Unable to load recipes package - r

I install the recipes library just fine using:
install.packages("recipes", dependencies = c("Depends", "Suggests"))
This gives me the following error:
Error in library(recipes) : there is no package called ‘recipes’
I having a bigger issue, I am unable to load caret but it seems the reason I cannot is recipes, so I assume if I solve the recipes issue I will be able to load caret.

This issue is impossible to replicate. You need to answer the following questions:
What is the error message?
What R version are you running?
What is your system?
I tried to install with exactly the same command. Got an error of some missing dependencies, and after running this install.packages(c("caret", "recipes", "klaR", "ipred")) I could finally load "recipes".

os it seems I couldn't install recipes package because of gfortran-4.8 not been available in my system. I followed this and now I can finally load recipes and caret. thank you


Unable to install package Sleuth in R

I've been trying to install the Sleuth package in R all morning and it keeps giving me errors. This is how I tried to install it:
if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
BiocManager::install ("rhdf5")
devtools:: install_github("pachterlab/sleuth")
I did use the library() command.
I get the following error messages:
Error: object 'h5write.default' is not exported by 'namespace:rhdf5'
Execution halted
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'sleuth'
removing 'C:/Users/31625/OneDrive/Documents/R/win-library/4.1/sleuth'
I was having the same issue and found that there's current an open issue on Github discussing this problem.
Currently there is a workaround which was shared in the same issue on Github:
Run git clone https://github.com/pachterlab/sleuth
Remove the last line in ./sleuth/NAMESPACE which is the h5write.default that raises the error during installation - ignore the warning in the first line
Then in R: devtools::install('./sleuth/')
It worked for me while using Linux - ZorinOS and R 4.1.2 but it should work on Windows as well.
Someone also opened a PR to fix the whole issue but it seems they are not updating the package anymore (unfortunately).

Unable to install 'Velocyto.R' from Github

I am a beginner in R
trying to analyze my scRNA-seq data with velocyto.R in R studio.
Following velocyto tutorial, I tried installing velocyto.R as below:
But, an error pops up:
ERROR: compilation failed for package 'velocyto.R'
removing 'C:/Users/USER/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/velocyto.R'
Error: Failed to install 'velocyto.R' from GitHub:
(converted from warning) installation of package ‘C:/Users/USER/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpukpRFl/file37346a812b86/velocyto.R_0.6.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status
Is there anyone to face the same problem described above and succeed in resolving it after all?
I desperately need helps!
As your error log says C:/..., you probably use Windows. According to velocyto's README it seems that this package runs only on unix-flavored systems with C++11, Open MP, boost, igraph and hdf5c++ libraries.
This can be the problem: read the velocyto's GitHub issue #40, maybe you'll need to run this under WSL...?

Why do I get Error when calling library (rdd)

I have installed the rdd package, when calling library(rdd), I get error an message:
Error: package ‘car’ required by ‘AER’ could not be found"
I have used functions from car (like anova) so I know I have it.
I have MAC OS 10.15.1, R 3.6.1 , I reinstalled R and RStudio.
Loading required package: AER
Error: package ‘car’ required by ‘AER’ could not be found
Packages may have dependencies (i.e. other packages) and those dependent package may have dependencies of their very own. Appears that rdd requires AER which in turn requires car. So you need all three (and possibly even more). At the very least you need to now install pkg:car.
(I know this may seem a duplicate but I'm not sure the usual duplicate nominees have seen a multi-level dependency situation such as this. )
Suggest you execute both of this lines:
install.packages("AER", dependencies=TRUE) # should pick up car
# maybe also need install.packages("car", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("rdd", dependencies=TRUE)
If you get further errors, pay attention to the first error message and use install package recursively until you establish a full set of dependencies and dependencies of dependencies.

R packages not loading via library()

I have been experiencing the problem of not being able to load package libraries in R. The packages install fine via instal.packages(), but I get the error
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘adegenet’ in library.dynam(lib, package, package.lib):
shared object ‘httpuv.so’ not found
Error: package ‘adegenet’ could not be loaded
When I attempt to load the package 'adegenet' (and any other packages).
I recall this behaviour started to occur when I used remove.packages() to remove shiny in order to install the development version on GitHub (shiny-Incubator).
I am unsure as to what is going on. Any ideas on how to restore everything? I updated to the most recent R version, but this did not fix things.
It seems that during your uninstallation procedure you managed to remove a component of httpuv and/or Rcpp. This should get things working again:
install.packages(c("Rcpp", "httpuv"))

Error in running swirl package in R

I am not able to work in swirl package in R. I am able to install the swirl
package correctly. But while giving the library("swirl") command the error comes up.I have tried every thing like I am not able to find the answer of this error on internet. I have reinstalled R complete. I have tried changing directory. But still this error message is coming. Please help.This is the error message:
Error in get(Info[i, 1], envir = env) :
cannot open file
'C:/Users/Devender/Documents/R/win-library/3.2/httr/R/httr.rdb': No such
file or directory
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘swirl’
Thanks alot in advance
Try installing httr package. I think it will solve your problem.
You did not say which R version you are using.
Some Swirl packages are not available for few R versions as 3.2.2. You cant even download any courses from Github repositories into the Swirl if Swirl was successfully loaded in R.
You may want to re-install a different version of R to avoid this Swirl issue, and try again.
