Create a template page for html that can be used on every page -

I would like to build the equivalent of a _layouts.cshtml page that I can use with every page in my web app. I don't want to use cshtml or razor though I want to use html. Is there a simple way to convert the _layouts page to standard html and then include it with the other pages in the app?
I have inherited an app that uses cshtml, with a _layouts page for menus and some content styling used on each page. I can duplicate the content on every page, but would prefer to have a generic solution for it. The client does not want to use cshtml pages. Any java library, such as AngularJS that would provide tools is ok for me to use. I'm not a front-end guy and this is a relatively low budget operation where I'm working for free. TIA.

i'm not familiar with .cshtml but on an html page you could use an iframe and update the contents of the iframe with different pages as needed.
you could also get external html and put it on the current page using jquery's get().
// get the contents of 'test.html' and put it into the 'result' element
// on the current page.
$.get("ajax/test.html", function(data) {
$(".result" ).html( data );
alert("Load was performed.");


Prevent jQuery mobile link caching

I have a website with some header links in master page. For some of them I added link to jQuery mobile script to format those specific pages (forms) to look good on phones/tablets.
But after I load one of those pages and then click on some other page, it somehow caches the current page and although I can see the correct page being loaded for split second, it then reloads previous page. I don't know why this happens, but I know that culprit is the jQm link, because if I remove it, it works like expected (without the mobile design though).
I don't use data-role="page" attribute or anything, just classic page.
jQuery Mobile uses it's own kind of navigation model by default. It injects multiple specifically formatted pages into current page using AJAX. You probably need to disable it using code snippet below:
$( document ).on( "mobileinit", function() {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
For more information check jQuery Mobile documentation navigation model and global configuration pages.

How to scrape data in a page with jquery button click using HtmlAgility pack

I am trying to scrape data from a page with similar content(Shopping website) using HtmlAgility pack.
There is a button to load more items designed of tag. On click it loads more items on same page.
If it is designed using tag then I will get the next items using the href attribute URL in tag and also I will be loading new page for the new next items, So no problem.
But here no new URL and items loaded on same page.
So is there any way to get this functionality implemented? How to trigger that load more button to get more items?
HtmlAgilityPack is an html parser alone, it knows only to parse a static html document. what you want may be accomplished using selenium web driver.
Another possibility is - if the number of item load actions is so that you can complete the loading manually - do so and save the resulting html locally, and only afterwards use HtmlAgiliyPack to parse the static html you stored locally (instead of parsing the http response).
Share the link of the site you are talking about so I can add some code snippets to exemplify.

