Overriding a conditional variable in UnrealScript with a child class in Deus Ex? - unreal-development-kit

I'm actually using the original Deus Ex game from the year 2000. I created a child class of "DeusEx.Flare" and called it "rflare" and saved it to my own package. I have successfully compiled it, and it works, but not the way I intended. I want to override the function "LifeSpan = 30" and give it "LifeSpan = 120". The problem is the documentation. There practically is none. And the documentation I can find generally is too confusing and does not give good enough examples for what I'm tryng to do. here is the code. I know I'm supposed to be using the "super" expression but I have exhausted all the ways I know how to use it. I simply cannot get it to work. However, I can get it to work if I dont' mind throwing both the normal flare (which goes out in 30 seconds) and my own flare, which only drops to the ground without a sound but will in fact last 120 seconds. So my code would end up throwing 2 flares. 1 normal flare that goes out in 30 sec. and the other that does last 120 but does not get thrown like the normal flare does.
here is the code from DeusEx.Flare script that I'm trying to change.
function LightFlare()
local Vector X, Y, Z, dropVect;
local Pawn P;
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 30;
My first attempt was to copy this and change it in my own package. It worked but again, it shot 2 flares, 1 normal and 1 that sorta worked. I want to do only one. So here is my attempt at correcting the code.
function LightFlare()
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 120;
All this does is spawn the normal flare, with no difference in the time it lasts. Can someone please help me?

I would suggest copying the LightFlare function in it's entirety from the parent class and not calling super. You don't want the original function to run, as that will mess with the lifetime variable.
For instance:
class RFlare extends Flare;
function LightFlare()
local Vector X, Y, Z, dropVect;
local Pawn P;
// Original function here, change lifetime when specified.
if (gen == None)
LifeSpan = 120;


Alternative to moveWithCollision

I've been making a (potentially massive) multiplayer video game in javascript, nodejs and babylonjs...
It's been a few months that a code is causing me problems in front:
it's currently a simple first person shooter with waves of monsters in player versus player.
The code I'm having trouble with is gravity.
players and monsters can therefore fall or climb, and those from more or less high, of course, the ground is not smooth.
for the moment I calculate the gravity in front only (the server does not receive "y"): I would like not to change that.
The monsters, which can be numerous, are also impacted by gravity only in front.
I searched, went through the babylonjs api and I can't find a viable alternative to "moveWithCollisions"
if (gamers[id][0] == false) {
var before = scene.getMeshByName(gamers[id][1]).gravity.y;
var after = scene.getMeshByName(gamers[id][1]).gravity.y;
for (var a = 0; a < Math.abs(4); a++) {
if (Math.round(after) == Math.round(before)) {
before = scene.getMeshByName(gamers[id][1]).position.y+scene.getMeshByName(gamers[id][1]).gravity.y;
after = scene.getMeshByName(gamers[id][1]).position.y;
} else {
a = 5;
gamers[id][0] = true;
when the character receives a move gamers[id][0] becomes false again
I really need a lighter command:
With 100 players and 1000 monsters you will understand that there is no chance that this code will work?
Hence my question, not having the strength to create this command myself, is there a real alternative to the "moveWithCollision" command?
I take you to consider my question, I have been looking for several weeks without finding anything better...
thanks in advance

