MVCGrid.Net Paging unregistering jQuery event -

I have a document ready event registering a click event on the grid, everything works fine on page load however after I use pagination to move to the next page, the event is unregistered. Is this a known issue or does anyone know how to re-register the table click event after paging to the next page?
$('.table > tbody > tr').on('click', function () {
var row = $(this).closest('tr');
var jobNumber = row.find('td:nth-child(3)').text();

The problem is that the grid does a partial page load on pagination, the solution below worked for me although it's not that elegant.
$(document).click(function (e) {
if ($(".table > tbody > tr > td")) {
var parentRow = $('tr');
var jobNumber = parentRow.find('td:nth-child(3)').text();


openui5 1.38 attach event scrollbar

from the last version update (from openui5 1.36.12 to openui5 1.38.4) the following code is not working anymore:
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table();
myTable ._oVSb.attachScroll(function() {
I'm using the "attachScroll" event in order to color the table rows with a specific logic.
Since last openui5 version update I get this error in console:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'attachScroll' of undefined
I've tried to debug the problem and it seems that the object _oVSb has be removed from sap.ui.table.Table.
My final goal is to paint the rows with different colors based on the content ... is there any other way to reach this feature?
Even i want this event some how came to this thread. i tried #Dopedev solution it was not working then i changed bit in that as below
$("#<tablid>-vsb").scroll(function() {
console.log("Table is scrolled")
instead of getting the tbody get the table-id-vsb and attach the scroll function
You can still get scroll event for your table using .scroll() of jQuery.
onAfterRendering: function(){
//Register handler for scroll event
// your stuff
I know that one of the earlier posts was already marked as the 'right' answer, but it did not work for me, so I thought I would post my working solution, as it might be helpful to others. The following code will work to effectively 'attach' to the vertical scroll event of a table in 1.38:
onAfterRendering: function() {
if (this.firstTime) { //You only want to override this once
var oTable = this.getView().byId("<YOUR_ID_HERE>");
//Get a reference to whatever your custom handler is
var oHandler = this.handleScroll;
//Store a reference to the default handler method
var oVScroll = oTable.onvscroll;
oTable.origVScrollHandler = oVScroll;
oTable.onvscroll = function(i) {
//Call the 'default' UI5 handler
//Call your handler function, or whatever else you want to do
this.firstTime = false;
var myTable = new sap.ui.table.Table("myTable");
After rendering:
sap.ui.getCore().byId("myTable-vsb").attachScroll(function() {

Facebook Like button not rendering inside a reloaded GridView

I have a fb:like button inside the GridView and GridView is inside the update panel. The first time of page load the fb:like button showing but when we click the next button, on the next page the fb:like button doesn't render. Any idea what's wrong?
Due to the fact that you are updating the page with an update panel, the like button will not be rendered when only part of the page is updated. You will have to attach to the clientside updated event (in JS) and then trigger the Facebook XFBML render command:
more about this here:
You can do this using the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
var _panels, _count;
function pageLoaded(sender, args)
if (_panels != undefined && _panels.length > 0)
for (i=0; i < _panels.length; i++)
var panels = args.get_panelsUpdated();
if (panels.length > 0)
function updateFbLike()
this is taken from this article:
Richard's solution worked fine for me. I shortened the code to:
function EndRequestHandlerBerliner(sender, args) {
if (args.get_error() == undefined) {

Jquery help needed for onbeforeunload event

I am using jquery onbeforeunload event in application.
If i write event as given below then its working fine and display confirm dialog box.
var vGlobal = true;
var sMessage = "Leaving the page will lost in unsaved data!";
[ Working ]
> window.onbeforeunload = function() {
> if (vGlobal == false) return
> sMessage; }
but its not working if i use bind method like as given below
[ Not working ]
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function(e) {
if (vGlobal == false)
return sMessage;
Anybody suggest me why its not working.Is there any difference between these two methods.
Code on aspx:
<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
See the updated version
You need to bind all the events inside document ready event.
Apart from the fact that vGlobal is true and you are checking if (vGlobal == false), this smells like a $(document).ready() issue.
I.e. you should place the declaration inside a document.ready() handler as shown here:
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function(e) {
if (vGlobal == false)
return sMessage;
There is no benefit in using jQuery to bind the event to the window - all you are doing is adding the overhead of having jQuery parse the window into a jQuery object, which you aren't even using.
Therefore, using:
window.onbeforeunload = handler;
Is preferable to using jQuery to bind this event.
You can still perform the binding inside of the document ready section:
$(document).ready(function () {
window.onbeforeunload = handler;

Is it possible to force a menu popout to trigger on click instead of mouseover?

