Single for loop [duplicate] - r

This question already has answers here:
Multiplying vector combinations
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to create a single for-loop instead of using a nested for this question.
Required: fill up Matrix (foo) with multiples of loopvec1 and loopvec2 using a single for loop.
So far, I am only able to solve it using nested for loops. Here are my codes:
loopvec1 <- 5:7
loopvec2 <- 9:6
foo <- matrix(NA, length(loopvec1), length(loopvec2))
for (i in 1:length(loopvec1)) {
for (j in 1:length(loopvec2)) {
foo[i, j] <- loopvec1[i] * loopvec2[j]
Output (foo):
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 45 40 35 30
[2,] 54 48 42 36
[3,] 63 56 49 42
May I know how do I achieve the same results just by using a single for loop instead?
Edit: I am aware that there is another function "outer" that produces the same result (which resulted in this question being marked as a duplicate), however, the question that I am stuck with requires me to use a single for loop instead of any other functions.

try this:
loopvec1 <- 5:7
loopvec2 <- 9:6
foo <- matrix(NA, length(loopvec1), length(loopvec2))
for (i in 1:length(loopvec1)) {
foo[i,] <- loopvec1[i] * loopvec2
> foo
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 45 40 35 30
[2,] 54 48 42 36
[3,] 63 56 49 42


Extract minima returns

I am trying to apply the block maxima (in my case minima) approach of Extreme Value Theory to financial returns. I have daily returns for 30 financial indices stored in a csv file called 'Returns'. I start by loading the data
Returns<-read.csv("Returns.csv", header=TRUE)
I then extract the minimum returns over consecutive non-overlapping blocks of equal length (i.e., 5 days) for each index I have in my 'Returns.csv' file. For that, I do the following
for (xx in Returns) #Obtain the minima.
rows<-length(xx) #This is the number of returns
m<-5 #When m<-5 we obtain weekly minima. Change accordingly (e.g., 20)
k<-rows/m #This is the number of blocks (i.e., number of returns/size of block),
bm<-rep(0,k) #which is also the number of extremes
for(i in 1:k){bm[i]<-min(xx[((i-1)*m+1):(i*m)])}
#Store the minima in a file 'minima.csv'
write.table(bm,file="minima.csv", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)
The code extracts the minima returns for all indices correctly but when the minima are stored in the file 'minima.csv' they all appear in the same column (appended).
What I want the code to do is to read the financial returns contained in the first column of the file 'Returns.csv', extract the minima returns over consecutive non-overlapping blocks of equal length (i.e., 5 days) and store them in the first column of the file 'minima.csv'. Then do exactly the same for the financial returns contained in the second column of the file 'Returns.csv' and store the minima returns in the second column of the file 'minima.csv', and so on, until I reach column 30.
I think your data looks similar to this:
> m <- matrix(1:40, ncol=4)
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
[1,] 1 11 21 31
[2,] 2 12 22 32
[3,] 3 13 23 33
[4,] 4 14 24 34
[5,] 5 15 25 35
[6,] 6 16 26 36
[7,] 7 17 27 37
[8,] 8 18 28 38
[9,] 9 19 29 39
[10,] 10 20 30 40
Obviously you have more rows and columns and your data is not just the sequence of 1 to 40. To chunk each column with a size of 5 and find the minimum for each column run:
> apply(m, 2, function(x) sapply(split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x)/5)), min))
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
1 1 11 21 31
2 6 16 26 36
Basically the apply is splitting m by the columns and applying the function to each column. The inner function takes each column, chunks the columns and then returns the minimum of each chunk. Your data is in a dataframe not a matrix so you need to do this before you run the command above.
m <- as.matrix(Returns)
To write this to a csv
> mins <- apply(m, 2, function(x) sapply(split(x, ceiling(seq_along(x)/5)), min))
> write.table(mins, file="test.min.csv", sep=',', row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F)

