Firestore get sub-collection of dynmically generated id? [duplicate] - firebase

Say I have this minimal database stored in Cloud Firestore. How could I retrieve the names of subCollection1 and subCollection2?
rootCollection {
aDocument: {
someField: { value: 1 },
anotherField: { value: 2 }
subCollection1: ...,
subCollection2: ...,
I would expect to be able to just read the ids off of aDocument, but only the fields show up when I get() the document.
.then(doc =>
// only logs [ "someField", "anotherField" ], no collections
console.log( Object.keys( )

It is not currently supported to get a list of (sub)collections from Firestore in the client SDKs (Web, iOS, Android).
In server-side SDKs this functionality does exist. For example, in Node.js you'll be after the ListCollectionIds method:
var firestore = require('firestore.v1beta1');
var client = firestore.v1beta1({
// optional auth parameters.
// Iterate over all elements.
var formattedParent = client.anyPathPath("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]", "[DOCUMENT]", "[ANY_PATH]");
client.listCollectionIds({parent: formattedParent}).then(function(responses) {
var resources = responses[0];
for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
// doThingsWith(resources[i])
.catch(function(err) {

It seems like they have added a method called getCollections() to Node.js:
firestore.doc(`/myCollection/myDocument`).getCollections().then(collections => {
for (let collection of collections) {
console.log(`Found collection with id: ${}`);
This example prints out all subcollections of the document at /myCollection/myDocument

Isn't this detailed in the documentation?
* Delete a collection, in batches of batchSize. Note that this does
* not recursively delete subcollections of documents in the collection
function deleteCollection(db, collectionRef, batchSize) {
var query = collectionRef.orderBy('__name__').limit(batchSize);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
function deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then((snapshot) => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = db.batch(); {
return batch.commit().then(function() {
return snapshot.size;
}).then(function(numDeleted) {
if (numDeleted <= batchSize) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(function() {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);

This answer is in the docs
Sadly the docs aren't clear what you import.
Based on the docs, my code ended up looking like this:
import admin, { firestore } from 'firebase-admin'
let collections: string[] = null
const adminRef: firestore.DocumentReference<any> = admin.firestore().doc(path)
const collectionRefs: firestore.CollectionReference[] = await adminRef.listCollections()
collections = firestore.CollectionReference) =>
This is of course Node.js server side code. As per the docs, this cannot be done on the client.


How to delete every collections from firestore

I cannot find a delete button in order to erase all collections on fireStore using the Firebase console at once. I can only remove the collections one by one.
Is there a way to delete everything from firebase console/import data from Json (like the firebase database) in FireStore or I have to write a script for that?
Wipe your firestore database from the command line in one go:
firebase firestore:delete --all-collections -y
There is no action in the Firebase console, nor an API, to delete all collections in one go.
If you need to delete all collections, you will either have to delete them one-by-one in the console, or indeed script the deletion by calling the API repeatedly.
Here is what I did:
deleteCollection(db, collectionPath, batchSize) {
let collectionRef = db.collection(collectionPath);
let query = collectionRef.orderBy('__name__').limit(batchSize);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then((snapshot) => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size === 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
let batch = db.batch(); => {
return batch.commit().then(() => {
return snapshot.size;
}).then((numDeleted) => {
if (numDeleted === 0) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(() => {
this.deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
flushDB() {
this.deleteCollection(db, 'users', 100)
this.deleteCollection(db, 'featureFlags', 100)
this.deleteCollection(db, 'preferences', 100)

Listing all the unreferenced existing sub collections [duplicate]

Say I have this minimal database stored in Cloud Firestore. How could I retrieve the names of subCollection1 and subCollection2?
rootCollection {
aDocument: {
someField: { value: 1 },
anotherField: { value: 2 }
subCollection1: ...,
subCollection2: ...,
I would expect to be able to just read the ids off of aDocument, but only the fields show up when I get() the document.
.then(doc =>
// only logs [ "someField", "anotherField" ], no collections
console.log( Object.keys( )
It is not currently supported to get a list of (sub)collections from Firestore in the client SDKs (Web, iOS, Android).
In server-side SDKs this functionality does exist. For example, in Node.js you'll be after the ListCollectionIds method:
var firestore = require('firestore.v1beta1');
var client = firestore.v1beta1({
// optional auth parameters.
// Iterate over all elements.
var formattedParent = client.anyPathPath("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]", "[DOCUMENT]", "[ANY_PATH]");
client.listCollectionIds({parent: formattedParent}).then(function(responses) {
var resources = responses[0];
for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
// doThingsWith(resources[i])
.catch(function(err) {
It seems like they have added a method called getCollections() to Node.js:
firestore.doc(`/myCollection/myDocument`).getCollections().then(collections => {
for (let collection of collections) {
console.log(`Found collection with id: ${}`);
This example prints out all subcollections of the document at /myCollection/myDocument
Isn't this detailed in the documentation?
* Delete a collection, in batches of batchSize. Note that this does
* not recursively delete subcollections of documents in the collection
function deleteCollection(db, collectionRef, batchSize) {
var query = collectionRef.orderBy('__name__').limit(batchSize);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
function deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then((snapshot) => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = db.batch(); {
return batch.commit().then(function() {
return snapshot.size;
}).then(function(numDeleted) {
if (numDeleted <= batchSize) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(function() {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
This answer is in the docs
Sadly the docs aren't clear what you import.
Based on the docs, my code ended up looking like this:
import admin, { firestore } from 'firebase-admin'
let collections: string[] = null
const adminRef: firestore.DocumentReference<any> = admin.firestore().doc(path)
const collectionRefs: firestore.CollectionReference[] = await adminRef.listCollections()
collections = firestore.CollectionReference) =>
This is of course Node.js server side code. As per the docs, this cannot be done on the client.

