Currently when someone adds a product to our website it says: "X Product" has been added to your cart | and then has a "Continue Shopping" button in that notice that is on the right.
Since we only sell 2 products we want to remove the continue shopping button completely but still say the rest of the message, and keep "X Product" as a link.
I've been using the following code (but it replaces Continue Shopping with Checkout and I'd prefer to just remove the button completely instead). I just can't figure out how to remove the button but still keep the rest of the message exactly the same:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_continue_shopping_redirect', 'my_changed_woocommerce_continue_shopping_redirect', 10, 1 );
function my_changed_woocommerce_continue_shopping_redirect( $return_to ){
$return_to = wc_get_page_permalink( 'checkout' );
return $return_to;
add_filter( 'wc_add_to_cart_message_html', 'my_changed_wc_add_to_cart_message_html', 10, 2 );
function my_changed_wc_add_to_cart_message_html($message, $products){
if (strpos($message, 'Continue shopping') !== false) {
$message = str_replace("Continue shopping", "Checkout", $message);
return $message;
Use preg_replace to find the string containing the full link and return the new message with all the original HTML minus the link.
function remove_continue_shoppping_button($message, $products) {
if (strpos($message, 'Continue shopping') !== false) {
return preg_replace('/<a.*<\/a>/m','', $message);
} else {
return $message;
/* Start Disable Continue Shopping Message after Add to Cart
add_filter( 'wc_add_to_cart_message', function( $string, $product_id = 0 ) {
$start = strpos( $string, '<a href=' ) ?: 0;
$end = strpos( $string, '</a>', $start ) ?: 0;
return substr( $string, $end ) ?: $string;
/* End Disable Continue Shopping Message after Add to Cart
If anyone is interested the following code fixed it perfectly, just replace id-407 with whatever page id your Cart page is:
/* Remove Continue Shopping Button Add Cart */ .woocommerce-message .button {
display: none
I’m trying to modify the word “reservado” or “backordered” in the order details page.
I use the following code, unfortunately without the desired result. The "backordered" text does not change, any advice?
function custom_backorder_message( $text, $product ){
if ($product->is_on_backorder( 0 ) ) {
$text = __( 'This item may take 3-4 weeks to deliver' );
return $text;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_availability_text', 'custom_backorder_message', 10, 2 );
If you want to change it via code you can use the woocommerce_backordered_item_meta_name filter hook.
So you get:
function filter_woocommerce_backordered_item_meta_name( $string, $item ) {
// Replace with new text
$string = 'My new text';
return $string;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_backordered_item_meta_name', 'filter_woocommerce_backordered_item_meta_name', 10, 2 );
But you could also change it in the language file.
I have code to changes the custom message on all product with 2 different messages. Please take a look.
add_filter('woocommerce_empty_price_html', 'show_alert_info_if_no_price');
function show_alert_info_if_no_price ($product){
if (is_product()) {
global $product;
$price = $product->get_price();
if ($price == '') {
// return for the product page
return '<div class="alert-info">Produk ini hanya dapat diproses melakukan pemesanan pembelian (PO). Segera hubungi tim kami. Kontak kami</div>';
} else {
// otherwise return short text as kontak kami
return 'Contact us';
Now I have a problem on related product. I need the related product price will appear like :
//short text as kontak kami
Now I am stuck how to add another code when using hooked.
$woocommerce_loop['name'] != 'related').
any help will appreciated!
There is an mistake in your code, because this hook is only executed for empty prices. So going to check in the hook again for an empty price and if it isn't, running an else condition is useless.
To display a different text on the single product page for related products you can use global $woocommerce_loop
So you get:
function filter_woocommerce_empty_price_html( $html, $product ) {
global $woocommerce_loop;
// True on a single product page
if ( is_product() ) {
$html = '<div class="alert-info">Produk ini hanya dapat diproses melakukan pemesanan pembelian (PO). Segera hubungi tim kami. Kontak kami</div>';
// Related
if ( $woocommerce_loop['name'] == 'related' ) {
$html = __( 'Some other text', 'woocommerce' );
return $html;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_empty_price_html', 'filter_woocommerce_empty_price_html', 10, 2 );
I wondered if anyone can help me?
I am using a Wordpress site with Woocommerce plugin.
I am using a piece of code to avoid adding to cart for non logged in customers which I found on this site, it works great apart from one issue. It doesn't work on the product page. When you click the add to cart button, it doesn't redirect to the custom login page like it does if you press the button on the category view page. Instead the page just refreshes.