jquery mobile 1.4.5 single-page template href querystring ajax

I am a newbie to JQM (I use 1.4.5) and my webapp ( C# apache Cordova) contains many separate pages of .cshtml (single-page template) only. I am testing my webapp on a Samsung Galaxy Grand using Android 4.2.2
I am not sure about my understanding of 'linking pages', even after reading all the JQM docs on this and also after reading up many, many posts on this topic about passing querystring values to another page; mainly because I find that ALMOST ALL the examples are directed towards providing answers for internal pages (Multi-Page template) within a single html page.
So I request some of you JQM experts to confirm or correct the following understanding of mine....
From the JQM docs I understood that
I could use in any link (e.g button), href="page2.cshtml?par1=1&par2=2"; and JQM will automatically use Ajax for this link to work.
I also understood that use of querystring is always allowed in such cases of different html pages of the same domain and it will work via Ajax automatically ; so long as the attr such as rel="external", data-ajax="false" etc. are not used in the same link.
but querystrings are not allowed in case of the internal pages (multi-page template) only....;
and if I need to use the above href to link to a page in another domain e.g., then I need to use rel="external".
Are all my above points (that reflect my understanding) CORRECT? KIndly confirm ro please correct me ...
In my app, I find that most of the links work according to my understanding as above, to connect to different pages in the same domain; and I assume it happens via Ajax. Is it correct? I am also able to use the querystring params in page2 ( i.e. To-Page).
But in one case, though it works, in the To-Page the Panel features do not operate correctly, unless I introduce rel="external' in the href link !!! I suppose it means it IS NOT AJAX anymore? Also I am unable to find the reason..
Further independent of the above topic, I face another issue. The loading time (i.e. Time taken to display the To-Page) varies.
Mostly it is OK, but at times the loading-circle goes on forever.... and I presume it has crashed....??? then If I go back using the back button and come forward again, many times it loads immediately...!!!!!
Any thoughts or suggestions.....?
Thanks in anticipation...
Before you can worry about how to pass attributes from one page to another you need to understand the difference between multi-page and multi-HTML templates.
Multi HTML page template
Smaller and lighter, each data-role=”page” is inside a separate HTML file and page structure is much more modular.
Can become even smaller if every subsequent HTML page is stripped from HEAD content, or anything that isn’t data-role=”page” div. Unfortunately in this case fallback if JavaScript is not supported is out of question.
DOM size is relatively small, only first page is permanently loaded into the DOM, any other page will also be loaded into the DOM but at the same time it will also be removed when not used actively, basically each time you move from it.
Better fallback if JavaScript is not supported. Works great in desktop browsers after a page refresh, mainly because every HTML page has an existing HEAD content. This also allows your app to behave like normal web app mainly because AJAX can be turned off.
Multipage template
Since all pages are already loaded, no additional requests are generated for navigating between pages.
First load is slower as the file size is larger, but subsequent page navigation is fast, thus making transitions much more smooth. Almost native-like smooth, emphasize on almost.
Suitable for relatively smaller applications and situations where you know the capabilities of your target platforms including presence of JavaScript support, thus making it a great solution for a hybrid app. It works much better as a Phonegap app then multi HTML template.
The “page” data-role element is required.
More about this topic can be found here: Multipage template vs Multi HTML template in jQuery Mobile
Now let's talk about how to properly pass data between jQuery Mobile pages.
jQuery Mobile uses AJAX by default
You can turn off AJAX using rel="external"
If you turn off AJAX you will lose almost everything good about jQuery Mobile, including animations. So if you don't want AJAX page handling better find some other responsive framework like Bootstrap or Foundation.
If you don't want to use AJAX you can still use querystrings but inside a href or via changePage function.
Better querystrings alternatives:
Global object.
If you're using AJAX you can simply use a global object(s) to store all of your data.
Something like this:
// Store object
var storeObject = {
parameter1: null,
parameter2 : null
Access data from the previous page
Again if you're using AJAX you don't need to pass any data because all that data is till in the DOM.
// Store object
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#second', function(e, data){
alert("My name is " + data.prevPage.find('#test-input').val());
Localstorage or Sessionstorage
This solution will work no matter if you use AJAX or not.
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#index', function(){
$(document).on('click', '#change-page-button', function(){
// store some data
if(typeof(Storage)!=="undefined") {
// Change page
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#second', function(){
alert('My name is ' + localStorage.firstname + ' ' + localStorage.lastname);
// Lets change localStorage data before we go to the next page
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', '#third', function(){
alert('My name is ' + localStorage.firstname + ' ' + localStorage.lastname);
Send data through changePage function or via href
// Send
$.mobile.changePage('page2.html', { dataUrl : "page2.html?paremeter=123", data : { 'paremeter' : '123' }, reloadPage : true, changeHash : true});
Send parameter
receive that same data:
$(document).on('pagebeforeshow', "#index", function (event, data) {
var parameters = $(this).data("url").split("?")[1];;
parameter = parameters.replace("parameter=","");
If you need more information about this solutions including working examples find them here: Passing data between jQuery Mobile pages
Several methods mentioned here are deprecated (still usable) in the version 1.4. Though you don't need to worry about that, almost everything here will be unusable in version 1.5. This new version will overhaul jQuery Mobile from the bottom to the top.
Yes, you can use any such link and jQuery Mobile will use AJAX. If you take a look at my previous examples you will find a working one.
If you want AJAX you CAN'T use rel="external", data-ajax="false" though stringquerys will work in bot cases.
Correct they will only work in multi-HTML template. Though there used to be a 3rd party plugin that allowed this to work with multi-page template but I don't think it works with newer jQuery Mobile versions.
Correct, if you want to link external page you need to use rel="external".

