I am creating a custom visual for power bi using rcharts but when it goes for saving the widget it say returns me an error. This is my code:
dataset = Values
dataset$Nome <- as.factor(dataset$Nome)
dataset$TesteExercise <- as.factor(dataset$TesteExercise)
dataset$PlayerPosition <- as.factor(dataset$PlayerPosition)
pospassmatrix1 <- dataset %>%
group_by(TesteExercise) %>%
summarise(ValueTotal1 = sum(Value))
pospassmatrix2 <- dataset %>%
group_by(PlayerPosition) %>%
summarise(ValueTotal2 = sum(Value))
plot <- Highcharts$new()
plot$chart(polar = TRUE, type = "line",height=500)
plot$xAxis(categories=pospassmatrix1$TesteExercise, tickmarkPlacement= 'on', lineWidth= 0)
plot$yAxis(gridLineInterpolation='circle', lineWidth= 0,endOnTick=T,tickInterval=10)
plot$series(data = pospassmatrix1$ValueTotal1,name = "sum1", pointPlacement="on")
plot$series(data = pospassmatrix2$ValueTotal2,name = "sum2", pointPlacement="on")
p = plot
############# Create and save widget ###############
internalSaveWidget(p, 'out.html');
Anyone has a clue of how I can use rchart graphs as a widget or transform this in a ggplot adaptation ?
pbi error
somehow I am not able to properly export a plot containing three subplots into my PowerPoint with the officer package. I will most an MWE with the same but different data that produces the plot that I want to export
p1 <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == "CAF") %>%
gg_tsdisplay(difference(Exports), plot_type='partial')
p_dml <- rvg::dml(ggobj = p1, editable = F)
my_pres <- read_pptx("...path/presentation.pptx")
my_pres <- add_slide(my_pres,layout = "Headline 1-zeilig", master = "Master-Design") #should be adjusted
my_pres<- ph_with(my_pres, value = p_dml , location = ph_location_fullsize())
print(my_pres, target = "...path/presentation.pptx")
This is the graph that I am producing inside R:
But in the final PowerPoint only the lower right figure is displayed and not all three graphs.
The issue is that the object returned by gg_tsdisplay is not a ggplot object but a list of ggplot objects instead. As a consequence only the last element of this list is exported to the pptx or you get an error in the case where your first convert to a dml object.
One possible fix would be to build your multi plot using the patchwork package which as a side effect will "convert" the list of plots to a ggplot object. After doing so you could easily export to pptx whether as a ggplot object or as an dml object. In my code below I use patchwork::wrap_plots and use the design argument to mimic the layout of your multi plot:
p1 <- global_economy %>%
filter(Code == "CAF") %>%
gg_tsdisplay(difference(Exports), plot_type='partial')
p1 <- p1 |>
wrap_plots(design = "AA\nBC")
p_dml <- rvg::dml(ggobj = p1, editable = F)
my_pres <- read_pptx()
my_pres <- add_slide(my_pres,layout = "Title and Content", master = "Office Theme")
my_pres<- ph_with(my_pres, value = p_dml, location = ph_location_fullsize())
print(my_pres, target = "presentation.pptx")
I wish to plot a time series with dygraph inside a markdown document. I can select the time series from a list and plot it with plot() function but it does not work on the same way with dygraph function
df <- data.frame(date = c(as.yearmon(2018,1),as.yearmon(2018,1),as.yearmon(2018,2),as.yearmon(2018,2),
as.yearmon(2018,1),as.yearmon(2018,1),as.yearmon(2018,2),as.yearmon(2018,2)), sales = c(1,2,3,4),
cat_I = c("drink","drink","food","food","drink","drink","food","food"),
cat_II = c("cola","fanta","tomatoes","bananas","cola","fanta","tomatoes","bananas"))
cat <- data.frame(I = c("drink","drink","food","food"),
II = c("cola","fanta","tomatoes","bananas"))
ts <- list()
for(s in unique(cat$II)){
aux <- df %>% filter(cat_II==s) %>%
ts[[s]] <- ts(aux$sales,start=c(2018,1),frequency = 12)
selectInput("I", label = "category_I:",
choices = names(ts))
This works fine, but it doesn´t work when I try to plot with dygraph()
You should use dygraphs::renderDygraph instead of renderPlot
i m trying to create an interactive plot using highcharter and to be dependent on the selectinput.
