I'm trying to program an atmega328p, but the SPI bus isn't working. It's not sending any data over the bus.
My code is as follows:
#include <asf.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <main.h>
int main (void)
DDRD = (1<<DDD5);
PORTB &= ~(1<<DDB2);
PORTB |= (1<<DDB2);
PORTD ^= (1<<DDD5);
void SPI_MasterInit(void)
/* Set MOSI and SCK output, all others input */
DDRB = (1<<5) || (1<<3) || (1<<2);
/* Enable SPI, Master, set clock rate fck/16 */
SPCR = (1<<SPE)|(1<<MSTR)|(1<<SPR0);
void SPI_MasterTransmit(char cData)
/* Start transmission */
SPDR = cData;
/* Wait for transmission complete */
while(!(SPSR & (1<<SPIF)));
I'm trying to send some random data over the bus (0xAB) to check if the bus works properly so I can add further code. In the while loop I also set a pin.
On my scope image I see no data being send on the SPI pin MOSI and the CLK pin is also not sending information. PB5 (the pin I'm inverting everytime I try to send data) is working and has a period of about 20 microseconds.
I'm programming the Atmega328p through an Atmel ICE. The programming interface is also through SPI, I read somewhere that this might be an issue. I'm not completely sure.
Does anyone know what might be the problem?
My first guess was not setting SS pin (PB2) as output. It may cause switching to the slave mode almost randomly. But it seems to be set as an output (it's not stated in comments).
But after closer look to this expression, it's obvious it's not set at all:
DDRB = (1<<5) || (1<<3) || (1<<2);
There is a huge difference between logical or || and bitwise or |.
I am working on a project with PIC16F877 (using MPLABX). I use RB0 pin external interrupt and RB4 pin portb interrupt to detect zero cross detection. I did everything correct, in proteus simulation everything was okey. Then I set up the circuit on breadboard, the LCD wasnt displaying the numbers (just the white dots). I thought the problem is the RB0 and PORTB interrupt. I wrote a simple code just includeshe PORTB interrupt and LCD and simulated. Everything is okey until the interrupt occures, when interrupt comes the code stops. I am new to PIC, this is the code I wrote:
* File: lcd_deneme_16f877a.c
* Author: BATUHAN
* Created on 28 Aral?k 2022 Çar?amba, 13:52
#include <xc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#pragma config FOSC = XT // Oscillator Selection bits (HS oscillator)
#pragma config WDTE = OFF // Watchdog Timer Enable bit (WDT disabled)
#pragma config PWRTE = ON // Power-up Timer Enable bit (PWRT enabled)
#pragma config BOREN = OFF // Brown-out Reset Enable bit (BOR disabled)
#pragma config LVP = OFF // Low-Voltage (Single-Supply) In-Circuit Serial Programming Enable bit (RB3 is digital I/O, HV on MCLR must be used for programming)
#pragma config CPD = ON // Data EEPROM Memory Code Protection bit (Data EEPROM code-protected)
#pragma config WRT = OFF // Flash Program Memory Write Enable bits (Write protection off; all program memory may be written to by EECON control)
#pragma config CP = ON // Flash Program Memory Code Protection bit (All program memory code-protected)
#define _XTAL_FREQ 4000000
void __interrupt() interrpt()
uint8_t dummy = PORTB; // Read PORTB to end mismatch condition
if(RBIF==1 && RB4==1)
uint8_t dummy = PORTB; // Read PORTB to end mismatch condition
void main(void)
int V=0;
I tried the PORTB and RB0 interrupts separately and the problem still occurs.
What could be the problem. Thanks in advance
This is because your program stucks in interrupt routine due to the lack of proper handling of interrupts. You don't seem to handle the INT interrupt at all. For RB interrupt-on-change (IOC), you have to handle it sort of a little different and end the mismatch condition before clearing the flag. According to the PIC16F877A Datasheet this how the IOC works and must be handled:
Four of the PORTB pins, RB7:RB4, have an interrupt-on-change feature. Only pins configured as inputs can cause this interrupt to occur (i.e., any RB7:RB4 pin configured as an output is excluded from the interrupt-on-change comparison). The input pins (of RB7:RB4)are compared with the old value latched on the last read of PORTB. The “mismatch” outputs of RB7:RB4
are OR’ed together to generate the RB port change interrupt with flag bit RBIF (INTCON<0>). This interrupt can wake the device from Sleep. The user, in the Interrupt Service Routine, can clear the interrupt in the following manner:
a) Any read or write of PORTB. This will end the mismatch condition.
b) Clear flag bit RBIF.
