Currently in v2, if a CorDapp references a module X, which has a transitive dependency to a module Y, such that Y is used by Corda, a potential version conflict can occur if the respective versions of Y for Corda and X differ. An example is the reuse of an existing internal library, containing business and serialisation logic, that depends on Jackson.
In this case, the resulting CorDapp packaging and Corda runtime, seem to enforce the version of Y that is relevant for Corda.
If the versions of Y differ sufficiently, we can get such scenarios as X breaking because Y doesn’t support certain types and methods.
Is there a general way that the gradle configuration (or some other mechanism) can be used to restrict the correct version of Y for usage by X, without impacting the Corda runtime?
So I worked this out, and in the process, finally learnt some gradle basics (having come from a maven background). No doubt the following is inelegant and could be generalised better - but it works!
TLDR: shadowJar
you're using the current v2 kotlin cordapp template
the cordapp sub module uses dependencies that either they or their dependencies clash against the Corda runtime.
1. add the shadowJar reference
In the root build.gradle file add the following
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.2'
to the buildscript dependencies:
buildscript {
// ...
dependencies {
// ...
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:2.0.2'
2. add shadowJar task to the cordapp
In the cordapp project, apply the shadowJar plugin.
Please Note: I needed to put this before all existing plugins for it to work.
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
apply plugin: 'kotlin'
// ... etc
Then add the invocation parameterisation:
tasks {
shadowJar {
// Place your shaded packages here!
relocate 'io.netty', ''
relocate 'com.fasterxml', ''
configurations = [project.configurations.compile]
baseName = jar.baseName + "-" + jar.version
classifier = null
version = null
dependencies {
3. Alter the build dependencies
Now change the definition of deployNodes to not depend on the jar task, but instead, depend on the build of each module:
task deployNodes(type: net.corda.plugins.Cordform, dependsOn: [':cordapp-contracts-states:jar', ':cordapp:shadowJar']) {
// ... etc
I am currently working on a Gradle custon plugin that should analyse my root project for specific configs in every subproject and then generate some kotlin source code in the build dir. I can't figure out a way to invoke my annotation processor from my gradle plugin which has a custom task for this matter.
Any ideas how to achieve this? Any resource/tutorial/documentation is also highly welcomed.
Thanks in advance and be safe.
After a long time of googling and mostly trying and failing, I finally figured out the solution to my question. Here is my task configuration.
Basically we have to provide the annotation processor's classpath as a project configuration. In my case I added this block to the project's build.gradle
allprojects {
configurations {
myProcessor //pick any name!!!
and then as a dependency in app build.gradle
dependencies {
myProcessor "PATH_TO_MY_PROCESSOR_JAR" //or maven dependency if it's uploaded to maven central
) {
compiler ->
with(compiler.options) {
isFork = true
isIncremental = true
with(compiler) {
group = shuttle.plugin.ShuttlePlugin.TASK_GROUP
destinationDir = outputDir
classpath = variant.getCompileClasspath(null)
options.annotationProcessorPath = configurations.getByName("myProcessor") //this is the missing piece!!
source = files(projectDir.resolve("src/main/java")).asFileTree
However, this task will only compile Java classes Only and not kotlin.
Any Idea how to fix this behaviour knowing that my plugin targets only android apps so I don't have direct access to kotlinCompile gradle default task?
I can successfully use Gradle to compile a fat JAR, but having trouble running the JAR after recently switching from the "compile" dependency specification to the "implementation/api" specification. I have isolated that the problem occurs in only one of the two following cases. The application runs in either case inside IntelliJ.
dependencies {implementation 'no.tornado:tornadofx:1.7.18'}
dependencies {compile'no.tornado:tornadofx:1.7.18'}
The JAR compiles in both cases. The problem appears when I attempt to start the first case JAR on the command line and it throws the following error.
C:\aaa_eric\code\testr\mic\build\libs>java -jar mic-1.0-snapshot.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class app.MyApp
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: tornadofx/App
Here is the JAR task in build.gradle. Is it possible that the tornadofx dependency is available at compile time, but not at run time? Thanks for any help.
jar {
manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class': 'app.MyApp'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
Changing configurations.compile.collect to configurations.compileClasspath.collect fixed the problem for me.
I was having the same problem and stumbled across this in
An example showing how to refer to a given configuration by name in
order to get hold of all dependencies (e.g. jars, but only)
apply plugin: 'java' //so that I can use 'implementation', 'compileClasspath' configuration
dependencies {
implementation 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.26'
//copying all dependencies attached to 'compileClasspath' into a specific folder
task copyAllDependencies(type: Copy) {
//referring to the 'compileClasspath' configuration
from configurations.compileClasspath
into 'allLibs'
One thing to note is that configurations.compileClasspath.collect worked for me even when I was using the compile specification instead of implement.
