I have a sp which I am executing from BizTalk orchestration.
When I am executing the SP in SQL server it's taking 10 sec, but when I am executing it from orchestration using below code, it's taking 1 hour.
sqlStoredProcRequestXml = reportRequestXml;
sqlStoredProcRequestXml(WCF.Action)= sqlProcedureName;
sqlStoredProcRequestXml(WCF.EnableTransaction) = false;
sqlStoredProcRequestXml(WCF.BindingConfiguration)= #"<binding name=""sqlBinding"" sendTimeout=""02:30:00"" />";
SndRcvSqlStoreProcRequestResponsePort(Microsoft.XLANGs.BaseTypes.Address)="mssql://" + dbServer + "//" + dbDatabase;
Can anyone explain why there is 1 hour diff in execution of the SP.
There is nothing specific to BizTalk delaying the sp call so much. You can try following to find the root cause:
Use SQL profiler to see the actual execution time of SP via BizTalk
Check for other delays in your environment, such as SQL performance, msgbox db, BizTalk host throttling
Check event viewer log for any warning or error on send port host
Make sure you use same data and environment to test the SP outside BizTalk to compare result, sometime depending on size of data, yr query can run for long time in diff env.
You can also take DBAs help to sql profile your sp call
This don't explain such difference (1 hour vs 10 sec is a lot), but when you invoke from an Orchestration:
Your message first go to the Message Box
The message is catched by the Send Port
Send Port invokes the SP
The response then goes to the Message Box
The Orchestration gets the response message form Message Box
You aren't calling directly to your SP from the Orchestration, the message travels through BizTalk, but this don't explain so big difference, unless you have problems on your MsgBox.
I'm refactoring a very old reports generating function in an ORACLE web application. It used JavaScript to construct a URL, sending to the reports server to run a reports. What I want to do is processing it in the database, in PL/SQL procedures(invoked through mod_pl/SQL). I tried to use utl_http.begin_request to do that, but sometimes when the output file is large(PDF format, about 20 pages, 1.5M), I received an error:
ORA-29259: end-of-input reached.
The test codes for sending requests are quite simple:
--------upgraded 2013/08/27----------------------------------------------------------
--some params setting....
myIdent := SRW.RUN_REPORT(myPlist); --here raise the exception(ORA-29273:request_failed; ORA-29259: end-of-input reached.) and procedure stoped.
r_stat := SRW.report_status(myIdent,myPlist);
#ThinkJet, Thanks for your help.
I logon the report server, found that the report still running after I got this exception in my program, and finally finished succefully.I tested for many times, and found everytime I got the exception just 5 minutes after I started request,no matter what kind of reports I was running and what size it was (sure, all big size,running for over 5mins).I'm wondering if it's something about configuration on oracle application server?
Does anyone have idea about this? Many Thanks.
ORA-29259 while SRW.RUN_REPORT
is ias 10g , this is cause by httpd.conf timeout parameter configuration
1.edit $ORACLE_HOME /Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
change "Timeout" great than your report running time
2.restart http server and test it.
opmnctl restartproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
It take a time on Oracle Reports side to produce a big reports so a timeouts can occur sometime. Try to increase timeout with utl_http.set_ransfer_timeout procedure before originate a request and look if it helps.
I have a BizTalk receive port monitoring an FTP location. I expect a file to arrive at least once per day in that location and for BizTalk to pick it up and kick off an orchestration. This part is working fine.
However, sometimes the sender fails to send a message during a day, in which case I want an email to sent to notify the users that something is amiss.
I could solve this outside of BizTalk, by creating a daily job that looks in our database for processed files and makes sure there is at least one in any given day. However, I'd prefer to solve this "in line" with the BizTalk solution that is already in place, and not deploy a separate, unrelated job which will increase maintenance headaches.
Is there any functionality in BizTalk that would allow me to send a notification if a receive port doesn't receive something in a given timeframe?
Short answer: Not really.
The logic you want to implement would require a customised version of the FTP Adapter. Depends on how comfortable you are rolling up your sleeves and getting into the Adapter SDK.
If you wanted to keep your solution "Purely BizTalk", you could set up a secondary Orchestration using a SQL Receive Location tied to a stored procedure. This stored procedure executes regularly and looks for records in your "Processed File" table received in the past (business) day. If none are found, it fabricates a record and returns it via the SQL Receive Location. This would be your trigger to send the email notification.
One solution, not elegant though, is to have a secondary FILE receive location, with a schedule window, outside your cutoff time.
Failure scenario:
In this FILE receive location, you have an intelligent/dummy message conforming to the same schema as FTP receive. The intelligent part is to have one of the fields in the message telling us when was the last time we received the file from FTP. The rest of the content is dummy.