A mismatch condition will continue to set flag bit RBIF. Reading PORTB will end the mismatch condition and allow flag bit RBIF to be cleared.
So your interrupt service code should look like the following:
void __interrupt() interrpt()
if(RBIF && RB4)
volatile uint8_t dummy = PORTB; // Read PORTB to end mismatch condition
else if(INTIF) {
INTIF = 0;
RD0 = !RD0; // Toggle D0 for INT interrupt
A friendly reminder
The proteus simulation is ok for some cases. However the simulation runs in ideal conditions. That's why you may not get the same expected behaviour in the real world conditions compared to proteus' ideal simulation conditions.
void __interrupt() interrpt()
PORTB; // Read PORTB to end the mismatch condition
else if(INTF) {
INTF = 0;
RD0 = !RD0; // Toggle D0 for INT interrupt
I am begginer on Arduino. I am student and this is my first homework.
Please, could someone explain to me how to understand the following codes. Which code is better? How do operators affect the executive speed? Below is the content.
"The task was to measure the speed of code execution depending on the programming technique used. The program code was designed to expose the high and low states to the D10 (PB2) port respectively without entering delays – as a result, we obtained a rectangular waveform with the maximum frequency for a given program recording method. Programs were written by putting all statements in void setup() omitting the void loop().
Preparation for the exercise consisted in connecting the Arduino Uno board to the USB port, starting the Arduino IDE environment and turning on the oscilloscope. The oscilloscope was used to observe the rectangular waveform generated from the D10 pin (PB2) and to measure its frequency."
Code of the first program:
const byte outPin = 10;
void setup() {
while (1)
digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(outPin, LOW);
Code of the second program:
const byte outPin = B00000100;
void setup() {
DDRB | = outPin;
while (1)
PORTB = B00000100;
PORTB = B11111011;
Third program code:
const byte outPin =10;
byte state =0;
void setup() {
while (1)
digitalWrite(outPin, state);
state = !state;
Code of the fourth program:
#define _BV(n) (1<<n)
const byte outPin= B00000100;
byte state = _BV(2);
void setup()
while (1){
PORTB |=state;
PORTB &=~state;
Code of the fifth program:
const byte outPin= B00000100;
void setup()
while (1){
PORTB |=B00000100;
PORTB &=B11111011;}
As I said I am begginer on ARDUINO UNO. I cannot find any solution to explain exactly my homework.
Which code is better?
The first one, of course. Reasons:
Usually, it's fast enough.
The other ones are hardware specific and do not run on any Arduino, but just on atmega328P microcontrollers.
How do operators affect the executive speed?
It's the call to digitalWrite, which makes the difference, not some operators like ~ . You should look for an similarly hardware independent replacement to digitalWrite, which does the translation between Arduino pin number and hardware register only once at compile time.
BTW: your question is off topic here :)
When I try to receive the USART signal with my Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge. The only thing I receive is:
<0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0><0> etc
I got the right settings selected: baud rate: 9600 data bits: 8 parity: none stop bits: 1
I use a ATmega128A3U. The test_LED (see code below) on port E pin 0 is working. I used a oscilloscope to check the uart signal. See picture here: http://imgur.com/dPxkdZ6
Does someone know a solution for this?
Does anyone know how to fix a framing error? (My UART software is giving this error)
#define F_CPU (32000000UL) // CPU clock speed
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>
void USARTF0_init() {
USARTF0_CTRLA = 0; //Disable interrupts
USARTF0_CTRLC = USART_CHSIZE_8BIT_gc; //8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit
USARTF0_CTRLB = USART_TXEN_bm | USART_RXEN_bm; // //Enable receive,transmit and high speed mode
PORTF_OUTSET = PIN3_bm; // Port F pin 3 as TX
PORTF_DIRSET = PIN3_bm; // TX pin as output
PORTF_OUTCLR = PIN2_bm; // Port F pin 2 as RX
PORTF_DIRCLR = PIN2_bm; // RX pin as input
void sendChar(char c) {
while( !(USARTF0_STATUS & USART_DREIF_bm) ); //Wait until DATA buffer is empty
void sendString(char *text) {
while(*text) {
int main(void) {
PORTE.DIRSET = PIN0_bm; // make port E pin 0 output (test_LED)
sendString("Hello World!\n\r");
PORTE.OUTTGL = PIN0_bm; // test_LED Toggle
Code source: http://morf.lv/modules.php?name=tutorials&lasit=29
To recap the discussion, so it can useful to someone later.
