Setup Qt remotely deploy with board - qt

so here's the question..
I'm developing a embedded linux program using qt 4.7..
I was able to cross compile and run withou success, but i'm trying to run thru my pc Qt (with remotely deploy) I was able to initialize and connect with ssh and i get "test successfull" when i make it with qt option.
I searched that i needed to include the target path in the project to solve "Cannot run: no command given"
The problem is, when i add:
target.files = EmbeddedSystem
target.path = /home/plg
INSTALLS += target
to the .pro, i get the error "error: SFTP initialization failed: The SFTP server finished unexpectedly with exit code 127."
Btw, i'm using mini6410.. Thanks!!

This error might comes from your ssh server/client on your embedded device.
Running the connexion test successfully doesn't mean that you can transfer files using SFTP.
If you are using OpenSSH then it is ok but Dropbear (for example) is a lightweight server/client that supports ssh but not SFTP.


QT wayland Failed to create display (No such file or directory)

I am trying create a qt5 application on yocto using qtwayland. When I run my application, the 'Apllication Output' displays this error
"Failed to create display (No such file or directory) Application
finished with exit code 1." .
However, the bin file actually has successfully been deployed and I can run it on my board by opening the file manually. I can't debug on my board,either.
How can I figure it out, thank you.
I assume you are trying to create a Qt client application and run it on a wayland server?
On Wayland, Failed to create display (No such file or directory) means that a Wayland client couldn't connect to the compositor/display server.
So you should verify that your compositor is running. Which one are you using?
The environment variable, XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, also needs to be set both when the compositor is started and when your client is started.
If clients start when you run them on the device, it might be that the default platform for your qt installation is eglfs, not Wayland. In order to run the applications on Wayland, start it like this:
./myapp -platform wayland
or set
export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland
Note that if you are running a Qt-based compositor, then the compositor should probably still be run with the eglfs backend

docker cannot run in visual studio

error during connect: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.26/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified. In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run elevated to connect. This error may also indicate that the docker ...
Try running Visual Studio as admin. Also check if your daemon is running and ready. If you are using docker for windows, and not only the binaries, then there should be a docker icon on the task bar. Also try to give more context in your question, exactly when did this happen?

How to run a kaa file on Windows?

I generated sdk in C ++ by sandbox.
I created the app using the steps described on this page, "".
On Ubuntu I run the kaa-app file with the "./kaa-app" command on the terminal.
How can I run this file on Windows?
Basically you need to compile the whole project on windows - with the windows compiler to be more specific.
Than you will get a windows executable (.exe).

Call the build script present on another machine

We have a build script present on our build machine.
How will I run this build script from my machine using ant?
Both machines are in same network.
Is there any free tool to call build script on remote machine which supports command line support?
Please Note: Build script cannot be called manually.
Please ask for any more details are required.
The sshexec task can do the work. Obviously Ant should be installed on the build machine. But you have to install a ssh server on the build machine too.
Here a piece of build.xml for your local machine:
<sshexec host="buildmachine"
command="ant -f /path/to/the/build.xml" />

Enable Qt Creator to create core files when in run mode?

I am running a GUI program in Qt and whenever I exit the program the error message in the Qt Creator terminal is
"The program has unexpectedly finished. /.../../.. exited with code 0".
However when I run this same executable through the Linux terminal and exit the program I get a segfault(core dumped) and consequently a core file. I was wondering if it is possible to enable the creation of core files by running the program from Qt Creator (not in debug mode, just build and run mode)?
Creating core files depends on the operating system rather than a single program or some IDE.
Try running
ulimit -c unlimited
on the shell before running qtcreator. Then you can try launch your program.
If you need more details take a look at the man page of bash.
Good luck!
