Qt Virtual Keyboard Custom Style - qt

I need to build a custom Style for a Qt VirtualKeyboard on a small screen to maximize its readability. I have built a custom layout into my project, and using the QT_VIRTUALKEYBOARD_LAYOUT_PATH it works great.
The problem I am having is that the documentation states that the custom style must be placed in the Qt Directory. I need this style to be portable, however, so storing this newly built style on my local machine, rather than in the project itself, will not be acceptable.
Is there any way to build a use a keyboard style within a project?

It doesn't have to be in the Qt directory, just in a directory that is under QtQuick/VirtualKeyboard/Styles/ and in the QML import path.
As an example, take a look at the auto test:
You can also put the style in a .qrc file under that folder structure:
I've created a task to make this clearer: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-66172


How to use own icons in Flet

I can't find how to load my own icons in Flet.
I'm testing Flet with the intention of making a desktop app (pure desktop, not Internet needed), but I'm not able to use my own icons to begin with. I can only use the ones that come inside ft.icons, but I'd rather use my own by loading them from a folder similar to /assets/icons. Can I do that? How?
Currently, I don't see a way of doing this; however, you could use the Image class instead.
I would suggest you create an assets folder under your main project folder.
Let's assume you have the following folder structure on your project:
When you are running your app, you should provide that folder to the initializer in the following way:
flet.app(target=YourApp(), assets_dir="assets")
Then you can access your images there directly and create an Image instance in the following way:
test_image = flet.Image(src="icons/my-icon.png", width=32, height=32, tooltip="Image Tooltip")
You can nest these Image controls inside of anything you want, so you have a lot of flexibility.
The only downside of doing it this way is if you are using light/dark themes on your app. Compared to the Icon class, you will have to specify the light/dark theme versions yourself and update them manually when you are switching your theme.
Here is the official documentation

How to use .ui.qml files from Qt creator version 6

I've been some reading/watching some tutorials here and there about qt quick and qml from last few days. But the user interface of qt creator, the boilerplate that it produces on a new qt quick project in each of the tutorial had been different. there's so much confusion.
I want to make a simple Hello World Qt Quick project, I followed this book from packt. (It has changed from the last time I saw it, but still doesn't work)
I added some a UI file, which added *.ui.qml and *form.qml files. Now if I edit .ui.qml in design, No change is reflected on any other file, but if I open some other file in design, it prompts me to use the .ui.qml file instead. The examples give an error "No Cmake config found". I'm using Qt6.2 on Arch/wayland, downloaded via installer.
How is it supposed to work? I have read this answer, and few others but I'm still confused.
Could you link to a proper tutorial, or a simple example?
The best way to think about it is that *.ui.qml should be used for UI elements and their settings. They should be about the structure, layout and styling of your UI. Doing that also happens to make the files presentable and editable in Creator's Design Mode since it simplifies the structure of the QML to the point where it can reliable present it and modify it.
*.qml files on the other shouldn't have UI elements and should instead primarily contain functions, properties and signal handers.
This pattern is sometimes referred to as "code behind". It sort of follows the same philosophy with HTML and CSS. Modern HTML documents primarily represent the structure of a page while CSS is placed in separate files to govern how they should be styled.
In this case *.ui.qml files contain the structure and styling while *.qml files containing the behavior. Creator will create a pair of them while adding a QML UI resource to your project where the .qml file inherits from the .ui.qml file.
Other than this inheritance and to encourage the code behind pattern, there's no real difference between a .qml and .ui.qml file. Creator will also try to steer you to the .ui.qml version of the pair when you go into designer to help encourage this pattern.
I will note that Qt violates this pattern a bunch all over their documentation and examples....

Best place for CSS and LESS external libs in PhpStorm or PyCharm project

I want my IDE to see Bootstrap files for CSS classes autocompletion and on-the-fly LESS compiling. But I don't want to store Bootstrap inside my project folder structure and copy libraries in each project. How can I make IDE know where is libs?
Some approaches I tried.
Using relative paths. #import '../../../../../Bootstrap 3/less/mixins'; does not look good. Moreover, despite import statement is correct (without red underlining), IDE does not "know" about imported mixins. When I just copy libraries, IDE "knows" about them.
Connect as JS libs. I see them in project files view. LESS syntax checker cannot locate them, no matter what path i specify. Import statement is underlined with red wavy line.
Now, I can use only copy and paste technique or use links (or directory junctions). I am not sure that this is correct way.
I tried this PhpStrom and PyCharm, but I suppose that WebStorm cannot resolve this problem too.
You can add a folder where your Bootstrap files are stored as additional content root to each of your projects (Settings/Directories, Add content root). See also WEB-7452

Flex - how to switch to another SWC theme at run time?

My goal is to have more themes for my application and if possible, bundle them with the application itself, not load them at runtime using IStyleManager.loadStyleDeclarations().
Using the theme command-line option, you can have more than one "compile-time theme" bundled with your application according to docs:
theme filename [...] Specifies a list of theme files to use with this application. Theme files can be SWC files with CSS files inside them or CSS files.
However, I wasn't able to find an example how to actually do that (use the += syntax on command line?) and switch between those themes at runtime. What API should I use?
Using the theme command-line option, you can have more than one
"compile-time theme" bundled with your application according to docs:
Yes, You can add additional themes using the += in your command line.
I do exactly this for the Flextras mobile demos; including both the generic Spark theme with the Mobile theme to create the app.
However, both themes will be attempted to be used. I believe the second takes precedence. That means for every class where you want to use the "other theme" you have to specify that theme be used manually. This could get pretty complex very quickly; and you'll have to re-create a lot of spark skins in your application. I've done some work for a client around this who wanted to use our mobile DropDownList in both their normal application and in a mobile application from the same code base. I think the appropriate skin is conditionally applied at runtime using CSS; however we had to create a skin for the "non-mobile use" that explicitly specified the non-mobile skins for the individual elements (Such as the scroll bars)

Qt stylesheet used in Qt Creator, AutoCAD,

Is there a stylesheet available for use in Qt applications (through Qt Creator) that makes your GUI use the stylesheet you see in Qt Creator itself, as well as in AutoCAD and some other applications?
What is the name of that stylesheet or where can I get it? It looks much like the Vista stylesheet though...
And whenever you set a custom stylesheet to your Qt application, will it display the same style on all platforms, or will it still display native GUI parts?
To the people that may want to find out more: The style seems to be called manhattanstyle and extends QWindowsStyle. It is not a css-stylesheet and therefore not just copy and paste to set up. It seems to have some other dependencies in the source code, so I don't know how much it will take to adapt it.
The source is found in the [qt-creator source code]/src/plugins/coreplugin/manhattanstyle.cpp
And btw: if you are running debian/ubuntu: type apt-get source qt-creator to get the source ;)
I can't say as to how you would get style sheets that match Qt Creator or AutoCAD but to answer your other question: When you apply a style sheet, it applies to the object you applied it to, and the child hierarchy of that object. Any widget not addressed by the style sheet in some way will maintain the native look and feel that matches the Style (not style sheet) chosen by Qt as most appropriate for you application based on the user's platform and desktop environment.
yes, somebody has separated it out.
see this Manhattan style