If you have an oscilloscope, capture a trace for a simple test case, as #DrOctorooi has done with "#~00":
He has marked start and stop bits, and also the data bits (for serial/UART they're least-significant first)
This confirms that UART somehow works.
One should also confirm the voltage levels. 0-3.2V looks about right.
And the time base. On the captured trace it appears 1 bit takes 1.625ms, which means a baudrate of around 615. That's quite far from expected 9600. In fact, that's around 16 times slower.
Since the error has to do with time, the immediate questions are the MCU clock and UART clock dividers (and on more complex devices, and intermediate dividers and clocks).
It turns out the dividers were meant for the 32MHz clock, but this MCU has a clock of 2MHz when it comes out of reset (16 times slower, as we have seen above). Solution was to recalculate the dividers.
I use Amarino with SoftwareSerial (from here: http://www.double-oops.org/mini-blog/amarinowithsoftwareserial ) but I have a strange issue.
It seems that there are some strange behaviour in the MeetAndroid Library. In order to receive events I had to make this changes:
in init() I had to change
ack = 19;
ack = 226;
because this is the char I received from the phone at the end of a message
and in receive() I had to change
uint8_t lastByte;
char lastByte;
otherwise the
if(lastByte == ack)
won't be true ever
Does anyone have any idea why I had this problems? Why do i get another ack char and why is the if not working for char (ack) and uint8_t (lastByte)
This is my sketch:
Receives Test Events from your phone.
After it gets a test message the led 13 will blink
for one second.
#include <MeetAndroid.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
MeetAndroid meetAndroid(4, 2, 115200);
int onboardLed = 13;
void setup()
meetAndroid.registerFunction(testEvent, 'A');
pinMode(onboardLed, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(onboardLed, HIGH);
void loop()
meetAndroid.receive(); // you need to keep this in your loop() to receive events
void testEvent(byte flag, byte numOfValues)
void flushLed(int time)
digitalWrite(onboardLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(onboardLed, HIGH);
I found the problem, it is baudrate related. When using software serial I have to use a lower baudrate (9600 for example), otherwise when receiving multiple characters at once it won't work. And since amarino library sends multiple library at once (signaling the start and the end of the message for example) it caused problems when using software serial on slower hardware (like the Arduino Uno used by me). Probably with better hardware (Arduino Mega) changing the baudrate is not necessary.
Example for changing the baudrate is available here:
Receiving multiple chars at once with Software Serial
Long answered short:
When using SoftwareSerial on slower hardware use a low baudrate (like 9600). Also make sure to set the bluetooth board work on the lower baudrate.
I've been working on a project which requires communication with my laptop and the microchip Pic 16f877a and the communication is not working properly, but When i put this example on Proteus 8 works just fine.
I don't have RS232(serial port) on my laptop, but i had bought TTL module. I use external oscillator 8MHz on the board and baud rate of 9600 bps.
When i connect with my laptop and i send to the TTL module the A symbol nothing hapens and when i send a couple of times A fast i recieve strange symbol like '?' or '#' back.
Here's the code for the Pic:
char x;
void main(){
TRISB = 0x00;
PORTB = 0x00;
x = UART1_Read();
if(x == 'A')
PORTB = 0x00;
x= '\0';
Can someone help me ? What's the problem ?
Two possibilities as far as I can see (assuming UART1_Init(9600); is a correct library function):
You don't have the Rx pin set up as an input; setting TRIS registers to 0 makes all the pins on that port outputs.
You are using incorrect parity.
Have you set a breakpoint at line
x = UART1_Read();
To see what you actually get in when you send from your terminal program?
Have you looked on youe scope to see what is actually coming in on the Rx pin?
delay_ms(10); is completely unnecessary.
SPBRG = 139
Refer this link to set the respective Baud Rate Generator