mvvmFX: Changing Part of a Scene on Runtime - javafx

I'm building a JavaFX Application with mvvmFX.
I have a scene with two panes. Both panes should include any.fxml . I would like to change the included panes at runtime.
So I've found this solution: JavaFX/SceneBuilder - Changing only PART of a Scene and tried to apply it.
So far, so good. Pane2 is displaying any.fxml, but unfortunately, the controller/viewModel is not getting loaded. At least it seems so, any.fxml contains a label which should get modified by the viewModel.
If O add fx:controller="anyVM" to any.fxml and include it via fx:include source="any.fxml" in pane2.fxml everything is working fine. But it's important for me to change it on runtime.
I would be glad if somebody knows a solution how to achieve this.
This is the View of my Main-Scene:
public class Scene implements FxmlView<SceneVM>, Initializable {
private BorderPane pane2;
private SceneVM sceneVM;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("any.fxml"));
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
This is pane2 in scene.fxml:
<BorderPane fx:id="pane2" layoutX="846.0" prefHeight="547.0" prefWidth="521.0">
<center> <!--<fx:include source="any.fxml" />-->
This is the ViewModel / Controller
public class anyVM implements ViewModel {
private StringProperty lbl = new SimpleStringProperty("27");
public StringProperty getLbl(){
return basementViewKesselTempLbl;
public void setLbl(String message){

In your example code of initialize you are using FXMLLoader which is part of standard JavaFX. However, to load a mvvmFX View with all setup logic you have to use mvvmFX's FluentViewLoader.
The FluentViewLoader uses FXMLLoader internally but does a whole lot more operations like injecting ViewModels into their Views.
So your code should look like this:
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle resourceBundle) {
ViewTuple<AnyView, AnyViewModel> viewTuple = FluentViewLoader.fxmlView(AnyView.class).load();


Using JavaFX to pass data to an already opened window

I'm new to JavaFX. This was easy to do without FXML, but the FXML controllers are stumping me.
What I'm trying to do: Set up a main window that has a button. When clicked, the button launches a second popup window in which the user submits a value. Upon closing the second window (done currently with a button click on the pop-up), I'd like the user's input to be passed back to the main controller-- the main window that is already open.
So far, I've got 2 .fxml files(one for a main window the other for a popup), and the corresponding controllers: MainWindowController:
public class MainController implements Initializable {
public Label label;
private Button button;
private void popBtnClick(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
//creates new pop-up window
Stage popupSave = new Stage();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent root = loader.load();
PopUpController controller = loader.getController();
//calls a method in the PopUpController, and uses it to pass data to
//the Popup window.
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
I also tried calling this method from the popup window with no success in
changing Main's label.
public void dataPass(String name){
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
And PopUpController:
public class PopUpController implements Initializable {
private Button ok_btn;
public TextField input_tf;
private String input;
private void okBtnClick() throws IOException {
input = input_tf.getText();
/*my attempt to pass the variable-- using a loader to get the
controller and then referencing the public label. */
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent root = loader.load();
FXMLDocumentController controller = loader.getController();
//this line works, and retrieves the label's text.
String temp = controller.label.getText();
//but this line does not work. Why?
//closes this pop-up
Stage stage = (Stage)input_tf.getScene().getWindow();
//this method is called in the maincontroller and used to pass data to
//the popup's textfield.
public void dataToPopUp(int x){
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Using the above, Main passes ('7') into the PopUp's textfield. But if the user enters something else into the textfield, I cannot seem to get that data back to Main. This is like having a Settings Pop-up window, and then passing the user's selections from the Settings popup back to the main window. I just cannot figure out how to pass things back to the main window.
I am not using SpringBoot, but thanks for the suggestion.
Thank you in advance!
If you are using Spring Boot, MPV Java on YouTube has great examples of connecting your controllers together allowing you to pass information cleanly and easily between them.In my application I've been able to implement these examples. Each controller is registered as a bean using #Component which means you can #Autowire the controller into another controller. In your main controller I would recommend setting up some basic getters/setters to allow outside interaction with your fields so other controllers can "talk" to the main controller.
