How to make a modal control non draggable in zAppDev? - zappdev

By default the Modal control is draggable.
Is there a way to prevent that?

I just found that you could click the IsStatic checkbox under Modal control properties


How to remove unknown property created during opening of a mat-select modal

I am facing problem on removing unknown division created during opening of a mat-select.
When I am opening a modal and after selecting values ,I need to click directly on the button given on side but because of some property of modal a div is getting created and I have to do two clicks on the button to apply changes.
Right now when I am clicking outside the mat-select modal to make it close then clicking on button it is going correct. But I need to open modal -> select options -> direct click on the button given.
Something in the background is blocking the first click when opening a mat-select modal. I am not able to see what is that. Is there some css property that can be block ? I am not getting exact hidden problem.
Modals in Angular Material create something that's called 'backdrop' by default. This backdrop is like a layer right behind your modal, filling the whole page. If you click somewhere on the page, your target will be the backdrop, which then closes the modal.
So for you to achieve, what you want to achieve, you have the following options:
edit the backdrop behavior to not prevent the default click action, so that clicks on the backdrop close the modal but also trigger the action you want
remove the backdrop on opening of the modal (this can be done by setting a flag hasBackdrop in the open methods config parameters) and close the modal programmatically by triggering the close method of the MatDialogRef
This is standard modal behavior, you should include all your needed options either before opening a modal or in the modal itself after being opened.

jQuery UI Dialog hiding scroll bars

Scrolling becomes disabled when opening a jQuery UI dialog, even when it's open as non Modal.
It doesn't seem to be any option to control this behaviour.
How to prevent that?
I've found a working solution myself.
Just after opening the dialog, add this piece of code:
$("html,body").css("scroll", "auto");
IMO, it has no sense at all to block scrolling when opening a non modal dialog. I'd say this is a bug or a missunderstanding of what a non-modal dialog is.

Qt - window over modal dialog

I have next problem:
I have one modal dialog over main app, but I need to show help dialog of that modal dialog in front of anything (even that modal dialog).
Is there a way to accomplish this without making my modal dialog non-modal.
If the help dialog would be in front of the modal dialog, how could the user close the modal dialog? The user could not interact with the help dialog in any way. I wouldn't recommend making a user interface that works differently than all other similar interfaces with modal dialogs.
Maybe you could move the help text from the help dialog to the modal dialog?
Just create another modal style dialog for the help dialog from within the dialog you've already created. You couldn't select select help from anything but that anyway.

Drag content in and out of a jQuery UI dialog

Is it possible to drag stuff out of a jQuery UI dialog and drop it onto the page? I'm using html() function to move data between the dialog and the page, but it would be cool to have the drag and drop effect.
Make the content of the jQuery UI dialog draggable and the place where you want to drop it droppable.

Referencing parent window from an iframe on a modal popup

I am using the AJAX modalpopupextender and I have an iframe embedded in the modal popup. I need to be able to reference the parent window (the window from which the modal popup was launched) to reload/change the URL when certain events on the modal popup are fired. I have tried window. top, window.parent, opener, root, etc., and have had no success. Any help would be appreciated.
Something along the lines of:
I've created a modal popup a bit like that in the past, and that selector enabled me to start mucking around with the DOM on the page that opened the window.
See more here or here
