Unity for MVC5 in NuGet - unity-container

I want to use Unity for MVC 5. I found this Link:- http://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/dacca2/implement-ioc-using-unity-in-mvc-5/
I don't find Unity Bootstrapper for MVC5 in NuGet. What would be its equivalent ?
I think what I am looking for is Unity Application Block for MVC5.
I need these following libraries which would be compatible with MVC5:-
Which Package from NuGet should I download ??

The ownership changed after version 4.01. There have been namespace changes and possibly some API changes but it works with MVC 5.
The packages you need are
and possibly Unity.WebApi
Most of documentation and articles on the web is for version 4. If this is your first time working with a DI container you may want to use the 4.01 version so you can follow along with those online resources.


How Syncfusion.blazor could work using refrences?

image view
i have installed syncfusion.blazor component from nuget package and its updated in references, but when I am trying to use it its showing refrence couldnot be found, what could be the possible reason and solution ?
From what I've tested, it looks like you created a blazor webassembly app based on .Net Core 3.1(out of support).
But if you check the syncfusion.blazer nuget package, you can find that it is based on .Net 6.0 or .Net 7.0.
At least try to use .Net 6.0, .Net Core 3.1 is out of support.
Based on the given screenshot, you have registered the Syncfusion Blazor service in the server project (DMSBlazor.Server). To resolve this issue, you should register it in the client project's ~/Program.cs file. For more details, refer to this link.

NuGet Server for .NET Core

The NuGet.Server package is used to create a ASP.NET MVC NuGet server and it works just fine. There is another package NuGet.Server.Core that is expected to do the same when hosted within a ASP.NET Core (perhaps 1.0 or 1.1?).
The first one creates 'Packages' folder right beneath the main folder used as a package repository.
No such things happens after installing the Core version. I tried both root and a dedicated folder. Googling a bit, I found no info about installing the package and integrating it in a ASP.NET Core app.
Has anyone succeeded in installing the Core version? Also, there's another version NuGet.Server.V2 which depends on NuGet.Server.Core, however it requires .NET Framework 4.6.1. This makes me think that NuGet.Server.Core is not targetting .NET Core at all.
If so, the name must be somewhat misleading, I guess...
Yes, this is the answer:
No .NET Core whatsoever! Just .NET Framework 4.6.1. Not a big discovery but a warning to all devs who, like me, were (and, more importantly, will be!) misled by 'Core' in the package's name.
Here's a 3rd party option (free)
Nuget.Server.Core seems to be one of the dependencies of Nuget.Server. So it's not a .NET Core project. Guess that's one of those snags you run into when you call your framework "Core". :)
I think you can use BaGet.
There is my article about that.
Check this :
Create your own NuGet server and package feed

.net standard library with HttpCient for xamarin forms

I was trying to create a common library for using HttpClient to consume an API. I was planning to make it in .net standard so as to share it with my xamarin.forms project right now and any future ones. However the highest version of .net standard I managed to use was 1.0. HttpClient needs standard2.0. I have included the latest version of .netstandard nuget into my xamarin.forms.
I have noticed that xamarin.forms runs in net4.5. According to the documentations the max I can go with this is standard1.1. Is there any work around around these to a .net standard common project or is my only option to make a .net framework project/xamarin portable library?
I used to be in the same situation and I managed to pull through this. First I tried to upgrade my current PCL project to .netStandard, but it was always failing, so I decided to create a new Project A Class Library (.NETStandard), moved all my files to the new project and re-install all nuget packages.
New project configuration:
Target Framwork: .NET Standard 2.0
Output type: Class Library
Make sure you're using Microsoft Visual Studio > version 15.3
Hope it helps.
I did manage to get HttpClient working in .net standard after manually importing the class. It needed an additional reference which is why it threw an error when I downgraded from .netcore.
This seems to work sometimes and throws reference errors other times. These errors go when I close and re-open visual studios.

Project not compatible with netcoreapp2.0

I'm trying to add a full framework class library as a project reference to asp.net core 2.0 MVC project and getting the below error.
Project XYZ is not compatible with netcoreapp2.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0).
Project XYZ supports: net462 (.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2)
I have updated to the most recent version of Visual studio i.e, 15.3.5.
Is it even possible to reference 4.6.2 libraries in core 2.0 projects?
The first thing that you can try is to compile the library you want to consume as netstandard2.0.
Theoretically (according to the .net standard documentation), this will make it compatible with projects using net461 and later as well as netcoreapp2.0 and later.
In practice, sometimes you will end up with a problem with one of your dependencies that don't provide the same library version across different compilation targets.
In such cases you may simply need to add the .net core 2.0 as a target framework for the XYZ library.
The xml tag listing the targets is <TargetFrameworks> in the XYZ.csproj file and is not handled by the Gui of the project's properties.
So I would give a try at editing the XYZ.csproj by hand and add or replace what's listed as <TargetFrameworks> with netcoreapp2.0.
If you are adding it as additional target you need to separate them with ';' as in
More details about this in this Microsoft doc.
Please keep in mind that this will trigger multiple compilations and will slow your build consequently...
It should be. Microsoft announced a ".NET Framework Compatibility Mode" with the release of .NET Standard 2.0. However, they didn't go into great detail about how it works exactly, or what to troubleshoot if it doesn't. Additionally, they only specific talk about it in relationship to Nuget packages, so it's possible there's some role Nuget is playing in the process, as well. Unfortunately, I've been unable to find any additional information about this feature outside of the announcement post.
That said, Microsoft's explicit recommendation is to not rely on the fact that your .NET Framework library may just happen to work in .NET Core; instead, you should be actively porting .NET Framework libraries you control to .NET Standard. I'd say you're likely going to spend more time trying to figure out why it doesn't "just work" than you would porting your code, so that it will definitely work, and be future-proof to boot.
The following solution worked for me.
Deleted bin and obj folders from all the projects in the solution, rebuild and if it still doesn't work try changing browser from debug options. for eg. If you already have chrome as default browser in Visual studio, switch to Edge or Firefox.

How to obtain System.Web.Http.Tracing.dll?

I read about Web API having its own TraceWriter implementation with 2012.2, for example here, among other sources.
I am now using VS2013 with .NET 4.5.1 and the EnableSystemDiagnosticsTracing is nowhere to be found. It's meant to be defined in the HttpConfigurationTracingExtensions class which resides in the System.Web.Http.Tracing.dll. However, this assembly is nowhere to be found - not in list of assemblies in the Add Reference dialog, not in GAC.
Where is this assembly supposed to come from? Docs say it's part of .NET Framework 4, which I have installed. Also installed the ASP.NET Web API 2 Tracing 5.0.0 NuGet package. Is there some update? Should I re-install .NET Framework?
I know it's not a big deal to implement ITraceWriter myself but it bothers me not to know what happened with the built-in implementation.
Just install needed NuGet Package
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Tracing -Version 5.0.0
It's a little bit strange, but it is the right package
If you installed the Tracing 5.0.0 NuGet package, it should be correctly included in your project. The moment it is installed, I believe a separate text file should open in VS showing the code you should include in your WebApiConfig.cs file.
I haven't created a Web API 2 project from scratch (only upgraded from pre-5.0 to 5.0 projects), but this is the code that should reside in your WebApiConfig.cs file:
// To disable tracing in your application, please comment out or remove the following line of code
// For more information, refer to: http://www.asp.net/web-api
And that should be it, if the package is installed correctly, tracing should now be used in your project.
