NS2, Node IP Addressing - ip

I want to assign IP address to each node in NS2. How can I do it?
I want something like
node_(1) IP=
I have tried some other ways but does not seem to be working.

In implementing IP in NS2 it's quite tricky, we should make a new perspective about IP in NS2 and the other simulator.
As far as I Know, IP Address in NS2 refers no Node ID number.
You can read this conversation below :
1) https://www.researchgate.net/post/In_NS2_when_we_start_a_simple_wireless_simulation_1_Where_is_the_IP_address_of_a_node_stored_2_How_is_the_address_assigned_when_it_is_created2


What does 80::80 mean?

I was trying to connect to a router and the IP address for that device had and IP address with 80::80 at the end of it.I just wanted to know what it was and in what scenarios it would be used?
Thank you in advance
That's an IPv6 address. :: is replaced by an appropriate number of zeroes (it's a shorthand notation).

CIDR /28 calculation confusion

I am trying to learn how to calculate IP addresses from CIDR block.
For example, or
From what I understand, that means first 28 bits are associated with network address while the rest 4 bits are host addresses. That would result in following IP range: -
The first IP should be and last IP address should be
But according to cidr.xyz. The first IP should be and the last one should be
I really can't figure out why. Can anyone explain the reason for me? Thanks!
Generally, the first IP is the network identifier and cannot be assigned to any device.This is used by router or switch on the network.
The last one is the broadcasting IP and cannot be assigned to any device as this IP is used by router or switch on the network to broadcast information.

Classless addressing

Your router has the IP address of You wish to connect
a new system on the network. Which of the following addresses would
you assign to the new system.
The answer is B, but I'm not sure why. Can I get a step by step breakdown?
Your host network can chose from all the bits in the IP address, that are not used to define the network.1
So when looking at the Network Configuration you have, your network has the following range (you can use a subnet calculator to get to these values): -
This rules out A and D, because you will need a router to get there (since the IP addresses cannot be directly reached within the network).
Your network internal broadcast address will be This rules out answer C, because a host cannot have the broadcast address of your network.
So, only answer B stands.
1 I know that this might not be understandable at all. Cannot do it better. In this case please refer to Wikipedia: Classless Inter-Domain Routing

Same IP Address for two different nodes on same network

I'm wondering if two nodes on same network/sub-network can have same ip addresses?
Now i know that by definiton ip addresses are unique and that's how nodes are identified on network layer but i got this question in a quiz paper so is that possible anyhow?
For eg if i am on a private network and then if try to set same ip addresses for two different nodes it gives IP adress conflict but answer was YES in that quiz for this question.So if anybody can suggest any possible reason,it would be deeply appreciated.
Please let me know if it's not possible.
they can, but they must not.
If the client know or cache the mac address , it can comunicate with one node
but the next arp request can change the mac address and continue with the other.
It can send udp message to the wrong node , but broke tcp connections.

Using the second Ethernet Port for TCP on a NI PXI with LABVIEW

I'm using a PXI 8109 running Pharlap OS.
I'm trying to use the second ethernet interface of my PXI to send UDP and TCP packets.
Here the configuration of my two ethernet interfaces:
eth0 (primary):
IP :
subnet mask :
eth1 :
IP :
subnet mask :
For UDP, I have no problems, packets are sent to the second interface as I want. I think it work because there is a "net address" input on the "UDP Open" VI so the system can choose the right interface.
For TCP, I use the "TCP Open connection" VI but there is no this kind of input. And it is not working : I assume the system is trying to use the primary interface but it can't route packets...
For information, my two networks are physically independant.
Can you help me finding out what's going on ? Is it possible to use TCP on the second ethernet interface ?
TCP open is meant to open a connection to another computer, if you feed a valid (in one of the two subnets) TCP address it should open a connection on that specific interface.
I assume you need to use the TCP listener function and according to this KB article, you can specify on which address you want to listen. So yes, you should be able to use a specific ethernet interface.
disclaimer: I am not sure if all this info is valid on Pharlap as well.
Basically, the decision which NIC to use is up to the OS and I believe that normally it would choose based on the subnet of the address you're trying to connect to and those of the NICs - I don't know what the IP address is (maybe it's in the subnet of the wrong card?), but the subnets of the NICs certainly appear to be different from each other ( and 192...).
On Windows, I believe you can set the routing tables to have some more control of this (although I don't know if you would be able to force something to go through the "wrong" NIC), but I have no idea how much control you would have over this on Phar Lap. I would suggest some searching. Here are a couple of relevant links:
I finally solved my problem. This was not related to the TCP connection ...
I was using a property node "Value (signaling)" to trigger the TCP connection and it seems that this is not supported on RT Targets.
This is why it was working on localhost.
Thanks for the help anyway ;)