R: Split one matrix into many matrices

How can I split a matrix into many submatrixes? Every submatrix should contain a selection of rows of the initial matrix.
The initial matrix is imported out of an .csv-file:
seri <- read.table("/PATH/seriation_testdaten.csv", sep="\t", head=TRUE, row.names=1)
This matrix seri contains numeric values like for example a matrix like seritest:
seritest <- matrix(1:100,10)
Now I would like to divide the rows of this matrix into groups. For example, I would like to have groups each with three rows. So one group should contain the rows 1,2 and 3, the next one the rows 4,5 and 6 and so on, until nrow(seri) is reached. It's no problem, if the last group just contains less than three rows.
Matrix 1:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91
[2,] 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92
[3,] 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93
Matrix 2:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[4,] 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94
[5,] 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95
[6,] 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96
Matrix 3:
That's the first step. But I would like to go further. In this example I have groups of three rows in the resulting submatrices. But I also want the resulting submatrices for groups of 1 row, 2 rows, 4 rows, 5 rows and so on up to nrow(seri) rows. So basically hundreds of submatrices which are each part of a unit based on the decision how big the group-size should be.
Thanks to the help of #farnsy I was able to produce working code, which does exactly what I want:
seritest <- matrix(1:10000,100)
a = nrow(seritest)
e = 1:nrow(seritest)
seri_sub <- list()
while(U<=a) {
Uk <- U*1000;
(e[U]*Q)+1 -> EQ;
e[U]*Q -> AQ;
if(AQ>a) break
seri_sub[[Uk+Q]] <- seritest[EQ:AQ,];
I can access the matrices by calling for example seri_sub[[3002]]. Like this I get the second (300**2**) group (rows 4,5 and 6) of the unit which is the result of a division of the initial matrix into groups of three (**3**002).
Like already mentioned by #Dason, this code is inefficient. Many list-elements are empty (NULL). Maybe somebody has an idea how to improve it.
This code runs without any further packages. R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25). OS: Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit).
(I'm not a native speaker - please excuse the lack of eloquence)
seri doesn't seem like a list here. Neither do A or B, actually. Are you sure you are talking about lists at all? It looks more like you want to subset a matrix a bunch of times, creating submatrices. I can't imagine you actually want "random" names, either. That's crazy talk.
If you want to break up a matrix, why not store all the resulting matrices in an actual list?
myList <- list()
myList[[1]] <- seri[a:b,]
myList[[2]] <- seri[c:d,]
You can see how it would be pretty easy to put this in a loop. Now myList is a list of matrices and, for example, mylist[[i]] would be the i-th matrix. If you want the second row and third column entry, it would be mylist[[i]][2,3].

Set column names while calling a function

Consider we have a numeric data.frame foo and want to find the sum of each two columns:
foo <- data.frame(x=1:5,y=4:8,z=10:14, w=8:4)
bar <- combn(colnames(foo), 2, function(x) foo[,x[1]] + foo[,x[2]])
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6]
#[1,] 5 11 9 14 12 18
#[2,] 7 13 9 16 12 18
#[3,] 9 15 9 18 12 18
#[4,] 11 17 9 20 12 18
#[5,] 13 19 9 22 12 18
Everything is fine, except the column names that are missing from bar. I want column names of bar to show the related columns in foo, for instance in this example:
colnames(bar) <- apply(combn(colnames(foo),2), 2, paste0,collapse="")
#[1] "xy" "xz" "xw" "yz" "yw" "zw"
This is simple, but I want to perform column labeling in the same bar <- combn(...) command. Is there anyway?
It is possible, but it obfuscates your code. The tradeoff between brevity and clarity here is acute.
To understand how it works, I reference this question.
colnames(x) <- y
Is internally rewritten as
x <- `colnames<-`(x,y)
You can then do the translation yourself.
bar <- `colnames<-`(combn(colnames(foo), 2, function(x) foo[,x[1]] + foo[,x[2]]),
apply(combn(colnames(foo),2), 2, paste0,collapse=""))
In many cases, however, it's not worth the mental and syntactic gymnastics required to collapse lines of code in this way. Multiple lines tend to be clearer to follow.
You start with a data.frame, not a matrix. Not that important, but it helps to keep up with the jargon we usually use.
What you're after is not possible. If you look at the code of combn, when the result is simplified, it uses no dimension names.
if (simplify)
array(out, dim.use)
else out
You can either hack the function and make it add dimension names, or, you can add it manually to your result post festum.