I put the code in to the functions.php file. I've then tried putting it into a few other places but that hasn't worked. Could anyone help me with this and let me know if there is another location I should be putting the code in? Thanks in advance, I'd really appreciate the help!
Here's the link to the question and the code is below: WooCommerce Avoid add to cart for non logged user
// Replacing add-to-cart button in shop pages and archives pages (forn non logged in users)
add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', 'conditionally_change_loop_add_to_cart_link', 10, 2 );
function quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link( $html, $product ) {
if ( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
$link = get_permalink($product_id);
$button_text = __( "View product", "woocommerce" );
$html = ''.$button_text.'';
return $html;
// Avoid add to cart for non logged user (or not registered)
add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation', 'logged_in_customers_validation', 10, 3 );
function logged_in_customers_validation( $passed, $product_id, $quantity) {
if( ! is_user_logged_in() ) {
$passed = false;
// Displaying a custom message
$message = __("You need to be logged in to be able adding to cart…", "woocommerce");
$button_link = get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') );
$button_text = __("Login or register", "woocommerce");
$message .= ' '.$button_text.'';
wc_add_notice( $message, 'error' );
return $passed;
Firstly, your function hook for woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link is incorrect. You are using conditionally_change_loop_add_to_cart_link rather than quantity_inputs_for_woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link.
Secondly, your URL for the link is using the current product page ID, which is going to point you at the current product page URL and not another page.
Other than that, you had it mostly correct with woocommerce_add_to_cart_validation.
For product single pages, if you look at content-single-product.php in Woocommerce, the action woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart seems to handle what the "add to cart" form looks like. If you'd like to not show the add to cart form, you'll want to first remove the action from the woocommerce_single_product_summary hook.
if(!is_user_logged_in()) {
remove_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart',30);
Then add your own action in at that priority to put in your message:
add_action('woocommerce_single_product_summary', function() {
global $product_id;
if(!is_user_logged_in()) {
$message = __("You need to be logged in to be able adding to cart…", "woocommerce");
$button_link = get_permalink( get_option('woocommerce_myaccount_page_id') );
$button_text = __("Login or register", "woocommerce");
$message .= ' '.$button_text.'';
echo $message;
yes, you can do it by just adding following code into your active theme function.php file.
function login_before_addtocart($price){
if(is_user_logged_in() ){
return $price;
else {
remove_action( 'woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', 'woocommerce_template_loop_add_to_cart' );
remove_action( 'woocommerce_single_product_summary', 'woocommerce_template_single_add_to_cart', 30 );
$response .= $price;
$response .= '<br> Login to add product into cart';
return $response;
I have a wordpress website where customers make an image with text and icons, once processed thru woocommerce and payed for that image name 12345.png is saved as Customer_product_image
function add_order_item_meta($item_id, $values) {
$key = 'customer_product_image'; // Define your key here
$value = $values['user_img']; // Get your value here
woocommerce_add_order_item_meta($item_id, $key, $value);
And i works great, but now i'm banning my head against the wall! When the purchased image is displayed on the Order admin detail page, it shows up as CUSTOMER_PRODUCT_IMAGE: 1234.png how on earth would i go about wrapping that within an image tag so the image is displayed there?
I've searched high and low on google but haven't been able to find anything, its probably that i dont know what do actually search for....
This did the trick for me!
