Fibonacci Sequence in R - r

I am a new R user and have very limited programming experience, hence my question and poorly written code.
I was assigned a problem where I had to use a while loop to generate the numbers of the Fibonacci sequence that are less than 4,000,000 (the Fibonacci sequence is characterized by the fact that every number after the first two is the sum of the two preceding ones).
Next, I had to compute the sum of the even numbers in the sequence that was generated.
I was successful with my response, however, I don't think the code is written very well. What could I have done better?
> x <- 0
> y <- 1
> z <- 0
if (x == 0 & y == 1) {
cat(" ")
cat(" ")
while (x < 4000000 & y < 4000000) {
x <- x + y
cat(" ")
if (x %% 2 == 0) {
z <- x + z
y <- x + y
cat(" ")
if (y %% 2 == 0) {
z <- y + z
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597 2584 4181 6765 10946 17711 28657 46368 75025 121393 196418 317811 514229 832040 1346269 2178309 3524578 5702887 9227465

First of all, cat comes with a sep argument. You can do cat(x, y, sep = " ") rather than using 3 lines for that.
Secondly, when you call while (x < 4000000 & y < 4000000) note that y will always be greater than x because it is the sum of the last x and y ... so it should suffice to check for y < 4000000 here.
For the while loop, you could also use a counter - might be more intuitive. Indexing in R isn't that fast though
fib <- c(0, 1)
i <- 2
while (fib[i] < 4000000) {
fib <- c(fib, fib[i-1] + fib[i])
i <- i + 1
sum(fib[fib %% 2 == 0])
If you don't necessarily need the while, you could also approach it via recursion
fib <- function(x, y) {
s <- x + y
c(s, if (s < 4000000) fib(y, s))
f <- fib(0, 1)
sum(f[f %% 2 == 0])

First, there's no need o explicitly print everything out.
Second, it's more idiomatic in R to make a vector of the Fibonacci numbers and then sum. If you don't know an explicit closed form for the Fibonacci numbers, or if you've been told not to use this, then use a loop to create the list of Fibonacci numbers.
So to construct the list of Fibonacci numbers (two at a time) you can do
x <- 0
y <- 1
fib <- c()
while (x < 4000000 & y < 4000000){
x <- x + y
y <- x + y
fib = c(fib, x, y)
This will give you a vector of Fibonacci numbers, containing all those less than 4000000 and a few more (the last element is 9227465).
Then run
sum(fib[fib %% 2 == 0 & fib < 4000000])
to get the result. This returns 4613732, like your code does. The subsetting operator [], when you put a logical condition inside it, will output just those numbers which satisfy the logical condition -- in this case, that they're even and less than 4000000.

I am using the closed form of the fibonacci sequence as found here
fib = function(n) round(((5 + sqrt(5)) / 10) * (( 1 + sqrt(5)) / 2) ** (1:n - 1))
numbers <- 2
while (max(fib(numbers)) < 4000000){ # try amount of numbers while the maximum of the sequence is less than 4000000
sequence <- fib(numbers) # here the sequence that satisfies the "4000000 condition will be saved"
numbers <- numbers + 1 # increase the amount of numbers
total_sum <- sum(sequence[sequence%%2==0]) # summing the even numbers

This is how I would do it. First, I defined a global variable i to include the first two elements of the Fibonacci series. Then at the end, I re-assigned the global variable to its initial value (i.e. 1). If I don't do that, then when I call the function fib(0,1) again, the output is incorrect as it calls the function with the last value of i. It's also important to do return() to ensure it doesn't return anything in the else clause. If you don't specify return(), the final output will be 1, instead of the Fibonacci series.
Please note the series only goes till the number 13 (z<14) obviously you can change that to whatever you want. May also be a good option to include this as the third argument of the function, something like fib(0,1,14). Try it out!
i <<- 1
fib <- function(x,y){
z <- x+y
if (i==1){
i <<- i+1
else c(z, fib(y,z))
else {
i <<- 1
a <- fib(0,1)


Nesting a function in R until a condition is met

I am looking for an efficient way to nest the same function in R until a condition is met. I hope the following example illustrates my problem clearly.
Consider the function
f(x) = x^2 + 1, with x > 1.
f^{(k)}(x) = f(f(f(...f(x)))),
where the function f is evaluated k times within itself. Let M > 0, with M given.
Is there any efficient routine in R to determine the minimum value of k such that f^{(k)}(2) > M?
Thank you.
Nothing special for that. Just use a loop:
function(x, M) {
k <- 0
repeat {
x <- x^2 + 1
k <- k + 1
if (x > M)
Not particularly efficient, but often the overhead of evaluating f will be greater than the overhead of the loop. If that's not the case (and it might not be for this particular f), I'd suggest doing the equivalent thing in C or C++ (perhaps using Rcpp).
This would be the recursive approach:
# 2^2 + 1 == 5
# 5^2 + 1 == 26
# 26^2 + 1 == 677
f <- function(x,M,k=0){
if(x <= M) k <- f(x^2 + 1,M=M,k+1)
f(2,3) # 1
f(2,10) # 2
f(2,50) # 3
f(2,700) # 4

