Oozie variable for all actions - oozie

Is there a way to set up a global variable for all actions in the workflow?
I need to define variable containing a value and then the same variable will be modified in the actions.
I tried:
<workflow-app name="test" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.5">
<action name="wf1">
<action name="wf2">
<action name="createFolder">
<mkdir path="${variable1}"/>
<ok to="End"/>
<error to="Kill"/>
I would like to let actions to modified the value and then use it in another action. Is it possible? Right now I´m getting VARIABLE variable1 cannot be resolved

You can do this using action configuration.
You can even define default values for each action type.


Oozie coordinator get day of the week

I am trying to create a condition in my Oozie workflow, where an action should be executed only on mondays (at the end of the workflow).
So far I added a decision node in the workflow, and the current date as parameter in the coordinator, and I need to test the day of the week.
<coordinator-app name="${project}_coord" frequency="${coord_frequency}" start="${coord_start_date}" end="${coord_end_date}" timezone="UTC" xmlns="uri:oozie:coordinator:0.1">
<value>${coord:formatTime(coord:dateOffset(coord:nominalTime(), 0, ‘DAY’), “yyyyMMdd”)}</value>
<decision name = "send_on_monday">
<case to = "send_file">
${currentDay} eq "MON" <-------- test on day of the week
<default to = "sendSuccessEmail" />
<action name="send_file">
<ssh xmlns="uri:oozie:ssh-action:0.1">
<ok to="sendSuccessEmail"/>
<error to="sendTechnicalFailureEmail"/>
I didn't find information on how to get the day of the week with EL functions.
Any help is appreciated.
I found a solution by using wf:actionData in a decision node :
<action name="getDayOfWeek">
<ssh xmlns="uri:oozie:ssh-action:0.1">
<ok to="send_on_monday"/>
<error to="sendTechnicalFailureEmail"/>
<decision name="send_on_monday">
<case to = "send_file">
${wf:actionData('getDayOfWeek')['day'] eq 'Mon'}
<default to = "sendSuccessEmail" />
DOW=$(date +"%a")
echo day=$DOW

Oozie workflow not running properly

I have created a new Oozie workflow in Hue UI based on the below hql query.
drop table output_table;
create table output_table like things;
insert overwrite table output_table select t.* from things_dup td right outer join things t on (td.item_id = t.item_id) where td.item_id is null;
insert overwrite table things_dup select * from things;
The tables are,
things table
item_id product
1 soap
2 chocklate
item_id product
1 soap
when i run the hql seperately
hadoop dfs -f things.hql
its working fine. things_dup table have updated properly.
But when i run the workflow, things_dup table have not updated.
insert overwrite table things_dup select * from things;
Can any one know why? Please help me to fix this issue.
<workflow-app name="Things_workflow" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4">
<start to="Things_workflow"/>
<action name="Things_workflow">
<hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill"/>
<kill name="kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
<hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
I also got issue with hive oozie but finally solved.
Please match you workflow.xml with this one.
Please must put this job-xml line before configuration node.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.2" name="pig-hive-wf">
<start to="hive-node" />
<action name="hive-node">
<hive xmlns="uri:oozie:hive-action:0.2">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="fail"/>
<kill name="fail">
<message>Pig Hive job is failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end" />
you can copy hive-site.xml file from /etc/hive/conf/hive-site.xml and put within workflow dir.

Pass -Dpig.notification.listener argument to Pig action in Oozie (Oozie client build version: 3.3.2-cdh4.7.1)

I want pass -Dpig.notification.listener argument to Pig action in oozie. But when I am doing this the pig is failing and there is no clear error description. Below is the Pig action snippet. Any suggestion how to pass listener to pig action.
<action name="FinalReport">
<delete path="${nameNode}/home/hadoop/surjan/path" />
</prepare> <script>${nameNode}//home/hadoop/surjan/wf/pigs/FinalReport.pig</script>
<ok to="success" />
<error to="kill" />
EDIT: I found the solution for passing the -D arguments. Just in case if anybody is facing same issue.
<action name="FinalReport">
<delete path="${nameNode}/home/hadoop/surjan/path" />
<ok to="success" />
<error to="kill" />
enter code here

Oozie Invalid Transition

<workflow-app name="Oozie_app" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<start to="TransformWeatherData"/>
<action name="TransformWeatherData">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="Oozie_app"/>
<error to="end"/>
<end name='end' />
I am new to Oozie and i have created a workflow and job.properties file
This is how my workflow.xml looks
When i submit this workflow i am getting error as
Error: E0708 : E0708: Invalid transition, node [TransformWeatherData] transition [Oozie_app]
please help me resolve this .
My main objective is to move a file from local machine to HDfs and i have included the Hadoop command in the shell script
You were referring to a missing node. I fixed this:
<workflow-app name="Oozie_app" xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.1">
<start to="TransformWeatherData"/>
<action name="TransformWeatherData">
<shell xmlns="uri:oozie:shell-action:0.1">
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="kill" />
<kill name="kill">
<message>Action failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name='end' />

Oozie <job-xml> not working in global section with subworkflow action

I am trying to shorten my oozie workflow and I am referring this cloudera post.
Per this post, we can add job.xml file in global section, but its not working for me.
-----------------------Main Workflow------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name="main-wf">
<start to="main-node"/>
<action name="main-node">
<ok to="end" />
<error to="fail" />
<kill name="fail">
<message>MR failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
-----------------------Sub Workflow------------------------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<workflow-app xmlns="uri:oozie:workflow:0.4" name="OozieBDU-wf">
<start to="wordcount-node"/>
<action name="wordcount-node">
<delete path="${nameNode}/user/${wf:user()}/${examplesRoot}/output-data/${outputDir}"/>
<ok to="end"/>
<error to="fail"/>
<kill name="fail">
<message>MR failed, error message[${wf:errorMessage(wf:lastErrorNode())}]</message>
<end name="end"/>
-----------------------oozie command -----------------------------
oozie job -config job.properties -run
-----------------------ERROR -------------------------------------
OB[0000012-150131091133585-oozie-oozi-W] ACTION[0000012-150131091133585-oozie-oozi-W#wordcount-node] ELException in ActionStartXCommand
javax.servlet.jsp.el.ELException: variable [jobTracker] cannot be resolved
at org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator$Context.resolveVariable(ELEvaluator.java:106)
at org.apache.commons.el.NamedValue.evaluate(NamedValue.java:124)
at org.apache.commons.el.ExpressionString.evaluate(ExpressionString.java:114)
at org.apache.commons.el.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.evaluate(ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.java:274)
at org.apache.commons.el.ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.evaluate(ExpressionEvaluatorImpl.java:190)
at org.apache.oozie.util.ELEvaluator.evaluate(ELEvaluator.java:203)
at org.apache.oozie.command.wf.ActionStartXCommand.execute(ActionStartXCommand.java:188)
at org.apache.oozie.command.wf.ActionStartXCommand.execute(ActionStartXCommand.java:63)
at org.apache.oozie.command.XCommand.call(XCommand.java:281)
at org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService$CompositeCallable.call(CallableQueueService.java:323)
at org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService$CompositeCallable.call(CallableQueueService.java:252)
at org.apache.oozie.service.CallableQueueService$CallableWrapper.run(CallableQueueService.java:174)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1145)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:615)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Anybody can help??
To pass properties from a workflow to its sub-workflow you need to add the <propagate-configuration/> tag to the <sub-workflow> action.
For example:
<action name="main-node">
<ok to="end" />
<error to="fail" />