First i added this snippet for removing the custom meta item on order detail render:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_hidden_order_itemmeta', 'hide_order_item_meta_fields' );
function hide_order_item_meta_fields( $fields ) {
$fields[] = 'current_view';
$fields[] = 'custom_image';//Add all meta keys to this array,so that it will not be displayed in order meta box
return $fields;
second i added it back with this, and with the desired text and image tag:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_order_itemmeta', 'order_meta_customized_display',10, 3 );
function order_meta_customized_display( $item_id, $item, $product ){
$all_meta_data=get_metadata( 'order_item', $item_id, "", "");
$useless = array(
);// Add key values that you want to ignore
$customized_array= array();
foreach($all_meta_data as $data_meta_key => $value) {
$newKey = ucwords(str_replace('_'," ",$data_meta_key ));//To remove underscrore and capitalize
$customized_array[$newKey]=ucwords(str_replace('_'," ",$value[0])); // Pushing each value to the new array
if (!empty($customized_array)) {
foreach($customized_array as $data_meta_key => $value){
echo "<div class='product_container'><span>Produkt Billede: </span><img src='".wp_upload_dir()['baseurl'].'/flapper/'. $value ."' /> </div>";
i found the answer to this question on this page
You can use the filter woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value to output the image. Place this code in your functions.php file, you'll need to modify the src attribute of the img tag to include the appropriate URL before the filename value. You can also modify the display label with the filter woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_key
add_filter( 'woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_value', 'modify_order_item_display_value' , 10, 3 );
function modify_order_item_display_value( $display_value, $meta, $wc_order_item ) {
$meta_data = $meta->get_data();
if( $meta_data['key'] === 'customer_product_image' ) {
return '<img src="' . $meta_data['value'] . '">';
return $display_value;
add_filter('woocommerce_order_item_display_meta_key', 'modify_order_item_display_key', 10, 3);
function modify_order_item_display_key( $display_key, $meta, $wc_order_item ) {
$meta_data = $meta->get_data();
if( $meta_data['key'] === 'customer_product_image' ) {
return 'Customer Image';
return $display_key;
The Challenge
I have been trying to write a filter that applies (prepends a string) to (a) post titles of a certain post type and (b) to that same post type WordPress admin backend for use by an auto social sharing plugin.
I've gotten really close. I've achieved:
1. prepending only to custom post_type post titles
2. prepending to custom_post type titles AND all nav menu items
3. prepending to ALL titles (post, page, nav menu, and backend auto-sharing plugin)
The final, 3rd attempt got me very hopeful, but yet still, no matter the function, conditional statement, or combination I use, I can't get custom_post title AND backend social sharing plugin, but not nav menu items.
My Code - what I've tried
I've tried different conditionals, like is_admin() and !is_nav_menu with all nav menu IDs. I've also tried comparing the ID of the post to the ID of the menu. Finally, I've also tried adding the filter only to loop_start and that seems promising if combined with other statements. I will clean up my code for your review but I leave it this way for now in hopes it helps to see what I've tried and maybe where I went wrong with any of those methods.
// , $id = NULL
function append_album_review_to_title( $title ) {
global $post;
global $dont_apply_title_filter;
$text = 'Album Review: ';
$prepended_title = $text . $title;
$nav_menus_obj = wp_get_nav_menus();
$nav_menu_ids = '';
foreach( $nav_menus_obj as $nav_menu ) {
$nav_menu_ids .= $nav_menu->term_id . ',';
rtrim($nav_menu_ids, ',');
// if ( get_post_type( $post->ID ) == 'album_review' && in_the_loop() ){
// if ( get_post_type( $post->ID ) == 'album_review' && $id == get_the_ID() ){
// if ( !is_nav_menu( '32057,32058,35135,32054,32056' ) ) {
// if ( get_post_type( $post->ID ) == 'album_review' && is_nav_menu( $id ) ) {
if ( get_post_type( $post->ID ) == 'album_review' && !$dont_apply_title_filter ) {
//print_r( $nav_menu_ids );
//print_r( is_nav_menu( $nav_menu_ids ) );
return $prepended_title;
} elseif ( get_post_type( $post->ID ) == 'album_review' ) {
return $title;
} else {
return $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'append_album_review_to_title');
//add_action('save_post', 'custom_post_type_title', 100);
function set_custom_title() {
add_filter( 'the_title', 'append_album_review_to_title', 10, 2 );
add_action( 'loop_start', 'set_custom_title' );
function append_album_review_to_title( $title, $id = NULL ) {
if ($id) {
if ( get_post_type( $id ) == 'album_review' ){
return 'Album Review: ' . $title;
} else {
return $title;
} else {
return 'Album Review: ' . $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'append_album_review_to_title', 10, 2);
First trying this:
function append_album_review_to_title( $title, $id ) {
if ( get_post_type( $id ) == 'album_review' ){
return 'Album Review: ' . $title;
} else {
return $title;
add_filter('the_title', 'append_album_review_to_title', 10, 2);
I noticed that on the backend, the social sharing plugin I am using to auto-share posts would return warnings like missing parameter 2 and Notice: Trying to get property of non-object..., and so it occurred to me that unlike the front end (nav menu and the loop), in the backend, apparently an $id is not being passed to the_title and so I can use this as a conditional.
Checking for $id will, for my purposes, tell me that if it is true, we are on front end, if it is false, then we are at backend post view.
This code accomplishes what I need (ie, modify post title in the loop, do NOT modify nav menu items, and modify the_title for use by a backend social sharing plugin):