2d array gamemaker2 studio

Experienced programmer playing around with Gamemaker2 Studio.
Trying to draw some random squares on the screen using a 2D array to store the "map"
Step 1 : declare a 2D array MyMap[25,25] this works
Step 2 : Set 100 random locations in Map[]=1 this works
I get a crash when I try to look up the values I have stored in the array.
Its crashing with:
**Execution Error - Variable Index [3,14] out of range [26,14] **
So it looks like it is trying to read 26 element, when you can see from my code the for next loop only goes to 20 and the array bound is 25.
Oddly enough it does the first two loops just fine?
Looking like a bug, I've spent so much time trying to work it out, anyone got an idea what is going on?
var tx=0;
var ty=0;
var t=0;
MyMap[25,25]=99; **// Works**
for( t=1; t<100; t+=1 ) **// Works**
for( tx=1; tx<20; tx+=1 )
for( ty=1; ty<15; ty+=1 )
show_debug_message(string(tx) + ":" + string(ty))
t = MyMap[tx,ty]; /// **<---- Crashes Here**
if t=1 then {draw_rectangle(tx*32,ty*32,tx*32+32,ty*32+32,false) }
The line MyMap[random(20),random(15)]=1 does not initialize values in the entire array, creating a sparse array(where some elements do not exist).
The line MyMap[25,25]=99;
Should read:
for( tx=1; tx<20; tx+=1 )
for( ty=1; ty<15; ty+=1 )
This will pre-initialize the all of the array values to 99. Filling out the array.
Then you can randomly assign the ones. (You will probably get less than 100 ones the due to duplicates in the random function and the random returning zeros.)
You should have the above code in the Create Event, or in another single fire or controlled fire event, and move the loops for the draw into the Draw Event.
All draw calls should be in the Draw Event. If the entire block were in Draw, it would randomize the blocks each step.

Determining what direction to face over a network with an omnidirectional camera

I have a rather difficult problem. I am making a topdown 2D game. And I have decided to make an omnidirectional character control like realm of the mad god (Video shows at second 16 what that means). I have it all working fine and have managed to work out almost all the kinks of this sort of camera but one thing remains.
(if you dont know what effect im looking create you can see and example hee at 16 seconds mark: https://youtu.be/N2q6aXkvIiI?t=12s)
When the Camera of the the main client gets rotated more that 180 degrees Left becomes right and right becomes left and my messages to the server about flipping the given character when he is supposed to get inverted. I somewhat fixed this by making an if statement that sends an opposite flip request when your world is completely flipped.
However up and down also become a factor as they dont send requests to flip the character.
What im trying to get to is that I have overcomplicted this script I beleive when trying to get the correct messages accross all clients.
I am wondering if anyone has a logical solution to making sure all chracters on the network are always facing the correct direction at all times.
I am using socket.io and Node.js for speaking to the server.
Any input would be appeciated.
How would you go about making realm of the mad gods camera rotation style when all clients need to know what way everyone is facing. (see video 0:16)
I have somewhat fixed this problem with a bit of a rewrite of my logic and managed to make all the magic happen on the client and keep the server out of it entirely. I do not know if what I have done is super effecient as I am rather new to coding.
The logic is that I have created a circle collider2D that represents the players field of view. so things slightly outside the camera view are included. Any collision with an object tagged "otherPlayer" will add them to a list.
I then iterate through the list, if its not empty, and I determine if the object is moving away or coming towards me. (thank you to HigherScriptingAuthority for part of the code for this :: https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/left-right-test-function.31420/).
once I know that, all I have to do is grab the transform of that object and flip it accordingly. Boom it now rotates the object or player correctly no matter what rotation the main client is in.
Hope this makes sense and it helps someone:
private float lastDist = 0;
public float dirNum;
void CheckArea()
if (listOfPlayers.Count != 0)
foreach(var otherPlayer in listOfPlayers)
float distance = (transform.position - otherPlayer.transform.position).magnitude;
if (distance < lastDist)
Vector3 heading = otherPlayer.transform.position - transform.position;
dirNum = AngleDir(transform.forward, heading, transform.up);
var objectDirection = AngleDir(transform.forward, heading, transform.up);
if (objectDirection > 0)
var nav = otherPlayer.GetComponent<Navigator>();
if (objectDirection < 0)
var nav = otherPlayer.GetComponent<Navigator>();
if (distance > lastDist)
Vector3 heading = otherPlayer.transform.position - transform.position;
dirNum = AngleDir(transform.forward, heading, transform.up);
var objectDirection = AngleDir(transform.forward, heading, transform.up);
if (objectDirection > 0)
var nav = otherPlayer.GetComponent<Navigator>();
if (objectDirection < 0)
var nav = otherPlayer.GetComponent<Navigator>();
lastDist = distance;

