Kubernetes - do I need to use https for container communication inside a pod? - networking

Been googling it for a while and can't figure out the answer: suppose I have two containers inside a pod, and one has to send the other some secrets. Should I use https or is it safe to do it over http? If I understand correctly, the traffic inside a pod is firewalled anyway, so you can't eavesdrop on the traffic from outside the pod. So... no need for https?

Containers inside a Pod communicate using the loopback network interface, localhost.
TCP packets would get routed back at IP layer itself, if the address is localhost.
It is implemented entirely within the operating system's networking software and passes no packets to any network interface controller. Any traffic that a computer program sends to a loopback IP address is simply and immediately passed back up the network software stack as if it had been received from another device.
So when communication among Containers inside a Pod, it is not possible to get hijacked/ altered.
If you want to understand more, take a look understanding-kubernetes-networking
Hope it answers your question


How to force IP packets over a specific server?

I need to configure hosts to route their network packets in a way that they pass another specific server (in my own network) before they reach their destination.
An example network setup can be seen at the following link which was provided by StackOverflow:
I have two hosts (Host-1 and Host-2) which communicate with each other over a Gateway/Router in a star network. The specific server (called NetEM-Host) is needed for NetEM manipulation and also connected to the Gateway.
Now, every packet that the two hosts send needs to be first routed over NetEM-Host and only afterwards reach its destination.
How can I configure the network in this way, without altering the Gateway?
(FYI: The Gateway was configured by OpenStack and I cannot SSH on it to change things.)
I was thinking about altering the routing table ("route") of Host-1 and Host-2 but the NetEM-Host would not be the next-hop for the two hosts and thus I cannot define it there, am I correct? Any suggestions are welcomed!

What hostname did the client use to connect to my TCP server?

In http the client supplies the hostname it used to connect to the service with. Now, for bare TCP connections, is there something similar one can do? My scenario is I have a service that has multiple open TCP ports and that works fine, but for convenience I would like to use the same port and subdomains. Is there any layer I can add on top (like a load balancer), or change the service? I have control over most things, basically anything goes.
Today I can connect to two TCP services like so: foobar.com:1001 and foobar.com:1002. Is it possible to have e.g. service-1.foobar.com:1000 go to foobar.com:1001 and service-2.foobar.com:1000 go to foobar.com:1002.
Different services can bind to same port but on different IP. Hence different domains shall resolve to different IPs : Port combination [where Port is same for all services]. And you can use Proxy service as from HA Proxy to route connections to final destination.
If I understand your question correctly based on your example then no it is not possible. In this case, there is no difference between an HTTP and TCP connection.
In both cases, the hostname is simply resolved to an ip address. If you setup DNS resolution for foobar.com, service-1.foobar.com, service-2.foobar.com to point to the same ip address then they will all go to the same machine.
I have at times needed to have a service running on a different port internally than it is accessible externally. For that, if you are running on Linux, you can simply use iptables to do the port forwarding.
You can find other stack overflow questions/answers for setting up the port forwarding.

TCP connection between two openshift containers

I have two applications (diy container type) which have to be connected via TCP. Let's take as example application clusternode1 and clusternode2.
Each one has TCP listener set up for $OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP:$OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT.
For some reason clusternode1 fails to connect to any of the following options for clusternode2:
Can you please help in understanding what should be url for external TCP connection?
You might check the logs to see if the OPENSHIFT_DIY_IP for both apps are within the same subnet. If one, say, is...
...and the other is...
...for example, then you might not expect Amazon's firewalls to just arbitrarily allow TCP traffic from one subnet to another. If this were allowed by default then one person's app might try to hack another's.
I know that when you're dealing directly with Amazon AWS and you spin up multiple virtual servers you have to create virtual zones to allow traffic between them. This might be something that's necessary.
Proxy Ports I don't know if this is useful but it's possible that a private IP address is being bound to your application(s) and then a NAT server is translating that into a public IP address.

