I´m trying find out how to get a graphic of a specified cell of a tableView. My scenerio looks like this:
I know i can get a value of a specified cell, which would look something like this:
getCellValue(TableView table, int column, int row) {
but i did not find out how to get other TableCell attributes, namely graphics, to test, if the cell gets appropriate icon after validation.
The straightforward solution is to define ids for your icons and lookup them in your tests.
To bind icon ids with specific col and row you may use a special id format for this: colN_rowN_iconName.
To find a specific TableCell object by id we may set an id in the upateItem() method:
return new TableCell<AspectsTableRowData<?>, String>() {
protected void updateItem(final String item, final boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
setId("TODO set my id");
I am trying to implement a TreeTableView in JavaFX, containing 'MyData' objects, and having two columns. First column should contain a string; this was easy:
column1.setCellValueFactory((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<MyData, String> entry)
-> new ReadOnlyStringWrapper(entry.getValue().getValue().toString()));
For the second column, I need to use some more complex data within the MyData object, and I want to render basically a sequence of icons that depict that data. So, I tried to create a custom cell renderer:
MyCellRenderer extends TreeTableCell<MyData, MyData> {
protected void updateItem(MyData item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item == null || empty) {
} else {
// building some ContentPane with an HBox of Images here..
and then set the column CellFactory and CellValueFactory as follows:
column2.setCellValueFactory((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<MyData, MyData> entry)
-> new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper(entry));
column2.setCellFactory(param -> new MyCellRenderer());
But I get this exception at runtime:
Exception in thread "JavaFX Application Thread"
javafx.scene.control.TreeTableColumn$CellDataFeatures cannot be cast
to MyData
I am afraid I don't really understand the meaning of the different generic types for all these classes, and also I am not sure about the "ReadOnlyObjectWrapper". I just tried to copy/paste and tweak it from the setup of the first column.
I would be very thankful if someone could shine some light on me. Unfortunately the oracle docs about TreeTableView don't go into that much detail, they just show simple examples.
Thank you
You're passing entry, which is of the type TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<MyData, MyData>, as the initial value to a new ReadOnlyObjectWraper - a raw type - which is expecting a type of MyData at runtime and not TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<MyData, MyData>. As you can see, there is a mismatch of generic types.
Try changing
new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper(entry)
new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(entry.getValue().getValue())
The reason for two getValue() calls is because the first entry.getValue() returns a TreeItem<MyData> and the second getValue() returns the actual MyData instance.
This is all assuming that your table is declared TreeTableView<MyData> and your column is declared TreeTableColumn<MyData, MyData>.
Edit: Since you said you don't really understand all the generic signatures here's a brief explanation.
Here the S is the type of object the TreeTableView displays. AKA, the model class. An example would be a Person class which would make S a Person.
TreeTableColumn<S, T>
The S here is the same as the S in the TreeTableView that the column is destined to be a part of. The T is the type of object that a TreeTableCell in the column will be displaying. This is normally a value contained within a property of the type S. Such as a StringProperty for a name of a Person which would make T a String.
TreeTableCell<S, T>
The S and T will be the same as the TreeTableColumn which the cell will be a part of.
Now, for the value callback:
Callback<TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<S, T>, ObservableValue<T>>
Again, the S and T represent the same types of the TreeTableColumn for which the Callback will belong to. This Callback returns an ObservableValue that contains the type T so that the TreeTableCell can observe the value for changes and update the UI accordingly. In your case, since the type you want to display is not held in a property you return a new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper to satisfy the API requirements. If I continue the name StringProperty example I gave above you could end up with something like:
TreeTableView<Person> table = ..;
TreeTableColumn<Person, String> column = ...;
column.setCellValueFactory(dataFeatures -> {
// This could all be done in one line but I figured I'd
// make it explicit to show all the types used.
TreeItem<Person> item = dataFeatures.getValue();
Person person = item.getValue();
return person.nameProperty(); // returns StringProperty which is an
// ObservableStringValue which in turn
// is an ObservableValue<String>
You need
column2.setCellValueFactory((TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures<MyData, MyData> entry)
-> new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(entry.getValue().getValue()));
Note that if you don't use raw types (i.e. use ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<> or ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<MyData>, instead of just ReadOnlyObjectWrapper), the compiler will inform you of the error, which is much better than trying to decipher what went wrong at runtime.
As you can see, the parameter type for the cell value factory is a TreeTableColumn.CellDataFeatures (see docs). This is simply a wrapper for the row value from which you're going to extract the data that are shown in the cell; this wrapper just contains the tree item for the row itself (which you get with getValue()), as well as the column to which the cell value factory is attached (getTreeTableColumn()) and the table to which that column belongs (getTreeTableView()).
The latter two, I believe, are designed to enable you to write general, reusable, cell value factories, which you might want to customize on the basis of the column or table to which they're attached. (Use cases for this are hard for me to envisage, but nevertheless I suspect there is some occasion for them...)
The TreeItem containing the row (which you get with entry.getValue()), of course contains the row value itself (you get this with getValue(), which is why you end up with entry.getValue().getValue()), as well as other TreeItem-specific information (is it expanded, selected, etc etc).
I have a simple JavaFX Table with a column like this:
private TableColumn<PropertyModel, String> columnPropertyProdValue;
Within the initialize method I used this
in order to get an textarea at a double click event on this column. This is working fine.
The column should store different property values but the datatype depends on a different column in the table. The first column "datatype" defines the datatype like boolean, string or integer and the property column should store its value. But in the moment it is always a String.