Selectively removing node labels in D3 force directed diagram

Overall context: I have a db of cross-references among pages in a wiki space, and want an incrementally-growing visualization of links.
I have working code that shows clusters of labels as you mouseover. But when you move away, rather than hiding all the labels, I want to keep certain key labels (e.g. the centers of clusters).
I forked an existing example and got it roughly working.
info is at http://webseitz.fluxent.com/wiki/WikiGraphBrowser
near the bottom of that or any other page in that space, in the block that starts with "BackLinks:", at the end you'll find "Click here for WikiGraphBrowser" which will launch a window with the interface
equivalent static subset example visible at http://www.wikigraph.net/static/d3/cgmartin/WikiGraphBrowser/:
code for that example is at https://github.com/BillSeitz/WikiGraphBrowser/blob/master/js/wiki_graph.js
Code that works at removing all labels:
i = j = 0;
if (!bo) { //bo=False - from mouseout
labels.filter(function(o) {
return !(o.name in clicked_names);
.text(function(o) { return ""; });
Code attempting to leave behind some labels, which does not work:
labels.forEach(function(o) {
if (!(d.name in clicked_names)) {
I know I'm just not grokking the d3 model at all....
The problem comes down to your use of in to search for a name in an array. The Javascript in keyword searches object keys not object values. For an array, the keys are the index values. So testing (d.name in clicked_names) will always return false.
i = j = 0;
if (!bo) { //bo=False - from mouseout
labels.filter(function(o) {
return (clicked_names.indexOf(o.name) < 0);
.text(function(o) { return ""; });
The array .indexOf(object) method returns -1 if none of the elements in the array are equal (by triple-equals standards) to the parameter. Alternatively, if you are trying to support IE8 (I'm assuming not, since you're using SVG), you could use a .some(function) test.
By the way, there's a difference between removing a label and just setting it's text content to the empty string. Which one to use will depend on whether you want to show the text again later. Either way, just be sure you don't end up with a proliferation of empty labels clogging up your browser.

Geb: Waiting/sleeping between tests

Is there a way to wait a set amount of time between tests? I need a solution to compensate for server lag. When creating a record, it takes a little bit of time before the record is searchable in my environment.
In the following code example, how would I wait 30 seconds between the first test and the second test and have no wait time between second test and third test?
class MySpec extends GebReportingSpec {
// First Test
def "should create a record named myRecord"() {
to CreateRecordsPage
name_field = "myRecord"
at IndexPage
// Second Test
def "should find record named myRecord"() {
to SearchPage
search_query = "myRecord"
// haven't figured this part out yet, but would look for "myRecord" on the results page
// Third Test
def "should delete the record named myRecord"() {
// do the delete
You probably don't want to wait a set amount of time - it will make your tests slow. You would ideally want to continue as soon as the record is added. You can use Geb's waitFor {} to poll for a condition to be fulfilled.
// Second Test
def "should find record named myRecord"() {
to SearchPage
waitFor(30) {
search_query = "myRecord"
//verify that the record was found
This will poll every half a second for 30 seconds for the condition to be fulfilled passing as soon as it is and failing if it's still not fulfilled after 30 seconds.
To see what options you have for setting waiting time and interval have look at section on waiting in The Book of Geb. You might also want to check out the section on implicit assertions in waitFor blocks.
If your second feature method depends on success of the first one then you should probably consider annotating this specification with #Stepwise.
You should always try to use waitFor and check conditions wherever possible. However if you find there isn't a specific element you can check for, or any other condition to check, you can use this to wait for a specified amount of time:
def sleepForNSeconds(int n) {
def originalMilliseconds = System.currentTimeMillis()
waitFor(n + 1, 0.5) {
(System.currentTimeMillis() - originalMilliseconds) > (n * 1000)
I had to use this while waiting for some chart library animations to complete before capturing a screenshot in a report.
also does the trick. Of course still agree to "use waitFor whenever possible".