I use a ASP.NET Menu control with Orientation=Horizontal. It is kind of irritating that the popout menus appear on mouseover, which causes it to show by accident if you move the mouse over the menu when you want to click on something right below the menu. Then the menu popout hides the element you actually wanted to click on!
Is it possible to change the functionality so that the popout requires a mouse click instead of mouseover?
Well, I found a solution myself (kind of a hack...).
This solution requires use of AJAX to capture the menu item onclick postback event, so it can be picked up client side in javascript before doing the actual postback when you click the menu item.
First, I override these functions that is defined by the Menu control
to ignore the menu popout in the mouseover event:
var activeMenuItem = null;
function Menu_HoverStatic(item) {
// Register the active item to be able to access it from AJAX
// initialize postback event
activeMenuItem = item
// Apply the style formatting on mouseover (colors etc).
// This was also called in the original Menu_HoverStatic function.
function Menu_Unhover(item) {
activeMenuItem = null; // This is the only difference to the original
var node = (item.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td") ?
var nodeTable = WebForm_GetElementByTagName(node, "table");
if (nodeTable.hoverClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(nodeTable, nodeTable.hoverClass);
node = nodeTable.rows[0].cells[0].childNodes[0];
if (node.hoverHyperLinkClass) {
WebForm_RemoveClassName(node, node.hoverHyperLinkClass);
// Then I added a renamed copy of the original `Menu_HoverStatic` function:
function Menu_ClickStatic() {
// Pick up the active menu item that is set in the
// overridden Menu_HoverStatic function.
// In the original, the item was input parameter.
var item = activeMenuItem;
// The rest is identical to the original Menu_HoverStatic.
var node = Menu_HoverRoot(item);
var data = Menu_GetData(item);
if (!data) return;
__disappearAfter = data.disappearAfter;
Menu_Expand(node, data.horizontalOffset, data.verticalOffset);
Then I snap up the onclick postback event in AJAX that is triggered by the menu. This must be done to cancel the onclick postback and display the menu popout instead.
// Get the Page Request Manager that provides all the .NET
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
// Register postback event for asyncronous AJAX postbacks
if (prm) prm.add_initializeRequest(InitializePostback);
function InitializePostback(sender, args) {
var element = args.get_postBackElement();
//Check if the postback element is the menu
if ( == 'myMenu') {
// Name of the menu element that triggered is the postback argument
var postbackArguments = document.getElementById('__EVENTARGUMENT');
if (postbackArguments)
// Check on the menu item name to pick up only the menu items that shall
// trigger the popout (not the items that does an actual command).
if (postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem1'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem2'
|| postbackArguments.value == 'MenuTopItem3') {
// Abort and cancel the postback
Menu_ClickStatic(); // Call my own copy of the original function
I found out the details about these functions by using the script viewer in Firebug.
The soluton provided above doesn't work in everone's case. One can also try this out, it worked in my solution-
var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
jq(document).ready(function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
jq(document).on('click', '#ctl_id_Here', function () {
3 Steps:
Stop the current hovering effects:
On page load (or on ready), write following line: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');
Once you do that, it'll stop the hovering effect of that menu. But once you do that, then you would only be able to open the submenu by making it display block, so for that I wrote following lines, onclick of an image inside the menu: $('#Menu1').find('ul .level2').css('display','block');
Open the menu on click of an element: I don't think need to explain it. Just make menu display block on click of the identified element.
Close the opened menu: 2 ways to do it: First; Use property Disapperafter as below:
Second: Write below code to close it onclick of anywhere else on the screen:
$('body').click(function(evnt) {
if($('table#menu').length == 0)
$('#MenuInvitePatient').find('ul .level2').css('display','none');

Jquery code on load not firing

I have the following JQuery code in a external JS file linked into a
usercontrol in .Net 1.1 webapp.
The usercontrol is a timesheet.
When the page loads it calls MonthChange and works fine in one page.
But now I want to load the timesheet/usercontrol into aother
webpage that pops up a in a new browser window for printing.
Problem is my MonthChange is not firing.
Any ideas why???
$(function() {
$('[class^=TSGridTB]').blur(function() {
var day = GetDay($(this).attr('id'));
var date = GetRowDate(day);
var bgcolor = GetInputFieldColor(date, false);
$(this).css("background-color", bgcolor);
$(this).parent().css("background-color", bgcolor);
$('[class^=TSGridTB]').focus(function() {
var day = GetDay($(this).attr('id'));
var date = GetRowDate(day);
var bgcolor = GetInputFieldColor(date, true);
$(this).css("background-color", bgcolor);
$(this).parent().css("background-color", bgcolor);
$('[id$=lstMonth]').change(function() {
without seeing further code, ensure that the selector is correct for the control in the new page.
The problem may be that the DOM has changed for the new page/window and JQuery does not yet know about it.
The change event
fires when a control loses the input
focus and its value has been modified
since gaining focus.
You might want to use the live event:
Binds a handler to an event (like
click) for all current - and future -
matched element.
When you bind a "live" event it will
bind to all current and future
elements on the page (using event
delegation). For example if you bound
a live click to all "li" elements on
the page then added another li at a
later time - that click event would
continue to work for the new element
(this is not the case with bind which
must be re-bound on all new elements).
Did you make sure that the new web page has jQuery script includes?
ensure you're using:
around your entire code block. The $ alone often does not do the trick.
