointless):
camera = new MapPoint(60, 60, 10);
camera_z = camera.x*zDistX + camera.y*zDistY + camera.z*zDistz;
// viewdist is the distance from the viewer's eye to the screen in
// "world units". You'll have to fiddle with this, probably.
viewdist = 10.0;
xa = mapP.x*xDistX + mapP.y*xDistY + mapP.z*xDistZ;
ya = mapP.x*yDistX + mapP.y*yDistY + mapP.z*yDistZ;
za = mapP.x*zDistX + mapP.y*zDistY + mapP.z*zDistZ;
zdist = camera_z - za;
scaling_factor = viewdist / zdist;
xa *= scaling_factor;
ya *= scaling_factor;
You're only going to return xa and ya from this function; za is just for the perspective calculation. I'm assuming the the "za-direction" points out of the screen, so if the pre-projection x-axis points towards the viewer then zDistX should be positive and vice-versa, and similarly for zDistY. For a trimetric projection you would probably have xDistZ==0, yDistZ<0, and zDistZ==0. This would make the pre-projection z-axis point straight up post-projection.
Now the bad news: this function doesn't have an inverse either. Any point (xa,ya) is the image of an infinite number of points (x,y,z). But! If you assume that z=0, then you can solve for x and y, which is possibly good enough.
To do that you'll have to do some linear algebra. Compute camera_x and camera_y similar to camera_z. That's the post-transformation coordinates of the camera. The point on the screen has post-tranformation coordinates (xa,ya,camera_z-viewdist). Draw a line through those two points, and calculate where in intersects the plane spanned by the vectors (xDistX, yDistX, zDistX) and (xDistY, yDistY, zDistY). In other words, you need to solve the equations:
x*xDistX + y*xDistY == s*camera_x + (1-s)*xa
x*yDistX + y*yDistY == s*camera_y + (1-s)*ya
x*zDistX + y*zDistY == s*camera_z + (1-s)*(camera_z - viewdist)
It's not pretty, but it will work.
I think that with your post i can solve the problem. Still, to clarify some questions:
Solving the problem in 2d is useless indeed, but this was only done to make the problem easier to grasp (for me and for the readers here). My program actually give's a perfect 3d projection (i checked it with 3d images rendered with blender). I did left something out about the inverse function though. The inverse function is only for coordinates between * 0.5 and 0.. camera.y*0.5. So in my example between 0 and 30. But even then i have doubt's about my function.
In my projection the z-axis is always straight up, so to calculate the height of an object i only used the vieuwingangle. But since you cant actually fly or jumpt into the sky everything has only a 2d point. This also means that when you try to solve the x and y, the z really is 0.
I know not every funcion has an inverse, and some functions do, but only for a particular domain. My basic thought in this all was... if i can draw a grid using a function... every point on that grid maps to exactly one map-point. I can read the x and y coordinate so if i just had the correct function i would be able to calculate the inverse.
But there is no better replacement then some good solid math, and im very glad you took the time to give a very helpfull responce :).