The below code is working perfect with the data frame, but once uploading the excel file the R studio can't execute the 'amount function' , you can try with this spreadsheet which contains exactly the same data
here is the error message:
"Warning: Error in : object 'amount' not found"
library (shinyjs)
library (tidyr)
library (data.table)
library (highcharter)
library (dplyr)
library (shinydashboard)
library (shiny)
header <- dashboardHeader()
body <- dashboardBody(
selectInput("selectid","Select a Measurement",choices=c("a","b","c"),selected = "a"),
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar()
ui <- dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$Working <- renderHighchart({
# Make the initial data.
summarized <- dat %>%
group_by(x) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(!!sym(input$selectid)))
summarized <- arrange(summarized, desc(Quantity))
tibbled <- tibble(name = summarized$x, y = summarized$Quantity)
# This time, click handler is needed.
drilldownHandler <- JS("function(event)
{Shiny.onInputChange('ClickedInput', event.point.drilldown);}")
# Also a message receiver for later async drilldown data has to be set.
# Note in the JS: message.point is going to be the point ID. Highcharts addSeriesAsDrilldown need a point to attach
# the drilldown series to. This is retrieved via chart.get which takes the ID of any Highcharts Element.
# This means: IDs are kind of important here, so keep track of what you assign.
installDrilldownReceiver <- JS("function() {
var chart = this;
Shiny.addCustomMessageHandler('drilldown', function(message) {
var point = chart.get(message.point)
chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown(point, message.series);
highchart() %>%
# Both events are on the chart layer, not by series.
hc_chart(events = list(load = installDrilldownReceiver, drilldown = drilldownHandler)) %>%
hc_xAxis(type = "category") %>%
# Note: We add a drilldown directive (= name) to tell Highcharts that this has a drilldown functionality.
hc_add_series(tibbled, "column", hcaes(x = name, y = y, drilldown = name, id = name), color = "#E4551F") %>%
hc_plotOptions(column = list(stacking = "normal")) %>%
hc_drilldown(allowPointDrilldown = TRUE)
# Drilldown handler to calculate the correct drilldown
observeEvent(input$ClickedInput, {
# We will code the drill levels to be i.e. Farm_Car. By that we calculate the next Sub-Chart.
levels <- strsplit(input$ClickedInput, "_", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
# This is just for generalizing this function to work in all the levels and even be expandable to further more levels.
resemblences <- c("x", "y", "z")
dataSubSet <- dat
# We subsequently narrow down the original dataset by walking through the drilled levels
for (i in 1:length(levels)) {
dataSubSet <- dat[dat[[resemblences[i]]] == levels[i],]
# Create a common data.frame for all level names.
normalized <- data.frame(category = dataSubSet[[resemblences[length(levels) + 1]]], amount = dataSubSet[, input$selectid])
summarized <- normalized %>%
group_by(category) %>%
summarize(Quantity = sum(amount))
summarized <- arrange(summarized, desc(Quantity))
tibbled <- tibble(name = summarized$category, y = summarized$Quantity)
# Preparing the names and drilldown directives for the next level below.
# If already in "Farm_Car", the name for column "Bob" will be "Farm_Car_Bob"
nextLevelCodes = lapply(tibbled$name, function(fac) {
paste(c(levels, as.character(fac)), collapse = "_")
}) %>% unlist
tibbled$id = nextLevelCodes
# This is dynamic handling for when there is no further drilldown possible.
# If no "drilldown" property is set in the data object, Highcharts will not let further drilldowns be triggered.
if (length(levels) < length(resemblences) - 1) {
tibbled$drilldown = nextLevelCodes
# Sending data to the installed Drilldown Data listener.
session$sendCustomMessage("drilldown", list(
series = list(
type = "column",name = paste(levels, sep = "_"),
data = list_parse(tibbled)
# Here, point is, as mentioned above, the ID of the point that triggered the drilldown.
point = input$ClickedInput
output$trial <- renderText({input$ClickedInput})
shinyApp(ui, server)
I am trying to make an interactive stock performance plot from R. It is to compare the relative performance of several stocks. Each stock's performance line should start at 0%.