Within your orchestration, you check where you received your file from. If its the secondary receive location (using the context property BTS.ReceiveLocationName), you check the date field of this dummy/intelligent message and if it is in past 24 hours ( or similar logic) send an email notifying you did not receive the file from the upstream FTP process and also save a copy of the dummy message (received) back to the secondary FILE receive location unchanged.
Success Scenario:
Apart from normal processing, you save a copy of the dummy/intelligent message to the secondary FILE receive location, with the datetime field reflecting when you processed the file you received from FTP receive location.
You start with a dummy/intelligent message in the secondary FILE receive location with the datetime field value well in the past ( assuming we never received the file from FTP) or with yesterday's date ( assuming we received a file successfully from FTP the day before.)
Your orchestration has two trigger points.
When you receive a file via FTP
A scheduled FILE receive location, triggered after the cut-off time.
After doing some refactoring to my WF4 service, I got this exception when calling some of the operations:
The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities.Persistence/command}LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error.
My xamlx file contains a few receive/sendreplytoreceive pairs, as shown below. The exception sometimes happens on receive2, sometimes receive3.
receive1 (no correlation, cancreateinstance=true)
send reply to receive (initializes content correlation on generated ID)
receive2 (correlates on ID, cancreateinstance=false)
send reply to receive
receive 3 (correlates on ID, cancreateinstance=false)
send reply to receive
After doing a lot of debugging and making sure all correlations where set up right, the exception disappeared for new instances of the workflow.
What does the exception mean, and why did it show up and why did it dissappear all of a sudden? Is it a code/xamlx issue or something with the infrastructure (AppFabric/SQL)?
I'm hosting the WF service with IIS/AppFabric, using AppFabric' SQL persistence.
According to this support note this error can be the result of a race condition between the Receive and a Delay activity expiring. Is this possible in your workflow.
I kinda figured mine out... aparently if you point your persistance store in a SQL previous to 2012 you get the error... so all i had to do is put mine persistance store in a SQL 2012...
When I had this problem it turned out to be a mistake in my connection string when instantiating the persistence store object.
SqlWorkflowInstanceStore store = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connStr);
I realise this an old question but fixing the connection string got rid of my error while running store.Execute() so I thought I'd share!
I'll try provide as much information as possible:
No error message.
The instance stays in the "ready service instances".
The receive location has the same parameters (except URI, the three polling queries, user account/pw and receive pipeline) as another receive location that points to another database/table which works.
The pipeline is waiting for the correct schema.
The port surface and receive location are both waiting for the correct schema.
In my test example, there are only 10 lines being returned.
The message, which contains those 10 lines, validates against the schema.
I tried to let the instance alone to no avail - 30+ minutes - and no change in its condition.
I had also tried suspending and then resuming it which then places the instance in the "dehydrated orchestrations" list. Again, with no error message.
I'm able to get the message by looking at the body of the message that's in the "ready to run" service. (This is the message that validates versus the schema I use in Visual Studio.)
How might something like this arise?
Stupid question, but I have to ask... Is the corresponding host instance running?
I want to send a string from a website to a local machine.
My local machine is connected into a network through a router.
Thanks You
email Id: manish.m.meshram#gmail.com
Well, that largely depends on what the receiving computer needs to do with that string.
If you only need to notify the user of this, I would suggest the easier way is to go with the net send command.
Since you are wking in ASP.net, you can use the Process and ProcessStartInfo class to launch a command like
net send YourPC "String to send"
If you need to do something more sophisticated with the string message, you could for example print it in some sort of log file and then read it from the destination machine.
If you can give more information on your needs, we'll be probably able to help you better.
I suggest you poll the webapp for messages.
For instance, let the webapp have an URL that simply returns the timestamp of the most recent message, at http://thesite.com/messages/MostRecentTimetamp.aspx
The page should return the timestamp only, in an format you can parse, for instance:
2009-08-29 14:00:00
Then, on another URL, http://thesite.com/messages/FromLastHour.aspx display the list of messages for the last N hours (or other suitable time period). This page could return one message per line, with the message timestamp at the start of the line.
For instance:
2009-08-29 13:58:20 A message
2009-08-29 13:59:30 Here's a message
2009-08-29 14:00:00 Another message
On your local machine, create a program that as often as needed reads and parses http://thesite.com/messages/MostRecentTimetamp.aspx. If the program detects that the timestamp has changed, read http://thesite.com/messages/FromLastHour.aspx and process the new messages.
Adjust the timing according to your needs.
Or even better, have an URL: http://thesite.com/messages/MoreRecentThan.aspx?timestamp=2009-08-29 13:50:00.
That returns messages that are newer than the timestamp passed in. The program on your local machine should then pass the timestamp of the most recent message it has handled.
Of course, your web site has to keep track of outgoing messages in some sort of queue. You could use a database table for this. The web app can delete old messages from this table periodically.
If you want to get fancy, you could implement this as a SOAP web service. Or you could let the URLs return the data formatted as JSON.