A really basic example would be:
public class MyMainController {
#FXML private TextField exampleTextField;
/* Get the text of a field from this controller: can be accessed from another controller */
public String getExampleTextField() {
/* Set the text of a field on this controller: can be accessed from another controller */
public void setExampleTextField(String text) {
public class AnotherController {
#Autowired private MyMainController myMainController;
public void someMethod(String newText) {
// Do some work here and set some text back to the main controller
MPV Java does a much better job of explaining this concept.
I reviewed the suggestions and was unable to get anything to work for me-- many of the concepts were over my head, as I'm new to Java. After several attempts, I was able to get a fairly simple solution to the problem. It is likely far from best practices, but it works:
In the main window's controller, use the popup's controller to call the Pop Up's string variable and set it as the label's text (label.setText(controller.test)). The string variable has to be public, and is set once the pop-up is closed by the button click. See the code below:
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" prefHeight="200" prefWidth="320" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="switchingpass.MainController">
<Button fx:id="button" layoutX="126" layoutY="90" onAction="#popBtnClick" text="Click Me!" />
<Label fx:id="label2" layoutX="126" layoutY="120" minHeight="16" minWidth="69" />
<Label fx:id="label" layoutX="143.0" layoutY="38.0" text="Label" />
public class MainController implements Initializable {
public Label label;
private Button button;
private void popBtnClick(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
//creates new pop-up window
Stage popupSave = new Stage();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent root = loader.load();
PopUpController controller = loader.getController();
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
//after the popup closes, this will run, setting the label's text to the popup's test variable, which is public.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
<AnchorPane id="AnchorPane" prefHeight="400.0" prefWidth="600.0" xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="switchingpass.PopUpController">
<TextField fx:id="input_tf" layoutX="207.0" layoutY="65.0" />
<Button fx:id="close_btn" layoutX="268.0" layoutY="185.0" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#closeBtnClick" text="Close" />
public class PopUpController implements Initializable {
public Button close_btn;
public TextField input_tf;
public String test;
private void closeBtnClick() throws IOException {
//stores textfield input as a string
test = input_tf.getText();
Stage stage = (Stage)input_tf.getScene().getWindow();
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
Please note that the code's main class that extends Application must declare the stage variable as a public static variable:
public class SwitchingPass extends Application {
//this is necessary to initialize the owner of the popup
public static Stage stage;
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("Main.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Again, probably not the best way to accomplish this, but it works, and perhaps it is helpful to someone else.
I did that this way.
First create an interface
public interface DataSender {
void send(String data);
and then implement that interface to your Main Window Controller
public class FXMLDocumentController implements Initializable,DataSender {
private Label label;
private void handleButtonAction(ActionEvent event) {
try {
Stage popupSave = new Stage();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
Parent root = loader.load();
PopUpController controller = loader.getController();
//this is the line use to get data from popup
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(FXMLDocumentController.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//this method can call from popus controller
public void send(String data) {
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
and then override implemented interface method and inside the method you can change Main window UI data I changed label text.
and then create variable in pupup controller with type DataSender(created interface befor) and create method to set that interface
public class PopUpController implements Initializable {
private int x;
//this is the variable
private DataSender dataSender;
private Button btnOk;
private TextField txtText;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
//When Click this button will call Main Window send method
public void setX(int x){
//this is the method to set variable value from Main Window
public void setSendDataSender(DataSender ds){
and then when popup window button clicked then call send method with data and then will change main window label text.
This solution is work for me.hope this useful for you also .