find out/predict the port the router is/will be using for a given connection

I know that ipchicken.com will tell you your router's ip address and the port it is using for your connection. But can this information be obtained "locally"? (Without relying on a website).
What I want it for is establishing a connection between two random hosts...without a "dedicated server" in the middle. My problem is to reach through the NAT. I think the best bet is a kind of TCP hole punching, where both hosts connect somewhere and then just tell each other (it can be by phone or chat or similar) the current ip address and the port number their routers are using. It should trick the routers into forwarding the packets to the hosts, albeit coming from a different source than they originally connected to.
Is it possible to find the port number your router is using to patch you through in a more local manner than ipchicken.com?
Are there any ideas on other possible approaches to this problem?
EDIT: Setting port forwarding on the router is not an option in this case, as many people (including me) do not have admin powers over their routers and I do not want to impose such a task on the "users" of my application
The router would use a different source port for every outgoing connection, so checking based on an outgoing connection will not work for your use case.
For an incoming connection, i.e., if you want to reach a specific machine behind a NAT device (like a home router), you'll have to explicitly open up some ports on the router and set up forwarding rules. The router would then listen for incoming connections on that port and forward it to a machine:port based on the configured rule.
How you do this would depend on the specific router make/model. Search the web or logon to the admin interface and look around, it should be easy to find. However make sure you understand the security implications of opening up a port on your router!
UPDATE based on edited question:
Without port-forwarding and if both devices are behind NAT, your only solution is to have an intermediary server! If only one of them is behind NAT, you can have that machine initiate the connection.
You could use a Stun server as the external globally reachable server.

how to redirect connections to IPs behind the NAT to NATted (public ) IPs at the source?

I have an application that relies on IP addresses for communication (Domain names simply does not work. :(... )
Its function is to connect to its peer on the other machine and send data over after establishing trust. During the "trust establishing" phase they both exchange their IPs for future communication. They both are behind the two different firewalls and are NATted. One is in our NATted office network and other is in the cloud NATted behind their firewall. The applications knows their respective private IPs and exchange that (the 10.x.xxx.xxx range), when they try to connect back to each other (using the private IPs with range 10.x.xxx.xxx) for transferring data they fail. The connection is TCP and the port range is pretty varied.
I am curious if there is anyway I can hard code (for this one time) a rule (at may be firewall level or some place outside my application) that says if there is a connection being initiated for IP address 10.x.xxx.xxx then redirect it to 205.x.xxx.xxx?
Private IP address ranges like 10.x.y.z are, by their very nature, private.
You can't do any meaningful resolution unless each node in between the endpoints has rules in place to translate these.
Translation is tricky, all the main tools you would use cater for static translation (port forwarding, e.g. where a particular port is forwarded to a particular IP). This is one avenue, but it is a hacky one (it requires you to open lots of ports, procedurally update your router and probably have some sort of broker server to maintain mappings).
Alternatively, you could run the isolated networks over a VPN, which would give your endpoints mutual private IPs which you can use to connect to eachother. It would simply be a case of binding to this new address and communicating across the VPN. This would also potentially encrypt your communication over the internet.
Other possibilities are to use NAT/TCP punchthrough techniques which can allow traversal, but these are really a patch to a broken network topology (Read up on IPv6 to see how this can be alleviated).
Alternatively, you could route all the connections over a proxy, but this will complicate matters compared to a VPN.
To answer the question about hardcoding a rule, port forwarding is the solution here. It will obviously depend on your router configuration for the peer accepting the connection, but this client should have the port target port forwarded to the machine. This will obviously not scale very well and is really shifting to a server/client architecture for one connection!
Depending on your hardware, you may be able to forward a range of ports (if a single port cannot be established) and limit the port forwarding to certain incoming connections (the external IPs).
Information on port forwarding can be found at http://portforward.com/
This sounds a lot like what you'd want out of a VPN. Is there anyway that you could set one up? Basically the Site-To-Site VPN between you and the cloud would say 'oh hey, here is an ip located on the remote network, go ahead and connect through the link'. Would this kind of solution work in your case?
Something along these lines: http://i.msdn.microsoft.com/dynimg/IC589512.jpg