For static plots I would use dplyr group_by and mutate to calculate performance (see my code).
With ggplot2 and plotly/ggplotly, rangeslider() allows to interactively select the x-axis range. Now I'd like performance to be starting at 0 from any start range selected.
How can I either move the dplyr calculation into the plotting or have a feedback loop to recalculate as the range is changed?
Ideally it should be usable in static RMarkdown HTML. Alternatively I'd also switch to Shiny.
I tried several options for rangeslider. Also I tried with ggplot stat_function but could not achieve the desired result. Also I found dygraphs which has dyRangeSelector. But also here I face the same problem.
This is my code:
stocks <- tq_get(c("AAPL", "MSFT"), from = "2019-01-01")
range_from <- as.Date("2019-02-01")
stocks_range <- stocks %>%
filter(date >= range_from) %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
mutate(performance = adjusted/first(adjusted)-1)
p <- stocks_range %>%
ggplot(aes(x = date, y = performance, color = symbol)) +
ggplotly(p, dynamicTicks = T) %>%
rangeslider(borderwidth = 1) %>%
layout(hovermode = "x", yaxis = list(tickformat = "%"))
If you do not want to use shiny, you can either use the dyRebase option in dygraphs, or you have to insert custom javascript code in plotly. In both examples, I rebase to one, not zero.
Option 1: with dygraphs
stocks <- tq_get(c("AAPL", "MSFT"), from = "2019-01-01")
stocks %>%
dplyr::select(symbol, date, adjusted) %>%
tidyr::spread(key = symbol, value = adjusted) %>%
timetk::tk_xts() %>%
dygraph() %>%
dyRebase(value = 1) %>%
Note that `dyRebase(value = 0) does not work.
Option 2: with plotly using event handlers. I try to avoid ggplotly, hence my plot_ly solution. Here the time selection is just by zooming, but I think it can be done by a range selector as well. The javascript code in onRenderRebaseTxt rebases every trace to the first visible data point (taking care of possible missing values). It is only called with the relayout event, hence the first rebasing must be done before the plot.
stocks <- tq_get(c("AAPL", "MSFT"), from = "2019-01-01")
pltly <-
stocks %>%
dplyr::group_by(symbol) %>%
dplyr::mutate(adjusted = adjusted / adjusted[1L]) %>%
plotly::plot_ly(x = ~date, y = ~adjusted, color = ~symbol,
type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>%
plotly::layout(dragmode = "zoom",
datarevision = 0)
onRenderRebaseTxt <- "
function(el, x) {
el.on('plotly_relayout', function(rlyt) {
var nrTrcs = el.data.length;
// array of x index to rebase to; defaults to zero when all x are shown, needs to be one per trace
baseX = Array.from({length: nrTrcs}, (v, i) => 0);
// if x zoomed, increase baseX until first x point larger than x-range start
if (el.layout.xaxis.autorange == false) {
for (var trc = 0; trc < nrTrcs; trc++) {
while (el.data[[trc]].x[baseX[trc]] < el.layout.xaxis.range[0]) {baseX[trc]++;}
// rebase each trace
for (var trc = 0; trc < nrTrcs; trc++) {
el.data[trc].y = el.data[[trc]].y.map(x => x / el.data[[trc]].y[baseX[trc]]);
el.layout.yaxis.autorange = true; // to show all traces if y was zoomed as well
el.layout.datarevision++; // needs to change for react method to show data changes
Plotly.react(el, el.data, el.layout);
htmlwidgets::onRender(pltly, onRenderRebaseTxt)
I found a solution with plotly_relayout which reads out the visible x-axis range. This is used to recompute the performance. It works as a Shiny app. Here's my code:
stocks <- tq_get(c("AAPL", "MSFT"), from = "2019-01-01")
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Rangesliding performance"),
server <- function(input, output) {
d <- reactive({ e <- event_data("plotly_relayout")
if (is.null(e)) {
e$xaxis.range <- c(min(stocks$date), max(stocks$date))
e })
stocks_range_dyn <- reactive({
s <- stocks %>%
group_by(symbol) %>%
mutate(performance = adjusted/first(adjusted)-1)
if (!is.null(d())) {
s <- s %>%
mutate(performance = adjusted/nth(adjusted, which.min(abs(date - date(d()$xaxis.range[[1]]))))-1)
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(stocks_range_dyn(), x = ~date, y = ~performance, color = ~symbol) %>%
add_lines() %>%
rangeslider(start = d()$xaxis.range[[1]], end = d()$xaxis.range[[2]], borderwidth = 1)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Definign the start/end of the rangeslider only works with plot_ly, not with a ggplot object converted by ggplotly. I am unsure if this is a bug, therefore opened an issue on Github.
