Improve the speed of a dilating circle animation in R - r

I am trying to create an enlarging circle to test the Apparent Looming Threshold of fish. I want to be able to control the radius of the circle and the rate at which the radius increases.
I have the following code:
plot(px,py,type="n",xlab="",ylab="",axes = FALSE)#create blank plot
x=25#set x location of circle
y=25#set y location of circle
radius=seq(1,20,by=.5)#set sequence of radii to plot
#plot circle on top of each other to give appearance of growing circle
#at a rate of Sys.sleep(x)
for (i in radius){,y,radius = i,col="black")
Sys.sleep(1)#plot one circle per second
The code allows me to change the radius of the circle and the rate, however, if the Sys.sleep(x) is set below 1, the for loop takes too long to process and skips circles in the sequence. Is there alternative to a for loop that would speed up the plotting so that I could get the entire animation to run faster than 1 frame per second?
Thank you

I suspect rather plotrix than the for loop which slows down. You could just plot a normal point and let him grow literately with cex; wrap all into a function.
growCycle <- function(x) {
plot(25, 25, xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE, asp=1, col=1, pch=20, cex=x)
Sys.sleep(.2) # at least 5 fps
Note: Consider a glance into ?plot and ?par for more graphical parameters.
Then use sapply():
radius = seq(1, 20, by=.5)
sapply(radius, growCycle)
Results in an increased speed of 400 %!
Hope this helps.


Control persp mesh tile border colors

I'm having some trouble creating a perspective plot that looks exactly how I want it to look. In particular, I am trying to get the mesh not to be visible at all. If you look at the image on the left you can see faint lines running between the tiles. I want it looking like the right image with no lines visible:
I specifically want a solution with graphics::persp or other base R function. I am not interested in 3rd party packages like rgl.
I obtained the right by using polygon and specifying a border color to match the col color. If I leave border=NA with polygon I get the same result as with persp. However, it seems persp just takes the first border value and re-uses it, unlike polygon which matches colors to the polygons.
This is the code used to generate the image:
nr <- nc <- 10
mx <- matrix(numeric(nr * nc), nr)
col <- gray((row(mx[-1,-1]) * col(mx[-1,-1])/((nr-1)*(nc-1))))
par(mfrow=c(1,3), mai=c(0, 0, .25, 0), pty='s')
mx, phi=90, theta=0, border=NA, col=col, r=1e9, zlim=c(0,1),
axes=FALSE, box=FALSE
title('Persp border=NA')
mx, phi=90, theta=0, border=col, col=col, r=1e9, zlim=c(0,1),
axes=FALSE, box=FALSE
title('Persp border=col')
mxpoly.x <- rbind(
c(row(mx)[-nr, -nc]), c(row(mx)[-1, -nc]), c(row(mx)[-1, -1]),
c(row(mx)[-nr, -1]), NA
mxpoly.y <- rbind(
c(col(mx)[-nr, -nc]), c(col(mx)[-1, -nc]), c(col(mx)[-1, -1]),
c(col(mx)[-nr, -1]), NA
((mxpoly.x - 1) / (max(mxpoly.x,na.rm=TRUE) - 1)),
((mxpoly.y - 1) / (max(mxpoly.y,na.rm=TRUE) - 1)),
col=col, border=col
That looks like a result of antialiasing. When each cell is drawn, the background is white, so antialiasing means the border pixels are drawn in a lighter colour.
On a Mac, you can fix this by turning antialiasing off. Your first example gives
by default, but if I open the graphics device using
quartz(antialias = FALSE)
and then run the identical code, I get
Turning off antialiasing can cause jagged edges, so this might not really be an acceptable solution to your real problem if it has diagonal lines.
You might be able to get things to work by drawing the surface twice with antialiasing: the first time will show borders, the second time might still show something, but should show less. However, persp() has no add = TRUE argument, so drawing things the second time is likely to be tricky.
If you're not on a Mac, you'll need to read about the device you're using to find if it allows control of antialiasing.
Edited to add: I tried modifying the C source to the persp function
to draw the surface 2 or 3 times. The boundaries were still slightly
visible when it was drawn twice, but invisible with 3 draws.

How do I make planes in RGL thicker?

I will try 3D printing data to make some nice visual illustration for a binary classification example.
Here is my 3D plot:
#Get example data from mtcars and normalize to range 0:1
fun_norm <- function(k){(k-min(k))/(max(k)-min(k))}
x_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$drat)
y_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$mpg)
z_norm <- fun_norm(mtcars$qsec)
#Plot nice big spheres with rgl that I hope will look good after 3D printing
plot3d(x_norm, y_norm, z_norm, type="s", radius = 0.02, aspect = T)
#The sticks are meant to suspend the spheres in the air
plot3d(x_norm, y_norm, z_norm, type="h", lwd = 5, aspect = T, add = T)
#Nice thick gridline that will also be printed
grid3d(c("x","y","z"), lwd = 5)
Next, I wanted to add a z=0 plane, inspired by this blog here describing the r2stl written by Ian Walker. It is supposed to be the foundation of the printed structure that holds everything together.
planes3d(a=0, b=0, c=1, d=0)
However, it has no volume, it is a thin slab with height=0. I want it to form a solid base for the printed structure, which is meant to keep everything together (check out the aforementioned blog for more details, his examples are great). How do I increase the thickness of my z=0 plane to achieve the same effect?
Here is the final step to exporting as STL:
One can view the final product really nicely using the open source Meshlab as recommended by Ian in the blog.
Additional remark: I noticed that the thin plane is also separate from the grids that I added on the -z face of the cube and is floating. This might also cause a problem when printing. How can I merge the grids with the z=0 plane? (I will be sending the STL file to a friend who will print for me, I want to make things as easy for him as possible)
You can't make a plane thicker. You can make a solid shape (extrude3d() is the function to use). It won't adapt itself to the bounding box the way a plane does, so you would need to draw it last.
For example,
bbox <- par3d("bbox")
slab <- translate3d(extrude3d(bbox[c(1,2,2,1)], bbox[c(3,3,4,4)], 0.5),
0,0, bbox[5])
shade3d(slab, col = "gray")
produces this output:
This still isn't printable (the points have no support), but it should get you started.
In the matlib package, there's a function regvec3d() that draws a vector space representation of a 2-predictor multiple regression model. The plot method for the result of the function has an argument show.base that draws the base x1-x2 plane, and draws it thicker if show.base >0.
It is a simple hack that just draws a second version of the plane at a small offset. Maybe this will be enough for your application.
if (show.base > 0) planes3d(0, 0, 1, 0, color=col.plane, alpha=0.2)
if (show.base > 1) planes3d(0, 0, 1, -.01, color=col.plane, alpha=0.1)