Does deleting a document from Firebase's Cloud Firestore delete any sub collections in that document?

Here is an example of how I am currently deleting documents:
let transactionsRef = db.collection(Globals.GroupsPath).document(Group.instance.getAll().id).collection(Globals.GroupTransactions)
let query = transactionsRef.whereField(Globals.TransactionCreator, isEqualTo: Auth.auth().currentUser!.uid)
query.getDocuments { (snapshot, error) in
guard error == nil else {
if let snapshot = snapshot {
let batch = self.db.batch()
for doc in snapshot.documents {
// TODO: Create an error here and return it.
I noticed however that after doing this that in the Firestore database the document is greyed out but I can still click on it and view collections within that document and their data!
Do I need to manually delete each item from the sub collection before deleting the parent document or does it just take a while for the delete to complete? What's going on here?
Deleting a document does not delete subcollections. You do need to manually delete all subcollections, as outlined here in the documentation. You will see that the documentation doesn't recommend deleting subcollections from the client because there are so many ways that could go wrong. It's labor-intensive for the client, may involve read and write permissions issues, etc. You'll want to use a server or serverless solution. So, for example, this is how deleting subcollections would work server-side with Node.js:
function deleteCollection(db, collectionPath, batchSize) {
var collectionRef = db.collection(collectionPath);
var query = collectionRef.orderBy('__name__').limit(batchSize);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
function deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then((snapshot) => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = db.batch(); => {
return batch.commit().then(() => {
return snapshot.size;
}).then((numDeleted) => {
if (numDeleted === 0) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(() => {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);

Can Firestore update multiple documents matching a condition, using one query?

In other words, I'm trying to figure out what is the Firestore equivalent to this in SQL:
UPDATE table SET field = 'foo' WHERE <condition>`
Yes, I am asking how to update multiple documents, at once, but unlike the linked questions, I'm specifically asking how to do this in one shot, without reading anything into memory, because there's no need to do so when all you want is to set a flag on all documents matching a condition.
field: 'foo',
is what I expected to work, CollectionReference doesn't have an .update method.
Transactions and Batched Writes documentation mentions transactions and batched writes. Transactions are out because "A transaction consists of any number of get() operations followed by any number of write operations" Batched writes are also not a solution because they work document-by-document.
With MongoDB, this would be
{ /* where clause */ },
{ $set: { field: 'foo' } }
So, can Firestore update multiple documents with one query, the way SQL database or MongoDB work, i.e. without requiring a round-trip to the client for each document? If not, how can this be done efficiently?
Updating a document in Cloud Firestore requires knowings its ID. Cloud Firestore does not support the equivalent of SQL's update queries.
You will always have to do this in two steps:
Run a query with your conditions to determine the document IDs
Update the documents with individual updates, or with one or more batched writes.
Note that you only need the document ID from step 1. So you could run a query that only returns the IDs. This is not possible in the client-side SDKs, but can be done through the REST API and Admin SDKs as shown here: How to get a list of document IDs in a collection Cloud Firestore?
Frank's answer is actually a great one and does solve the issue.
But for those in a hurry maybe this snippet might help you:
const updateAllFromCollection = async (collectionName) => {
const firebase = require('firebase-admin')
const collection = firebase.firestore().collection(collectionName)
const newDocumentBody = {
message: 'hello world'
collection.where('message', '==', 'goodbye world').get().then(response => {
let batch = firebase.firestore().batch() => {
const docRef = firebase.firestore().collection(collectionName).doc(
batch.update(docRef, newDocumentBody)
batch.commit().then(() => {
console.log(`updated all documents inside ${collectionName}`)
Just change what's inside the where function that queries the data and the newDocumentBody which is what's getting changed on every document.
Also don't forget to call the function with the collection's name.
The simplest approach is this
const ORDER_ITEMS = firebase.firestore().collection('OrderItems')
ORDER_ITEMS.where('order', '==', 2)
.then(snapshots => {
if (snapshots.size > 0) {
snapshots.forEach(orderItem => {
ORDER_ITEMS.doc({ status: 1 })
For Dart / Flutter user (editted from Renato Trombini Neto)
// CollectionReference collection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection('something');
// This collection can be a subcollection.
_updateAllFromCollection(CollectionReference collection) async {
var newDocumentBody = {"username": ''};
User firebaseUser = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser;
DocumentReference docRef;
var response = await collection.where('uid', isEqualTo: firebaseUser.uid).get();
var batch = FirebaseFirestore.instance.batch(); {
docRef = collection.doc(;
batch.update(docRef, newDocumentBody);
batch.commit().then((a) {
print('updated all documents inside Collection');
If anyone's looking for a Java solution:
public boolean bulkUpdate() {
try {
// see
int writeBatchLimit = 500;
int totalUpdates = 0;
while (totalUpdates % writeBatchLimit == 0) {
WriteBatch writeBatch = this.firestoreDB.batch();
// the query goes here
List<QueryDocumentSnapshot> documentsInBatch =
.whereEqualTo("graduated", false)
if (documentsInBatch.isEmpty()) {
// what I want to change goes here
document -> writeBatch.update(document.getReference(), "graduated", true));
totalUpdates += documentsInBatch.size();
System.out.println("Number of updates: " + totalUpdates);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
Combining the answers from Renato and David, plus async/await syntax for batch part. Also enclosing them a try/catch in case any promise fails:
const updateAllFromCollection = async (collectionName) => {
const firebase = require('firebase-admin');
const collection = firebase.firestore().collection(collectionName);
const newDocumentBody = { message: 'hello world' };
try {
const response = await collection.where('message', '==', 'goodbye world').get();
const batch = firebase.firestore().batch(); => {
batch.update(doc.ref, newDocumentBody);
await batch.commit(); //Done
console.log(`updated all documents inside ${collectionName}`);
} catch (err) {
I like some of the answers but I feel this is cleaner:
import * as admin from "firebase-admin";
const db = admin.firestore();
const updates = { status: "pending" }
await db
.where("status", "==", "open")
.then((snap) => {
let batch = db.batch(); => {
const ref = doc.ref;
batch.update(ref, updates);
return batch.commit();
It uses batched updates and the "ref" from the doc.
If you have already gathered uids for updating collections, simply do these steps.
if(uids.length) {
for(let i = 0; i < uids.length; i++) {
await (db.collection("collectionName")
.update({"fieldName": false});

