I need to make a domain migration for an app hosted on ElasticBeanstalk behind ALB. This app uses various subdomains so I need to keep the subdomain and the request and change only the domain... I tried to setup a Nginx proxy_pass directive but I might have made mistakes as it does not work:
Practically what I want to achieve is a proxy for every type of request (post, get, put, delete...) that would redirect requests like anySubdomain.potato.net/anything/else to anySubdomain.carrot.io/anything/else
On the DNS side both wildcard subdomains *.potato.net and *.carrot.io are pointing to the same ElasticBeanstalk environment. So far I added this instruction into my Nginx configuration files, but it does not work as the potato.net domain is not redirected and lands directly on the hosted app without beeing proxied:
location ~ ^/(?<subdomain>\.potato\.net)/(?<path>.*)?$ {
# this is the desired directive at the end:
# proxy_pass https://$subdomain.carrot.io/$path;
# for test purposes I add the debug path below to output
# some info and make sure it was proxied:
proxy_pass https://$subdomain.carrot.io/proxydebug/$path;
Is there something wrong in that directive?
I'm a newbie with Ngnix and I am looking for some advice to avoid repeating location blocks and preserve functionality.
I used to have one react application react.mydomain.cc
On my Nginx configuration file I was proxing everything from / to react.mydomain.cc
location / {
try_files $uri #approute;
location #approute {
proxy_ssl_server_name on;
set $react "http://react.mydomain.cc";
proxy_pass $react$request_uri;
Now, I want to replace part of the old application with a new one without having to make changes to the old.
The logic would be.
If the users goes to www.mydomain.cc he should be proxied to the new app http://new-react.mydomain.cc
The same other paths like:
and a few more
These pages are also active through the other subdomain http://react.mydomain.cc/about but not accessible through nginx domain, www.mydomain.cc
If the user goes to
he should be proxied to the old app.
Example: the user goes to www.mydomain.cc/notes and he is proxied to http://react.mydomain.cc/notes. Then he click on the link /about and he is proxied to the new app http://new-react.mydomain.cc/about even when the old app has /about.
Can anyone help me to avoid having to repeat 20 times location blocks? I'm trying to achieve the same but in a cleaner way.
Please, let me know if edition is needed to clarify. Remember I am new.
I have a LNMP stack with Varnish in front.
I have a probe with Varnish and it checks every seconds if the site is running.
It works good but I don't want to log those probes.
Does someone know please how to disable only that log?
In your nginx.conf put the following inside http { ... } block:
map "$request_method:$request_uri:$remote_addr" $loggable {
"HEAD:/:" 0;
default 1;
Find your access_log directive and add the if condition to it like so:
access_log /path/to/access.log combined if=$loggable;
What this does, is logs requests conditionally: a HEAD request to / made by localhost, will not be logged. Everything else is logged as usual.
Naturally, you will have to adjust "HEAD:/:" if your probe uses different request method, resource or if Varnish is not on the same machine, e.g. "GET:/healthcheck:" will not log GET requests to /healthcheck by
I have the following location block in the nginx.conf file.
Location /e-ui/ {
proxy_pass https://hostname:9000
I need to know how I can redirect sites in the following manner:
https://abc/e-ui/ should be redirected to https://abc:9000
https://xyz/e-ui/ should be redirected to https://xyz:9000
The server name is changing ( as the code is deployed on many servers ). Is there anyway I can get the server name from the /etc/hosts file if it is already defined there and use it somehow to redirect the sites as mentioned above ?
Thank you.
Right now, I am migrating the domain of my app from app.example.com to app.newexample.com using the following nginx config:
server {
server_name app.example.com;
location /app/ {
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$ http://app.newexample.com/$1;
I need to show-up a popup-banner to notify the user of the domain name migration.
And I want to this based upon the referrer or some-kind-of-other-header at app.newexample.com
But how can I attach an extra header on the above rewrite so that the javascript would detect that header and show the banner only when that header is present coz the user going directly at app.newexample.com should not see that popup-banner?
The thing is that, when you "rewrite" into URI having protocol and hostname (that is http://app.newexample.com/ in your case), Nginx issues fair HTTP redirect (I guess the code will be 301 aka "permanent redirect"). This leaves you only two mechanisms to transfer any information to the handler of new URL:
URL itself
Since you are redirecting users to the new domain, cookie is no-go. But even in the case of a common domain I would choose URL to transfer this kind of information, like
server_name app.example.com;
location /app/ {
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$ http://app.newexample.com/$1?from_old=yes;
This gives you the freedom to process at either Nginx or in a browser (using JavaScript). You may even do what you wanted intially, issuing a special HTTP header for JavaScript in new app server Nginx configuration:
server_name app.newexample.com;
location /app {
if ($arg_from_old) {
add_header X-From-Old-Site yes;
A similar problem was discussed here. You can try to use a third-party module HttpHeadersMore (I didn't try it myself). But even if it does not work at all, with the help of this module you can do absolutely everything. Example is here.
Your redirect is missing one thing, the redirect type/code, you should add permanent at the end of your rewrite line, I'm not sure what's the default redirect code if not explicitly mentioned.
rewrite ^/app/(.*)$ http://app.newexample.com/$1 permanent;
An even better way is using return
location /app {
return 301 $scheme://app.newexample.com$request_uri;
Adding a get parameter as mentioned above would also be a reliable way to do it, you can easily set a session ( flash ) and redirect again to the page it self but after removing the appended get parameter.
Redirecting doesn't send referrer header, if the old domain is still working you could put a simple php file that does the redirect with a header call.
header("Location: http://app.newexample.com")
One possible solution without any headers would be to check the document.referrer property:
if (document.referrer.indexOf("http://app.example.com") === 0) {
alert("We moved!");
Using a 301 will set the referrer to the old page. If the referrer doesn't start with the old page url, it was not directed by that page. Maybe a bit quick n dirty, but should work.