Random Vectors Regardless of Order

What I am looking to do is generate n vectors of length k such that each value in the vector is a random number, and that there are no repeated vectors regardless of order of the integers in each vector. For example, there would not be both the vectors 1,2,3 and 2,1,3.
So far what I have is the following to generate one vector, and I was planning on looping through this code to generate the n vectors.
vector<- sample(1:20000,k)
One idea that I had would be to sort all vectors in ascending order and then remove duplicate vectors. Is there an easier/more efficient way?
One approach would be to generate all the possible combinations, then choose from that set. This would guarantee no duplicates:
> tmp <- combn(100, 3)
> dim(tmp)
[1] 3 161700
> tmp[ , sample( ncol(tmp), 10 ) ]
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
[1,] 34 35 28 3 3 29 8 24 50 53
[2,] 54 54 63 57 17 86 31 30 52 81
[3,] 97 79 87 92 53 94 90 83 87 97
Of course this will only work if the total number of combinations can fit in memory. Though there are ways to iterate through the combinations and only keep some, or to generate a sample of integers, then convert them to the appropriate combination.
If the number of samples you want is small relative to the number of possible combinations then the rejection method will probably be more efficient. But this could work better if the number of samples is large relative to the number of combinations which would lead to a large number of duplicates.

transform this function using normal programming code and without using R functions

I have this function in R from a previous question here
shift <- function(d, k) rbind( tail(d,k), head(d,-k), deparse.level = 0 )
this function will rotate the data frame d by K, that's mean it will take K rows from the end of the data frame and place them on the top.
I want to create the same function(in the same language) but without using R pre-made functions(head, tail,...), but only using basics of programming.(for , ...)
How this can be done?
Well I don't know what you mean with without using R functions since pretty much everything is an R function, but here is a solution using only the very generic nrow() (Number of rows of a matrix), %% (modulus) and seq_len (equivalent to 1:length(x) except that it works better):
m <- matrix(1:40,,2,byrow=TRUE)
shift2 <- function(d, k) d[(seq_len(nrow(d))-k-1)%%(nrow(d))+1,]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 31 32
[2,] 33 34
[3,] 35 36
[4,] 37 38
[5,] 39 40
[6,] 1 2
[7,] 3 4
[8,] 5 6
[9,] 7 8
[10,] 9 10
[11,] 11 12
[12,] 13 14
[13,] 15 16
[14,] 17 18
[15,] 19 20
[16,] 21 22
[17,] 23 24
[18,] 25 26
[19,] 27 28
[20,] 29 30
If you mean with "normal programming code" that it shouldn't be vectorized then, well, you are learning either the wrong language in the right way or the right language in the wrong way. Everytime you come up with a vectorized solution instead of for loops you are happy in R.
But if you really really want to do this with loops here is exactly the same function unvectorized:
shift3 <- function(d, k)
out <- matrix(,nrow(d),ncol(d))
sorts <- (seq_len(nrow(d))-k-1)%%(nrow(d))+1
for (i in seq_len(nrow(d))) out[i,] <- d[sorts[i],]
Proof they are all equal:
all(shift(m,5) == shift2(m,5) & shift2(m,5) == shift3(m,5))
[1] TRUE
Actually shift3() there STILL contained a lot of vectorizations, showing just how native that is in R. Here is a fully unvectorized version:
shift3 <- function(d, k)
out <- matrix(,nrow(d),ncol(d))
sor <- numeric(1)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(d)))
if (i-k < 1) sor <- nrow(d)-k+i else sor <- i-k
for (j in seq_len(ncol(d))) out[i,j] <- d[sor,j]