Google Cloud Function to iterate collection in firestore [duplicate]

Say I have this minimal database stored in Cloud Firestore. How could I retrieve the names of subCollection1 and subCollection2?
rootCollection {
aDocument: {
someField: { value: 1 },
anotherField: { value: 2 }
subCollection1: ...,
subCollection2: ...,
I would expect to be able to just read the ids off of aDocument, but only the fields show up when I get() the document.
.then(doc =>
// only logs [ "someField", "anotherField" ], no collections
console.log( Object.keys( )
It is not currently supported to get a list of (sub)collections from Firestore in the client SDKs (Web, iOS, Android).
In server-side SDKs this functionality does exist. For example, in Node.js you'll be after the ListCollectionIds method:
var firestore = require('firestore.v1beta1');
var client = firestore.v1beta1({
// optional auth parameters.
// Iterate over all elements.
var formattedParent = client.anyPathPath("[PROJECT]", "[DATABASE]", "[DOCUMENT]", "[ANY_PATH]");
client.listCollectionIds({parent: formattedParent}).then(function(responses) {
var resources = responses[0];
for (var i = 0; i < resources.length; ++i) {
// doThingsWith(resources[i])
.catch(function(err) {
It seems like they have added a method called getCollections() to Node.js:
firestore.doc(`/myCollection/myDocument`).getCollections().then(collections => {
for (let collection of collections) {
console.log(`Found collection with id: ${}`);
This example prints out all subcollections of the document at /myCollection/myDocument
Isn't this detailed in the documentation?
* Delete a collection, in batches of batchSize. Note that this does
* not recursively delete subcollections of documents in the collection
function deleteCollection(db, collectionRef, batchSize) {
var query = collectionRef.orderBy('__name__').limit(batchSize);
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
function deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject) {
.then((snapshot) => {
// When there are no documents left, we are done
if (snapshot.size == 0) {
return 0;
// Delete documents in a batch
var batch = db.batch(); {
return batch.commit().then(function() {
return snapshot.size;
}).then(function(numDeleted) {
if (numDeleted <= batchSize) {
// Recurse on the next process tick, to avoid
// exploding the stack.
process.nextTick(function() {
deleteQueryBatch(db, query, batchSize, resolve, reject);
This answer is in the docs
Sadly the docs aren't clear what you import.
Based on the docs, my code ended up looking like this:
import admin, { firestore } from 'firebase-admin'
let collections: string[] = null
const adminRef: firestore.DocumentReference<any> = admin.firestore().doc(path)
const collectionRefs: firestore.CollectionReference[] = await adminRef.listCollections()
collections = firestore.CollectionReference) =>
This is of course Node.js server side code. As per the docs, this cannot be done on the client.