Its fine for me if I store the property value as a String in the database but the application should check for correctness of the datatype at runtime.
Does anyone has a good idea how to realize that?
Thanks a lot
For TextInputControl and subclasses you can apply TextFormatter. This class allows you to control input. For example (for float number):
setTextFormatter(new TextFormatter<String>(
s -> {
if (s.getControlNewText().isEmpty())
return s;
return s;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return null;
I found a "Simple alternate solution" in auto numbered table rows (javafx) for auto-incrementing values
This works well. However, if I sort the column in the table, this is not getting sorted. Any fix for this?
Also, according the solution if I delete a row in the middle and write the table contents to a file, the row number is adjusted in the table view but not in the file. The row will be deleted in the file but the auto-incremented value does not get adjusted. Please help.
If you want a persistent numbering which is attached to the data objects so that the numbers get sorted with the data objects, then you should create a data item which includes the numbering.
For example:
public class IdentifiedPerson {
private IntegerProperty id;
private ObjectProperty<Person> person;
public IdentifiedPerson(int id, Person person) {
this.id = new SimpleIntegerProperty(id);
this.person = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(person);
public IntegerProperty idProperty() {
return id;
public ObjectProperty<Person> personProperty() {
return person;
Then your TableView is defined as:
private TableView<IdentifiedPerson> table = new TableView<IdentifiedPerson>();
And you provide cell value factories for each of your table columns to supply the relevant data (either the person id or some person attribute).
So the id/row number essentially becomes part of your object model. If you can modify the Person object directly, then you can stick the id in there rather than having the wrapper class for the person id + person object.
Anyway, I think the above info will help you solve your issues. If not, or if you can't come up with a working example yourself, add some further comments or edit the question and maybe somebody can put an example together for you.
I am looking for a way to get the selected cell of a TableView control. Note that I don't just want the cell value, I want an actual TableCell object. One would expect that the method:
does just that, but it returns a TablePosition object, which gives you row and column information, but I don't see a way to get TableCell object from that.
The reason I need this is because I want to respond to a key press, but attaching an event filter to TableCell does not work (probably because it is not editable). So I attach it to TableView, but then I need to get the currently selected cell.
EDIT: For future readers: DO NOT mess with TableCell objects, except in cell factory. Use the TableView the way designers intended, or you will be in lot of trouble. If you need data from multiple sources in single table, it is better to make a new class that aggregates all the data and use that as a TableView source.
I just posted an answer that uses this code to edit a Cell. I don't think you can get a reference to the actual table cell as that's internal to the table view.
tp = tv.getFocusModel().getFocusedCell();
tv.edit(tp.getRow(), tp.getTableColumn());
Your method also returns a TablePosition so you can use that as well.
Here's the link https://stackoverflow.com/a/21988562/2855515
This will probably get downvoted because the OP asked about returning the cell itself, rather than what I'll describe, but a Google search led me here for my issue.
I personally ran into issues trying to retrieve data from an individual cell.
java.is.for.desktop offered buggy code related to this matter, that throws an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, but is on the right track. My goal is to offer a better example of that using a lambda.
To access data from a single TableCell:
tableView.getFocusModel().focusedCellProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends TablePosition> observable, TablePosition oldPos, TablePosition pos) -> {
int row = pos.getRow();
int column = pos.getColumn();
String selectedValue = "";
/* pos.getColumn() can return -1 if the TableView or
* TableColumn instances are null. The JavaDocs state
* this clearly. Failing to check will produce an
* ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when underlying data is changed.
if ((pos.getRow() != -1) && (pos.getColumn() != -1))
selectedValue = tableView.getItems()
if ((selectedValue != null) && (!selectedValue.isEmpty()))
// handling if contains data
// handling if doesn't contain data
I meant to say ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, rather than NullPointerException, I updated this answer to reflect that. I also cleaned up spelling and grammar.
You want to respond to key press? Better don't.
Instead, you could register a listener for focusing of table cells, which would work with arrow keys and mouse clicks on table cells (and even with touch events, oh my, the future is already there).
new ChangeListener<TablePosition>() {
public void changed(ObservableValue<? extends TablePosition> observable,
TablePosition oldPos, TablePosition pos) {
int row = pos.getRow();
int column = pos.getColumn();
String selectedValue = "";
if (table.getItems().size() > row
&& table.getItems().get(row).size() > column) {
selectedValue = table.getItems().get(row).get(column);
In this example, I am using a "classic" TableView with List<String> as column model. (So, your data type could be different than String.) And, of course, that label is just an example from my code.
I have created a grid view of Leavemaster table and leaveApplication table.
There is field LeaveId in LeaveMaster and foreign key in LeaveApplication table.
I want to, when I select leaveId in LeaveAppliation table, automatically have related fields like LeaveName be filled according to LeaveId.
If you only want to show the leaveName use a display method defined on the LeaveApplicationTable:
display EmplName leaveName()
return LeaveMasterTable::find(this.LeaveId).Name;
If you have more fields to show consider using outer-join.
In the LeaveApplicationTable form add the LeaveMasterTable as a secondary datasource and use outer-join as the joinMode (Allow-Edit: false).
Add a modified method to the LeaveId field on theLeaveApplicationTable datasource:
public void modified()
Also change the validateWrite and write methods of the LeaveMasterTable datasource to not change any data:
public boolean validateWrite()
return true;
public void write()