Average of Data in accordance with similar time - r

I have a dataset having solar power generation for 24 hours for many days, now I have to find the average of the power generated in accordance with the time, as for example, Have a glimpse of the datasetI have to find the average of the power generated at time 9:00:00 AM.

Start by stripping out the time from the date-time variable.
Assuming your data is called myData
myData$Hour <- hour(strptime(myData$Time, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))
Then use ddply from the plyr package, which allows us to apply a function to a subset of data.
myMeans <- ddply(myData[,c("Hour", "IT_solar_generation")], "Hour", numcolwise(mean))
The resulting frame will have one column called Time which will give you the hour, and another with the means at each hour.
NOW, on another side but important note, when you ask a question you should be providing information on the attempts you've made so far to answer the question. This isn't a help desk.


Comparing dates in a dataframe and appending info based on comparison result in R

so I am lost with the following problem:
I have a dataframe, in which one column contains (STARTED) the starting time of a survey, and several others information of the survey schedule of that survey participant (D5 to D10: only the planned survey dates, D17 to D50: planned send-out times of measurement per day). I'd like to create to columns that indicate now which survey day (1-6) and which measurement per day (1-6) this survey corresponds to.
First problem is the format (!)...
STARTED has the format %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S, D5 to D10 %d.%m.%Y and D17 to D50 %d.%m.%Y %H:%M.
I tried dmy_hms() from lubridate, parse_date_time(), and simply as.POSIXct(), but I always fail to get STARTED and the D17 to D50 section into a comparable format. Any solutions on this one?
After just separating STARTED into date & time columns, I was able to compare using ifelse() with D5 to D10 and to create the column of day running from 1 to 6.
This might be already more elegant with something like which(), but I was not able to create a vectorized version of this, as which(<<D5:D10>> == STARTED) would need to compare that per row. Does anyone have a solution for this?
And lastly, how on earth can I set up the second column indicating the measurement time? The first and last survey of the is easy, as there are also uniquely labelled, but for the other four ones I would need to compare per day whether the starting time is before the planned survey time of the following survey. I could imagine just checking whether STARTED falls in between two planned survey times just next to each other - as a POSIXct object that might work, if I can parse the different formats.
Help is greatly appreciated, thanks!
A screenshot from the beginning of the data:
Screenshot from R data using View()
For these first few rows, the intended variable day would need to be c(1,2,1,1,1,2,2) and measurement c(3,2,4,2,1,2,3).
Your other columns are not formatted with %d.%m.%Y, instead either %d.%m.%t (date only) or %d.%m.%y %H:%M. Note the change from %Y to %y.
as.Date("20.05.22", format = "%d.%m.%y")
# [1] "2022-05-20"
as.POSIXct("20.05.22 06:00", format = "%d.%m.%y %H:%M")
# [1] "2022-05-20 06:00:00 EDT"

how I change the frame data into time series?

I have a daily rainfall data for 36 years. I want to analyze the time series, but my data is still in the form of frame data, how I change the frame data into time series. My data is a variable, how to unify the year number with the date and month, so the data is only in one column
You could use a time series package for that, such as fpp i.e. install.packages('fpp'). Since you don't give an example code, I can't really help you properly with it but it's quite easy.
ts(your_data, start =, frequency = ) At start = you put the year or month where you'd start and at frequency = you'd put e.g. 36 since you talk about 36 years.
You might want to check out https://robjhyndman.com/. He has an online (free) book available that walks you through the use of his package as well as providing useful information with respect to time series analysis.
Hope this helps.

Getting Date to Add Correctly

I have a 3000 x 1000 matrix time series database going back 14 years that is updated every three months. I am forecasting out 9 months using this data still keeping a 3200 x 1100 matrix (mind you these are rough numbers).
During the forecasting process I need the variables Year and Month to be calculated appropriately . I am trying to automate the process so I don't have to mess with the code any more; I can just run the code every three months and upload the projections into our database.
Below is the code I am using right now. As I said above I do not want to have to look at the data or the code just run the code every three months. Right now everything else is working as planed, but I still have to ensure the dates are appropriately annotated. The foo variables are changed for privacy purposes due to the nature of their names.
projection <- rbind(projection, data.frame(foo=forbar, bar=barfoo,
+ Year=2012, Month=1:9,
+ Foo=as.vector(fc$mean)))
I'm not sure exactly where the year/months are coming from, but if you want to refer to the current date for those numbers, here is an option (using the wonderful package, lubridate):
today = Sys.Date()
projection <- rbind(projection, data.frame(foo=foobar, bar=barfoo,
year = year(today),
month = sapply(1:9,function(x) month(today+months(x))),
Foo = as.vector(fc$mean)))
I hope this is what you're looking for.

Creating a single timestamp from separate DAY OF YEAR, Year and Time columns in R

I have a time series dataset for several meteorological variables. The time data is logged in three separate columns:
Year (e.g. 2012)
Day of year (e.g. 261 representing 17-September in a Leap Year)
Hrs:Mins (e.g. 1610)
Is there a way I can merge the three columns to create a single timestamp in R? I'm not very familiar with how R deals with the Day of Year variable.
Thanks for any help with this!
It looks like the timeDate package can handle gregorian time frames. I haven't used it personally but it looks straightforward. There is a shift argument in some methods that allow you to set the offset from your data.
Because you mentioned it, I thought I'd show the actual code to merge together separate columns. When you have the values you need in separate columns you can use paste to bring them together and lubridate::mdy to parse them.
col.month <- "Jan"
col.year <- "2012"
col.day <- "23"
date <- mdy(paste(col.month, col.day, col.year, sep = "-"))
Lubridate is a great package, here's the official page: https://github.com/hadley/lubridate
And here is a nice set of examples: http://www.r-statistics.com/2012/03/do-more-with-dates-and-times-in-r-with-lubridate-1-1-0/
You should get quite far using ISOdatetime. This function takes vectors of year, day, hour, and minute as input and outputs an POSIXct object which represents time. You just have to split the third column into two separate hour minute columns and you can use the function.

15min time aggregation in R

I have a zoo series in R. I can choose between a chron or a POSIXct index.
How can I aggregate to 15min, taking the last element every 15min?
I know how to aggregate daily, writing as.Date, but not how to aggregate every 15min.
If I recall, this is documented in the zoo vignettes. Did you look there?
The xts package, which builds on zoo has helper functions -- see help(to.period) in particular and the to.minutes15 function.
Here are a couple of possibilities depending on what you want. Both make use of trunc.times from the chron package. The aggregate.zoo solution takes the last value within each 15 minute interval and labels it using the time at the beginning of the 15 minute interval so the times used are: 00:00:00, 00:15:00, 00:30:00 and 00:45:00. The duplicated solution uses the same values but labels them using the last time actually found in the data. In both cases we only include intervals for which data is present.
There are more examples of aggregate.zoo in (1) ?aggregate.zoo, (2) all three of the zoo vignettes have examples and (3) searching the r-help archives for the words aggregate.zoo and trunc finds even more examples.
z <- zoo(1:10, chron(1:10/(24*13)))
# 1. last value in each 15 minute interval
# using time at which interval begins
aggregate(z, trunc(time(z), "00:15:00"), tail, 1)
# 2. last value in each 15 minute interval
# time of last point in data within interval
z[!duplicated(trunc(time(z), "00:15:00"), fromLast = TRUE)]
