sfGuardPlugin equivalent for Symfony3 - symfony

I am migrating an old website using Symfony1 and sfGuardPlugin for authentification, to Symfony3 and I am wondering if there in an equivalent in term of features (permission groups and rights). I studied the SF3 guard, ACL and voters but I cannot find a technology or Bundle with all the SF1 plugin features.

Please check FOSUserBundle (I'd recommend version 2.0) - it's working fine with sf3:
Using Groups With FOSUserBundle
and other usefull links.


Migration from Propel to Propel2

I want to migrate a Symfony2 project (v.2.7.1) from Propel1.7 to Propel2 (currently "alpha 5").
I'm using various Propel behaviors and third party bundles which relies on "Propel" adaptators to correctly work. It will be very helpful for me to have your comments for each behavior / bundle to know if it's trivial to migrate or if difficulties (and which!) could happen...
Typehintable (willdurand/propel-typehintable-behavior)
Equalnest (craftyshadow/propel-equalnest-behavior)
Geocodable (willdurand/geocoder-bundle)
Third party bundles:
Core behaviors
Theses behaviors are still in Propel2
Third-party behaviors
The author does not seem confident in the compatibility like explained in this issue. I'll create a specific issue #969 to know the state of the art for managing an "equal nest" in Propel2.
A PR has been done here, but no news for a long time...
There is now a dedicated repo for Propel2.
Core source
The typehintable is in the core of Propel2, so it smells good
Third-party bundles
Propel2 integration is related to that issue; as the typehintable behavior is now in the Propel core, I suppose we have to change the schema.xml supplied by default by FOSUserBundle for Propel.
It seems not compatible for the moment as explained here, but I suppose it would be better to discuss all the subjects covered in this fantastic bundle in a dedicated issue to know how Propel2 manage these problematics.
Even for Propel1, this bundle was a little bit hard to use, I suppose we have to work for Propel2.
Full links & discussion on github / https://github.com/propelorm/Propel2/issues/966

how to use HWIOAuthBundle to get last tweet in symfony2

I'm using Symfony2 project,
how can i use HWIOAuthBundle to get last tweet on twitter?
Or, other bundle symfony to authentication api 1.1 of twitter?
please give me a suggestion.
I guess using the HWIOAuthBundle is not the correct choice for fetching tweets over the new API. It's main purpose is to extend the security layer, so you can implement a login system using OAuthTokens.
I recommend you the EndroidTwitterBundle. It's simple, easy and created for your exact use case.

LDAP integration in Symfony2

I'm new to symfony & LDAP. Is there any step by step tutorial or videos to integrate LDAP in symfony2?
I don't know any tutorial or video about LDAP in Symfony2 but here are 2 bundles I used in many projects:
OpenSkyLdapBundle (requires ZF2 LDAP component)
FR3DLdapBundle (integration with FOSUserBundle)
Newer versions of Symfony2 should have LDAP support already in there. If you are constrained to an older version, consider using DapsBundle, since its functionality is patterned after Symfony2's upgrade path, meaning it should be easier for you when you do upgrade your Symfony2 version.. You can learn more about on my blog at http://robertelwell.info/blog/daps-ldap-symfony2/.
FOSUserBundle is a bundle for authenticate users against a DB, if you don't want manager your users with the DB then you must do a little customizations for break the dependency in FR3DLdapBundle.
Writing your own UserManager and setting it in the configuration should be enough.
The UserManager is used for create the User instance the first time.

Symfony2 user manager bundles?

Which are the best user manager bundles for Symfony 2 and why?
I only know FOSUserBundle.
Are there other good bundles for managing users?
(like it was sfDoctrineGuardPlugin for Symfony 1)
I need not a final, closed solution, but the pros and contras for someone to be able to choose the best bundle depending on his needs.
Firstly, i wrote an UserBundle implementation for my requirements, after i discovered FOSUserBundle and i learned best practices from it.
I think FosUserBundle is a good choice for user manager in Symfony 2. Because
Actively maintained and supported
Provides command line commands for creating new user, activating, promoting etc.
Built-in forms, controllers and views for user related actions.
Supports Doctrine, Propel, CouchDB and Mongo for persistance.
Localization, translations
Optional features like email activation
Supported by other bundles like Sonata bundles
I never worked with other UserBundle, but i highly recommend to use FOSUserBundle.

using symfony bundles

I am new to symfony, so may be it's not a good question...
If any symfony1 plugin works in Symfony2?
How to install new bundle in Symfony2 or where can I learn about it?
Is there any good place to look after bundles?
Is there a bundle for resizing images?
No. Symfony2 is completely different. But some symfony1 modules have been ported to Symfony2.
Usually each bundle provides instructions for setting it up. Take a look at ElnurBlowfishPasswordEncoderBundle for an example.
KnpBundles is the de-facto place for searching bundles.
