geom_hex and ggmap lat/long misallignment - r

I am new to geo-mapping and wanted to produce a hexagonal heatmap over a geographic map of Canada.
I have latiude and longitude within my original data set, and I even have a variable I wish to use to produce the "heat" of each hexagonal tile placed on the map, but I am encountering 2 problems.
1) it appears as if there is a vertical translation applied to each coordinate.
2) I do not know how to show "heat" of another variable and not show density for the heatmap.
My data is given as follows:
map<-get_map(location='Canada', zoom=3, maptype = "terrain",
dat<-data.frame(cbind(c(47.00735, 47.36228, 47.40399, 48.08666,47.57196, 47.63742),
c(-52.95892, -53.29399, -52.79987, -52.89429, -53.27813, -52.92653),
c(86301.14, 1017390.34, 2662332.67, 473139.73, 8251899.99, 167512.52)))
Now the interesting thing is, when I run the following code, I get a hexagonal heat map with respect to density:
ggplot(dat, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude,color=Rating))+
I get this output:
What I would like is a hexagonal heatmap where heat is shown by the Rating field.
Next, when I add a google map layer with the following code:
ggmap(map) +
ggplot(dat, aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude,color=Rating))+
I get the following error: Error: Don't know how to add o to a plot
If anyone know hows to remedy these issues, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


R: creating DEM of an imaginary map from png

I have drawn an imaginary map for fun, and I thought it would be even more fun to make a DEM for the imaginary country using R, just to add to the visualization. :)
Basically, I now have a png with the outline of the country. Just only with a black border, the rest is left white.
My plan was to create a raster from it, so I could eventually add values to every pixel in the map. Since it's a imaginary map, it doesn't have a coordinate system. I just set the extent as it is as png:
drawing <- raster('drawing.png')
extent(drawing) <- c(0, 388, 0, 348)
Then I create a dataframe with the points of which eventually the DEM is calculated from. Basically, I just randomly select pixel locations within the country (name them x and y) and assign a random value as height. For this I use a simple excel sheet:
samples <- read_excel('samples.xlsx')
coordinates(samples) <- ~x+y
spatlocations <- SpatialPoints(samples)
vectlocations <- vect(samples)
Then, I thought, I could create a map using Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), just to get a nice smooth gradient looking map. So it would possibly something like this:
result <- idw(unsampled, samples)
However, I fail to do this. I for example don't really know how to exactly work with the raster I created from the png, and the same for the sample points.
As you maybe can see, I am what you could consider a beginner :).
Is this possible at all? Is this methodology correct? How can I achieve such a map? Thanks in advance!

R: maps package: Able to extend map boundary to custom longitude range?

I'm using the map_data('world2') data in ggplot2 with geom_map to plot some data, but I've run into a bit of an issue. I've divided up my regions into 3 longitude ranges (40E-140E, 140E-100W,100W-40E). As you can see, it doesn't fit neatly either into the (180W,180E) or (0,360) longitude ranges of the two world maps, so when I try to plot the data with a longitude axis that has a range encompassing the data, I get a blank portion of map on the right.
Is there a way to plot an extra slice of the map (i.e. 0->40E if using 'world2') adjacent to longitude 359? I tried manually adjusting the longitude values by doing the following:
m$long<-ifelse((m$long>=0 & m$long<=40),m$long+360,m$long)
coord_fixed(xlim=c(40,400),ylim=c(-90,90)) +
geom_map(data= m, map = m, aes(map_id=region))
However, the resulting map is an ungodly mess, likely because the polygons are now all screwed up. Any thoughts?
I just needed to modify m to the following:

Creating Heat Map using Krigging

I'm trying to create a good heat map using Krigging for missing values.
I have the following data, that contains all the values that have been measured for RLevel.
I followed the following link that tells how to use krigging.
This is the following code I wrote. Before these steps, I had removed all the values from my DieData that
needed values to be tested. The values that need to be tested are refered as in my code.
#Step3: Convert to SpatialPointsDataFrame Object
coordinates( = ~X+Y
#Step 4: Get the prediction Grid
#Using autokride method
kr = autoKrige(RLevel,,,nmax=20)
predicted_die_values <- kr$krige_output
predicted_die_model <- kr$var_model
#Get Predictions. Plot the predicted on heat map.
g <- gstat(NULL,"RLevel",RLevel~1,, model=predicted_die_model,nmax=1)
predictedSet <- predict(g,,BLUE=TRUE)
#Plot the krigging graph
predicted_die_values %>% %>% ggplot(aes(x=X,y=Y)) + geom_tile(aes(fill=v1.pred))+coord_equal() +scale_fill_gradient(low="yellow",high="red")+scale_x_continuous()+scale_y_continuous()+theme_bw()
When I plot the graph, I get the following image from the values that have been tested by the KRIGING METHOD.
My question is how can I show a good heat map with predicted points from KRIG and from the points already have. I want my graph to show something like this from the link above I had posted.
Description about my dataset: My original dataset including NA values that have not been tested contains around 55057 points. When I take out NA values and use that are my prediction grid, I get 390 points. Majority of the values for RLevel are within 30's range except around 100-200 points are above 100.
Can anyone help me out or give me guidance of how to produce a good heatmap?

How can I get the area of each Voronoi Polygon in R?

I have a set of coordinates X and Y for my points and used the deldir to create determine and plot the Voronoi Polygons. (I've used this tutorial here)
This is my plot: (sorry that its so small, but you get the idea).
I need to determine the area of each polygon. How can I do that?
I looked up in the deldirpackage page and couldnt find anything related to the Voronoi polygons, only about other
Based on the reference manual (, the output of the deldir function is a list. One of the list element, summary, is a data frame, which contains a column called dir.area. This is the the area of the Dirichlet tile surrounding the point, which could be what you are looking for.
Below I am using the example from the reference manual. Use $ to access the summary data frame.
x <- c(2.3,3.0,7.0,1.0,3.0,8.0)
y <- c(2.3,3.0,2.0,5.0,8.0,9.0)
dxy1 <- deldir(x,y)

Contour plot with 90 degree angles

I have a matrix, say cmat <- matrix(c(0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,1),3,3) and I would like to plot the exact contours of the "region" with containing ones.
When using a contourplot(cmat) what I get is lines that define a sort of "smoothed" contour rather than following exactly the tiles. What I would like is a graph made only out of vertical and horizontal lines.
Does anyone know a function performing that?
Thanks in advance,