R: Summing the even terms in a Fibonacci Sequence with warnings

I've been set a question on the Fibonacci Sequence and although I've been successful in doing the sequence, I haven't been as lucky summing the even terms up (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th... etc.) My code is below as well as the part of the question I am stuck on. Any guidance would be brilliant!
Write a function which will take as an input x and y and will return either the sum of the first x even Fibonacci numbers or the sum of even Fibonacci numbers less than y.
That means the user will be able to specify either x or y but not both.
You have to return a warning if someone uses both numbers (decide
on the message to return)
y <- 10
fibvals <- numeric(y)
fibvals[1] <- 1
fibvals[2] <- 1
for (i in 3:y) {
fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2]
if (i %% 2)
To get you started since this sounds like an exercise.
I would split your loop up into steps rather than do the summing within the loop with an if statement. Since you already have the sequence code working, you can just return what is asked for by the user. The missing function would probably help you out here
f <- function(x, y) {
if (missing(y)) {
warning('you must give y')
y <- 10
fibvals <- numeric(y)
fibvals[1] <- 1
fibvals[2] <- 1
for (i in 3:y) {
fibvals[i] <- fibvals[i-1]+fibvals[i-2]
evens <- fibvals %% 2 == 0
odds <- fibvals %% 2 != 0
if (missing(x)) {
} else return(fibvals)
f(y = 20)
# [1] 3382
# [1] 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55
# Warning message:
# In f(10) : you must give y

how to create a new vector via loop

a) Create a vector X of length 20, with the kth element in X = 2k, for k=1…20. Print out the values of X.
b) Create a vector Y of length 20, with all elements in Y equal to 0. Print out the values of Y.
c) Using a for loop, reassigns the value of the k-th element in Y, for k = 1…20. When k < 12, the kth element of Y is reassigned as the cosine of k. When the k ≥ 12, the kth element of Y is reassigned as the value of integral sqrt(t)dt from 0 to K.
for the first two questions, it is simple.
> x1 <- seq(1,20,by=2)
> x <- 2 * x1
> x
[1] 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40
> y <- rep(0,20)
> y
[1] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
i got stuck on the last one,
t <- function(i) sqrt(i)
for (i in 1:20) {
if (i < 12) {
y[i] <- cos(i)
else if (i >= 12) {
y[i] <- integral(t, lower= 0, Upper = 20)
y // print new y
Any suggestions? thanks.
What may help is that the command to calculate a one-dimensional integral is integrate not integral.
You have successfully completed the first two, so I'll demonstrate a different way of getting those vectors:
x <- 2 * seq_len(20)
y <- double(length = 20)
As for your function, you have the right idea, but you need to clean up your syntax a bit. For example, you may need to double-check your braces (using a set style like Hadley Wickham's will help you prevent syntax errors and make the code more readable), you don't need the "if" in the else, you need to read up on integrate and see what its inputs, and importantly its outputs are (and which of them you need and how to extract it), and lastly, you need to return a value from your function. Hopefully, that's enough to help you work it out on your own. Good Luck!
Slightly different function to demonstrate coding style and some best practices with loops
Given a working answer has been posted, this is what I did when looking at your question. I think it is worth posting, as as I think that it is a good habit to 1) pre-allocate answers 2) prevent confusion about scope by not re-using the input variable name as an output and 3) use the seq_len and seq_along constructions for for loops, per R Inferno(pdf) which is required reading, in my opinion:
tf <- function(y){
z <- double(length = length(y))
for (k in seq_along(y)) {
if (k < 12) {
z[k] <- cos(k)
} else {
z[k] <- integrate(f = sqrt, lower = 0, upper = k)$value
Which returns:
> tf(y)
[1] 0.540302306 -0.416146837 -0.989992497 -0.653643621 0.283662185 0.960170287 0.753902254
[8] -0.145500034 -0.911130262 -0.839071529 0.004425698 27.712816032 31.248114562 34.922139530
[15] 38.729837810 42.666671456 46.728535669 50.911693960 55.212726149 59.628486093
To be honest you almost have it ready and it is good that you have showed some code here:
y <- rep(0,20) #y vector from question 2
for ( k in 1:20) { #start the loop
if (k < 12) { #if k less than 12
y[k] <- cos(k) #calculate cosine
} else if( k >= 12) { #else if k greater or equal to 12
y[k] <- integrate( sqrt, lower=0, upper=k)$value #see below for explanation
print(y) #prints y
> print(y)
[1] 0.540302306 -0.416146837 -0.989992497 -0.653643621 0.283662185 0.960170287 0.753902254 -0.145500034 -0.911130262 -0.839071529 0.004425698
[12] 27.712816032 31.248114562 34.922139530 38.729837810 42.666671456 46.728535669 50.911693960 55.212726149 59.628486093
First of all stats::integrate is the function you need to calculate the integral
integrate( sqrt, lower=0, upper=2)$value
The first argument is a function which in your case is sqrt. sqrt is defined already in R so there is no need to define it yourself explicitly as t <- function(i) sqrt(i)
The other two arguments as you correctly set in your code are lower and upper.
The function integrate( sqrt, lower=0, upper=2) will return:
1.885618 with absolute error < 0.00022
and that is why you need integrate( sqrt, lower=0, upper=2)$value to only extract the value.
Type ?integrate in your console to see the documentation which will help you a lot I think.

