Individual tag colour for tags - ghost-blog

I have about six tags that I use on my blog. On the index.hbs page, I display each post in a small box, with the title, tag and author. I was wondering if there was a way to style each of those tags a different colour. For example, tag-1 would be red, tag-2 would be blue, and so on.
Here is my current code for a item on the home page—
<div class="synk-item ff-card shape-rounded bg-white shadow-mild">
<a href="{{url}}">
{{#if primary_tag}}
<p class="post-category category-product no-margin">{{}}</p>
<h4 class="margin-top-fixed">{{title}}</h3>
<div class="margin-top-tiny vertically-center-items">
{{#if author.profile_image}}
<img class="icon-small shape-circular margin-right-fixed show-inline " src="{{author.profile_image}}" alt="{{}}" />
<p class="post-author text-small show-inline">{{author}}</p>
I'd like that primary tag to have a specific colour based on the tag. Is that possible?

First, you'd need to assign a class. All Ghost resources (tags, posts, users) have a "slug" property, that is used in URLs and is also valid for classes.
So you would do something like this:
{{#if primary_tag}}
<p class="post-category category-product no-margin tag-{{primary_tag.slug}}">{{}}</p>
Then assuming you have a primary tag called "Foo Bar" and one called "Buzz", the slugs would be foo-bar & buzz, and the classes would be tag-foo-bar and tag-buzz.
In your CSS you can then setup appropriate rules. A crude example would be:
.tag-foo-bar {
background: red;
.tag-buzz {
background: blue;


woocoomerce checkout page edit [duplicate]

I would like to add some text under the "Place Order" button at WooCommerce checkout.
I'm using the woocommerce_review_order_after_submit hook:
add_action( 'woocommerce_review_order_after_submit', 'add_after_checkout_button' );
function add_after_checkout_button() {
echo '<p>By clicking on the purchase button, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</p>';
Result (screenshot):
Could someone please help me edit this code to:
Add some space at the top (between the text and the "Place Order"
Center align the text
Turn "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy" into clickable links
Decrease the line-height of the text
Decrease the font size
Is there a way to give this text a CSS class so I can control the styling of it with custom CSS? Or is possible to somehow type the custom CSS in the code snippet itself?
I've got 2 pieces of code.
Nr 1:
add_action( 'woocommerce_review_order_after_submit', 'add_after_checkout_button' );
function add_after_checkout_button() {
echo '<p class="text-under-place-order">By clicking on the purchase button, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</p>';
Nr 2:
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<i class="fas fa-lock"></i>
SSL encrypted payment
<div class="column">
<i class="fas fa-undo"></i>
100% money-back guarantee
Code snippet Nr 1 solves my initial question.
Code snippet Nr 2 is an addition to display "encrypted payment" and "money-back guarantee" above the text as per my request in the comments.
I don't know how to merge these 2 pieces of code into 1.
You could add a class like this:
function add_after_checkout_button() {
echo '<p class="yourClassName">By clicking on the purchase button, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</p>';
Or use css inline like this:
function add_after_checkout_button() {
echo '<p style="padding-top: 10px;">By clicking on the purchase button, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy</p>';
To turn the text into links just use a Terms and Service tag inside, just like you already did with the <p>.
HTML and CSS code to add an "encrypted payment" and "money-back guarantee" as requested in the comments:
<script src="" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div class="row">
<div class="column">
<i class="fas fa-lock"></i>
SSL encrypted payment
<div class="column">
<i class="fas fa-undo"></i>
100% money-back guarantee
.row {
display: flex;
text-align: center;
.column {
flex: 50%;
You should just add a class to your tag <p></p> and style it in your style.css file in your child theme.
For the links, just add tags around the words "Terms of Service" and "Privacy Policy"

How can I set an interpolated value, as a style property in Angular?

