Upgrade NopCommerce Site - nopcommerce

I am trying to upgrade a Nop site on the server. I think it was installed using the Web Platform installer. Whether I use the "No Source" option or I use the Web source code option and deploy / publish, I don't end up with a folder that reflects what is currently on the server AT ALL. My next option is to just install a separate web, go through the install process and copy the files over. The DB upgrade is a no brainer, since it is just an upgrade script. I am obviously missing something.... or not had enough coffee....

The reason for the different folder structure of 3.9 and 4.0 is the .net framework. 4.0 is using ASP.NET Core 2.0.
Folder Structure 3.9 -> 4.0
Administration >> Areas/Admin
App_Data >> App_Data
bin >> all binaries are now in app root
Content >> wwwroot
Plugins >> Plugins
Scripts >> wwwroot
Themes >> Themes
Views >> Views
Keep in mind, you cannot use plugins & themes of 3.9 in 4.0 without migrating them.


Converting - asp.net mvc 5 web application (Visual studio 2017) to .exe setup file

I would like to know if there is any possibility to convert an asp.net mvc 5 web application into an .exe setup file. I tried various links. But i didn't get any output. I received a .msi file and when i tried installing, the installation stops right at the beginning displaying a message = "installation stopped. Please try again". or if i try to install the setup file i get a message = "Invalid.. Please check if package exists...bla bla bla"
Some of the links that i tried are listed below.
And Much More...
You first need to do some preparation:
Set up IIS 6 Management Compatibility (To prevent those "Installation stopped" errors)
Install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects extension. (To add setup project template to VS)
Then you can create and configure and setup project and run the setup.
1 - Set up IIS 6 Management Compatibility
Open Turn Windows features on or off → Internet Information Service → Web Management Tool and check at least the following items:
IIS 6 WMI Compatibility
IIS 6 Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility.
This is to fix the following error:
The installer was interrupted before application could be installed.
You need to restart the installer to try again
2 - Install Microsoft Visual Studio Installer Projects.
This is to add setup project templates to Visual Studio. Here, we are interested in Web Setup Project.
3 - Create and configure the setup project
Create setup project
Right click setup project → Add → Project output and choose what you need. You need at least primary output and Content Files from your web project.
Then you can build the project and run setup.exe.
You can setup other properties like ASPNETVersion, Manufacturere, product Name, ...
If after deployment you faced with error complaining about \roslyn\csc.exe, you may want to include roslyn files or remove roslyn compilation at all. For more information take a look at this post.
You can add CustomAction to do some custom actions during install/uninstall. You can find a lot of examples around, like this post.
You can even customize UI and add some input and use them during installation. You can find a lot of examples around, like this post.
In general, if your deployment is a common site deployment having a few files and database, a better option is creating Web Deploy Packages and then install the package to IIS. You can automate that process easily.
vs-2017 ---> other project types ---> web setup project
Screen shot

problem with hosting asp.net core 2.1 in plesk cpanel?

I am having asp.net core 2.1 project and your plesk supports upto only .Net framework 4.6.2. And I am not able to host my project.It always ends up with following error
HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure
What I have tried:
In Plesk , I clicked on Hosting Settings and untick Microsoft ASP.NET so that .NET core gets No Managed Code Application Pool.
And then trying to test my project .. But everytime I ends you will above error.
I am trying to do this for 3 days :)
As mentioned on Plesk's Knowledge base, it'll depend on your version of Plesk - it'll require 17.8 onwards.
ASP.NET Core 2.x
In Plesk for Windows
According to release notes, ASP.NET Core 2.0 is supported since March
6, 2018 on Plesk Onyx 17.8 only. Check how to upgrade to the latest
It is possible to install required components with the Autoinstaller
(Plesk > Tools & Settings (Server) > Updates & Upgrades > Plesk
hosting features > .NET Core Runtime), and then upload your
application manually into hosting using FTP, Visual Studio and etc.
As for other versions, they are not shipped with Plesk, but can be
used on a server with Plesk.
The required version can be installed manually using the installer
available on .NET Core main website.
After installation, version can be verified by executing the following
command in the Command prompt:
dotnet --version
In Plesk for Linux Download and install manually all the required packages from https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/linux

ASP.Net 4.6 + IIS 8.5? How do I add an application?

I have a ASP.Net 4.6 application that I want to run on an IIS 8.5 server (Windows Server 2012). Well, I added a new website and selected the "wwwroot/" folder from the "output/" directory. The basic resources seem to work since there is a index.html in that folder. However none of the actual code seems to work.
I am using dnu publish to deploy the application.
It creates to folder "approot/" and "wwwroot/" - the wwwroot contains a bin folder with one single "aspnet.loader.ddl" in it.
I probably didn't configure the IIS right, but as said, I been looking for the past week to get a solution and there is almost zero documentation other than "it should work" - well it doesn't.
Anyone has an idea?
Ok I got it figured out after reading through the GitHub issues:
For those who have the same issue, you need to deploy with
dnu --runtime active
Otherwise the DNX runtimes will be not copied. Also you might activated 32bit pools.
All kudos goes to GuardRex.

Add .Net Framework 2.0 in VS Setup Project

I have setup project that requires .Net Framework 2.0 before installation. So, I want to make my project to install .Net first and then my project.
How can I add .Net installation file inside my Setup Project and force it to install first during the installation process?
You can also download the setup file of the .net framework and use setup maker applications to instruct the user to install it first. Please do a little web search for similar questions before asking here. :-)
First create a setup file for your visual studio project without the .net framework setup file. Then use Inno Setup to make another setup file and in here use the option Inno setup provides to make the user to run the .net framework setup file first. This will make a single .exe file named setup.exe in you documents folder. See if this works for you.
Since .net framework and your program use the same install shield for installing, you can't use both of them at the same time when the other one is still running, that's why you need a different setup wizard than install shield.
EDIT(Inno Setup):
You can search Run in the index section of the help window for farther information. The programs are executed in the order appearance in your code in Inno Setup. So your Inno Setup Run section code should be something like this:
Filename: "{app}\.netFrameWorkSetup.exe"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
Filename: "{app}\yourAppSetup.exe";
Actually it didn't get as much explaining as I expected!

Can we do a file system publish of ASP.NET projects using Powershell?

I use IIS Manager 6.1 to run my virtual Website.
I want to Publish my website and generate dlls using powershell script.
Is it possible?