I have a multi-project build in SBT where some projects should aggregate dependencies and contain no code. So then clients could depend on these projects as a single dependency instead of directly depending on all of their aggregated dependencies. With Maven, this is a common pattern, e.g. when using Spring Boot.
In SBT, I figured I can suppress the generation of the empty artifacts by adding this setting to these projects:
packagedArtifacts := Classpaths.packaged(Seq(makePom)).value
However, the makePom task writes <packaging>jar</packaging> in the generated POM. But now that there is no JAR anymore, this should read <packaging>pom</packaging> instead.
How can I do this?
This question is a bit old, but I just came across the same issue and found a solution. The original answer does point to the right page where this info can be found, but here is an example. It uses the pomPostProcess setting to transform the generated POM right before it is written to disk. Essentially, we loop over all the XML nodes, looking for the element we care about and then rewrite it.
import scala.xml.{Node => XmlNode, NodeSeq => XmlNodeSeq, _}
import scala.xml.transform._
pomPostProcess := { node: XmlNode =>
val rule = new RewriteRule {
override def transform(n: XmlNode): XmlNodeSeq = n match {
case e: Elem if e != null && e.label == "packaging" =>
case _ => n
new RuleTransformer(rule).transform(node).head
Maybe you could modify the result pom as described here: Modifying the generated POM
You can disable publishing the default artifacts of JAR, sources, and docs, then opt in explicitly to publishing the POM. sbt produces and publishes a POM only, with <packaging>pom</packaging>.
// This project has no sources, I want <packaging>pom</pom> with dependencies
lazy val bundle = project
.dependsOn(moduleA, moduleB)
publishArtifact := false, // Disable jar, sources, docs
publishArtifact in makePom := true,
lazy val moduleA = project
lazy val moduleB = project
lazy val moduleC = project
Run sbt bundle/publishM2 to verify the POM in ~/.m2/repository.
I dare say this is almost intuitive, a rare moment of pleasant surprise with sbt 😅
I confirmed this with current sbt 1.3.9, and 1.0.1, the oldest launcher I happen to have installed on my machine.
The Artifacts page in the reference docs may be helpful, perhaps this trick should be added there.
I am learning Gradle but I don't understand the jar task code that creates a jar with all the dependencies inside ( taken from Gradle Cookbook ):
jar {
baseName = jarBaseName
manifest { attributes "Main-Class": mainClass }
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
My questions are:
1.The task name is jar. Because it's not written like jar<<{...} I'm assuming that this is run in the configuration phase, and not the execution one. Am I correct?
2.What exactly is configurations.compile? I'm assuming that some kind of dependencies classpath is queried, and each jar is zipTree-ed. Then all of this stuff is merged with the base classpath
. Please elaborate about it
3.The zipTree method, I'm assuming it kind of unarchives each jar but I'm not sure. Am I correct?
Yes You're correct. When no action added (mostly with << see docs) the code is run at configuration phase. The code You provided is also run at configuration phase.
configurations.compile refers to a configuration named compile using configurations object (a kind of a configurations container). Prior to gradle 2.0 compile configuration is provided by default with java plugin. AFAIR now it's called javaCompile. According to zipTree You're also correct.
Yes You're.
So I have a Q_OBJECT tagged class, which requires pregenerated .moc to be usable.
In my .qbs file, I have a CppApplication item; this seems to be the wrong type of project, as qbs does not call moc ClassName.cpp to generate moc's for me. What should be used instead/tweaked?
So I knew about Qt.core dependency, but it wasn't working on my crippled install of Qt; while I was trying to fix it, these facts came up:
It was required to detect Qt toolchain (qbs-setup-qt) and call qbs-config-ui
Qbs indeed stores the build rules in core.qbs, linked in via Qt/core dependency.
it's possible to copy/paste the build rules into my own .qbs file and avoid external dependencies; I'm considering this as a dirty hack for deploying the code on really crippled build systems (now I have a word for Qt support on Gentoo).
I think you might be missing the dependency of the application on the Qt-modules.
The rule for generation of the moc files is part of the Qt.core module.
You might add this dependency with:
CppApplication {
name: "MyApp"
files: "path_to_source/**"
Depends { name: "Qt.core" } // Optional
Depends { name: "Qt.widgets" }
As all other Qt modules have an implicit dependency on Qt.core the explicit dependency could on Qt.core could be skipped if there is a dependency on a different Qt-module (Qt.widgets in this example).
More details could be found at