Before creating this question, I've read all the question existing, and none of the answers has fixed my issue.
Well, I'm fetching a data from API, {{ album.image["3"]["#text"] }} - is the link to the .png file which I would like to set as background-image of the . Here is the example of my code:
<div class="album-grid">
<div *ngFor="let album of albums">
<div class="album"> <--! I want here to set a backgroundImage for each album-->
<h4>{{ }},</h4>
<h5>by {{ }}</h5>
<p>{{ album.image["3"]["#text"] }}</p> <--! this is the link to .png file I'm getting from server -->
here is the solutions I've tried, but none of them helped me:
[style]="backgroundImage: {{album.image['3']['#text']}"
[ngStyle]="{ 'backgroundImage': album.image['3']['#text'] }"
Link to my repo ->
On a picture, you can see a grid of albums, with the album name, artist name, and link to album cover file which need to be a background image
click here
You are missing the url() part.
Try the following (as seen in your repository)
<div class="album" [ngStyle]="{ 'backgroundImage': 'url('+ album.image['3']['#text'] + ')'}">
<h4>{{ }},</h4>
<h5>by {{ }}</h5>

How to target specific line of text within text-widget in WordPress?

I have this html:
<aside id="secondary" class="widget-area col-md-4"
<div id="text-3" class="widget widget_text">
<div class="textwidget"><p><strong>Sign In</strong>.
<p><strong>Create Account</strong></p>
<p><strong>Find your next employee on Adsler
</div></aside><!-- #secondary -->
I want to target Find your next employee on Adsler
.textwidget:nth-of-type (3) {font-size: 30px}
Nothing. Should I be doing something else?
Easiest way to achieve this is using javascript or jQuery
$( ".textwidget:contains('Find your next employee on Adsler')" ).css( {fontSize: "50px"} );
This script will find all the strings 'Find your next employee on Adsler' under specified class/id.
You can add the script directly in the js file or add this jquery code by downloading a plugin naming as "simple custom css & js"
Hope this will work.
Place a text widget in the sidebar on the page and place the following html in it.
<span style="font-size: large;">Foobar</span>

SASS / HandlebarsJS conflicts?

Background: For a project, I am trying to use SASS and Handlebars to create a vote counter that displays a stored value from my database and updates when a user presses the up or down vote buttons.
Are there any known interactions/conflicts that would causes SASS styling to not be applied when used with Handlebars or vice-versa?
For reference, here is the code I have in my HTML that I am working with.
<div id='voteWrapper'>
<script id='voteTile' type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{#each proTipVote}}
<div class="vote circle">
<div class="increment up" data-id={{_id}}></div>
<div class="increment down" data-id={{_id}}></div>
<div class="count" data-id={{_id}}>{{tipScore}}</div>

how could I set a different background color to the menu title for every menu item or depending on the article that is opened?

I'm working on a Joomla 2.5 based website.
i have a submenu with a title (the title is the name of the topmenu category) on top. This title has a background color. Now I want to have a different background color (of the title) on every page that I open.
I thought about creating a extra menu module for every menu item with a specific color defined in the css, but than I have to rename every module because I must not have the same name twice. But I need the title to be the same as the Topmenu category for all the submenu items.
here is the basic structure of the generated code:
<div id="content">
<div id="breadcrumbs"></div>
<div id="main" class="centerAndRight"></div>
<div id="right">
<div class="moduletable_servicemenu">
<ul class="menu"></ul>
<div class="moduletable_kontaktmodul"></div>
<!-- end content -->
<div id="overallfooter"></div>
Could anybody help me with an idea, please.
Thanx in advance.
If you place a class on that title (e.g. class="title"), and then place a different class on the body tag of each page (e.g. <body class="contact">) you can easily style the title differently on each page, such as:
.contact .title {background: red}
.about .title {background: blue}
I wrote this script for random images, it can be edited to apply towards your desire which is random colors. Its fairly simple and again you can do as many colors as you want, and the program will randomize them.
$(document).ready(function() {
var colors = ['#ccc', '#dedede', '#333', '#555' /***keep adding as many colors***/];
$(this).css({'background' : ' + colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)] + ')'})