How to include HTML contents from another site? I have access to both sites

I have a site which is using DNN (DotNetNuke) as a content management system. I am using another site for my event registrations. I have sent them my template; which displays the basics including a hover menu with many different items in it.
Issue is - as I update the menu on my site using DNN, I need it to be reflected on the site using my template - without me having to send them a new file. Anyone have suggetsions on how to approach this?
I don't want to send the events provider all of the DNN DLLs as well as my database login information in order to render the menu.
I created a page on my site that is something like 'menu.aspx' - this produces the menu in HTML format, however it has tags like in it that I'd like to remove before serving it to them.
What is the best approach for this? Do I need to write a custom server control using XMLHttp? Can I accomplish this in Javascript?
Any advice much appreciated.
Thank you!
If both sites are hosted on the same domain (eg and you can use JavaScript and XmlHttpRequest to insert code from one site to another. Otherwise, the Same Origin Policy prevents you from using AJAX.
If they're not on the same domain but you have access to the page on their website, you can simply include there a JS script from your site :
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
In the JS, simply document.write() what you want on the page. This way, you can easily change the content of the page on their site without having to send them a new file.
Finally, you can also use an iframe on their site, pointing to a page on yours.
EDIT: As Vincent E. pointed out, this will only work if they're on the same domain - my bad.
If you are unwilling or unable to use frames, then I would set up an ashx on your DNN server which renders the menu (if you've got it in a user control all the better, as you can just instatiate it and Render it directly to the output stream) and then just make an Ajax call to that from your events page and insert it directly into the DOM.
Here's a quick and hacky jquery-based example of the events page end of things:
<script type="text/javascript">
function RenderMenu(data)
$(document).ready(function() {
type : 'GET',
url : 'http://localhost/AjaxHandlers/Menu.ashx',
data : '',
success : RenderMenu,
You'll want an empty div with the ID 'Menu' on the page where you want your menu to sit, but apart from that you're good to go.
If for whatever reason you can't get the menu HTML in an isolated way, then you'll need to do some text processing in RenderMenu, but it's still do-able.
I am not a web expert, so don't shoot me.
Can't you just put their registration form into an iFrame in DNN ?

How do I use Google Analytics with Sitecore 6?

I know that I need to add the tracking code snippet at the bottom of all my pages, but is there a central location to do this?
Or do I need to add this tracking code to all of my templates?
I guess that I could wrap the snippet in a user control, or external .js file, and reference it on each page, but is there a global footer somewhere? The site I'm working on has about 30-40 layouts, and adding it to each one would be a pain!
Thanks in advance!
Actually, the role of a Sitecore layout is exactly this; to act as a global file that all individual page templates "derive" from.
Normally you'd stick the analytics code into the master layout, and use Sitecore sublayout/placeholder techniques to construct the various page templates you need. You would not normally need more than perhaps one or two layouts for any device you are serving content to. And I guess for most sites, the only device in use is regular web content delivery.
That being said, what you could do, is have all the layouts inherit their codebase from a common base class (inheriting from Page), and inject the google code centrally from here. Would still require you to go through all layout files however.
I have not tried the module, I think that is codebehind version. I have made this in XSLT, its pretty fast and easy to make. I have footer.xslt where I put the code that simply checks if page you are standing on uses template that I want to index and does not belong to page names that I want to exclude. Then I have an item with a custom template for Google Analytics with following memo fields.
IncludeTemplates -field contains list of templates that I want to include for analytics :
ExcludeItemsNames -field for excluding pages by item name
contains($includeTemplates, concat('|',./#template,'|')) and not(contains($excludeItemNames, concat('|',./#template,'|')))
Remember #key and #template is always in small letters
If you run many domains don't forget to add pageTracker._setDomainName(""); in analytics script so you can separate sub-domains etc. if they use same footer.xslt
Normally we consider the actual Google code as content. Within Sitecore we normally have a settings folder, something like /sitecore/content/settings. This exists outside the root of the site. Beneath this have a settings item with a plain multi-line text field, I think the field type is memo or something similar.
Afterwards create an XSLT that renders out the content of this settings item. Something like (assuming the field is called value in the setting item):
<xsl:value-of select="sc:fld('Value','/sitecore/content/settings/footerJavaScript')" />
You may or may not need to set the disable-output-escaping attribute.
Then on the aspx page that your pages use as the template add a control that looks at the xslt rendering:
<sc:XslFile runat="server" Path="/xsl/footerJavaScript" />
The reason that we normally keep the javascript as content is this allows the client to change the analytics code without having to contact us.
