How to define a path for Tiles configurer? - spring-mvc

My Spring application can not start because the path of the tiles.xml file that was working fine until now can not be reached. I can deploy it locally, but when I create a .war to upload it to the server it gives me the error.
Can anybody tell how much path should I define not to crash on this error when I am deploying the application?
(And why).
This is my qualified name is... path: /VotaIdeas/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/tiles.xml
2018-01-25 09:43:26.015 ERROR 2587 --- [-nio-80-exec-77] o.s.boot.SpringApplication
: Application startup failed
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'tilesCon
figurer' defined in com.caveofprogramming.App: Invocation of init method failed; nested exceptio
n is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No URL for ServletContext resource [/WEB-INF/tiles.xml]
zeBean( ~[spring-beans-4.2.6.RELEASE.jar:4.2.6.RELE
Bean( ~[spring-beans-4.2.6.RELEASE.jar:4.2.6.RELEASE
... and here is the tiles configurer in
public TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer() {
TilesConfigurer tilesConfigurer = new TilesConfigurer();
String[] defs = {"/WEB-INF/tiles.xml"};
return tilesConfigurer;
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


Runtime exception ServerPropertiesAutoConfiguration.class cannot be opened because it does not exist

I have migrated existing project to Spring Boot 2.6.6 and while running application I am getting below exception:
Failed to process import candidates for configuration class; nested exception is class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/web/ServerPropertiesAutoConfiguration.class] cannot be opened because it does not exist
I tried adding spring-cloud-starter-netflix-hystrix dependency but that didn't resolve the issue.
<dependency> <!-- to proxy requests towards backend so they will be non cross origin -->
<exclusion> <!-- declare the exclusion here -->
<!-- since the transitive json-sanitizerV1.1 from gaia-connectors is an OSS vulnerability
we are adding the recommended version. This may be fixed automatically once we upgrade our monet boot -->
<dependency> <!-- for spring-retry. Spring-retry also depends on spring AOP -->
<!-- Upgrade to resolve blackduck vulnerability -->
<!-- Upgrade to resolve blackduck vulnerability -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->

Where did org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument class go in version 4.0.1?

I have a Tomcat application that writes out spreadsheets and it was using the following JAR files:
I saw there was a version 4.0.1 of poi, and in looking at I think I have the prerequisites set up, but I get an Exception when running:
25-Mar-2019 22:33:37.117 SEVERE [http-nio-8181-exec-10] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke Servlet.service() for servlet [xxx.ApplicationConfig] in context with path [/DataLoaderREST] threw exception [org.glassfish.jersey.server.ContainerException: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError] with root cause
java.lang.RuntimeException: Uncompilable source code - cannot find symbol
symbol: class POIXMLDocument
location: package org.apache.poi
Apparently when I built my .WAR file that gave the above error, it looks like NetBeans found the old 3.16 jar files and compiled my code, but I didn't have the 3.16 jar files on the server. Now that I've done a clean in NetBeans, I cannot compile in NetBeans.
--- maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile (default-compile) # DataModules ---
Compiling 44 source files to C:\xxx\xxx\10 Software\Java\LoaderFramework\DataModules\target\classes
com/xxx/billing/loader/parser/[36,21] error: cannot find symbol
And ExcelParser.jara line 36 is:
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;
Here is my pom.xml, referencing the 4.0.1 jars:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- POI artifacts See -->
<!-- type>bundle</type -->
I have checked my NetBeans .m2 repository, and I have both 3.16 and 4.0.1 directories inC:\Users\mstewart\.m2\repository\org\apache\poi\poi\ and poi\ooxml and poi\ooxml-schemas
I stared at the compiler error
import org.apache.poi.POIXMLDocument;
for days, and just noticed it was missing the ooxml part of the package; changed it to
import org.apache.poi.ooxml.POIXMLDocument;
And all is well. Thanks Axel for the links; that helped me eventually find the issue.

Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured. When tried to use google cloud speech api