Euler Project #1 in R

Find the sum of all numbers below 1000 that can be divisible by 3 or 5
One solution I created:
x <- c(1:999)
values <- x[x %% 3 == 0 | x %% 5 == 0]
Second solution I can't get to work and need help with. I've pasted it below.
I'm trying to use a loop (here, I use while() and after this I'll try for()). I am still struggling with keeping references to indexes (locations in a vector) separate from values/observations within vectors. Loops seem to make it more challenging for me to distinguish the two.
Why does this not produce the answer to Euler #1?
x <- 0
i <- 1
while (i < 100) {
if (i %% 3 == 0 | i %% 5 == 0) {
x[i] <- c(x, i)
i <- i + 1
And in words, line by line this is what I understand is happening:
x gets value 0
i gets value 1
while object i's value (not the index #) is < 1000
if is divisible by 3 or 5
add that number i to the vector x
add 1 to i in order (in order to keep the loop going to defined limit of 1e3
sum all items in vector x
I am guessing x[i] <- c(x, i) is not the right way to add an element to vector x. How do I fix this and what else is not accurate?
First, your loop runs until i < 100, not i < 1000.
Second, replace x[i] <- c(x, i) with x <- c(x, i) to add an element to the vector.
Here is a shortcut that performs this sum, which is probably more in the spirit of the problem:
3*(333*334/2) + 5*(199*200/2) - 15*(66*67/2)
## [1] 233168
Here's why this works:
In the set of integers [1,999] there are:
333 values that are divisible by 3. Their sum is 3*sum(1:333) or 3*(333*334/2).
199 values that are divisible by 5. Their sum is 5*sum(1:199) or 5*(199*200/2).
Adding these up gives a number that is too high by their intersection, which are the values that are divisible by 15. There are 66 such values, and their sum is 15*(1:66) or 15*(66*67/2)
As a function of N, this can be written:
f <- function(N) {
threes <- floor(N/3)
fives <- floor(N/5)
fifteens <- floor(N/15)
3*(threes*(threes+1)/2) + 5*(fives*(fives+1)/2) - 15*(fifteens*(fifteens+1)/2)
## [1] 233168
## [1] 2318
And another way:
x <- 1:999
sum(which(x%%5==0 | x%%3==0))
# [1] 233168
A very efficient approach is the following:
div_sum <- function(x, n) {
# calculates the double of the sum of all integers from 1 to n
# that are divisible by x
max_num <- n %/% x
(x * (max_num + 1) * max_num)
n <- 999
a <- 3
b <- 5
(div_sum(a, n) + div_sum(b, n) - div_sum(a * b, n)) / 2
In contrast, a very short code is the following:
Here is an alternative that I think gives the same answer (using 99 instead of 999 as the upper bound):
iters <- 100
x <- rep(0, iters-1)
i <- 1
while (i < iters) {
if (i %% 3 == 0 | i %% 5 == 0) {
x[i] <- i
i <- i + 1
# [1] 2318
Here is the for-loop mentioned in the original post:
iters <- 99
x <- rep(0, iters)
i <- 1
for (i in 1:iters) {
if (i %% 3 == 0 | i %% 5 == 0) {
x[i] <- i
i <- i + 1
# [1] 2318

Looping through selected values in R

I want to iterate a loop only for some values so I am using this:
present <- c(3,5,7,8)
for(i in present)
which gives me
[1] 3
[1] 5
[1] 7
[1] 8
however I need to jump to the next value within the loop, say I dont want 5 to be printed in above example.
I cannot use next since I want it in nested for like this
present <- c(3,5,7,8)
for(i in present)
k <- i
"Jump to next value of present"
while(k < "The next value for i should come here")
k <- k + 1
The output would be 3 4 5 6 7 8 but the condition must check value of k if it exceeds next value of i.
Is there anyway to accomplish this?
I'll take help of C to explain further,
for(i=0; i < 10; i++)
for(k=i;k <= i+1;k++)
printf("%d", k);
The link contains output of above code
It is easy in C since next value is in sequence, but here next value is not known, hence the problem.
What you should do is loop through two vectors:
x <- head(present, -1)
# [1] 3 5 7
y <- tail(present, -1)
# [1] 5 7 8
and the function to do that is mapply (have a look at ?mapply). A close translation of your pseudo-code would be:
invisible(mapply(function(x, y) while(x < y) {x <- x + 1; print(x)}, x, y))
but maybe you'll find this more interesting:
mapply(seq, x + 1, y)
I suspect the answer is to use seq_along and use it as an index into "present", but as others have pointed out your code does not promise to deliver what you expect, even with that simple modification. The K <- K=1 assignment jumps ahead too far to deliver a value of 3 at any point and the termination condition is likewise not clear. It turns into an infinite loop in the form you construct. Work with this;
present <- c(3,5,7,8)
for(i in seq_along(present))
k <- i
while(k < length(present) )
k <- k + 1