How to Change label text from loaded fxml

public class ProjectxController implements Initializable {
private AnchorPane LandingPane;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
private void onLoad(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{
pane = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("connectedPage.fxml"));
Note: Having two fxml files Frontpage.fxml and ConnectedPage.fxml with one controller projectxController i.e coded above
Frontpage.fxml has one button that will load connectedPage.fxml.
Connectedpage.fxml has one label
Now I want to set the Label text after connectedpage.fxml is loaded
public class ProjectX extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("FrontPage.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
When you create you fxml document you have to give a unique id for you Label:
The same you have done for the AnchorPane.
private Label myLabel;
Then inside the initialize method of your fxml controller class you can modify it as you want.
If you problem is how to access the Label from another controller you can use a get method or pass an instance of the controller you need . All that after the fxml has successfully loaded .
I recommend also that you use different controllers for different fxml files , cause it is more clear .
Have a search on fxml loading techniques and how to connect different controllers over the web and you will find what you need .

JavaFX: Retrieve a Node

I have two FXML documents each one represents a view, let's call them View1 and View2, and I have placed each one in a separate Tab, (Tab1 and Tab2) inside a TabPane.
Now in the Controller1 of View1 I have an event that will switch the selectedItem of my TabPane from Tab1 to Tab2. My question is how can I access my TabPane from Controller1
In general. How do we retrieve a certain Node in Javafx.
<VBox fx:controller="controllers.Controller1">
<Button onAction="#openView2"/>
public class Controller1{
public void openView2(){
//What should I do here
<TabPane fx:id="tabPane" fx:controller="controllers.MainController"/>
public class MainController implements Initializable {
public TabPane tabPane;
public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
protected Tab createView1Tab() throws IOException {
Tab tab = new Tab();
return tab;
protected Tab createView2Tab() throws IOException {
Tab tab = new Tab();
return tab;
You should create a "view model" which encapsulates the current state of the view, and share it with each of the controllers. Then observe it from your main controller and respond accordingly.
For example:
public class ApplicationState {
private final StringProperty currentViewName = new SimpleStringProperty();
public StringProperty currentViewNameProperty() {
return currentViewName ;
public final String getCurrentViewName() {
return currentViewNameProperty().get();
public final void setCurrentViewName(String viewName) {
Now you can do (note I also removed your redundant repetitive code here):
public class MainController implements Initializable {
public TabPane tabPane;
private final ApplicationState appState = new ApplicationState();
private final Map<String, Tab> views = new HashMap<>();
public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) {
try {
tabPane.getTabs().add(createViewTab("View1", new Controller1(appState)));
tabPane.getTabs().add(createViewTab("View2", new Controller2(appState)));
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
appState.currentViewNameProperty().addListener((obs, oldView, newView) ->
protected Tab createViewTab(String viewName, Object controller) throws IOException {
Tab tab = new Tab();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/views/"+viewName+".fxml"));
views.put(viewName, tab);
return tab;
Now your controllers just have to do:
public class Controller1{
private final ApplicationState appState ;
public Controller1(ApplicationState appState) {
this.appState = appState ;
public void openView2(){
Note that since the controllers don't have no-arg constructors, I am setting them in code with loader.setController(...). This means you have to remove the fx:controller attribute from the fxml files for view1 and view2, e.g. your View1.fxml becomes:
<VBox xmlns="..."> <!-- no fx:controller here -->
<Button onAction="#openView2"/>
The advantage of this design is that when your boss walks into your office in 8 months and says "The customer doesn't like the tab pane, replace it with something that only shows one screen at a time", it's very easy to make changes like that as everything is properly decoupled. (You would only have to change the main view and its controller, none of the other views or controllers would change at all.) If you exposed the tab pane to all the other controllers, you would have to find all the places you had accessed it to make changes like that.

Event handling in multiple FXML

I have made this UI (see image) in FXMl. The Top.fxml, Bottom.fxml, Left.fxml, Right.fxml are put under a Main.fxml and arranged via BorderPane. The Left.fxml and Right.fxml are in SplitPane.
What I am trying to do is, when the button from Top.fxml clicked it should execute the function in Controller file. Below is the code from the controller file. I am getting java.lang.NullPointerException on list.setItems(listItems); .This also happens when I put list.setItems(listItems); in the initialize method.
private Button btn;
private ListView<String> list;
ObservableList<String> listItems = FXCollections.observableArrayList("A","B","C","D");
public void initialize(URL arg0, ResourceBundle arg1) {
public void addToList(ActionEvent event) {
The 'list' variable is null if the code has not been injected correctly, i.e. Top.fxml has not been loaded correctly.
Please provide the code that load the fxml file if you cannot solve the issue.

JavaFX load FXML inside parent controller

I have a borderpane where I'm loading an fxml (alias FirstPanel) with relative controller inside of it and positioned in the center. The fxml contains a TableView and a button which should load another fxml (alias SecondPanel) and relative controller instead the first panel. Basically, the SecondPanel needs to show some details about the data selected in the table.
Is it possible to do it? How can I get the parent of my FirstPanel and use it for the SecondPanel instead of the first?
I've tried many solutions but without reach my goal. The application load the UsersMainPageController which contains only an AnchorPane like parent control, so this is the relative code:
public class UsersMainPageController implements Initializable {
private PostOffice application;
private AnchorPane ParentControl;
public void setApp(PostOffice application){
this.application = application;
public void loadPage(String pageName) {
try {
URL url = getClass().getResource(pageName);
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
fxmlLoader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory());
AnchorPane page = (AnchorPane) fxmlLoader.load(url.openStream());
ParentControl.getChildren().clear();///name of pane where you want to put the fxml.
catch (IOException e) {
public void loadManageUsers () {
public void loadListUsers () {
* Initializes the controller class.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
loadListUsers calls UsersList.fxml with the relative controller UsersListController that contains a TableView with some records and some buttons. When I click a specific button, it should call loadManageUsers with relative controller UsersManageController which contains some fields for editing data and inserting new users. When users are edited or inserted, it should be able to return to the previous page with the TableView and clear the current page (in this case UsersManageController).
public class UsersListController implements Initializable {
private UsersMainPageController mainController;
private void handleButtonEditAction(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
public class UsersManageController implements Initializable {
private UsersMainPageController mainController;
private void handleButtonBackAction(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
When I click from the UsersListController the ButtonEdit to load the UsersManageController, I get this error:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at postoffice.multiuser.UsersListController.handleButtonAggiornaAction(
... 50 more
you can add your child fxml into parent controller..
1.first just take a anchor pane and set its bounds where you want to put your FXML code.
now try this...
button.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent t) {
you can pass fxml name into function...
public void openNewWindow(String FXMLFile)
//ChildNode child;
try {
URL url = getClass().getResource(FXMLFile);
FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader();
fxmlLoader.setBuilderFactory(new JavaFXBuilderFactory());
AnchorPane page = (AnchorPane) fxmlLoader.load(url.openStream());
anchor.getChildren().clear();///name of pane where you want to put the fxml.
catch (IOException e) {