I tried using Google cloud speech API after setting GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS in system environment variable. Not able to figure out any issues or work around for more than 2 days.
Here is the error i am getting
24-May-2017 17:58:22.287 WARNING [grpc-default-executor-0] io.grpc.internal.ChannelExecutor.drain Runnable threw exception in ChannelExecutor
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Jetty ALPN/NPN has not been properly configured.
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.selectApplicationProtocolConfig(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.configure(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.configure(
at io.grpc.netty.GrpcSslContexts.forClient(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder.createProtocolNegotiatorByType(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder.createProtocolNegotiator(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder$NettyTransportFactory$DynamicNettyTransportParams.getProtocolNegotiator(
at io.grpc.netty.NettyChannelBuilder$NettyTransportFactory.newClientTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.CallCredentialsApplyingTransportFactory.newClientTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.InternalSubchannel.startNewTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.InternalSubchannel.obtainActiveTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$SubchannelImplImpl.obtainActiveTransport(
at io.grpc.internal.GrpcUtil.getTransportFromPickResult(
at io.grpc.internal.DelayedClientTransport.reprocess(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$LbHelperImpl$
at io.grpc.internal.ChannelExecutor.drain(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$LbHelperImpl.runSerialized(
at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl$NameResolverListenerImpl.onUpdate(
at io.grpc.internal.DnsNameResolver$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
Here is my POM File
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation=""
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
<!-- Spring -->
<!-- Hibernate -->
<!-- jsr303 validation -->
<!-- MySQL -->
<!-- JSON -->
<!-- Joda-Time -->
<!-- To map JodaTime with database type -->
<!-- Servlet+JSP+JSTL -->
<dependency> <!-- security-core for core authentication and access-control classes-->
<dependency> <!-- security-web for web-security infrastructure code -->
<dependency> <!-- security-config contains the security namespace parsing code -->
JAVA implementation i tried
public String convertToText(MultipartFile file) throws Exception {
SpeechClient speech = SpeechClient.create();
byte[] data = file.getBytes();
ByteString audioBytes = ByteString.copyFrom(data);
// Builds the sync recognize request
RecognitionConfig config = RecognitionConfig.newBuilder()
RecognitionAudio audio = RecognitionAudio.newBuilder()
// Performs speech recognition on the audio file
RecognizeResponse response = speech.recognize(config, audio);
List<SpeechRecognitionResult> results = response.getResultsList();
String recText = "";
for (SpeechRecognitionResult result: results) {
List<SpeechRecognitionAlternative> alternatives = result.getAlternativesList();
for (SpeechRecognitionAlternative alternative: alternatives) {
System.out.printf("Transcription: %s%n", alternative.getTranscript());
recText+= " "+alternative.getTranscript();
return recText;
I am using to Tomcat (I don't want to use Jetty) to deploy my .war file.
There are lot of questions around the Internet none of them seems to be having the question answered! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Netty-tcnative 1.x is incompatible with tcnative as used by Tomcat. The incompatibility is resolved with netty-tcantive 2.x. Using the new netty-tcnative required updates to grpc-java, which will be included in the next release, 1.4.0, scheduled for June 6th.

Alternative for commons-logging-1.2.jar to be added in pom.xml file for Log4j to avoid org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory ClassNotFoundException

Alternative for commons-logging-1.2.jar to be added in pom.xml file for Log4j logging Framework to avoid below error from displaying:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory
After following some priliminary solving steps by adding commons-logging-1.2.jar file in the /WEB-INF/lib/ folder and also tried to add commons-logging-1.2 dependency in the pom.xml file, still didn't fetch any good results.
These are the details:
log4j.rootLogger=INFO, Appender1, Appender2
log4j.appender.Appender1.layout.ConversionPattern=%-7p %d [%t] %c %x - %m%n
log4j.appender.Appender2.layout.ConversionPattern=%-7p %d [%t] %c %x - %m%n
This is pom.xml file dependencies included:
After searching for answer over website, this weblink focused some light on the solution:
And here are the changes made to pom.xml file, after which it executed without error:
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
<!-- <dependency>
</dependency> -->
(Short Note:
Will there be any clash if I use both slf4j-api and log4j-api dependency, any comment on this is appreciable)

Deployment problems on Weblogic server

I have two applications, both developed in Spring MVC. One, i.e. VDM is getting deployed and starting just fine in both the local and the live weblogic 12c server. But the other one, i.e. VPORTAL is getting deployed but not starting in the live server. While starting the services, it is giving the following error:
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org/slf4j/spi/LocationAwareLogger.log(Lorg/slf4j/Marker;Ljava/lang/String;ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V
Interestingly, it is working perfectly in the local server.
I have made some jars consistent in both the applications but it didn't help.
One thing that can be noted is that there was a file namely log4j.xml in the VDM's classes directory, but there wasn't any in the VPORTAL. I put it into the VPORTAL after making the changes but it didn't help either.
Please help!
This is definitely a jar version mismatch issue. You do not mention what version of slf4j-api jar you placed under your WEB-INF\lib folder. I suspect it is a different version than the one in WLS 12c. WLS 12.1.1 comes with org.slf4j.api_1.6.1.0.jar in its module directory. So what you need to do is add the below section in your weblogic.xml, instructing weblogic to load the classes from the slf4j-api _x.x.x.jar in your WEB-INF/lib, instead from the org.slf4j.api_1.6.1.0.jar from the WLS installation. By default, org.slf4j.api_1.6.1.0.jar is used since it is in the server classpath.
We also faced similar problem with our application.
Application - Spring MVC & we are migrating to Weblogic12c. We tried different way, like modifying pom.xml & all. But finally this change in weblogic.xml helped us.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<wls:weblogic-web-app xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Pom.xml File:-
<!-- Remove this for Weblogic -->
<!-- Quartz framework -->
You have to split up the configuration which Lan mentioned, into two files:
The first one is META-INF/weblogic-application.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<weblogic-application xmlns="">
The second one is WEB-INF/weblogic.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<weblogic-web-app xmlns=""
That way you can force WebLogic (12c in my case) to load your webapp bundled version (must be placed in WEB-INF/lib) of SLF4J first. But it seems, that still both Bindings are available.
German Source:ätsprobleme