In the following shiny app, the plotly package is used to create an interactive correlation heat map. When individual tiles are clicked, the corresponding scatter plot appears. One can then download the individual scatters by clicking download plot as png. But is there a way to download all the possible scatter plots at once without having to click each individual tile and save each individual one? Thank you
# compute a correlation matrix
correlation <- round(cor(mtcars), 3)
nms <- names(mtcars)
ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$heat <- renderPlotly({
plot_ly(x = nms, y = nms, z = correlation,
key = correlation, type = "heatmap", source = "heatplot") %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = ""),
yaxis = list(title = ""))
output$selection <- renderPrint({
s <- event_data("plotly_click")
if (length(s) == 0) {
"Click on a cell in the heatmap to display a scatterplot"
} else {
cat("You selected: \n\n")
output$scatterplot <- renderPlotly({
s <- event_data("plotly_click", source = "heatplot")
if (length(s)) {
vars <- c(s[["x"]], s[["y"]])
d <- setNames(mtcars[vars], c("x", "y"))
yhat <- fitted(lm(y ~ x, data = d))
plot_ly(d, x = ~x) %>%
add_markers(y = ~y) %>%
add_lines(y = ~yhat) %>%
layout(xaxis = list(title = s[["x"]]),
yaxis = list(title = s[["y"]]),
showlegend = FALSE)
} else {
shinyApp(ui, server)
You can use webshot to capture a static image of Plotly's HTML output using the instructions here: https://plot.ly/r/static-image-export/
An example for loop below generates random scatter plots from mtcars.
## You'll need to run the function the first time if you dont't have phantomjs installed
ColumnOptions <- colnames(mtcars)
for (i in seq_len(5)){
xCol <- sample(ColumnOptions,1)
yCol <- sample(ColumnOptions,1)
ThisFileName <- paste0("Scatter_",xCol,"_vs_",yCol,".png")
plot_ly(x = mtcars[[xCol]], y = mtcars[[yCol]], type = "scatter", mode = "markers") %>%
export(., file = ThisFileName)
However, if you're going to be potentially doing this dozens of times, the amount of computation required to go through the following steps really adds up.
Generate a JSON plotly object from R
Use htmlwidgets/htmltoolsto generate a self-contained HTML web page
Render that HTML as a browser would see it with an external program --webshot
Use webshot to render an image of that HTML and save it as a PNG
This isn't really a reflection of plotly being slow, but to make an analogy it's kind've like using an airplane to travel half a mile -- the plane gets you there, but if you need to make that trip more than a few times you should probably consider a car.
The plotly loop above takes 27 seconds to render 5 PNG images, but the alternative method below using ggplot2 takes 1.2 seconds.
ColumnOptions <- colnames(mtcars)
for (i in seq_len(5)){
xCol <- sample(ColumnOptions,1)
yCol <- sample(ColumnOptions,1)
ThisFileName <- paste0("ggplot2_Scatter_",xCol,"_vs_",yCol,".png")
ggplot() +
geom_point(aes(x = mtcars[[xCol]], y = mtcars[[yCol]])) +
labs(x = xCol, y = yCol) -> ThisPlot
ggsave(plot = ThisPlot, filename = ThisFileName)