Insert Charts Into Individual Cells - graph

The Issue:
Graphs cant be inserted into cells like images can.
The Request:
The feature "=Image("URL",2)" Should also be available for charts.

You are able to build simple charts within an individual cell using the SPARKLINE function. Here is the documentation.
Here is a simple example:


How to plot a large number of vbar in a Bokeh figure

Hi I am trying to modify the example code here
I removed the toolbar_location=None so that the Bokeh toolbar can show, also I made factors array very large.
I would like to see a figure that I can pan/scroll to view more data rather than it is doing right now-congested all the bars in the fixed width.
How to do that?
As of version 0.12.16 Bokeh only supports initially showing all the factors. There is no mechanism to show only some subset. You can open a GitHub issue if you would like to discuss adding this as a feature.

How to extract selected data from interactive htmlwidget plot

I am trying to figure out a way to extract data from a selection of an interactive plot in Shiny. I build a parallel coordinates plot using a package found at which builds a parcoords chart using htmlWidgets. It allows users to make specific slections, as seen below:
What I need is a way to extract the highlighted rows from the underlying data set, either through a download button or data table. Is there anyway to pull out this info from the underlying htmlWidget process? Any advice is appreciated.
Using crosstalk you can let one htmlwidget talk to another. The dev version of parcoords supports crosstalk integration as does datatable, so you can link the two with minimal effort

Bokeh Charts: Custom HoverTool variables for Bar Charts

If I make a bar chart like this:
bar = Bar(data,labels,tools='Hover')
I can make tooltips like this:
hover =
hover.tooltips = [
('Grade',' $x'),
('Students',' #Students'),
However, when I do variables with '#variable' in the tooltips, I am limited to those specified in data. In normal Bokeh plots, I can have custom variables associated with data points by using a ColumnDataSource. Bar does not support ColumnDataSources. Is there another way to make custom variables available in Bokeh chart tooltips (hover)?
There's is an open PR to add this feature to the charts interface.
It's going to be part of the next bokeh release and also be available through the dev builds (or in the master branch of course) as soon as it gets merged if you need it sooner.
I had the same problem. The trick here is to use GlyphRenderer to make the bar chart aware of the data source. For e.g., you can add a line before hover = You can then refer your custom variables using #cat, #zero etc. See the following link for more information and a working example.!topic/bokeh/-aDPTqDPA3M

LocusZoom standalone change x-axis and use the plots in a script

I am using the standalone LocusZoom software,but I am having two problems:
I have to create a plot showing only position on the x-axis (not showing the genes). If I just use showGenes=FALSE with nothing else the genes still appear, but if I use rfrows=0 then the genes are not shown, but the problem is that also the x-axis label with the positions disappears. Is there a way to only show the position label? It looks like the only way to do this is to modify the original script...
Is there a way to use several plots created using LocusZoom in an R script to position many plots into one unique figure? (output is a pdf for now) There is an option listed in the LocusZoom webpage ( called "prelude" but I cannot get more info on how to use it.
If you have any suggestions for either of these two issues it would be very helpful! Thanks!!

Libraries to create this type of chart?

The website I'm building will have content in various languages. I'm looking for a nice way to present the "langages" data, for those interested.
I really like this visualisation :
It is basically a series of sparklines, drawn at decreasing heights. I would use it, for instance, to display the overall number of posts in a language (→ height of the sparkline), and the evolution of this number (→ the sparkline itself).
Is there a chart drawing library that could do something like that ? I don't need it to be "clickable" / zoomable, a static image would be fine.
Check out the SparkLine charts provided in FusionWidgets XT -
