I am trying to create a Sales Profitability by Customer Class and Item report using report designer. After including the table names in the Value field of Report designer this error is shown for Item column
Do I need to make changes to this screen to?
There is a table named InventoryItem having field InventoryCD in the database and I have used it in other reports too. But in this particular report it is giving error. Am I missing out something?
After linking ARTran to InventoryItem on the InventoryID, you need to update the group collection to InventoryItem.InventoryID.
I am using OpenERP report designer to alter the sales order report a bit.
I am trying to remove the internal reference of a product that appears in my invoices, sales orders and quotations....
Actions done:
I have created a new field through the delevoper mode and named it x_showintref which is a boolean ('x_showintref': fields.boolean('Show Internal Reference'))...
What to do:
I am trying to edit the sales - quotation report so that when the x_showintref is ticked, it will display the internal reference else it will not display the Internal Reference of the product.
Other Ideas:
Is there a way one can put this in a python script as well??
Many Thanks
Try this in your report. This will work.
[[ o.x_showintref==True and line.product_id.default_code or line.name ]]
I've been trying to print labels in dynamics AX 2012 r2.
I'm following this link:
Somehow when I get to the Product label report setup form, there is no reports in the report name dropdown.
See screencast: http://screencast.com/t/KVHAIKZ4cT
I have already deployed the RetailLabel report, (A4Landscape3X5_ItemReport and A4Portrait3X5_ShelfReport)
I have also installed the Retail Components.
Does anyone have an idea on how to get the report to show in the dropdown?
The lookup queries the system table UtilElements with the conditions name == 'RetailLabel*' and recordType == UtilElementType::OutputTool. Make sure the UtilElements table contains records for these conditions. The elements are output menu items called RetailLabelA4Landscape3x5_Item and RetailLabelA4Protrait3x5_Shelf. Also make sure that configuration key RetailHeadquarters is activated. I tested the lookup successfully on a AX 2012 R2 CU7 system.
I was able to fix this by modifying the query used in populating the dropdown list.
I'm using XtraReports 12.2.12 in my lightswitch project.
This projects connects to a sql database as datasource.
I created a report class and added a query as datasource for the report.
Then added a detailreport with the context menu -> "Insert detail report" to a bound list. (Suggested by xtrareports)
This bound report actually contains the data of a n to n mapping table with references to the corresponding tables. In the detailreport I try to display the data of one of these tables but receive only empty fields.
The funny thing is - the rowcount of empty rows (countable because of the labels I inserted into the report) is correct - only the data is missing.
I thought maybe the xtrareports component is not able to load the data from the referenced table but even the data from the detail report main table is not shown.
Maybe someone could give me a hint on how to solve this.
Thx in Advance
The solution for this problem was to get rid of the unbound datasource in the report and put every subreport in a separate report class and then insert XRSubReport Control in the main report to include the newly created report, pass parameters and handle BeforePrint events correctly.
I'm currently working on an ASP.Net WebForms application that allows a user to select an item from a list, which ultimately results in a SSRS report being shown, using Report Viewer 2010 (in server mode). The report has been coded with a parameter #id to allow the report to display the correct data for the selected item.
The reports dataset can return multiple rows where some of the data is displayed in a summary area at the top (not in the header section) for example a textbox would have the expression =FIRST(Fields!Address.Value, "dsMain"). The data returned is denormalized so Address will always be the same value. Which is why using FIRST() works. And the rest of the data is shown in a Tablix with grouping applied etc.
But now I'm looking to change this so users can select multiple items and therefore effectively show the report multiple times, but shown in the same report viewer control. The main requirement is to batch print the reports, so showing it in one report view control is important to allow for one click printing of everything.
Now because I didn't design the report in the first place and because its fairly complex in its layout and the sql that is executed; the sql is geared towards running for one id and not a list of them. I'm looking for options to not have to rewrite the report or the sql.
Is it possible to give the report viewer the id parameter as a list and let the report viewer execute same report for each id passed? - I know report parameter can accept multiple values but this isn't the same since the report will unintelligently pass the first value to my stored procedure but not repeat the report for the other values. Perhaps there's a setting in the report designer that allows it to repeat if it is passed multiple values?
Can someone suggest something else to get this working? Or is my only option to extend the report and sql to accept multiple id's and effectively redesign the report?
Thanks any suggestions or help with this.
The answer is to use sub-reports.
Create a new report that takes a list of ids as a multi valued parameter.
Use that parameter as the dataset for a list control.
Have a subreport inside the list. Report inside the list is your original report.
You can then pass each element of your dataset(your list of parameters) as parameter to the your sub-report.
SSRS will repeat it as your want.
I know how to modify a 'physical' report with a defined name, and called from a button. But, in Axapta there are some reports called from the print button in the toolbar.
How can one modify a system report like 'sysreportauto'?
The fields shown in the auto report comes from the AutoReport field group on the table.
You can, as a user, change the auto report, by clicking Edit\New, then choose the fields you would like to see.
You can also specify group totals in Select\Sorting, and grand totals in Select\Print options.