Scanning and storing a simple image in a complex matrix

I have been playing with linear algebra transformations in R, moving around a bunch of points plotted in the complex plane. I have posted the results here - the code is linked on the first sentence.
I would like to do the same operations on a real image. Evidently I don't want to get into Fourier transforming the image, or dealing with color or grayscale. I would like to get any old jpeg, turn it into a summarized plot of black and white dots, locate each dot in terms of its position in the complex plane, and then apply the linear algebra operations as I did to my drawing of a house.
The questions are, 1. What is the name for the type of stripped-down, basic black and white image that I am describing? 2. How can I turn a regular jpeg (or other file) into that type of image? How can then store every dot of the thousands of dots the image will contain into a matrix of complex numbers?
Is there software to do this? Is there code in R or python to do it?
It's not clear what you're trying to do with those complex vectors, that wouldn't be more easily obtained using standard x,y coordinates, but here goes a possible starting point
im <- readJPEG(system.file("img", "Rlogo.jpg", package="jpeg"))
gr <- apply(im, 1:2, mean)
bw <- which(gr < 0.5, arr.ind = TRUE)
conjure_matrix_of_darkness <- function(bw, xlim=c(-2, 2), ylim=c(-2,2)){
x <- (bw[,1] - min(bw[,1]))/diff(range(bw[,1])) * diff(xlim) + min(xlim)
y <- (bw[,2] - min(bw[,2]))/diff(range(bw[,2])) * diff(ylim) + min(ylim)
test <- conjure_matrix_of_darkness(bw)
par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
plot(test, pch=19, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")
plot(test*exp(1i*pi), pch=19, xaxt="n", yaxt="n")

R: Counting points on a grid of rectangles:

I have a grid of rectangles, whose coordinates are stored in the variable say, 'gridPoints' as shown below:
gridPoints =[1:1000,];
names(gridPoints) = c("LATITUDE","LONGITUDE");
When plotted, these are the black points in the image,
Now, I have another data set of points called say , 'data', which when plotted are the blue points above.
I would want a count of how many blue points fall within each rectangle in the grid. Each rectangle can be represented by the center of the rectangle, along with the corresponding count of blue points within it in the output. Also, if the blue point lies on any of the sides of the rectangle, it can be considered as lying within the rectangle while making the count. The plot has the blue and black points looking like circles, but they are just standard points/coordinates and hence, much smaller than the circles. In a special case, the rectangle can also be a square.
Try this,
x <- seq(0,10,by=2)
y <- seq(0, 30, by=10)
grid <- expand.grid(x, y)
N <- 100
points <- cbind(runif(N, 0, 10), runif(N, 0, 30))
plot(grid, t="n", xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
points(points, col="blue", pch="+")
abline(v=x, h=y)
binxy <- data.frame(x=findInterval(points[,1], x),
y=findInterval(points[,2], y))
(results <- table(binxy))
d <-
xx <- x[-length(x)] + 0.5*diff(x)
d$x <- xx[d$x]
yy <- y[-length(y)] + 0.5*diff(y)
d$y <- yy[d$y]
with(d, text(x, y, label=Freq))
A more general approach (may be overkill for this case, but if you generalize to arbitrary polygons it will still work) is to use the over function in the sp package. This will find which polygon each point is contained in (then you can count them up).
You will need to do some conversions up front (to spatial objects) but this method will work with more complicated polygons than rectangles.
If all the rectangles are exactly the same size, then you could use k nearest neighbor techniques using the centers of the rectangles, see the knn and knn1 functions in the class package.

Proportionally sized circles in R

I would like to produce what I think will be a very simple diagram in R - it will show the number of genes that fall in to one of two categories.
The area of circles must be relative to each other and show the vast difference between the number of counts in my two categories. One category is 15000 the other is 15. Therefore the area of one circle should be 1000 times greater than the other. Is there a simple R script that can be used to do this? (Draw two circles, one of which there area is X times smaller than the other)
You can draw circles using the plotrix package and function. So to answer your question, we just need to calculate the radius of each circle. To make the comparison, it's easier to make the first circle have unit area. So,
## Calculate radius for given area
get_radius = function(area = 1) sqrt(area/pi)
##Load package and draw blank graph
## Unit area, 0, get_radius())
## 10 times larger, 0, get_radius(10))
As shown in this post, you can use for example the shape package and use the function plotcircle where you can chose the radius. Example:
emptyplot(c(0, 1))
plotcircle(mid = c(0.2, 0.5), r = 0.1)
plotcircle(mid = c(0.6, 0.5), r = 0.01)
